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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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I so was not procrastinating, I honestly got this for my birthday and was shocked. I didn't think I was going to get to play at all.


Order date 12/12/11


I don't care if I get early access or not, I'm just excited I get to play.


Dude lol! Dont steal my birthday!!!

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I preorder on Dec. 7. No whining, made my own choice. And with the way the waves went today, i expect us Dec. ppl to get in on Friday.


They did July yesterday.

August into Oct. 2nd-3rdish.

Should mean they go Oct - Nov. Early Dec. Tomorrow.


I think BW has this staggered properly. By the time we get in there will be ppl all over the planets on the server and we wont be hating the spawn camp.

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Ordered yesterday around 3pm eastern. When I get in I get in. Atleast the game is finally here. Almost.


Also, once I start I will be taking my sweet *** time completing every single thing. Will have to watch the wife aggro closely.

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Big question - what was the extra £5 charge on top of the game- something for early access i read on the email from Origin where I put brought the game


They also charged me in FULL - the full £45 has gone out my account (£40 for the game- £5 for early access thing)


I feel conned here a bit for PAYING for something I am not going to get.


I think a reverse chargeback is in order tomorrow- will get that money back and mayeb buy the game next week.


I know its only £5 but still its the principal of it- I don't rob them so I don't expect them to rob me like this!

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Big question - what was the extra £5 charge on top of the game- something for early access i read on the email from Origin where I put brought the game


They also charged me in FULL - the full £45 has gone out my account (£40 for the game- £5 for early access thing)


I feel conned here a bit for PAYING for something I am not going to get.


I think a reverse chargeback is in order tomorrow- will get that money back and mayeb buy the game next week.


I know its only £5 but still its the principal of it- I don't rob them so I don't expect them to rob me like this!


Calm down. You weren't robbed. The $5 charge is rolled into the price of the game as a whole.

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I'm Dec. 3 and I'm feeling pretty good about Friday and that's all I want. But, if they got into October, then tomorrow might be the day.


I'm actually glad they did it this way. First, way to reward those that were committed from the beginning and it makes the early phase better for everyone.


I just would like a little more communication.

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Hell ya man, take a seat, pop the popcorn and enjoy the movie of nerdrage-the return of early access zombies.



Seriously. Skyrim and BF3 until the gates open up for me. Oh, and I broke down and bought the Blue Ray Star Wars Boxed set. I got plenty to do until I get to set foot in the game.


Damn, better beat Skyrim today... otherwise it might sit unfinished for a bit.


Oh, and December 9th for me. I'm guessing Thursday or Friday. If I were them I'd under promise and over deliver. In the end that is what will be remembered, not nerdrage posts on the interwebs.

Edited by Phenomolee
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Pre-ordered on the 9th. From what I can tell, we'll probably get in by Saturday at the earliest. Unfortunately for me, money was also an issue and had to wait till December after saving up all year from my various gigs and lessons. Finally got enough to get everything. :)


Plus guys, it's ok, there's plenty more awesome games to play in the mean time! I'm running through Jedi Outcast in the meantime!

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I think a reverse chargeback is in order tomorrow- will get that money back and mayeb buy the game next week.


I know its only £5 but still its the principal of it- I don't rob them so I don't expect them to rob me like this!


Don't do a charge back if you want to keep this account. Contact them through the proper channels and you can get a refund, I'm sure. A charge back can lead you your account being banned. Companies do not like charge backs.

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