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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Surely none of this can be true? It just can't be true. Remote rendering? ***? Is this some kind of research project or something? It must be because i cannot find another feasable reason to why they would implement such a system.


Maybe Lucas Arts forced them to do some kind of convoluted system to protect it's assets or something? It's all very strange to me.



That sounds completely obscene to me.

There is no way I can get my head around the abstract thinking this 'logic' would involve.


If that's the case, make them downloadable, make me agree to a EULA stating I won't reproduce/redistribute and slap a huge lawsuit threat on top of it, just do whatever, but at least give us the soddin' textures.

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Remote Renderer does not necessary mean it's outside your game client (PC). ;)


Aside from that people already did partially reconstructed the file headers and did filelists of said containers. The textures are there on your drive.


Remote checking if you should see the better quality seems pointless and dumb. After all you are seeing the full model and low-scaled texture already.



After all this could be just another handler / subprocess to detach rendering from other processes. Which would be actual ...smart. Given how many other games chocke when faced with streaming high rez textures.


From the writeup, remote rendering is used to protect the MODELS not the textures. The textures might come into play with it if they're somehow impeding the remote rendering process, but that'd be about it.

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From the writeup, remote rendering is used to protect the MODELS not the textures. The textures might come into play with it if they're somehow impeding the remote rendering process, but that'd be about it.


Which would make no difference to our topic about textures, because you do see the same model and not a better version during cut scenes. So either a dead lead about a system which should not bother us (with texture issues).


And if the "remote" render is the culprit because it somehows delays proper texture loading it needs to be fixed but the remote render isn't an issue per se.


I don't see how we can gain from this. After all BW should finally step up and get an ETA on a FIX.


Edited by -sasori
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But it doesnt protect anything I'm sure as someone else mentioned that theres many out there who still have the beta assets on their external HD's as just copy and pasting the Bioware folder was the most efficient way to get the client on multiple computers.


I just last week deleted the folder from my external I'm gonna attempt a recovery and see if those remoterendeer files exist back then.

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Which would make no difference to our topic about textures, because you do see the same model and not a better version during cut scenes. So either a dead lead about a system which should not bother us (with texture issues).


And if the "remote" render is the culprit because it somehows delays proper texture loading it needs to be fixed but the remote render isn't an issue per se.




I'm actually speculating that the reduction in texture quality is to reduce load on/caused by the remote renderer. If the high res textures somehow made it so that the remote renderer couldn't keep up, it would easily explain why they've chosen to disable them.


It would also explain why the people in beta didn't notice a performance hit: the beta client between the two weekend tests I did dropped in size by better than 10GB. If they didn't start using the remote renderer until the very end of the beta, and then disabled the high res textures simultaneously with adding the remote renderer AND removing a large chunk of the assets to the server... Also about the time the NDA was lifted wasn't it?

Edited by Tiron_Raptor
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I actually read..half of that (with that much text i am proud i read half).


basicly you said thisgame should look like it was made in 2012 and be amazing. yeah i agree. out of the 3 or 4 major reasons i unsubscribed this is one of them. game looks like junk.


u wont be missed then, fanboys and self entitlement junkies on this thread need to realize , software doesnt magically get fixed because you whine the loudest and threaten to quit, nevermind that they are not getting A SINGLE CENT OUT OF YOU YET REGARDLESS so your I QUIT rants are pretty stupid ...



yall need to learn some friggin patience, and also , you need to lear to play an mmo because of the SUBSTANCE not EYE CANDY .


I think its sad that people here act like blurry jedi tshirts are the end of the world and the game is downright unplayable because of it, you people make me sick

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To all those people raging at Stephen, I'd just like to say a few things.


Firstly, he's not a developer. He's not 100% up on all of the technical details involved. So he's trying to make sure that his response gets the okay from people who DO understand those details before he posts.


Two, he's fundamentally honest. While I doubt many people here have met him and gone out to dinner with him, it is unfair to ascribe malicious motives on the basis of our own fears. Yes, he has to toe the corporate line, but I trust his personal integrity enough to know that he would not LIE to us.


Thirdly, his job is essentially to make us, the players, happy. Or as happy as possible, even in the face of bad news. He is well aware that this means he has to provide us with accurate information that is as up-to-date as possible, so that if the news IS bad, he can explain what is being done to resolve it.


So, please, don't shoot the messenger for trying his damnedest to give us what we want and need to make an informed decision about our feelings towards this game and the company that develops it.


Give the man a break. He's one of the good guys.

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To all those people raging at Stephen, I'd just like to say a few things.


Firstly, he's not a developer. He's not 100% up on all of the technical details involved. So he's trying to make sure that his response gets the okay from people who DO understand those details before he posts.


Two, he's fundamentally honest. While I doubt many people here have met him and gone out to dinner with him, it is unfair to ascribe malicious motives on the basis of our own fears. Yes, he has to toe the corporate line, but I trust his personal integrity enough to know that he would not LIE to us.


Thirdly, his job is essentially to make us, the players, happy. Or as happy as possible, even in the face of bad news. He is well aware that this means he has to provide us with accurate information that is as up-to-date as possible, so that if the news IS bad, he can explain what is being done to resolve it.


So, please, don't shoot the messenger for trying his damnedest to give us what we want and need to make an informed decision about our feelings towards this game and the company that develops it.


Give the man a break. He's one of the good guys.



His job is to take the heat, that's what he signed up for, and that's what he's getting. I'm sure it's not an easy job, but you gotta pay rent hey!

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Some of the people here really need to chill.

Many in this thread are being very constructive and are adding to quality discussion while some are just spilling their venomous poison and not having anything smart to say in the process, some of those probably didn't even notice this issue until they ran into this topic and are now immensely loud.


Bottom line is this will be fixed there is no doubt about it, it is just a question of when.

I for one don't have any problem with waiting for it to happen because i already enjoy this game.

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Bottom line is this will be fixed there is no doubt about it, it is just a question of when.

I for one don't have any problem with waiting for it to happen because i already enjoy this game.


Some people don't like to wait for something that's obviously missing while still paying for the product.

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u wont be missed then, fanboys and self entitlement junkies on this thread need to realize , software doesnt magically get fixed because you whine the loudest and threaten to quit, nevermind that they are not getting A SINGLE CENT OUT OF YOU YET REGARDLESS so your I QUIT rants are pretty stupid ...



yall need to learn some friggin patience, and also , you need to lear to play an mmo because of the SUBSTANCE not EYE CANDY .


I think its sad that people here act like blurry jedi tshirts are the end of the world and the game is downright unplayable because of it, you people make me sick


How about adding people like you that seem to think that only their opinion matters,


you don't mind " blurry jedi tshirts ", well some people do, its their opinion, their choice and since they pay their subscription same as you, you have the right to your opinion but not to tell others that their opinion is any less valid than yours.


So if people have a different opinion than you, they make you sick. What does that make you exactly.


He's not the only one that wouldn't be missed.

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Some of the people here really need to chill.

Many in this thread are being very constructive and are adding to quality discussion while some are just spilling their venomous poison and not having anything smart to say in the process, some of those probably didn't even notice this issue until they ran into this topic and are now immensely loud.


Bottom line is this will be fixed there is no doubt about it, it is just a question of when.

I for one don't have any problem with waiting for it to happen because i already enjoy this game.


Will this change effect average FPS in the game? Should i be worried?

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Hey all, I am here to apologize again... the good news is we have a draft of our response (you might be able to guess it's not a sentence or two) but I am circulating it internally to ensure my technical details are correct.


To give you an insight into our process here... as the Community team does with most big replies, I tracked down a variety of people on our client and art teams to get the facts on how the game works before putting the post together. As I'm representing those teams publicly, I want to ensure they're happy with what I'm saying on their behalf before I post it. They're busy people, so I'm just waiting on their sign-off right now.


I appreciate your patience and assuming we have sign-off this evening, you'll get our response tomorrow. If not, I accept the incoming rotten eggs. :)


ok hopefully you come back with an answer like: it will be fixed with next patch. thx for your effort though!

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Will this change effect average FPS in the game? Should i be worried?


When the high resolution textures start working properly it will impact the FPS to some extent of course, for those who don't own high end PC's, those who do wont have any problems.


But adjustments can always be made, for example turn on high textures, but put shadows to low, or lower AA from 4 to 2.

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ok hopefully you come back with an answer like: it will be fixed with next patch. thx for your effort though!


I wouldn't bet on it, given the response made. He's either figuring out the flowery wording of 'won't be fixed', or he's making sure everyone has their will in order for all the SW fanatics who bought the game, that live within striking range of them, when they say it. :p

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There is no reason for the High textures to not be implemented, they are allready in the game, they are just not present outside of cutscenes which is very odd. I always wonder how come games like Skyrim and such are released with sub par textures, then some modder manages to release much higher textures for the game and I notice no more than a 1-3 fps hit from the much, much better textures. Are developers just awfull at making textures or what is the deal?
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There is no reason for the High textures to not be implemented, they are allready in the game, they are just not present outside of cutscenes which is very odd. I always wonder how come games like Skyrim and such are released with sub par textures, then some modder manages to release much higher textures for the game and I notice no more than a 1-3 fps hit from the much, much better textures. Are developers just awfull at making textures or what is the deal?


1 word:



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u wont be missed then, fanboys and self entitlement junkies on this thread need to realize , software doesnt magically get fixed because you whine the loudest and threaten to quit, nevermind that they are not getting A SINGLE CENT OUT OF YOU YET REGARDLESS so your I QUIT rants are pretty stupid ...



yall need to learn some friggin patience, and also , you need to lear to play an mmo because of the SUBSTANCE not EYE CANDY .


I think its sad that people here act like blurry jedi tshirts are the end of the world and the game is downright unplayable because of it, you people make me sick


Ya you make me sick, gamers like you are why they get away with crap in the first place...go away...really.


It's always be patient, they're aware, they're fixing it, game just came out, so on and so on, if they don't fix the textures I won't subscribe past the 3 months I have already, I refuse to look at muddled textures for hours on end especially on MAIN characters. Judging by the size of this thread I'm not the only one. I never played the beta and pretty much just picked this up on impulse, the FIRST thing I noticed were textures and alaising, and was dumbfounded that there were no settings for alaising. If your happy playing on your Dell with low textures that's fine, I'm not, and I'll let my money do the talking.

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I'd prefer they fix the performance issues, especially in operations.. The server side lag there is horrible.. Having 60 FPS with a 2 second ability delay is no fun. They can fix the eye candy after.. textures should be low priority.


Everything is low priority @ Bioware.

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I'd prefer they fix the performance issues, especially in operations.. The server side lag there is horrible.. Having 60 FPS with a 2 second ability delay is no fun. They can fix the eye candy after.. textures should be low priority.


1. Wrong!

2. YOUR opinion

3. Majority of players don't do OPS (yet)

4. Peeps like you make sure we won't get fixes.

5. Amen!

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