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Why won't 1.1 have dungeon finder?


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Spamming the general chat is sooooooo "talking to people". Jupp, you get sooooo many friends by spamming LFG xxxxxxxx flashpoint.


Like a blind man who never saw the sun, didn't you ever actually tried to think about alternate ways to ask to people ? Whispering, chatting, friend listing ... ?


And more generally, how is it so hard to put the same energy at writing long sensationalist texts like that than at trying to find different ways to form a group ?


You LFD people a paradox by yourself : you don't want to talk to people ingame, but you've never been so vocal than in those forum topics. LOL

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Because this is a different game and we dont want the stench of a corpse ( WoW) to infect this game with that LFD tool that destroys the community of servers


Guess you are as blind as a bat. This game is a WoW clone as it is. You alredy have the "stench" of WoW all over the game.


And no, the LFD did not ruin the game, a lot of things put to gether did. Include the CROSS-SERVER LFD, not the server-only LFD.

Edited by Mamono
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Why are you so insulting? I have not said a single negative word to you.


I am saying the same thing over again because its a very valid point. You are also wrong, using the LFD is never mandatory. You can still group with your guild and friends. How does the LFD impact that?


I grouped with my guild all the time, just used the LFD if no one else was around.


because i believe that you are an idiot.


have a nice night, im out.

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NOBODY uses the LFG in game; It's garbage. It's pointless and hard to read (you can only read 3 words at most). The fact there is an LFG comment proves that Bioware realized there was a need for a mechanism to facilitate grouping, but they were too lazy to implement it correctly.

Sadly this...

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The point is that you reduce the wait time for a flashpoint a LOT for people. People dont have to be in the station and spam the general chat, they can actually be out there questing and farming, playing the game while he waits for the flashpoint.

Staying at the station spaming the general chat with LFG is not "getting friends". It is simply dead play time.

Only fanbois and trolls think it is good for the game having people waiting for an houre to get flashpoint.


I was asking him what his point is in opposing the tool, you're arguing my point.


I do not understand the idea that "LFG This and this" is positive social interaction and adds to the community, it's just that, a more slow and more annoying way of doing exactly what the tool does. If the tool is server specific, which should be more than enough in a game this new, you would be able to talk with people and forge friendships just as before. You just get the group together in a faster, more efficient manner.

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Spamming the same 3 words (DPS LFG blahblah) over and over is not talking!


Congratulations ! you are now level 2 of 100 on the social ladder !


Hint : spamming like a robot is not what we anti-LFD call "socialising" either. Actually most of us don't have to spam more than 2 times in a row, as a matter of fact. STRANGE ISN'T IT ? :o

Edited by kineticdamage
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Like a blind man who never saw the sun, didn't you ever actually tried to think about alternate ways to ask to people ? Whispering, chatting, friend listing ... ?


And more generally, how is it so hard to put the same energy at writing long sensationalist texts like that than at trying to find different ways to form a group ?


You LFD people a paradox by yourself : you don't want to talk to people ingame, but you've never been so vocal than in those forum topics. LOL


Jupp, that helps, whispering random people asking them to do flashpoints.

And yes I talk to people in game. I talk to people in the general chat. I stand outside the flashpoint with the totally useless and stupid "LFG" thingy over my head.

What more do you want me to do? Use shouts and caps lock?



Think that will help?

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dont want to continue this flame war, but...


people posting in this thread would likely want to know about the OP in this one, if they don't already.


hell you guys can continue your flame war there if you'd like, just so long as more people read how to improve the current (poorly designed) dungeon tool.

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Jupp, that helps, whispering random people asking them to do flashpoints.

And yes I talk to people in game. I talk to people in the general chat. I stand outside the flashpoint with the totally useless and stupid "LFG" thingy over my head.

What more do you want me to do? Use shouts and caps lock?



Think that will help?


If you're regularly talking to people, having friends online, but still fail at finding groups in less than 10 minutes, then maybe the problem comes from you ... ?

Seeing how you're easily angry, that wouldn't surprise me, tbh.


Or how would you explain that so many of us don't have issues forming a group in no time ?

Edited by kineticdamage
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Congratulations ! you are now level 2 of 100 on the social ladder !


Hint : spamming like a robot is not what we anti-LFD call "socialising" either. Actually most of us don't have to spam more than 2 times in a row, as a matter of fact. STRANGE ISN'T IT ? :o


"I don't have a problem, so there's no problem." Strange isn't it.

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Of course you're not seeing it, if you don't search for it from the start ... That's what you LFD people don't understand...

Define "you LFD people"


See my above comment. As a matter of fact, my dungeons are always very chatty.

Social hint that also works irl : if you don't spark a bit of conversation, it never comes.

Hey you can even use this hint to approach a girl you have a crush on !

Appreciate the tips, even if they have the scent of venom. I'm not normally the one to just start talking; I'm concentrating on playing the game or having discussions with people I actually know (and care) about.



But it will be for sure more active on the gen chat than WoW. You can't argue with that.

Yes I can. And I did.


Non heroic guilds. Simple as that. And once again, arguing against that would prove you didn't follow your server's community.

Define non heroic guild.


Implementing a LFD isn't making an option, it's making as mandatory as a "give me loot now" button. It kills all the necessity to interact with others to reach a goal. The goal here being to form a group.

I thought the goal of a progression-loop based, PVE-centric MMORPG was to get the sword that lets you hit the next boss hard so you can get his sword. That certainly seems to be the case with this game; questing leads to Flashpoints, which lead to Hardmode Flashpoints, which lead to Operations, which lead to Hardmode Operations. If finding a group for the most basic level of grouping (Flashpoints) is meant to be a challenge then I am afraid that is a logic flaw in the very basic levels of game design.


Because this is a different game and we dont want the stench of a corpse ( WoW) to infect this game with that LFD tool that destroys the community of servers

First off, that corpse is still awfully fresh sitting pretty at over 10 million active subscribers as of November 2011.

Secondly, as someone else mentioned, most of the systems in this game are torn straight out of WoW so what does one more hurt? The developers themselves have said that WoW is one of their key inspirations.


Even if just 10% of the people don't like the LFD tool and spam chat instead, that's about 1000 people per server, many of those tanks and healers that could be in your party working towards completion, but instead choose to do things the faster and safer way for them ("healer and tank lf 2 dps", instant group with the ability to screen applicants), while the majority is waiting in a queue while grinding solo content.

Again, this comes across more of a community perception/general gameplay problem then really an issue with the LFD tool, and I don't think we should be blocking it's implementation with that in mind.

Like a blind man who never saw the sun, didn't you ever actually tried to think about alternate ways to ask to people ? Whispering, chatting, friend listing ... ?

I do all of these things and still prefer an LFD. I did all of these things in WoW and still maintain the LFD tool added in 3.3 was the best thing that happened to that game.

And more generally, how is it so hard to put the same energy at writing long sensationalist texts like that than at trying to find different ways to form a group ?


You LFD people a paradox by yourself : you don't want to talk to people ingame, but you've never been so vocal than in those forum topics. LOL

Games aren't forums. I could log on right now and play SWTOR but instead I am arguing (quite easily, might I add) for a feature that I'd like to see in a game I love to play. I decided that I finished DK and did Hammer Station, so I will hit Balmorra tomorrow when I can.

ok well i guess i can say it one more time and i will say it slow for you challenged ones in here with us tonight "A F T E R A F E W M O N T H ' S A N L F G T O O L B E C O M E S M A N D A T O R Y"


and as far as having enough people claiming there is a wait, i only see about 10 different people on this forum post claiming that so to me that is not very many considering the large number of player's in this game.

Really? In the 3 diferent threads on the front page of this board alone you can count only 10?

That doesn't include the other threads on other pages, in other boards, from past versions of the game, and the more casual players in the game. Stop standing in the way of progress with your willful ignorance.

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And no, the LFD did not ruin the game, a lot of things put to gether did. Include the CROSS-SERVER LFD, not the server-only LFD.


Of course not. People can't differentiate between "correlation" and "causation". I think that the masses are "ruining" community because of its lowest common denominator.


Every game that wants to attract a huge market has the same problem. WoW, LoL, TF2... you name it. A majority of players are just horrible ******es, but that is what you get.

Edited by GHeissi
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If you're regularly talking to people, having friends online, but still fail at finding groups in less than 10 minutes, then maybe the problem comes from you ... ?

Seeing how you're easily angry, that wouldn't surprise me, tbh.


Or how would you explain that so many of us don't have issues forming a group in no time ?


Because most of my friends in game is now LvL 50 and Im only 40.


I am mostly playing solo, with a few group ups now and then, but mostly solo because I do not have the same amount of play time as my friends.

And because it takes 30-60 min just to get a group, I mostly skipping flashpoints and heroics.

You can spam the local general chat for a heroic for a loong time while questing, sometimes you get lucky and gets a group, sometimes you are not that lucky. Im more often then not removing heroic quests because they have become gray.

Im questing and often out LvL the zone. And then I move to the next zone. Repeate.

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And because it takes 30-60 min just to get a group, I mostly skipping flashpoints and heroics.


Aye, this is my experience as well. While leveling it's simply not time efficient to do content the devs spent hundreds of hours working on because it simply takes too long or is too inconvenient. The times you put are exactly what I experience (30 minimum, 60 maximum) and I am genuinely curious to see if these people throwing around words like "10 minutes" or even "instantly" have done PVE beyond Black Talon.

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Define "you LFD people"


Well, people crying on the forums until they have a LFD.


Appreciate the tips, even if they have the scent of venom. I'm not normally the one to just start talking; I'm concentrating on playing the game or having discussions with people I actually know (and care) about.


No venom in here. I was once shy and introverted myself when I was a kid. Socialising is not a "you have it or not" type of skill. It requires to break the ice at first, and then it becomes fluent.


The main ice to break being that you can also care about people you don't know yet ... ;)


Define non heroic guild.


non Heroic Mode raiders.


I thought the goal of a progression-loop based, PVE-centric MMORPG was to get the sword that lets you hit the next boss hard so you can get his sword. That certainly seems to be the case with this game; questing leads to Flashpoints, which lead to Hardmode Flashpoints, which lead to Operations, which lead to Hardmode Operations. If finding a group for the most basic level of grouping (Flashpoints) is meant to be a challenge then I am afraid that is a logic flaw in the very basic levels of game design.


Sympathizing with strangers may be a challenge for people who are asking for a LFD tool, but believe me, once you made the jump in that socialising pool, this is easy as hell, and even better : it's fun and sometimes human enriching.

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Put it simple by a concrete example :

Since I have to ask in the gen chat for heroic missions, I'm far more attentive to that gen chat, therefore to other people I don't know yet.


It isn't rare at all that during a searching for group on genchat, some player says something unrelated, I friendly answer, and there another player kicks in, and etc until a real conversation starts off. Or someone says something funny, and there goes a 15-20 min of hilarious interventions by people I don't know.

I'm not lying : I do have a huge laughter at least once a day thanks to that kind of event on the genchat. With people I don't know at all.


A LFG tool would completely kills majority of people's attention to that tiny chat window. And all those moments linked to it. I know it, because it just happened in WoW.


That precise genchat experience with complete unknown people while leveling was what most mmo vets remember the most if you ask them.


Sympathizing with strangers is just priceless sometimes.

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Well, people crying on the forums until they have a LFD.

Well I guess that'd be me.

No venom in here. I was once shy and introverted myself when I was a kid. Socialising is not a "you have it or not" type of skill. It requires to break the ice at first, and then it becomes fluent.


The main ice to break being that you can also care about people you don't know yet ... ;)

I don't feel like I have to care enough to start up a conversation with a bunch of internet gamers. I just don't do that. I don't do it in shooters, strategy games, or MMO's. That being said I do the basics. If we do well, I say thanks for the group at the end and leave. If we do poorly or wipe I ask if anyone had problems then offer my strategy. I just don't feel like starting up random conversation. I feel like I have enough people in my guild either ingame, on vent, or even people in my real life social circles to do that, and for games it's mostly me relaxing and getting gear. Sorry if my approach seems "lower" than yours, but your feelings towards me aren't particularly important in this case.


non Heroic Mode raiders.

How were guild who had enough people to raid but not enough exceptional players to do heroics "killed" (using his words, not yours or mine) by the inclusion of the dungeon finder? I'm genuinely curious.

Sympathizing with strangers may be a challenge for people who are asking for a LFD tool, but believe me, once you made the jump in that socialising pool, this is easy as hell, and even better : it's fun and sometimes human enriching.

I can sympathize (and empathize) with people quite easily and am comfortable in social situations, I just don't view video games in that same light. See above.

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Put it simple by a concrete example :

Since I have to ask in the gen chat for heroic missions, I'm far more attentive to that gen chat, therefore to other people I don't know yet.


It isn't rare at all that during a searching for group on genchat, some player says something unrelated, I friendly answer, and there another player kicks in, and etc until a real conversation starts off.

I'm not lying : I do have a huge laughter at least once a day thanks to that kind of event on the genchat. With people I don't know at all.


A LFG tool would completely kills majority of people's attention to that tiny chat window. And all those moments linked to it. I know it, because it just happened in WoW.


Sympathizing with strangers is just priceless sometimes.


Why should I keep an atention on the general chat, it is normally full of:

"your mom ****s sadam, and you are an *********** idiot not knowing that xxxxx is true".

"Yeh I know, your father used to **** him too in the arshole".

"[but in an ability] anal"

more troll, more troll.

even more troll

LFG xxxxxxxxx heroic/flashpoint.


That is the general chat.


I have made my own chat. Privat chat, is it named.

There I have guild, whisper, group, pvp, raid.

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