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Yes. I want WOW with Wookies and Lightsabers.


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Kick, scream and deny it all you want. Addons, macro's and lfd WILL come.


Why? Because EA wants the game to succeed.


Success based on automatic transplantation of external influences tailored for a specific product, is not a guarantee by any stretch of the imagination. This reminds me of what happened to SWG. Must we repeat history because we are destined to repeat history, or is there any choice involved?



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I would rather play *this* game without all the crap another game came up with in order to deal with their "unique" crowd. I know this is too much to ask. But this is an independent title on paper at least. Which would be so much better if the notion of diversity could somehow manifest itself somewhere.




You cannot change the crowd, therefore you must cater. Not having basic features in an MMO that should be there is a no no.

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Success based on automatic transplantation of external influences tailored for a specific product, is not a guarantee by any stretch of the imagination. This reminds me of what happened to SWG. Must we repeat history because we are destined to repeat history, or is there any choice involved?




Then its good because this is basically already wow in space

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i say:



NO to addons


HELL NO! to macros




All this game needs is a LFG channel that is accessible across all planets....problem solved.


addons = L2P - If you need addons to play your class, you are doing it wrong.


macros = L2P - If you need macros to play your class, you are also doing it wrong.




I disagree.


The things you're opposed to, are simply tools to make people's lives that little bit easier. Not everyone wants to make things as hard as possible, this is a game we play for fun, not a life challenge.


The OP is kinda right, trying to be different, from what works, is never a real good idea. It's not that people want another wow clone, but ignoring things because they were in wow is kinda dumb. If someone sold me a car without wheels, because previous, successful cars had wheels, I'd be mad bro.


It's not about need, it's about comfort.



Plus, there is no obligation to use any of the things requested in this thread. If you don't want to use addons, macros or LFD, then don't. While you're at it, if you're so intent on making things harder, play blind folded with one hand too. Or play without a monitor and really convince us how much you own and we all need to l2p. :D

Edited by Soazak
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Lets' all admit that once the bugs will be corrected and when they'll add what is missing (not much anyway, at least when you see all the things we already have in the game, and which come directly or undirectly from WoW...)


TOR will be the new WoW in space you all (almost all) wish to play.


The key here is patience, each patch we're getting closer of that Graal :eek::D

Edited by Draksen
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I'm bold enough to say it. There is no changing my mind. I want Addons. I want Macros. I want LFD. I won't be beating around the bush like a few of the WOW players around here. I really don't put much stock into what strangers on the internet think of me. I WANT WOW WITH LIGHTSABERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WOW players are the Largest MMO playerbase. It would be foolish of Bioware and EA to not cater to us. Whatever MMO you came from that wasn't WOW is a Failure end of story. Bioware needs to follow the Model of the most successful MMO in history. They do not need to follow the model of whatever Niche... Garbage... Masochistic MMO you came from. From a business perspective it just doesn't make sense.



I love macros. Makes my Job easier. I don't wanna have to press every button on my Keyboard.


I love Parsers. My being at the top of the HPS gives other healers something to shoot for. Your being at the bottom of the DPS for a boss, that we have now wiped on for the 5th time because, you can't seem to put out the DPS on par of people that you have somehow managed to out gear gives me a reason to kick you. It's your Guild's Job to carry you. Not mine.


I love Addons. I wanna know down to the very last millisecond when my hot is gonna fall off. I hate where that tooltip is and I want it moved!


I love LFD. I have tried 2 days in a Row to run the Heroic 4 on Nar Shadaa(?) on multiple occasions. Abandon Quest move on to Alderaan. I had to zone out of Mandolorian Raiders and Spam to replace a DPS at the final boss after Spamming to get a group for a half an hour as a HEALER. The people who don't want this have an odd idea of fun.


People whining about Addons, Parsers, Macros and LFD need only to look at Rift to see what happens when you move too slowly to include these thing, half of which, should have been in at launch.


We take your advice and we "Go back to WOW". Suddenly friends and Guildees you leveled with vanish from their respective lists. Bioware needs to decide whether they want guests or tenants.


INB4 the EQ players. Be sure to mention how WOW nuked EQ before it had all the things I listed above. Also don't neglect to mention that EQ was pretty much killed by WOW it's 1st competitor in a state that you find acceptable(No Addons and a huge time sink. People raided 6 days a week back then and now they raid 4. Choose life.)


I'm absolutely serious too. I am not trolling. This is what I want this is what the Majority(Trust me WOW players are the Majority right now. Read the Forums or Join a guild) of people want but they are afraid to say it outright. I'm not. Become more WOW-Like(As far as Streamlining I do not want to see Undead again as long as I live..or dwarves or Elves!!) or fail.


As far as the people who claim that they will leave if these things are implemented, you were probably going to leave when GW2 came out anyway. I'm sick of all these "MMO of the Month" WOW haters that have never done anything in other games whining. They slowed down things in Rift with their nonsense and by the time Rift Implemented things that people expect in a Modern MMORPG it was too late.



What do you want jedi pandas to? And Sith pokemons?

Edited by Kumando
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In comparison to WOW they are. Name me a better MMO? 1 or 2 came before it and they have 250k player bases a lot that came after WOW have shared a similar fate. Masochism is not fun. Surviving a game with huge time sinks, and that has caused people to commit suicide after being hacked because of the time sink, does not make a game superior.


You fail to realize what a game is. A game is not rated after the # of subscribers (and definately not by the amount of Chinese subscribers as WoW is currently).

Two of the most fun MMOs I have played over the last 12 years have been really small in regards to subscribers, but they had amazing communities and gameplay that had me hooked for hours, days, weeks and months on end. (Earth & Beyond and Horizons)


Yeah, I played WoW from before open Beta and thoroughly enjoyed it up and through TBC. After that point it became too watered down in order to keep catering to the masses and it lost most of it's earlier profile imho.


Sure there will be additions in swtor eventually in regards to macros, addons and so on, but I've been around since before any game had those features and can manage to have fun regardless. I know how to spot the slackers without a parser and how to get a group without an LFD tool. Maybe you should try harder ? :)

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We will make it all happen: LFD, Addons, macro's. Prolly even faction change in a more distant future. Deny and fight it all you want. This game belongs to us now.


We'll make it succesfull. EA/Bioware will cater to us, true mmo players (most of us pro/elite).


Thank you Bioware for bringing in Addons, macro's and LFD. Finally a wise decision!

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You cannot change the crowd, therefore you must cater. Not having basic features in an MMO that should be there is a no no.


If this "crowd" consist of one hive mind, you might be right. Guess we are talking about insectoids here, rather than the human species. ;)



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I disagree.


The things you're opposed to, are simply tools to make people's lives that little bit easier. Not everyone wants to make things as hard as possible, this is a game we play for fun, not a life challenge.


The OP is kinda right, trying to be different, from what works, is never a real good idea. It's not that people want another wow clone, but ignoring things because they were in wow is kinda dumb. If someone sold me a car without wheels, because previous, successful cars had wheels, I'd be mad bro.


It's not about need, it's about comfort.



Plus, there is no obligation to use any of the things requested in this thread. If you don't want to use addons, macros or LFD, then don't. While you're at it, if you're so intent on making things harder, play blind folded with one hand too. Or play without a monitor and really convince us how much you own and we all need to l2p. :D


I wept a little as I read that. Again that mentality is what slowed down Rift. If they want to play a game with Archaic concepts then go play them. I want what belongs in a Modern MMORPG.

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I was told this game was WoW + better story + better crafting + no grinding. It is WoW - customization - end game - addons - good pvp - arena - LFD + space combat + voice overs + interactive story... That's all. So many negatives not enough positives. Looking forward to when this game gets better.


Neither eloquent nor flashy, but this point is concise and spot-on.

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So you wanna know my suggestion? Go back to the game you enjoy instead of forcing yourself to play a game you don't. Why would you forcefully play a game you don't enjoy anyway?


I have the same sentiments as the OP. The reason why I am still playing is because I paid $60 for 1 included month of amusement. However, once this 1 month is over, I'll go back to WoW because...this game blows. There is no other way to describe it. Trust me, I'll be gone after the free month is over, and so will half the people who bought this game. There is absolutely nothing here that makes paying $15 a month worth it.


You know as well as I that there is no where to go but down in subscriber numbers. Maybe I'll be back in 6 months to gloat with links to news of merged servers and low subscriber numbers. You know it. I know it. Don't delude yourself.

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The wow freaks come out at night.. and I am one of them.. Is it sad that he took the time to rant and rave about all of this? hell yes it is. But I feel his pain. I have to agree with every one of his posts. I am enjoying this game so far, but I don't know how long the honeymoon will last. And don't kid yourselves. The majority of the player base DID play and DID at ONE POINT enjoy wow and its features. Does that mean I am going to play panda monk adventures? HELL NO. But I sure hope SWTOR takes its place, and the only way to do that honestly is to follow in (look away) Blizzard's footsteps.
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I've heard pandas will know how to Kung-fu. Cant wait.


More seriously, even when all the missing things will be added to TOR, and when all the bugs will be corrected, when TOR will be WoW in space, the difference between WoW and TOR will remain obvious:

TOR is star wars. They technically (IP) and lore wise cant do whatever they want, TOR has to remain star wars.

While on the other hand WoW is whatever Blizzard want it to be.

They wanted Kung-fu pandas in it?! Fine, they put Pandas in it.

If they want to add pink flying turtles riding giant ants using a spit mechanic to kill their opponents, WoW will have that.


Nothign wroing in my humble opinion in having WoW in space, technically speaking, as long as TOR remains "Star Wars" and do not go the road WoW has taken...the "my name is Jim, I'm 6, almost 7, and I write stupid stories I publish as WoW-lore and it's so koool lololol!"

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I wanted something new and innovative, I wasn't waiting for WOW with lightsabers.

But Bioware went for making WOW with lightsabers, it's their decision so they might as well get it right and go all the way.


I first though OP's post was well a bit silly, but sadly he makes a good point.

People just don't like to accept this.


So yes I want


Add ons



Customizable UI

LFG tool (not xrealm)

Guild perks

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. Trust me, I'll be gone after the free month is over, and so will half the people who bought this game. There is absolutely nothing here that makes paying $15 a month worth it.


You know as well as I that there is no where to go but down in subscriber numbers. Maybe I'll be back in 6 months to gloat with links to news of merged servers and low subscriber numbers. You know it. I know it. Don't delude yourself.


This man speaks many truths, finally someone who knows what he's talking about!


No >>>----arrow---> to the knee for you, Sir!

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Yes you bunch of lazy pro LFD people keep trying to force stuff down our throats


Nobody forces you to use macros. Nor addons. Or a LFD tool.


Would you use them if they were present? Probably. Why? To maximize your performance. Maximizing performance down to every last milisecond because you've got a more functional debuff-timer > squinting your eyes hard trying to make it right. Oh, and it's harder too. Just not on your eyes.

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We will make it all happen: LFD, Addons, macro's. Prolly even faction change in a more distant future. Deny and fight it all you want. This game belongs to us now.


We'll make it succesfull. EA/Bioware will cater to us, true mmo players (most of us pro/elite).


Thank you Bioware for bringing in Addons, macro's and LFD. Finally a wise decision!


I cannot decide if this post is serious or full of sarcasm.


in case its serious, I do hope that you will not succeed, becasue your success will mean ruination of the game. WoW is like 3d technology. it was pretty fun at first, but now its getting ridiculous and instead of encouraging creativity and diversity its all same old, with 3d glasses.


you are not a "true MMO player" you are locust, devouring anything in your pass, leaving shambles and ruins behind you.

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Nobody forces you to use macros. Nor addons. Or a LFD tool.


Would you use them if they were present? Probably. Why? To maximize your performance. Maximizing performance down to every last milisecond because you've got a more functional debuff-timer > squinting your eyes hard trying to make it right. Oh, and it's harder too. Just not on your eyes.



Spot on!! +9000 agree

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You fail to realize what a game is. A game is not rated after the # of subscribers (and definately not by the amount of Chinese subscribers as WoW is currently).

Two of the most fun MMOs I have played over the last 12 years have been really small in regards to subscribers, but they had amazing communities and gameplay that had me hooked for hours, days, weeks and months on end. (Earth & Beyond and Horizons)


Yeah, I played WoW from before open Beta and thoroughly enjoyed it up and through TBC. After that point it became too watered down in order to keep catering to the masses and it lost most of it's earlier profile imho.


Sure there will be additions in swtor eventually in regards to macros, addons and so on, but I've been around since before any game had those features and can manage to have fun regardless. I know how to spot the slackers without a parser and how to get a group without an LFD tool. Maybe you should try harder ? :)



This is a bunch of Nonsense. How many times have you seen I played WOW for 5,6,7 years on the Forums? I personally played for 6. I played Vanguard. I played Rift. I'm now here. It's not like I don't have a frame of reference. WOW is the best end of story. Has any other MMO maintained at least a 3 year subscriber base ove even 3 million released before or after WOW. I think Lineage 2 is the only other MMO that's hit 2 million. Why the hec are people so against things that will obviously make the game successful.


Yes you are just the Leetest MMO player ever*sarcasm*. You claim to be and yet you clearly have no understanding of what makes a great MMORPG.

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Really? Why should they pander to your every whim when we all know players like you will be off like a shot when it's too much like wow, because it's too much likw wow.


There is clearly only one game out there that will keep you happy.


Your missing his point. And its a good one. of the millions of MMO players out there a huge majority play wow and know wow. Blizzard have had 7 years to improve things to a point where whilst there were still issues (all the people all the time etc etc) they had a good balance. SWTOR has gone live with some really basic stuff just plain missing. This is due to a need to get the game out there.


I would actually go further and say that the lack of macros\addons will not kill the game, the input lag, the really invasive bugs and the dawning realisation in the community that this is not a proper MMO could be the nails in its coffin.

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