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Marauder; PvP and Medals


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Reading these forums daily and thought that my fellow marauders could benefit from this post that our fellow juggernaut warriors have on their forum. (NOTE; this guide is written for juggies, so "translate" it to marauders :p)


Credz go out to johanlofdahl for making the post:

OP: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=127843


Before you read on id like to say that this is strickly an informational post, to let ppl know how to get medals; medal farming in warzones tend to ruin teamplay, i strongly advise everyone to participate in warzones as a benefit to the team not to your own ego satisfaction getting highest dmg and most medals, (even tho its fun), getting wz' wins grant more rewards then loosing, for you and your team, no matter how many medal you get.


this pretty much covers how you get most of the medals in a warzone;


Common medals and methods to get them:


Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Easiest way to get this as a juggernaut is buying one of the re-usable Stim Packs that BioChem can do, quite easily gained to be honest. Either get the non BOP one if you are not a BioChem or well get the BOP one.

Prototype Ultimate Medpack (Non BOP) - http://www.torhead.com/schematic/9Zadcx7

Rataka Medpack (BOP) - http://www.torhead.com/schematic/fPfMQdp


Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

With enough gear this should also be easily obtainable however if you do have problem getting this I recommend trying to get a good relic that boosts either surge or power. If you still have problem with this one try to always have a adrenal and Stim.

Also I am unsure but I think the CyberTech BOP grenades can help with this as well as I’m pretty certain some of them do more then 2,5k damage in a hit.


Rakata Attack Adrenal - http://www.torhead.com/item/f2YQFqS

Exotech Might Stim - http://www.torhead.com/item/g7UUvZO

Wynz-Tek Neural Shock Disruptor - http://www.torhead.com/item/8OWRNJC


Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

This one is a bit harder to obtain for non-BioChem then the Medic one, if you are BioChem just use the BOP re-usable stimpack if you are not you could always buy the Stimpacks that are not re-usable even if that is not very economic.

Rataka Medpack (BOP) - http://www.torhead.com/schematic/fPfMQdp


Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

This one is pretty self-explaining, use your Vicious Throw and try to chain your most damaging abilities.


Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

This one really shouldn’t be that hard but if you’re having trouble getting this you could always try the same tactic as for Demolisher. Also Grenades from Cybertech can certainly help, the biggest dps-loss however is dying. Don’t rush straight into 4 enemies thinking you can do some massive smash crit, good tanking etc. Play smart, live long and reap the rewards.


Healer – Healing for 75k health (<- Forget this one)

This one hard to get as a juggernaut but if the game drags out it is possible but you should not aim to do it. However healing also makes you live longer so you have more time to do the other achievements for medals, so it’s not a bad thing to try get healed as much as possible just don’t expect to get this very often. Below is some stuff you could theoretically do.

Remember those re-useable medpacs we talked about earlier? The non-bop one heals at least 5415 with a 90sec cd, you should be able to get 27k (5415x5 uses) from that. Also with 2parts of the pvpset you get 8sec heal each time you intercede someone, so use this skill often it has a 20sec cd and if you can use this 20 times during a warzone you will get roughly 20k heal also learning how to use intercede effectively both defensive and aggressively makes for a much more fun and appreciated experience, remember it also benefits the person you use it on.

With the spec I listed I also get 10% life back everytime I use Unleash. Counting maybe 5 times that should at least be 5k.

It’s still not enough, 27k from Stimpack, 20k from intercede and 5k from Unleash = 52k. Granted these are minimum figures.


Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Alderaan: Standing near a node which you own.

Voidstar: Standing near a door if you are the defenders.

Huttball: Being near and attack the opposing team’s ball carrier. Make good use of your Charge here.


Warden – Earning 3k Defender Points

Same as Defender easiest to get on Alderaan, some games in Voidstar and Huttball you will not get it no matter how long you stick around the door or opposing teams carrier.


Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

This one kind of encourages roaming and should come naturally, try push the enemy away from the groups if you have problem doing this but don’t be discouraged if you don’t get it.


Shield – Defending 5k total health in a game

Shield – Defending 50k total health in a game

Use your guard ability on someone to absorb 5k health. Even if you are dps you should really try to get this one, it will make people appreciate your role in the warzone a lot more and you will get a medal for it increasing your reward for time spent.


Guardian – Defending 2k health in one life

Paladin – Defending 10k health in one life

I put this under the same because basicly they are very similar. The best way to get this is at the start of the game when everyone is zerging in, put it up on a melee and be ready to use your survivabl cooldowns and the stimpacks, intercede and unleash as mentioned above to get the healing medals. Of course you can get it later in the game but I found the start to be the easiest, for example join the zerg to one base in Alderaan quite often there will be a healer in there somewhere as well making it a bit easier to get as well.

Another route to get this is to babysit a healer and hopefully he will heal you as thanks for guarding him. Don't be afraid to tell him that you put guard on him as well as sometimes people doesnt notice it.

I recommend doing this even if you are dps-spec.


Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players

This one should come naturally and the longer you live, the faster you will get it. Also if you’re pulling off the achievements above you are really giving your team a huge benefit so hopefully you should get this easily done.


Now that being "said"; ive been wondering; is there anyway marauders can get the defender medals?


/troll /discuss /flame away !

Edited by zoranporan
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Nope we are limited to 12 medals I think (and only with biochem)


Medic*2 (2.5k + 5k heals)

Damage*2 (75k +300k dmg)

Solo Kill*1

Killing Blow*1

Demolisher*2 (2.5k+5k single hit)

Kills*2 (10 + 25 kills)

Defending*2 (1+3k defense points)


= 12


I generally get 8/9 per battle depends on the length tbh.


edited for 5k hit

Edited by Draexnael
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Nope we are limited to 11 medals I think (and only with biochem)


Medic*2 (2.5k + 5k heals)

Damage*2 (75k +300k dmg)

Solo Kill*1

Killing Blow*1

Demolisher*1 (2.5k single hit)

Kills*2 (10 + 25 kills)

Defending*2 (1+3k defense points)


= 11


5k single hit. 12 medals.


Medic 5k typically requires an expertise potion and you have to wait until you're out of combat. Otherwise requires pretty good RNG on your end.

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A Jugg may get every medal, I know this because I do it frequently. Marauders have no protection and cannot get the protection medals.


Even the healing ones are difficult, as a Marauder needs constant heals/shields from his teammates in order to live long enough to pull it off. Hopefully you have a buddy you que with who is willing to do this, as most people I know do not even bother guarding/healing Marauders due to the fact that they get destroyed so easily. But I suppose that's another subject all together.

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Well the "purple" (artifact) version of stims and medpacks are reusable. If it's the "blue" (protype) or "green" version they aren't. It's a shame that reusables don't sell for much on my server. I made tons of money off 400 artificing, but ever since I switched to biochem, I make no money. Good thing I took in slicing which brings in trickle amounts of money to pay for my repair bills, but it's better than nothing. Edited by BarcodeX
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Well the "purple" (artifact) version of stims and medpacks are reusable. If it's the "blue" (protype) or "green" version they aren't. It's a shame that reusables don't sell for much on my server. I made tons of money off 400 artificing, but ever since I switched to biochem, I make no money. Good thing I took in slicing which brings in trickle amounts of money to pay for my repair bills, but it's better than nothing.


It says you have to be Biochem 300 to use the reusables.

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By the way, i'm seriously struggling to get medals at the moment. I'm rank 50 Carnage, havent got any epics yet (7 bags opened). I don't have the expertise to be hitting the needed crits, nor the survivability to last long enough to dish meaningful damage.


Any tips? (I do know how to play Carnage btw)

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By the way, i'm seriously struggling to get medals at the moment. I'm rank 50 Carnage, havent got any epics yet (7 bags opened). I don't have the expertise to be hitting the needed crits, nor the survivability to last long enough to dish meaningful damage.


Any tips? (I do know how to play Carnage btw)


Ouch, I forgot about the 300 biochem req. You'll be stuck with consumables unfortunately, but I see no reason to NOT want to pick up Biochem other than to make money (but we all know money won't get you end game gear).


Hm, I don't play Carnage spec, but some easy way to get medals are doing the objective (obviously) and even healing. I was reading a post that you get a medal for a 2.5k single heal and a 5k single heal, EVEN if it's on yourself as long as it actually "heals you". So just basically consume two high healing medpacks when you're injured. There's a few damage medals you can get and the easiest way to get high damage/kills simply go for the pre-lvl 50s. They're basically under geared at least compared to you and should be easy kills.

Edited by BarcodeX
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Ouch, I forgot about the 300 biochem req. You'll be stuck with consumables unfortunately, but I see no reason to NOT want to pick up Biochem other than to make money (but we all know money won't get you end game gear).


Hm, I don't play Carnage spec, but some easy way to get medals are doing the objective (obviously) and even healing. I was reading a post that you get a medal for a 2.5k single heal and a 5k single heal, EVEN if it's on yourself as long as it actually "heals you". So just basically consume two high healing medpacks when you're injured. There's a few damage medals you can get and the easiest way to get high damage/kills simply go for the pre-lvl 50s. They're basically under geared at least compared to you and should be easy kills.


you ment to say you were reading THIS post?


yes, get the medpacks, use them when you hp is low, and you get +2.5k medal, the 5k you need the biochem only medpack to get afaik.

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Without Expertise it's going to look like you suck. Period. It was the same way with Resilience to a point.


Prioritize lining up your Gore, insta-crit Scream and Ravage and try your best not to die. Camo out when you need to, pop cds, etc.


Without Expertise, though, you're going to have trouble.

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Without Expertise it's going to look like you suck. Period. It was the same way with Resilience to a point.


Prioritize lining up your Gore, insta-crit Scream and Ravage and try your best not to die. Camo out when you need to, pop cds, etc.


Without Expertise, though, you're going to have trouble.


a 50 bracket a 50 bracket. My kingdom for a 50 bracket

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By the way, i'm seriously struggling to get medals at the moment. I'm rank 50 Carnage, havent got any epics yet (7 bags opened). I don't have the expertise to be hitting the needed crits, nor the survivability to last long enough to dish meaningful damage.


Any tips? (I do know how to play Carnage btw)


Rank 50 valor? did you pvp-level? or just lvl 50?


i play this spec, and i love it so far, ive tried carnage at 40 but not at 50, still prefer rage seeing how my playstyle is.


this is the spec im playing now:




for you rageuders heres som rotation tips in how to destroy almost anything:


force charge (deadly throw in air), crush, batter, smash, (camo to confuse, loads off pll just go ***?!?!) then back with olibirate, choke, smash and nite nite ! (for knockback classes you might want to switch charge/olibirate)


Also, its hard to time this, but when your expecting a knockback, try to turn your back towards the player thats about to knock you back, what happens is that he is determined to run one way, but if you manage to turn in time he will only knock you back to the place where he is actully running to, this is kinde situational, but rofllolol in their face when they see you in front of them and they are running towards you :p


another nifty trick is to follow up, use ravage after olibirate, just run through your apponent and hit ravage, most ppl know that they can outrun this ability, but 90% of the time the run one way, just run the same way as them and in front and see you 3 ravage ticks get off.

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Rank 50 valor? did you pvp-level? or just lvl 50?


i play this spec, and i love it so far, ive tried carnage at 40 but not at 50, still prefer rage seeing how my playstyle is.


this is the spec im playing now:




for you rageuders heres som rotation tips in how to destroy almost anything:


force charge (deadly throw in air), crush, batter, smash, (camo to confuse, loads off pll just go ***?!?!) then back with olibirate, choke, smash and nite nite ! (for knockback classes you might want to switch charge/olibirate)


Also, its hard to time this, but when your expecting a knockback, try to turn your back towards the player thats about to knock you back, what happens is that he is determined to run one way, but if you manage to turn in time he will only knock you back to the place where he is actully running to, this is kinde situational, but rofllolol in their face when they see you in front of them and they are running towards you :p


another nifty trick is to follow up, use ravage after olibirate, just run through your apponent and hit ravage, most ppl know that they can outrun this ability, but 90% of the time the run one way, just run the same way as them and in front and see you 3 ravage ticks get off.


We have pretty much the same spec, few off but I've been meaning to change mine and it would actually look like yours. I had annihilation from 10-40s, then I looked up because I couldn't last in the WZ's to save my life, nor could I get more than 3 medals in 1 match while BH and ops and every class around me was getting 7-10. every game was a let down. Then I switched to Rage spec, and let me tell you, smash and having 2 leaps are your best friends :).


This morning I just got pumped on by a team that farmed us on voidstar, opened all doors but didnt go for controls, and waited for us to spawn then killed in 2 secs. I had enough time to force charge in and smash and die. I still was able to pull off a 75k game, now I didnt kill many ppl, went 2-25 but yea it was just a ****** what do you expect lol, but I was able to at least deal out some damage to several guys.


I dont really like using ravage because it doesnt work half the time and you can't get out of it sometimes. you are just stuck swinging your sabers with no noise/sound. overall though I'd say rage spec feels like it is the way to go for pvping, gives out great fast damage.

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Rank 50 valor? did you pvp-level? or just lvl 50?


i play this spec, and i love it so far, ive tried carnage at 40 but not at 50, still prefer rage seeing how my playstyle is.


this is the spec im playing now:




for you rageuders heres som rotation tips in how to destroy almost anything:


force charge (deadly throw in air), crush, batter, smash, (camo to confuse, loads off pll just go ***?!?!) then back with olibirate, choke, smash and nite nite ! (for knockback classes you might want to switch charge/olibirate)


Also, its hard to time this, but when your expecting a knockback, try to turn your back towards the player thats about to knock you back, what happens is that he is determined to run one way, but if you manage to turn in time he will only knock you back to the place where he is actully running to, this is kinde situational, but rofllolol in their face when they see you in front of them and they are running towards you :p


another nifty trick is to follow up, use ravage after olibirate, just run through your apponent and hit ravage, most ppl know that they can outrun this ability, but 90% of the time the run one way, just run the same way as them and in front and see you 3 ravage ticks get off.


How can you get 100% crit smashes with your rotation? Doesn't the buff go away by the time you get to the smash part of your rotation?

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How can you get 100% crit smashes with your rotation? Doesn't the buff go away by the time you get to the smash part of your rotation?


the buff lasts 15 seconds, thats an eternity if you ask me. point is, after you open, you need to line up your next smash until smash comes of cooldown, and in my spec smash has a 9 sec cd.





force charge (deadly throw in air), crush, batter, smash, (camo to confuse, loads off pll just go ***?!?!) then back with olibirate, choke, smash and nite nite ! (for knockback classes you might want to switch charge/olibirate)


This really isnt an answer to how to, its just one way to do it.


Ive started saving my force charge for the knockback wich are getting more and more annoying, also if you start of with that opener, i stand corrected that you have to switch crush and batter, cuz after deadly throw wich is 3 rage and force charge wich generates 3 you wont be able to pull it of. Bit quick there on my behalf, sorry forumtrolls !

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