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Why The Old Republic succeeded...


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It succeeded because I am having a blast and love the gameplay, look, and feel of the game. I love crafting, having companions and learning about their story. I think the gear has a great look and I am psyched when I get new gear. I love that I can find orange quality in styles I like that I can mod out and wear it till endgame.


Did I mention Space Combat? I freaking love it. Barrel rolling a ship through meteor fields blasting enemy ships is amazing fun. Pvp is also really fun. Huttball as a jedi knight with force leap is just amazing xD.



I am not on the forums a lot but when I pop in I see a lot on negative nancys and I think I should try to post my experience because not everyone is a sad panda. The people having fun playing aren't on the forums as much because they are busy with RL or playing.


For me, in my opinion, swtor is a great success. I am excited to see where it goes from here.


TLDR: SWTOR Succeeded for me because I love it, my friends love it, and we are having a blast.

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Let's see how many of you stay 'impressed' after you all hit the level cap and take full notice of how bland and boring this garbage is, and start to suffer the full extent of the bugs, sure they MIGHT fix it, but the damage has already been done, mediocre game and you know it, i liked it at first but being promised a new innovative mmo experience, only to be handed generic crap on a platter, dull mmo is dull.


This game doesent just have bugs, the gimmik gets old, at least rift tryed to do something different, bioware just thinks we are idiots thinking this game would be half decent in our eyes.

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Let's see how many of you stay 'impressed' after you all hit the level cap and take full notice of how bland and boring this garbage is, and start to suffer the full extent of the bugs, sure they MIGHT fix it, but the damage has already been done, mediocre game and you know it, i liked it at first but being promised a new innovative mmo experience, only to be handed generic crap on a platter, dull mmo is dull.


This game doesent just have bugs, the gimmik gets old, at least rift tryed to do something different, bioware just thinks we are idiots thinking this game would be half decent in our eyes.


umm translation " I didnt like it so you shouldnt". Wrong, I love what they've done so far, maybe thats because I didnt have unrealistic expectations.

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It succeeded because I am having a blast and love the gameplay, look, and feel of the game.


Oh ok. I thought the game sucked, but it's good to know the game has succeeded because you are having a blast.


McDonald's is the best restaurant in the world for everyone too because you have a blast when you eat their food.

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Expecting a half decent working game after all the hype they pushed out is unrealistic expectations?


They spent more effort promoting the game with fancy trailors than actually giving us a polished game, sure all games have bugs, but swtor doesent just have some bugs, everywhere you look you can spot retarded bugs that hinder basic gameplay.


Im not sorry i wasted money on buying this game, im sorry i believed bioware's lies.

Edited by Pupulus
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IMO, I feel like I'm leveling a character in WoW with some voice overs and that's it. Don't get me wrong I like WoW, but after a while I'm getting that grinding feeling and all the hype of this game led me to believe it would be so much different but it isn't. I'm glad you are having fun though! I'm still going to play because there are some points where I don't feel like I'm grinding. Edited by Bantic
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Agreed im loving the game. And despite people mentioning all the bugs that make this game supposedly unplayable. I havent had a single bug that has hindered me from actually playing the game. Sure ive logged off mid class quest and had to reset the class quest but that is the extent of it.


Im level 45 as well so ive played a fair amount of the game and i doubt the game is suddenly going to break for me in these last 5 levels.


People saying things like "bugs that make this game unplayable" are clearly exxagerating, ive played 2 characters up to level 20 and one up to level 45 and i cant even count the bugs ive experienced on one hand. The one that comes to mind is the turret quest on nar shadaa but even that if you just do it for 5-6 turret the quest completes anyways so it wasnt even really an issue.


I dont understand why all these people are still here complaining in the forums if theyve quit or unsubb'd already. Ah well these forums will become exponentially better within the next month when most peoples free months are up and they cant post here anymore.


Well im sure it will still be bad, look at the wow forums, maybe not as many complaints but there is still alot and its still pretty bad. Just goes to show how the forums really are a very vocal minority (whether it be someone saying something positive or negative) but its very true that someone with a negative experience is far more likely to come here and post then someone with a positive experience. So thanks OP for being one of those people who came on here to share your positive experience. I certainly appreciate it.

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Let's see how many of you stay 'impressed' after you all hit the level cap and take full notice of how bland and boring this garbage is, and start to suffer the full extent of the bugs, sure they MIGHT fix it, but the damage has already been done, mediocre game and you know it, i liked it at first but being promised a new innovative mmo experience, only to be handed generic crap on a platter, dull mmo is dull.


This game doesent just have bugs, the gimmik gets old, at least rift tryed to do something different, bioware just thinks we are idiots thinking this game would be half decent in our eyes.


Hey, just because you skipped all the good parts and went to the least developed part of the game (that, by the time we get to it, will be much more developed) doesnt mean the game is crap...

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This game owns in my eyes. And the only reason I picked it up was the Story element. As other MMO's forget about that, I love that Bioware did not.


Ill probably lvl all the classes at some point.


Either way, good job Bioware :D


Im going to level every class too, and probably some sub classes as well because different choices really can give you a vastly different experience. Daniel (lead writer) said at launch that choices yoou make in act 1 can effect your story in act 3, not to mention just deciding to go light side instead of dark side, or picking up diplomacy and going neutral for the quests :D


So many options also 5 companions with their own storylines and quests, i just finished travelling back to coruscant to try and save corso riggs cousin from becoming involved with a gang lol.


This video gets me excited every time , hes so passionate about his game :D



Edited by Samborino
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This game is working for me. I think however, once I hit fifty and have played through all the flashpoints once, I'll be done with my knight. Luckily, their are seven other classes to explore.


I intend to play each class at least once, and by the time I have, we'll probably have lots of new content.

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Oh ok. I thought the game sucked, but it's good to know the game has succeeded because you are having a blast.


McDonald's is the best restaurant in the world for everyone too because you have a blast when you eat their food.




ign gave it a 9.0 thats an amazing score for an mmo. pc gamer also gave it a 93% once again an incredible score for an mmo. the lowest review it has received is 80% so far. and 2 million plus subscribers and you dont think the game has succeeded? right...

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A lot can be said about SW:TOR both positive and negative, it is a game I have really enjoyed the leveling experience in up to 50. The game did not at one point feel like a grind as the story sucked you in and made things interesting. Few games have achieved something similar. The dialogue options have been quite god and seems to have an impact on your gaming experience also. The launch is amongst the smoothest I have sen for an MMO and it was really a great success. SW:TOR is in many aspects a very good game and I do enjoy it. I just hit 50 yesterday so know the game starts over with endgame content and collecting the datacrons from the planets. I easy see that I will subscribe atleast one more month to experience the game at endlevel and see what it has in the book for me.


The dissapointing things are also present


1) Space combat is simply not as fun as it could have been, it's a rail shooter that feels like it has just been added to meet the demands of all people who wanted to have some kind of space things also. I would have loved if they made space combat more like JTL expansion for SWG or even better more or less how Tie fighter space combat was. With the possibility to group up and do quests and fight for control in space player vs player. As it is now it feels like it was just added to the game to satisfy the people who demanded space combat. The movement is extremely limited, you can barrel roll to avoid being hit and move your ship a few meter to here and there. Some might find that fun, but as a player who have loved games like Free Space 2, Tie fighter series, it simply feels as the potential it could have been haven't really been touched at all.


2) Your spaceship and how useful it is, at the moment it is more or less your home base. This is where your companions hang out, where you utilize the holo deck and communicate with quest givers etc. But why cannot your crew go and pick you up from planets? You can use the quick travel, you can use your fleet pass and all of these are shuttles picking you up, but using your spaceship for something similar seems to be impossible. This means you do a lot of running back and forth to get from point A to B, it's not really a problem, but it is a tad annoying that you have to spend time on travel you could have avoided. Travel on planet from point A to B on the same planet is not an issue, I'm more thinking about if you want to go fro Tattoine to Imperial fleet or to Hoth or whatever.


3) Bugs, bugs, bugs and more bugs. I do not expect a MMO to be bugfree at launch, it's simply not possible. But some bugs are worse then others, like the bug where you cannot delete quests from your questbook. The UI bug where suddenly your UI stops working, that happens quite often for me and is really annoying. There are other smaller bugs, like monsters that you cannot attack, monsters that for some reason evade even tho you are standing on top of them. The bugs will be removed in the patches so this problem will go away sooner or later


SW:TOR has had a great launch, no doubt about that, now the real challenge come and that is if they will be able to keep their playerbase. Endgame content has to be good for people wanting to continue, yes they could simply make a new character and level that one as the story will be different. However with every MMO you have 2 games, the one that is the leveling experience which Bioware did amazingly well, and the one that starts at endgame which I'm about to experience. I don't expect endgame quantity as for instance WoW has, because WoW is an old game by now with 3 expansions under it's wings and thus has a lot of end game content. I do hope bosses are something different then the majority of tank'n'spank I have experienced so far. A few bosses proved a challenge, majority so far was simply boring and uninteresting. If that is the case for end game stuff also, then I don't see myself bothering much with this game group/raidwise. I'm an old SWG player and I do like the Star Wars setting, SWG had some qualities that SW:TOR misses, and SW:TOR have some qualities SWG was missing. I just hope that the game is able to give good fun at end game also, but time will tell. :)

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Hey, just because you skipped all the good parts and went to the least developed part of the game (that, by the time we get to it, will be much more developed) doesnt mean the game is crap...


Pfft, Please, i did every single quest, all bonus series, all datacrons, i didnt skip anything i gave the game a chance, When you get to lvl 50 and start to notice the full extent of the garbage bioware has put out you will understand, if you dont then enjoy this piece of crap for what it is...i eventully got fed up of doing the lvl 50 dungeons and not even being able to finish them, lets not forget killing hard modes with the chest staying locked...awesome bioware...i wanted to love this game but sadly you cant love a game full of lies.


So what do they patch first? adding emotes to speeders? fixing crap that shouldent come before the more serious bugs...its going to be months before they even fix the important stuff i bet you it happens, so im going to stay subbed for months not being able to do endgame due to them being incompetent.,.yea fking watch me...

Edited by Pupulus
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I don't get it.


If you enjoyed the game up to level 50, why try to ruin the entire experience for everyone who isn't 50 yet?


Sure, whatever, the game after less than a month isn't as fun at the level cap as WoW is after almost 7 years. Does that mean you have to get mad at the people who haven't gotten to 50 yet who are saying that game is good?


Does that mean that it's a **** game? To the people saying that the bugs are one of the main reasons that they're leaving, TOR is an MMO.

Big worlds with lots of players, yeah it's gonna be buggy. Do you know what else is buggy? Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. That isn't even multiplayer and it has actual major gamebreaking bugs in certain areas if you're unlucky.


Seriously, complaining about a game to a certain extent is a very good thing. Changes can be made that are beneficial to all concerned. Saying it's a bad game because there isn't a huge amount to do when you hit the level cap before the game has been out for a month, however, is sort of crossing the line between constructive criticism and hateful QQ at a full sprint, never looking back.

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I'm only playing this game because the BioWare name and the Star Wars name got some real life friends who I've never had the chance to play MMOs with before into one with me.


I thought they liked the game, so I kept my mouth shut, but it turns out they don't even think it's that good, and they've never played MMORPGs before. All six of us are probably going to cancel our accounts once they've gone through the game and seen how the story ends.


Maybe we'll enjoy running the heroic flashpoints together or forming a raiding group, but I'm not holding out much for that, and honestly, I couldn't really care less.


To me, SW:TOR is an okay game, but it's not one that really inspires loyalty or much feeling. Sometimes it's hard to walk away from an MMO... this won't really be one of them.

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User Review land is not so rosy.


Obviously user reviews arent so friendly (they arent even really reviews your basically talking about all the complaints in the forums, and maybe some bitter people on gamespot)


but honestly anyone enjoying the game is doing exactly that, enjoying the game, anyone who isnt has time to spare and is trolling around these forums trying to validate their oppinion on why they hate the game and convince as many people as possible to join them


Why do these people feel the need to try and bring everyone down with them? It makes sense that people who are playing this game will want to convince other people to play, but why do these people feel the need to try and convince everyone this game sucks, if you dont like it thats fine, leave some constructive critiscm before you leave and hope for the best in the future, but saying the same thing over and over again about how the game sucks is just sad. Move on, get a life. Its way more sad to spend time complaining about an mmo than it is to play one , i know that much.

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If you trust review sites to decide if a game is good or not then i pity you.


Yea because trusting bitter users who wish this was more polished like wow. Is alot more trustworthy than trusting people who actually you know review games for a living.... and go through every aspect of the game and break it down in a proffesional manner and organized manner. Rather than babbling their brains out on forums in an unconstructive manner and hating on anyone who disagrees with them / trying to convince others who are enjoying the game why they should hate it.


I have no problem with people posting constructive critiscms on their likes and dislikes of the game. Sadly the negative posts like that are very few and far between.

Edited by Samborino
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