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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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Why should it matter when we pre-ordered? Why should anyone have to wait? It's not as if EA is in the hurt locker right now when it comes to funding their servers, nor has any other MMO, with the exception of Darkfail, held registration keys over their player's heads like carrots on sticks. This was a piss poor marketing decision. That's all it really comes down to. We all paid the same amount of money, we should all be playing right now.
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Dec 5th. Had to wait till then because my birthday was Dec 4th, and I asked for money to preorder. Thought about doing it Day 1, then said to myself, "Self, do you REALLY wanna spend money on a game you've never played, you can't ask anyone about cuz THEY'VE never played, and isn't even finished yet?" And my self said to me, "You so crazy."


Hoping to get in tomorrow, cuz the wife will be gone and I have Thurs and Fri to just geek out. Also, the more time I get, the better; I have to go visit my inlaws for a week, and I need all the fun I can get, get all fortified.


Honestly, I think a release date of Dec 20th was crazy, with so many people a) already having done their xmas shopping, and/or b) out of town. But que sara sara. If I can't get in till Saturday, I can't, and that's it.

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I think that's because we really don't have a choice in the matter either way lol.


Well, you DO have a choice. You can either:


A) Wait patiently like an adult (this thread). Or,


B) Cry, whine, blubber, rage, flame, foam at the mouth, threaten to take your own life, threaten to sue BW, etc etc. All of which, while exceedingly humorous, has no impact.

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by the way things are going December pre-orders will get in probably tomorrow or Friday so I wouldn't worry about only having one day to play on EA. And I think BW is doing a great job they had over 2 million pre-orders and if they let them all in at once everything would be horrible and crash. As for the other MMO complaints that "they did so why can't BW!" well as far as I know none of them had 2 million hell rift only had 1 million. They said that you "MAY play up to 5 days" not play 5 days guaranteed. It's really depressing to see this many people so upset over this. Some people even say they are leaving because of this not because of the game itself but just because they don't like that they don't get in 3 days earlier than the original plan of Early Access.
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Why should it matter when we pre-ordered? Why should anyone have to wait? It's not as if EA is in the hurt locker right now when it comes to funding their servers, nor has any other MMO, with the exception of Darkfail, held registration keys over their player's heads like carrots on sticks. This was a piss poor marketing decision. That's all it really comes down to. We all paid the same amount of money, we should all be playing right now.


This is a no cry zone sir, please abide by our adult-like rules. Thank you for flying the December Procrastinators thread. Have a nice day.

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December 8th here. I actually pre-ordered from Gamestop a while back (in November) and was told I would have a code sent to me. It never came, so I canceled and just got myself the Digital Deluxe :) The wait is rough since two of my good friends I'm planning on playing with are both in now, but oh well.


*raises glass* To 12-19th! We shall forever be remembered as the last ones in, and hopefully the last ones out! :cool:

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December 8th here. I actually pre-ordered from Gamestop a while back (in November) and was told I would have a code sent to me. It never came, so I canceled and just got myself the Digital Deluxe :) The wait is rough since two of my good friends I'm planning on playing with are both in now, but oh well.


*raises glass* To 12-19th! We shall forever be remembered as the last ones in, and hopefully the last ones out! :cool:


Hear hear!

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Preordered on 12.08.2011, after a friend - who was in the beta - couldn't stop talking about how good it is. I don't really get all the craziness about getting in a day or two later - which is still earlier then everybody else that did not pre-order.


Ah, well. To some people MMORPG's are digital crack and they need their fix, I guess. :D


I'm gonna install and play some Jedi Knight II in the meantime to get in the SW mood! I'm sure we'll all get in Saturday at the latest.

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Personally, hoping tomorrow, half-expecting friday.


Doesn't matter much to me anyway. University all day tomorrow AND Friday so wouldn't get much play in anyways.


Think I might have battlefront if anyone feels like shooting me a few times.

Edited by Dragonbaze
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well my mom ordered the game for me last night since my birthday is today. That's when I found out that there was a "line" to get the five days of early play. So had to go bug the mom in law to go ahead and order it for my hubby (for his birthday which is soon as well) so he wouldn't feel left out and whine about how i got in before he did. So yeah we may not get much early play but hey i didn't have to pay for either game so i figure win. Now i am perusing other threads and seeing how orders have been botched and all and ours is fine and dandy so I am just happy knowing i will get to play in the near future:p
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Decemeber here also. I am looking forward to the game, just the carrot trick is weird for a Corp.


The servers are showing Normal loads, would be better to just keep sending waves in a monitor the server loads, I am sure "Solarwinds" works with gaming servers as well :).


I really think that "bottlenecking" players in the beginning is the reason for the waves, but I am curious on what is going to happen on the 20th when the gates are thrown wide open... Should be interesting lol.

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