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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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That is one of the most ridiculous responses I have ever seen. Telling us hes circulating his response around the departments to make sure hes put the right "spin" on things...good god.


Not necessarily. It could be as simple as 'I'm not 100% sure I'm understanding and explaining this right, so I'll make sure before I put my foot in my mouth and have to fix it after the fact.


As for getting it signed off on, they almost certainly have to do that before making any kind of public announcement, regardless of content or what it concerns.

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That is one of the most ridiculous responses I have ever seen. Telling us hes circulating his response around the departments to make sure hes put the right "spin" on things...good god.


Indeed.. I'm sure they think its quite the joke. and i'm betting we're not going to get the answer we want , if we get an answer at all. I'm sure it's all on purpose and "insert technical babble here" and we'll just have to wait and see if it's ever going to get fixed, just like the junk engine the game is built on (my next char will be named Darth Framedrop or Darth Stutterfps).


Anyway , lets hope for the best.. because this game DOES have the potential to be great . everyone can see it , lets hope the dev's do too.

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I do hope that the statement will say what the plan is besides just explaining why it is not on. if it is something that won't be fixed/implemented any time soon than we need to know. Otherwise there are just going to be a million "when are we getting these" threads.


If we just need to accept medium as the new high for the foreseeable future, just please tell us. Please don't say vague "well we will look at" or "we would like to fix" statements.

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That is one of the most ridiculous responses I have ever seen. Telling us hes circulating his response around the departments to make sure hes put the right "spin" on things...good god.


lol yea, prepare for a big wall of text saying and resolving absolutely nothing.


if there was anything positive for us in it they would just say it, so prepare for an upcoming storm of PR bs.

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This strikes me more as him not wanting to talk about stuff that isn't his department. He has to make the statement, but it's on a subject that is not his domain--better that everyone in the relevant departments agrees that X is or isn't the case first, than he spout his mouth off with something that wasn't what they meant.


Has no one worked on a team before? Sheesh.

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I want high res textures...


though, i want high-res ENVIRONMENT textures!


The envriomental textures in this game, as with the armor, are godawful.



I wish people would stop taking his words out of context. Thats a load of rubbish. He even stated that MOST people who were reporting problems, NOT ALL had lower specced computers.


Read thoroughly.


I did read thoroughly. Maybe you, along with Ohlen, should actually read the forums more thoroughly. Most people posting about performance issues are doing so because they have a low spec PC and are getting lower performance than they expect? Bull. Most are posting because they have a high spec PC and are getting ridiculously low performance. This is entirely aside from the texture issues.

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If it is something that not gonna be implemented at all then they might as well just remove all the in game closeup pics they have of the classes and substitute them with the actual current models. If they are going to get someday fix the issue then they should call the current textures what they actually are, medium. Do what they did in the beta and have the option for high blacked out so you cant pick it, like they did with AA. See how many people will start sending them feedback on the issue then.
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I share the same feeling of dread. I have a terrible feeling we are just gonna get a elaborate excuse tomorrow(or the day after possibly) about how we cant have high res textures and we should forget em. Edited by LGalucard
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I did read thoroughly. Maybe you, along with Ohlen, should actually read the forums more thoroughly. Most people posting about performance issues are doing so because they have a low spec PC and are getting lower performance than they expect? Bull. Most are posting because they have a high spec PC and are getting ridiculously low performance. This is entirely aside from the texture issues.


You are correct, sir.


I'm running far beyond recommended specs and the game runs , sometimes very good , but other times it's just horrible. I get a 9% gpu load in Vaiken space station. that tells enough.


Not to mention the fact that there are *serious* graphical glitches , like shadows that arent working in Dromund Kaas (big square under players without shadowing on high settings) , texture glitches, rainbow effects and what not. there is something really wrong with the graphics engine and people with high end rigs are paying the price for it.

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This strikes me more as him not wanting to talk about stuff that isn't his department. He has to make the statement, but it's on a subject that is not his domain--better that everyone in the relevant departments agrees that X is or isn't the case first, than he spout his mouth off with something that wasn't what they meant.


Has no one worked on a team before? Sheesh.


For once me and you agree.


I totally understand where he is ocming from.


He isnt an Art guy, or a programmer. He probably has no idea and wants to make sure he doesnt say anything stupid.

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This strikes me more as him not wanting to talk about stuff that isn't his department. He has to make the statement, but it's on a subject that is not his domain--better that everyone in the relevant departments agrees that X is or isn't the case first, than he spout his mouth off with something that wasn't what they meant.


Has no one worked on a team before? Sheesh.


Yeah, you just keep thumbing up Bioware.


If they took this issue seriously, why not make someone post here that actually has a clue what they are talking about? remember - this is ALSO what you are paying for. decent support. for a problem this big , i'm sure they could make an exception.. wouldnt you?

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I share the same feeling of dread. I have a terrible feeling we are just gonna get a elaborate excuse tomorrow(or the day after possibly) about how we have high res textures and we should forget em.


Then they'll get a short message back telling them to forget my money.


I don't have to play an MMO, it's just a fun thing to do.


I was impressed with the beta, you know... back when the game ran smooth and had AA, hi-rez textures and decent fps.


Wish they'd released that version instead.

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Yeah right.


I'm running a Core i5 750 @ 3.33 ghz, 12 gb ram and a 6950 2gb card and with everything maxxed out i'm getting HUGE framedrops and framespikes. and at the strangest moments , too. like when walking under a (ugly, not to mention) waterfall or looking at a bloomed object at close range. or when running through a station, it'll run fine one moment and then drop to 20 fps for NO reason , only to go back up again to 45-60 in 10 seconds..


Anyhow. i'm FAR beyond recommended specs and at some points, the performance is absolutely sub-par. I cant even remember running a game that ran this bad. and this is actually on a FRESH windows installation with the very latest drivers, application profiles and what not..


And then I havent even mentioned that all my other games run perfectly smooth, including one of today's heaviest games, Battlefield 3 (No framelag @ caspian border with 64 players) and that game looks a lot better (for comparison only) .


And that's what their big statement is going to be. Most people dont have the problem, so just update your drivers and stop whining. Be assured that the matter is kept under close watch. wait for another patch. We are looking into it.. same ****, different day.


I really LOVE the game, and that's what makes me so angry. that , even IF we are a minority, which I seriously doubt (my friends have similar pc's and none of their copy's is running good , at some points yes, but mostly mediocre) , we still have a right to get a decent explenation and a fix , because we are paying YOU , bioware. not the other way around.


Another thing.. What do you think this is ? some kind of joke, Bioware? people posting for days and days on end because they hate you? or dont like the game? we love it , that's what makes us post here.. we wouldnt if we thought the game was crap...


This thread is actually about high rez textures you know that right? Not your performance issues.


I'm sure there is another thread for that...

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This strikes me more as him not wanting to talk about stuff that isn't his department. He has to make the statement, but it's on a subject that is not his domain--better that everyone in the relevant departments agrees that X is or isn't the case first, than he spout his mouth off with something that wasn't what they meant.


Has no one worked on a team before? Sheesh.



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Hey all, I am here to apologize again... the good news is we have a draft of our response (you might be able to guess it's not a sentence or two) but I am circulating it internally to ensure my technical details are correct.


To give you an insight into our process here... as the Community team does with most big replies, I tracked down a variety of people on our client and art teams to get the facts on how the game works before putting the post together. As I'm representing those teams publicly, I want to ensure they're happy with what I'm saying on their behalf before I post it. They're busy people, so I'm just waiting on their sign-off right now.


I appreciate your patience and assuming we have sign-off this evening, you'll get our response tomorrow. If not, I accept the incoming rotten eggs. :)


What would be nice would be:


  • explanation what exactly is the problem
  • if any progress is being made to resolve it/how its going
  • roughly when/IF EVER we can expect to see high resolution in game

Edited by Crassius
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This strikes me more as him not wanting to talk about stuff that isn't his department. He has to make the statement, but it's on a subject that is not his domain--better that everyone in the relevant departments agrees that X is or isn't the case first, than he spout his mouth off with something that wasn't what they meant.


Has no one worked on a team before? Sheesh.


He is a community manager. Aka customer service boss. He manages the forum community. I wont presume to know what else he does but to my knowledge Steph is not a dev. All his info he gives us and his counter parts are based on intelligence gathered from the devs. So in essence, none of the developer process is his domain besides bestowing info to us.

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This thread is actually about high rez textures you know that right? Not your performance issues.


I'm sure there is another thread for that...


I know that, but I have made posts about that as well in the past few pages. I have multiple issues with the game, this is one of them.


I'm just angry. frustrated like many of you.

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Core i7 930


Geforce GTX580 x 2 (SLI)

1920x1200, all settings at max

AntiAliasingLevel = 8 in the ini file


Runs smooth - no lag whatsoever. Textures look like crap though.



This whole mess reminds me of the Vanguard launch years ago. They used an extremely heavily modified Unreal (2, I think) engine, and had nothing but problems with lag, crashing, etc. Took them years to get it sorted out.

Edited by digitalfreak
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For once me and you agree.


I totally understand where he is ocming from.


He isnt an Art guy, or a programmer. He probably has no idea and wants to make sure he doesnt say anything stupid.


It certainly is true that he's making sure the post is polished before release (alas, were the same true of SWTOR we wouldn't be here having this discussion). But it does seem to be more stonewalling.


I'd like to know what is stopping the actual developers from jumping on here for five minutes and giving us their view.

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