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The Dirty Kick Appreciation Thread


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Honestly, screw this. The Operative equivalent does the same exact thing but they can do it while moving. To appreciate an instant cast ability that forces you to stand still is only justifying poor design.



Aww, it's still fun. Don't be that guy. :D

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he's just jealous 'cause their equivalent isn't nearly as cool. :p


No I am just upset because I am playing this game completely for PvP, and currently this is just one of a few advantages that the Operative has over the Scoundrel when it comes to PvP play.


I am not saying that I dont like the ability. I just want my "instant" cast stun ability to not force me to stop moving to use. This is most likely something that will be fixed, but right now it frustrates the hell out of me.

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No I am just upset because I am playing this game completely for PvP, and currently this is just one of a few advantages that the Operative has over the Scoundrel when it comes to PvP play.


I am not saying that I dont like the ability. I just want my "instant" cast stun ability to not force me to stop moving to use. This is most likely something that will be fixed, but right now it frustrates the hell out of me.


But did you have to bring the negativity into the "Appreciation" thread? You're a bit off topic, perhaps you should start a thread about how Swift Kick needs to be improved :)

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No I am just upset because I am playing this game completely for PvP, and currently this is just one of a few advantages that the Operative has over the Scoundrel when it comes to PvP play.


I am not saying that I dont like the ability. I just want my "instant" cast stun ability to not force me to stop moving to use. This is most likely something that will be fixed, but right now it frustrates the hell out of me.


lighten up, buddy! not everyone plays purely for PvP, so others may find something you don't like highly entertaining. ;) personally, i could care less about PvP. i'm in it for the story, and Dirty Kick is pure gold when it comes to the smuggler's personality.

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Sab charge + Dirty kick = winning! seriously, strapping a bomb to a guys chest then kicking him in the nuts to set it off? best videogame combo ever!


It sets Sabotage Charge off?! Brb, trying this on the next mob!


lighten up, buddy! not everyone plays purely for PvP, so others may find something you don't like highly entertaining. ;) personally, i could care less about PvP. i'm in it for the story, and Dirty Kick is pure gold when it comes to the smuggler's personality.


QFT, not everyone is into pvp. And there's no ability that fits smuggler better than this! Half the mobs and every single elite and above got their fair share of Dirty kicks from me:)


Still my favorite ability. Well, maybe along with XS Freighter Flyby. Kick enemy in the balls and then bring down the skies on him!


I miss it on my alts so much.

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