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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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This video is awesome and 100% accurate...swtor is pure garbage


And yet you continue to hang around to troll. Apparently you have issues.


Yes I plan to continue, so far its been fun and I think it will continue to grow over the months. Especially since now people in other countries like Australia might start playing soon.

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I think a better question for some would be how many of the overjoyed and swept-off-their-feet-over-SWTOR gamers will quit in a month or two from now? I see these always go from complete love to complete hate for the game.


In this thread I'd say about 40-50% of them will quit and never return.

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Yes I will continue to sub. none of the patches have "ruined" my life. I see that they are aware of the mix up with the UI and I'm happy with what they are going to offer us.


PVP, Crafting, quests have all been fun. The waiting for tokens and such is something of a trade off in my opinion. You have to put in time towards what you want. I've disassembled tons of armor kits in order to make better kits than I could be in PVP past 40th.


I'd be well beyond 50th on a "main", but I wait to play with my wife. I have several alts. I get the crafting, PVP and such going in each.


Unless everything I do becomes tedious or not enjoyable, then I'll consider "un-subbing". As it is now I'm content in playing.


The voice acting and stories was/is such a great touch. I think that makes it a whole new experience for the Genre. I know a lot was paid for that, and I'm thankful they put this in the game.


You can't make everyone happy all the time about everything always. You can do what you do best, and improve the areas you are getting negative feedback on. I believe Bioware is doing both of those things now.

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I love the game but have as of today cancelled my subscription. I paid for 3 months so it runs until April.


I can go the bugs, they are a nuisance but BW is listening and I hope we get to a point soon when they aint releasing patches every week because that suggests to me it came out of Beta far too early. What I cannot go though is the lack of players on my server. My guild has pretty much stopped playing and there are like 30 people on the fleet.


The server was pretty populated at launch and I have levelled my Marauder to 50 and done a lot with him, so I refuse to re-roll on a different server because thats BW problem, not mine. For all I know I could grind to 50 again and by the time I get there, the population could have dwindled.


For me, BW need top sort out the population, that's the only game stopper for me. If they fix that, then I will come back after April, if not then I am leaving.

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I am taking a break. People keep saying that the game has only been out 2 months so give it time. I wil check back on the forums when legacy hits and see whats avaliable and if its worth returning and creating another char. Given what Daniel Ericson said in the QA reply I am guessing no.


Personaly the money means next to nothing to me, however if I keep subbing for a game it shows I support it and in its current state I dont.

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Mostly, I like the game and I want to support it. It depends on whether my enjoyment can overcome my irritation at the [Flirt] prompts I cannot avoid seeing on my Smuggler, and the attendant reminder that there is no same-gender content in the game and no word as to when it may reasonably be expected. No one likes paying the same fare but having to ride at the back of the bus.

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