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Finished the game. (unsubbing till expansion)


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This game is very short as far as a MMO goes, this isn't really a complaint of mine as I don't have the time to invest in gaming as I used to, but at 50 short of running the same content over and over again, there isn't a huge deal to do.


I've never played an MMO that was any different after first release. I suppose we all could have subscribed well in advance and paid our monthly fee to underwrite BW's overhead while they withheld first release in order to write what would be the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th expansions. But, yeah, that's not gonna happen.


The OP seems like an experienced player; he should have known end-game content wouldn't be fleshed out with first release.


I've been playing SWTOR for three days and have *rushed* all the way to level-14 (cynicism there). I've been on the game about 10 hours each day; yet, I'm certain the really hardcore players would have advanced double or triple what I've achieved. I'm not in a guild, I don't know anyone in-game, and I actually prefer to solo everything possible, and will try repeatedly to solo things that are well beyond my actual capabilities -- sometimes I even pull off the impossible, but that's the fun of it for me. I also like to explore every nook and cranny, and tonight I launched my droid on no fewer than 100 droid scavenges and treasure hunts while I fully investigated my current home city and the non-auction house.


I'm by no means an old hand when it comes to online gaming, but I've been around long enough to realize that players who repeatedly rush to level their characters are just plain loco; they end up missing much of the game's content and ALWAYS end up complaining there's nothing to do when they reach level cap. But each to his/her own, I guess.

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Spot on.


I have posted very much the same thing before. Why they did not make the last boss almost impossible is beyond my understanding.


You would see no one complaining about finishing content as the very last boss would be a nice "male chicken" block before the next expansion. This boss would also become a gaming legend.


If I say "vanilla C'thun" some people will understand and im sure have felt a shiver of nostalgia.


C'thun a world boss? I think not and how far back have you gone for a hard boss encounter

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the only reason im still playing the game is because it has (or its bluffing) the elements of win:


a good WoWish interface (which with the GCD failure over and over again doesnt work).


smart graphics (but you get low FPS at certain areas and spoiling the fun , check sign for my spec)


good story (nothing bad about it. yes its cliche but i dont mind. i like it.)


a community (not many ppl around except in the fleet but i do find groups so its fine for the moment).


a promise of future content - and of fixing the preammentioned bugs.

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I think the point is that the non-nightmare level content was created for hardcore players.

Which you clearly are, so noting that your not going to try it seems to be a bit backwards.


And we also have to keep in mind, this is their first shot, They'll likely see how quickly content was cleared and tune it better for the next round. Likely after they fix the responsivness of the player.


We have to put all our hopes in it, otherwise we have to go back to WoW. And no one wants that. No one wants to deal with the Panderen joke.

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i'm amazed, i been playing for 2 weeks and i'm lvl 21, not because the game is hard but be cause i have a life outside gaming. I would love to play 8h non stop daily but i cant. I been playing quite allot during weekends but with the story (not using spacebar) and taking the time to see things and enjoy i personally think the game is quite big. I love to play a few other characters at one point also mainly for the story.

Saying the game is short is not really true in my opinion atleast.

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People knew this before even buying SWTOR.

I take my time and dont spacebar to much and rerolled some alts and check their storylines.

Do alot of pvp and flashpoints and explore alot of contend.


We all knew this woulnt be the new gamebreaking next gen mmo and people claiming that it should have been this or that alrady knew what SWTOR is.


Alot of people are waiting for GW2 including me :)

I see SWTOR as KOTOR III with a multiplayer slapped on.


Still i have alot of fun and altough i bashed this mmo when i saw footage of it i have to admit that Bioware created a good mmo for their first time.


Alot of stuff needs dire attention and iam sure they are working their butts of to get as many stuff done in each patch.


But like i said SWTOR is ok while most of us are waiting for that pearl named GW2.

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I've never played an MMO that was any different after first release. I suppose we all could have subscribed well in advance and paid our monthly fee to underwrite BW's overhead while they withheld first release in order to write what would be the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th expansions. But, yeah, that's not gonna happen.


The OP seems like an experienced player; he should have known end-game content wouldn't be fleshed out with first release.


I've been playing SWTOR for three days and have *rushed* all the way to level-14 (cynicism there). I've been on the game about 10 hours each day; yet, I'm certain the really hardcore players would have advanced double or triple what I've achieved. I'm not in a guild, I don't know anyone in-game, and I actually prefer to solo everything possible, and will try repeatedly to solo things that are well beyond my actual capabilities -- sometimes I even pull off the impossible, but that's the fun of it for me. I also like to explore every nook and cranny, and tonight I launched my droid on no fewer than 100 droid scavenges and treasure hunts while I fully investigated my current home city and the non-auction house.


I'm by no means an old hand when it comes to online gaming, but I've been around long enough to realize that players who repeatedly rush to level their characters are just plain loco; they end up missing much of the game's content and ALWAYS end up complaining there's nothing to do when they reach level cap. But each to his/her own, I guess.


But this how you play, I have a friend that plays like you too, exploring every nook and cranny the datacrons are his love! However if this was not in the game, the things you like doing etc, would you not post im hope of voicing your opinion, of maybe catching the eye of someone that might change the way the game is designed?


No? Well thats ok too, the world needs different opinions and different views its what makes it so interesting.


I do not call you "loco" for playing that way.

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i'm amazed, i been playing for 2 weeks and i'm lvl 21, not because the game is hard but be cause i have a life outside gaming. I would love to play 8h non stop daily but i cant. I been playing quite allot during weekends but with the story (not using spacebar) and taking the time to see things and enjoy i personally think the game is quite big. I love to play a few other characters at one point also mainly for the story.

Saying the game is short is not really true in my opinion atleast.


8hrs is nothing mate.


hardcores play for a full 16hrs straight. eat, shi t, sleep, and before they come full awake they have machine running and on they carry.

Edited by bliapis
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C'thun a world boss? I think not and how far back have you gone for a hard boss encounter


You mixed his 3 different statements into one conditional mold for your argument.


He's referring to how C'thun was IMPOSSILBE to beat when first released. The world boss argument was in a seperate paragraph.

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You mixed his 3 different statements into one conditional mold for your argument.


He's referring to how C'thun was IMPOSSILBE to beat when first released. The world boss argument was in a seperate paragraph.


Even so the point still stands it has been 5+ years since that boss and each year they get easier. Bioware never said they would be bringing back this type of boss fight. He is living in a past judging this game against a game that has evolved so much it looks nothing like what he is argueing for now adays.

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Well, i am not a hardcore gamer by any stretch of the imagination, we have finished the game.


Downed Shards of Alderaan boss in EV. (and all of the important content)


Im sure we will run the hard and nightmare modes over the next few weeks, but do not expect this to be up for too long. Repeating content on harder modes was never something that kept us playing, we know elite modes as we server firsted the twilight dragons on our server in wow etc. We also go right back to UO and sleeper in EQ1.


The game is awesome, amazing, but not enough content, i expect to see "reroll another class", "play republic" or "dont spacebar.." (I personally have never space barred any narrative until I have heard once) etc but thats not what we play mmo's for, for us its progressing a character, kitting him out, enjoying difficult and hard to beat content but not running the same content but in faster times or gimping how many people you take etc.


None of our guild looked at spoilers or played beta, we all wanted to experience the game fresh and new. We did not expect it to be this unbelievably easy.


Now I know the bioware drones and people that defend the game will be all over this post like crazy but just remember we are on the frontlines of what the game offers, and it is not alot.


You wont agree with this now but in a few weeks the more casual and the bulk of playerbase will be posting the same, the game is cake, tuned too the farmville level of player.


The high achievers and hardcore will all move on to other games while more content is released, will they come back? I dont know, what I do know is that the end game should of been harder, if only the last boss and nothing else.


As I said, you will not think this now as you are not where we are, it wont take the more part time player long to reach this point and when you do you will remember this and many other posts about how easy and retarded the gameplay is.


(I recently saw a post asking for the game to made even easier, this just blows my mind. It staggers belief that some people are struggling to complete class chains, flashpoints or find datacrons etc. This is the player that is killing this genre, devs are actually listening to you people!?)


Dude you can't burn to the end of a new MMO and then cry because you have nothing left to do. Is this your first one..?!


Honestly, I'm level 50 and finished with EV too now and I'm not worried. Next patch adds three more raid bosses and a new flashpoint. That's a pretty good start, and a damn sight better than what WoW had when it launched, which was nothing at all.


If you're seriously that bored and honest about not skipping the story, then roll an alt. The other story lines are really good.


Or, you could just unsub and save all of our ears from your whining.

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Well, i am not a hardcore gamer by any stretch of the imagination, we have finished the game.
Denial is bad. Most casuals haven't hit 50 yet. You have undeniably played a lot since the game was released.

The four 50 in my guild (including myself) are people who played a lot. I had time off work during holidays and I played a lot. I played "hardcore". I'm not in denial.

Edited by Korrigan
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Dude you can't burn to the end of a new MMO and then cry because you have nothing left to do. Is this your first one..?!


Honestly, I'm level 50 and finished with EV too now and I'm not worried. Next patch adds three more raid bosses and a new flashpoint. That's a pretty good start, and a damn sight better than what WoW had when it launched, which was nothing at all.


If you're seriously that bored and honest about not skipping the story, then roll an alt. The other story lines are really good.


Or, you could just unsub and save all of our ears from your whining.







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Alot of people are waiting for GW2 including me :)

But like i said SWTOR is ok while most of us are waiting for that pearl named GW2.


And whats next after players spending 2 weeks to a month slagging that game in its forums becaue it wasn't what they thought or because it was just waaay too buggy for 2012 or no rea l endgame? Secret Empire? Neverwinter? Titan?


I am afraid that each and every game will be compared to the daddy of all mmo's, fail and sent to oblivion or ftp waaay before its time.


Of course the other thoughts ARE we turning into a society of video game addicts with little to no attention spans?

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I love to hear hardcore gamers whining and crying, because they are second worst bunch of players, right under the haters.


You make games like these unenjoyable for the rest of the fanbase, if we do not perform as well as you do, you call us noobs, spam "lols" and insults us any way you can, and if you compelte a gam,e go on forums and gloat/boast how good you are, right before the endless whining.


You down first a boss in WoW on your server? Wow... amazing, let me go get you a lovely gold medal, so you will fool yourself for once in your life that you have accomplished something, right before you step into reality, and realsie that most of your friends are people online you will never meet, and that you are starting to develop a skin condition for not going out of the house enough and eating too much junk food.

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Every time I see posts like this, I think of someone who's flipped through the pages of a book, then starts complaining about "how little" there was in it. Of course, I don't believe for a second that the kind of ADD-afflicted kids who would do this are likely to pick up a book.


To them all I say: take a Ritalin and start to use that grey matter that sits in your skull.

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I actually class myself maybe a slightly above average mmo player, I guess I will concede this may make me a no life hardcore SW player..


Thing is, you do know that people have completed nightmare mode EV weeks ago? Like the 2nd week of release, these are hardcore players. Not me.


The game is too easy and believe me, will become known as the faceroll game of the mmo world.


Makes me laugh that you say it's too easy and you admit you've only done normal mode operations.

Edited by Mandrax
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This sounds quite familiar to another game I have played oh wait it was called WoW, you leveled to 80 then you cleared all the content in the first week of the WoTLK expansion and waited 6 months to the next major patch. And yes by the way congratulations on clearing the normal modes, they seem really hard I only wonder why they put in two harder levels of the same content when apparently the normal modes was called "clearing the game".


putting in heroic/hard/nightmare modes is just a lazy way of saying "Look guyz theres moar content" well at least Bioware took something from WoW :\

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Anyone who has been playing ONE character continually, putting at least 3 hours a day, more during the weekends, should have already reached lvl 50 like a week ago.


I got my main to lvl 42 or 43 (dont remember since it was a while since i played him) in like 5 days. I didnt space bar through anything because the cut scenes were fascinating for an MMO. I admit i did lack a lot of sleep during those 5 days.


I now got a Bounty Hunter, the first alt that i created, at lvl 17. Figured out the story sucked so i created yet another alt.


My lvl 37 Sniper, which is now my main, just finished Taris. The Sniper class story is really awesome...kinda makes me feel like 007.


If i had just stuck with my Sorcerer...i would have been done with all normal raid content too.


Players who are saying that OP space bar'ed his way through....you guys really level slowly.

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<-- game designer

Now, didn't anyone tell you calling people names isn't nice.

most of us hardcore players have lives. We have friends, girlfriends, and we do OTHER things.

But what we prefer is gaming, on a competitive top tier level.


We're not asking that they "cater" to us. We're asking for a challenge, and being a designer, I know that changing a few numbers in the code doesn't require more than a few hours (if even) of work.


Amended my post according to protocol.


Your preferences are your own. I am just flabbergasted by the fact that you still play the game or even bought it for that matter or even think of rejoining the game at all. Obviously the content does by no means satisfy your gaming needs. For that matter, you still failed to post examples of "challenging" games according to your definitions. Allegedly you are a game designer....or have I misinterpreted? Why should Bioware or let's say EA satisfy your needs? From a financial perspective you just "churned" away by terminating the subscription. Your "playerbase" however just had maybe an average ARPU (Average return per user) impact of 0.0001% on total revenues.


Your demands are admirable, yet futile in view of the whole MMO concept, which is indeed focused on making money.

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Every time I see posts like this, I think of someone who's flipped through the pages of a book, then starts complaining about "how little" there was in it. Of course, I don't believe for a second that the kind of ADD-afflicted kids who would do this are likely to pick up a book.


To them all I say: take a Ritalin and start to use that grey matter that sits in your skull.


I could hate on casuals in a reply but i wont. Its not constructive as neither is your reply.


The OP is a valid concern.

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It's pretty funny really - you and I quite MMOs for entirely different reasons, but in the end it translates to the same thing. SWTOR really does seem to be a game that's aimed at the market of folks who haven't been able to get 'into' an MMO. I've never leveled up a WoW char - tried, three separate times. Just lose interest. I doubt I'm alone.


So far I'm closer to leveling cap than I've ever been in any MMO - so maybe they'll succeed in having me stick around longer than most. But all the same, the endgame of any MMO just seems like some sort of sad death. At least it looks like I'll finally get to experience the one in this game at least.


Strangely, the only MMO I played with any consistency is EVE, but that's because it gets totally insane at times and its focus is different. Plus, I love space. And economics.

Edited by eskachig
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However if this was not in the game, the things you like doing etc, would you not post im hope of voicing your opinion, of maybe catching the eye of someone that might change the way the game is designed?


Well, to be honest, I probably wouldn't post my gripes; here's why:


1. I've been following SWTOR's website and other information about the game for well over a year. Before I finally relented and purchased the package three days ago I knew exactly what to expect. So, forewarned, I've no leg to stand on should I decide to complain. Gaming is my principal hobby and I'm apt to invest a good bit of time in any particular MMO; therefore, I want to to know what I'm getting into.


2. I've no expectation that my unique gaming needs are going to approach the norm; thus, I don't expect the developers to cater to my whims.


People who don't take time to leverage every aspect of an online universe are much akin to a reader who skips every other chapter in a novel -- then have the temerity to complain about the book. Makes about as much sense as someone buying a loaf of raisin bread, then picking out all the raisins because they don't like them. Bioware gave us a content-rich game; I for one am enjoying it immensely. I'm terribly sorry all you speed levelers have had such a rotten experience.

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