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Jedi Knights PvP gear is unacceptably pathetic. Be united against it!


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After hearing folks talk about pulling the mods out of their armor and putting them in orange armor I took a peek at mine. It doesn't appear you would be benefiting by pulling the mods out. The whole idea behind "upgrading" from top solo play PvE armor to Centurion PvP armor is to get the expertise the armor gives. It didn't seem that pulling the mods out of the armor would, in fact, pull the expertise off.


If this is true then it is of no benefit to pull the mods off. It is faster (and MUCH cheaper) to run the belsavis/ilum dailies and have (arguably due to the ability to customize) better mods.


Am I correct in seeing this?


Correct. You also lose the set bonuses.

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...I don't get it. I was this post and was like "WOAH THAT IS UGLY" but that is not what the armor looks like in game at all. The design is similar, but the colors are actually look quite good. Helmet is still weird, but its not the only horrific one (see BH one with little eye-stalks). Am I missing something?
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I must say i thought i was the only one running around the game yelling "they need to fire the lame arse designer who created the JK armor" or at least flip things around and make the 40 gear the end game gear cause that at least looks tough, and make the wussy end game gear lvl 40 stuff... and for both sets give us a killer looking helmet, (love the commando helmets) hasnt Bioware noticed all the JK/Sents running around with their helmet hidden? i heard that they will be fixing this from someone in game is this true and if so can you post the link to their answer thx!



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The Battlemaster set should have the armor used on the loading instead on it being the random world drops.


The PvP set wouldn't be so bad if they would remove the jetpack and add a cloak over the armor with a hood down.


With the Jedi I prefer the X-Men visor than the awful looking helmet as it suits the class better and it will always be a problem to make Jedi head slot look cool, when they choose it was easy as there is the obvious helmets and Vader influences to use.

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Biggest issue is not the looks but the stats on the armours.



Why does sentinel use medium armour??


No good reason really, since the dps of Guardian and Sentinel isn't really much different...



Why does the guardian get to choose between and defense set of armour and an offense set, while Sentinels get no variety - that doesn't make sense either...



Why are the looks for Centurion, Champion and Battlemaster gear all identical?


Kinda too cheasy...




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Honestly, the level 40 PvP gear looks way better than the 50 gear. I'd be appeased if they just got rid of the rocketpack on the back of the chestpiece and replaced it with a cloak.


I'm crossing my fingers the patch to switch out expertise/set bonuses will be coming soon. It really does seem like the Jedi Knight gets the short end in so many areas.

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Biggest issue is not the looks but the stats on the armours.



Why does sentinel use medium armour??


No good reason really, since the dps of Guardian and Sentinel isn't really much different...



Why does the guardian get to choose between and defense set of armour and an offense set, while Sentinels get no variety - that doesn't make sense either...



Why are the looks for Centurion, Champion and Battlemaster gear all identical?


Kinda too cheasy...





Uh, are these supposed to be facetious questions? If not ...


Sentinels are only DPS, what "variety" would they need? They've used Medium armor the entire game, why complain about it at endgame?


Guardians can choose between tanking and DPS, that's why they have two sets.



Edited by Aeryl
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i really wish i would have actually looked at the gear before hitting 50. I really would have considered another class based solely on how pathetic this gear is. Whoever was put in charge of developing this gear set missed the mark completely.
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thats joke right? that really isn't jedi end game pvp armor is it?




It isn't even jedi~ish! It looks like what goldmember would wear if he were in a star wars setting lol....


Well my sentinal doesn't really need expertise I suppose. :mad:


The dev who designed this armor must have really hated designing the jedi orders armor or something heheh.


At least I have my marauder

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I really don't like this. Lets have something a little more iconic to Jedi please? This passes as trooper armor as far as I'm concerned.


It is trooper armor.. the backpack thing is what holds your cannon. I really want to know what the cosmetic purpose of the backpack thing on this armor set is for. It really pisses me off. Can anyone even attempt to think of what the devs were thinking of when putting a backpack on this gear??

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I can attempt to speculate... maybe this is there take on the armor Jedi's wore in the past during the Force Wars ....hence the Samurai looking helmet ...I seen a pic one of what Jedi looked liek back then and I remember Samauri lookign armor and the light sabers had power cords attahced to a power pack ( wiki lightsabers for more exp )


again i am speculating that is the design they were thinking.

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Ahhhhhh cmon guys really???


You dont get a certain degree of pleasure beating someone in great looking gear while looking like a clown in your own???


I mean its the skillz that count right? Gear is nothing more than fluff!!!


On a side note...


I think the gear looks bad too :)!!!

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