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The Scoundrel "Field Medic" Healing PvE set is pretty terrible...


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So terrible that I've been getting the Enforcer Columi set for several reasons:


1. The Enforcer set bonuses are *amazing* (15% more crit chance on Back Blast and permanently 5 more energy, putting us at 105 energy total) compared to the atrocious Field Medic ones (15% crit chance on Kolto Pack, [lolwut, that heal is extremely situational] and 4 less energy cost on Kolto Cloud, which is a mediocre AoE heal... and its 4 energy saved (4!) on the Cloud's beastly cooldown).


I'd take more crit on the occasional Back Blast that I throw in and 5 more energy at all times than the garbage bonuses from the Medic set.


2. We are not Sages. Alacrity, as Sawbones, is pretty useless. Most of our healing coming from Emergency Medpac, Slow Release Medpac and Kolto Cloud; all instant. It's nice to get all three of our tics off of D-Scan 0.1 seconds faster, but that's more of a luxury than a necessity.


EDIT: For those that don't know, Alacrity = faster cast time and is on the Medic gear, while Enforcer gear has Accuracy instead.


3. Enforcer set allows us to DPS at maximum potential, with the needed accuracy, or if we choose to heal, we can do it, arguably better than a Field Medic geared Scoundrel would because of the set bonuses.


tl;dr: Filed Medic set bonuses suck, Enforcer set bonuses are awesome, alacrity is pretty "meh" for Scoundrels.


What do you guys think?

Edited by Santaner
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In general, I agree, but more work needs to be done in the effectiveness in alacrity. Sawbone skills are mostly instant, so it has limited utility, but it also slightly lowers the global cooldown. I am unsure at whether the tradeoff for the global cooldown is worth it. At times I find myself just spamming EMP (PvP especially) and that would help out.
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I'm pretty sure Alacrity does NOT reduce Global Cooldown in any fashion.


So, even more useless for Sawbones =]


If that set also helped the other heals like it does Kolto Cloud, then it would be amazingly awesome.


Or gave us some sort of stun resistance....too much to ask? :D

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OP, so basically you are saying: "I'm a healer but I like to DPS so I hate it that the healer set gives me healing related stats"

Simple solution: Respec to DPS and quit complaining.


And to actually add something useful to this discussion:

Alacrity does NOT lower the GCD for instant cast abilities. They will always leave you with a 1.5 sec GCD.

Alacrity DOES however lower the GCD for your abilities with an activation time if they go below 1.5 sec activation time. Then you can use another abilities immediately afterwards, even if the activation time is only 1.3 sec for example.


Furthermore, I can confirm that alacrity shortens any channel times (thus the dps/hps happens faster) so I think that it might also work on dots/hots as one of the previous posters suggested. I have not tested this yet tho but it's definately something worth checking.

If it indeed works on dots/hots then alacrity is a lot more useful than people think.


The problem is that people only seem to know that alacrity speeds up activation time and don't know about channel time or possibly dot/hot ticking speed. Therefor they midjudge the value of alacrity.

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OP, so basically you are saying: "I'm a healer but I like to DPS so I hate it that the healer set gives me healing related stats"

Simple solution: Respec to DPS and quit complaining.




he's saying nothing of the sorc. the 2pc benefits a heal that we dont just use the least, but may never use over the course of an entire hardmode



THAT is the problem

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I checked if this was true and it is.....


Can someone comunity responsible get an answer from Devs, why a INSTANT CAST healer gets all Field medic Sets filled with "Activation speed" improving stats on them ?


How can instant heals be improving by adding activation speed ? Whats faster then Instant ?



Tionese Set - 205 Alacrity

Columni set - 240 Alacrity

Rakata set - 255 Alacrity


Why not tech power, crit or Surge rating ?


I would love to hear a good reson that affects healing. Because its healing gear not some other excuses that improves dps abilitys.


And like more players then me wonder about is. Does Alacrity effect the speed of how fast our HOTS are ticking ? If this is the case Please update the Tooltip and make mechanics more understandable and no guessing game.


"Activation speed" cant be misinterpreted.

Edited by Donnadarco
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