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Nerf Operatives/Scoundrels


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Those 7.5k hits are on 9 second cooldowns, they're not 3 shotting anyone with it unless you're really terrible. Sure, it's good, but that's the biggest hit Maras get and it's not 'spammable'


Sorry but what massive damage skill does a scoundrel/op have that is spammable? Shoot first has to be used from stealth and our in-combat stealth has a 1 minute cooldown after you spec for it. That leaves our most spammable heavy hitting skill as sucker punch, which requires upper hand, so you can only spam if its on a bleeding target and the force is really with you after you get an upper hand to start it off.

Edited by AndiusTheGreat
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3200 from force in balance? being a 3 target ability that's...ok?


3200x3 is what now?


AOE doesn't kill people as effectively as incredibly high single target damage. Additionally that is on a 15 second cooldown. A healer can easily counteract that kind of damage.


That number is with 500 expertise + expertise buff in warzone + relic cooldown and a crit.


You are comparing apples to oranges.


There is no way I can burn a 15k target down in 4 seconds.

Edited by AWorthington
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This guy even posts his OP OP spec... kudos to him for being honest. Smugglers are no different.


Gotta love the multiple PVP geared 50's he 3-4 shots about half way through the vid :D


I saw about 4 mins of him wrecking lvl 12's a fight where he got the open on a 50, fought him for about 20 secs and won, and another 50 (that someone else opened on and he finished) and you are crying OP?


I did not see one 50, that 1 on 1 he killed in 3 hits.


OPs do need to be tuned back a bit, that much I will admit, but most of this QQ is people that don't use CC, can't figure out how to use a dam health pot, and keep turning their backs to the op.


L2P then you can start claiming what is OP.

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all i know is if you nerf baseline operative/scoundrel burst - not the combined-with-godly-consumables burst but just their base talented and geared burst - nothing will stop guarded sorcs/sages. ever.


i'm a 50 scoundrel and i dont do anywhere near the damage kuts does per hit. after 15 champion bags i've received two relics. that's it. i can not kill the geared sorcs on our server. add in the constant warping these players do after knocked down (i have a 23ms ping, are they euros on a west coast server abusing latency like in fps games???) it's frustraing to say the least to be melee at all in pvp since the overwhelming majority of cc is on ranged classes.


I don't know what you are talking about. I get killed by a number of classes. Pyro techs hurt like hell, so do gunslingers, scoundrels, assassins, and quite a few others.


The difference being, I feel I have a fair shot with most classes, equally geared and skilled it's usually a pretty decent fight (some melee classes are easier to kite than others I'll admit). Scoundrels however, good night, in seconds.

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As shown in the above link Good marauders can hit for up to 7.5k with one hit. Considering the average fresh 50 has roughtly 12k it's pretty safe to say hes going to 2-3 shot that person. Operatives are not the only ones doing it with consumables and RNG on low level undergeared people. Get to 50 and get geared where it balances out or get over it.


What does being "good" have to do with how hard you hit? It's a nice crit. A Marauder critting for 7.5K every blue moon still cannot and never will compare to a operative doing it every 15 seconds. 15 second based solely on time it take to get a new target.


No, I won't wait til 50. PvP is for lvls 10-50. Not just 50. As they don't seem to be going with brackets, they need to deal with this.

Edited by Dayshadow
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That's nice. So how does that save the guy from getting killed in 3secs exactly?


And how does that change the fact that I can apparently still get shiv'd with a full resolve bar?


Shiv is a knife attack that can be used from any direction.

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The only problem I am seeing is the talent that makes it so Hidden Strike/Shoot First knocks your target down.


Because without that, Operatives can't do squat out of stealth. You can knock them back and snare them, then out dps them.


And the overreaching problem is still (even though 50's have their own bracket, which I'm thankful for) the fact that level 10-49's are getting place in matches together. I don't care about stat buffs, talents that create snares and stuns out of decent damage abilities make a big difference. Expertise from gear also affects things as well.

Edited by gluefoot
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well in that case, tanks should do far less damage than they do now. since you know... they are tanks, walking meatshields.


Tank damage is nothing special, at least as an Immortal Jugg. Your defense stat is nearly useless unless facing classes that do purely physical attacks that can be dodged/deflected. Going Soresu stance is pretty much a must to make the most use of your talents, however the increased armor you'll find means very little as either you will find yourself being attacked by things that bypass armor directly (Sorc/sages/pyrotech) or have abilities to heavily negate armor such as acid blade.


If you are a tank with a healer partner and the tank is attacked, that is when you shine. When it is your healer that is attacked you begin to get rage starved/ammo cell loss, because all your "dps" moves consume high amounts of resources, but your tank stance reduces rage gain by 1. You can guard, taunt, intimidating roar all you want, but survival ultimately begins to be solely based on the personal skill of the healer because it is totally safe to ignore the tank if you are the only "threat". Not sure how this came to be in a Operative is OP thread though.

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Operatives only have burst Damage from stealth

Thats makes them OP in PvP combat...


In PvE we don't even invite them to raid... their long-term dps is not viable...



Operatives and Scoundrels Burst Stelath Damage must be nerfed


And their long-term DPS must be buffed...


What i mean is... in 10 minutes combat any class can over DPS scoundrel/operative...


this makes them useless dps in raids... Buff their other abilities and nerf their god damn 9k burst... all im asking is this...

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This guy even posts his OP OP spec... kudos to him for being honest. Smugglers are no different.


Gotta love the multiple PVP geared 50's he 3-4 shots about half way through the vid :D


The first one was lvl 12.

the second one was 27.

the third was 43... get my drift ?


about the lvl 50s..


he gets the drop on people clearly not high lvled PvP. everyone stays and tries to fight him with minimal chances of winning.

i saw no kiting. no pushbacks. no dots on him.


i hate operatives and smugglers aswell.


but i still believe they are ok to kill.

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Scoundrels and Operatives can with surge crit for 4-5kish with Lacerate/Sucker punch and with a tight rotation they can spam the heck out of that. Granted that is not a 4-5k thing all the time, but it isn't like their opener is the only **** ability they have.


Let's not forget about their vanish, self healing, the ability to basically do their entire combo chain 3x back to back.


No other class in the game can 5v1 anyone toe to toe and win. Operatives and Scoundrels can.

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What does being "good" have to do with how hard you hit? It's a nice crit. A Marauder critting for 7.5K every blue moon still cannot and never will compare to a operative doing it every 15 seconds. 15 second based solely on time it take to get a new target.


No, I won't wait til 50. PvP is for lvls 10-50. Not just 50. As they don't seem to be going with brackets, they need to deal with this.


Which ability does the scoundrel/opperative have that hits that hard every 15 seconds. Really show me. Because I play one and I am aware of nothing like this. Really I need you to find the skill that does that because it sure as hell isn't shoot first.

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Scoundrels and Operatives can with surge crit for 4-5kish with Lacerate/Sucker punch and with a tight rotation they can spam the heck out of that. Granted that is not a 4-5k thing all the time, but it isn't like their opener is the only **** ability they have.


Let's not forget about their vanish, self healing, the ability to basically do their entire combo chain 3x back to back.


No other class in the game can 5v1 anyone toe to toe and win. Operatives and Scoundrels can.


*cough cough*


tracer missile medic merc?

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people do not realize, its not the classes fault, the class does not need to be nerfed. In a scoundrel video the person says the only reason he is 3 shotting some people is because of the OP buffs. he would not be able to do the same damage without those buffs.
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