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  1. Hamibal

    Ilum is unplayable

    Why give another Warzone when all we do is repetively queue for stinking Huttball? Fix Illum please.
  2. I am tired of playing Huttball. Please do something. Repeative queues of one of the worst pvp zones ever made is getting downright boring. Thanks. Rant over...
  3. Here is where the truth comes out.
  4. No Offense but Open world PvP is like real life. Sadly it is a fact of life that the side with the bigger army is always going to win. If people dont recognize this fact, theyll start yelling for balance, but the solutions will tend to imbalance in the other direction. The only really viable solution for Illum is to make it like Alterac Valley was when it first came out. Not the retarded foot face it is today, but the constant back and forth struggle that truly felt like one was in a big warzone.
  5. Ahhhhhh cmon guys really??? You dont get a certain degree of pleasure beating someone in great looking gear while looking like a clown in your own??? I mean its the skillz that count right? Gear is nothing more than fluff!!! On a side note... I think the gear looks bad too !!!
  6. I find it funny that troopers have a pistol visible on thier person or actually use a pistol in some cutscenes, but cant use it in actual combat. I can see why the limited it, but honestly think that it should be changed. I mean cmon Jengo Fett used pistols while Boba Fett didnt. And operatives? This aint MW3. Theres a reason for the pistol at close range.
  7. Ummmmm HUH? Im a Jugg tank and I love having a good Marauder in group. Most of my best groups have a Marauder in them.
  8. I can not remember one time when I was in the military were I switched from PVE to PVP gear. Now a days its all about the fluff. There is no substance to MMO PVP these days.
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