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Fix mirrored classes first please


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Every Imperial class has a distinct advantage over its Republic counter-part. It makes PvP very frustrating because the matches are slanted in the Imperials favor.


Maybe if you fixed this issue then people would stop flocking to Imperial side.



Edit: I have brought this up before but it seems that the majority of players don't want to talk about it. Look at which side the vast majority plays on. Let's have our voices heard by Bioware, we have had enough.

Edited by SwigMcJigger
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Every Imperial class has a distinct advantage over its Republic counter-part. It makes PvP very frustrating because the matches are slanted in the Imperials favor.


Maybe if you fixed this issue then people would stop flocking to Imperial side.

Not to mention that the Warzones themselves favor the Empire - the delay on the west turret in Civil War, for example.
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So... what is that advantage other then being notoriously evil?


Can only speak for Trooper/Bounty Hunter, but Troopers are channeling Mortar Volley almost a full second longer before it starts doing damage, than BH's Death From Above.

And the Troopers Stockstrike does damage half a second later than Rocket Punch.


Small stuff like this does ruin PvP

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Agree. Obviously. See video in my signature. We get thousands of complaints on these forums over some 0.2 second delay which is likely due more to computer rigs and latency because "That 0.2 seconds can make the difference of interrupting or killing an enemy before they can do damage or be healed."


Meanwhile Project actually has a built in mechanic of a delay of well over a second due :rolleyes: to applying damage after the animation and the "mirror" ability "Shock" has no such delay.


It's a MAJOR issue, it needs to be acknowledged, and we need to be told it is going to be fixed - at some point.


PS I'm sure there are other issues like this one, and I support fixing those also but this is the one that I am aware of personally.

Edited by inseeisyou
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So... what is that advantage other then being notoriously evil?




Every single Imperial version of a class has talents and skills that are superior to their counter class. Whether it be talents that give twice the benefit for healing or skills which cost more 'mana' or require a cast time.


Example: Smuggler flashbang cooldown is 90 seconds. Imperial Agent 60 seconds.

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The Scoundrel get's 15% heal bonus from the talent Accomplished Sawbones, the IA gets there 30%.


The flash grenade of the smuggler has a 90sec CD where the IA version has a 60sec CD.


The smuggler is rooted while using his stun ( Dirty Kick ), the IA is not.




That are VERY bothering differences between the republic smuggler and the imperial IA.




Moreover the mortar valley and full auto differences are bothering - just making 1/3 less damage then the BH version.




It's going on and on... and it's surprising that EVERY advantage is for the imperials...

Edited by LovarBoy
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There was a Lead Combat Designer response to a thread about the Flashbang/grenade difference confirming that it was a bug and in pipeline to be fixed, with those words exactly. Still TBD what other differences are considered bugs or features.


I have seen Voidstar bomb plantings fail at full bar because of instant damage force lightning when a delay would have made it succeed, so does have some impact.


The 60 second flashbang CD would have been a huge boost to me as well. You can get it down to 45 seconds with talents. Then it CCs for 8 seconds, meaning that you can keep a group of mobs CCd 18% of the time. The Flash Grenade when talented similarly at 75 seconds lets you CC them 11% of the time.


Free 7% damage mitigation against any group of mobs you are not fighting? Yes please.

Edited by dingoperson
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Meanwhile Project actually has a built in mechanic of a delay of well over a second due :rolleyes: to applying damage after the animation and the "mirror" ability "Shock" has no such delay.


It's a MAJOR issue, it needs to be acknowledged, and we need to be told it is going to be fixed - at some point.

I've seen Operatives and Assassins stealth mid-animation and avoid my Project entirely - the debris just kinda spins harmlessly in the air for a while.
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There was a Lead Combat Designer response to a thread about the Flashbang/grenade difference confirming that it was a bug and in pipeline to be fixed, with those words exactly. Still TBD what other differences are considered bugs or features.


I have seen Voidstar bomb plantings fail at full bar because of instant damage force lightning when a delay would have made it succeed, so does have some impact.



I don't buy it being a bug. A bug that just happened to be 150% longer cooldown?


Bioware doesn't give hints to what is being worked on, they tell you what they have patched after the fact. It's this deafening silence which is destroying their reputation.

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I'm not a PvP'er ...


... however, I have noticed many of the noted differences myself in PvE.


I have one of every class on my main server, all up to at least 19. The Imperial Classes do have some glaring advantages over their Republic counterparts

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Right, so they never said it was a bug. Just an issue lol.


Well there's a lot of issues that need addressing BW. I'm sure the 3 people who watch the credits will not miss baby names. I'm also sure the peoples who are having issues with one of their titles will survive if it doesn't display properly.


You're running out of time, this game a terrible rep already and word is spreading fast that 'BW plays Empire'

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IA Sniper can spam explosive probe while casting aimed shot. BOOM BOOM out go the lights.


Gunslinger? No sir you get a casting animation simply because you're Republic. We don't take too kindly to your types around here.


Yup, when I rolled IA I thought there may be a bug as there is not any animation and it is cast instantly, while my scoundrel has a loooong animation. Then I realized it is not a bug :-(

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I'm not a PvP'er ...


... however, I have noticed many of the noted differences myself in PvE.


I have one of every class on my main server, all up to at least 19. The Imperial Classes do have some glaring advantages over their Republic counterparts

Endgame instances also favor the Imps, as Hard Mode Black Talon is significantly easier than Hard Mode Esseles.


Seriously, the longer I play Republic, the more I feel like a second class citizen of the Star Wars universe.

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Endgame instances also favor the Imps, as Hard Mode Black Talon is significantly easier than Hard Mode Esseles.


Seriously, the longer I play Republic, the more I feel like a second class citizen of the Star Wars universe.


Hey, we get some pretty sweet hobo robes.

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I just can't believe how naive BioWare is with this facts.


There are so many really good videos that show the issues with project, mortar walley, full auto etc. and it is completely ignored.



I just opened a same thread in the German forums for collecting this issues, but the resonance was AWFUL. They blamed me to tell lies because BioWare would never add such iniquities, and most of the thread was spammed by





I really wonder why no CM or anyone just makes a statement to this existing issues.




For example with the Smuggler and the IA - there are so obvious differences and it's just ignored.

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Can only speak for Trooper/Bounty Hunter, but Troopers are channeling Mortar Volley almost a full second longer before it starts doing damage, than BH's Death From Above.

And the Troopers Stockstrike does damage half a second later than Rocket Punch.


Small stuff like this does ruin PvP


Stuff like this though are ridiculous bugs that didnt even exist in beta.


stuff like the cooldown between Smugglers and agents for that CC are what are the problem, not bugs that should be fixed regardless of the class mirrors.

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It's fine if they have different (but more or less mirrored) abilities with slightly different perks, but as it stands it seems that most are just abilities with the same intent that have blatant imbalances one way or the other (usually favoring empire) Edited by DecimaPoiuytr
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The animation and projectile speed delays that Jedi Consulars have to put up with that don't exist for Sith Inquisitors, for one.


I know this might look like its influencing things, but the damage is instant. Once you hit the button for project the game calculates and applies the damage to the enemy. He might look alive, but he's actually dead already and cant do any actions.

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I just can't believe how naive BioWare is with this facts.


it's their first MMO, of course they're naive. Still it's disappointing that it didn't occur to them that animations shouldn't prevent instant abilities from being instant, etc.


Seems like a pretty noobish mistake to make. Blizzard figured this stuff out years ago.

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