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About to quit because of this stupid pvp gearing system


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I have no poblem with grinding BGs, usually I enjoy it. But this system takes the fun out of the reward. It's not about not wanting to put down some effort for your good gear, actually I hate when gear is too easy to get. It's about the fact that the gear is easy to get if you just happen to get lucky.


One person could get the full set in under 20 bags while someone else has to loot over 200.


And dont even start comparing these drop chances to the ones from pvp bosses. A boss has a certain ammount of possible drops, in WoW it was usually between 3-10. The chance of getting your item is uncomparibly easier in PvE than the current state of this system. But then again, I dont think simple drops is the best PvE-loot system either.


If you want random, make the bags harder to get and ten each just drop one piece of gear. That would remove the possibility of gettting nothing but tokens.


And I strongly agree with the poster who said that it should be the other way around with the commendations and tokens, it could be fun with some random gear if that was the worse set, now a lucky person gets t2 faster than an unlucky person gets t1. Other way around seems like the obvious choice.

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21 bags opened


1 offhand token

0 everything else.


I am fine with it, i had to wait for raid gear to rng drop for me for up to 5 months so i am not gonna be emobaby hurt over 2 weeks, the problem is that pvpers have been used to welfare epics over the last years and not have to suffer through the stuff of pve'rs and raiders.


If pvers have to wait so will you, pvp considering its uber quality to the gear atm is not meant as some solo way for you to epic out in end game gear in 1-2 weeks, effort nublets, effort.

Edited by harkain
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21 bags opened


1 offhand token

0 everything else.


I am fine with it, i had to wait for raid gear to rng drop for me for up to 5 months so i am not gonna be emobaby hurt over 2 weeks, the problem is that pvpers have been used to welfare epics over the last years and not have to suffer through the stuff of pve'rs and raiders.


If pvers have to wait so will you, pvp considering its uber quality to the gear atm is not meant as some solo way for you to epic out in end game gear in 1-2 weeks, effort nublets, effort.


But you just dont get it do you? We are not complaining over the fact that we have to wait, we are complaining over the fact that we have to wait while some people don't.


It's like if a Pve boss either dropped 1 piece of t1 or full t2 for the whole raid. You wouldnt whine about some people already being fully geared because of pure luck?

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well the one thing i can say is bioware does listen and the 10th is thier update. What i dont get though is why isnt getting gear or the tokens about capturing bases? I e kill a base boss and hold a base for a certain amount of time equals x amont of tokens or gear? So theres more incentive to holding bases and pvp'ng at the same time ill see how it is the 10th.


You do know u can go on the test server and see how its going to be? dont you

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This is honestly the worst loot system I've ever seen in a game. Bags either need to be guaranteed a piece of gear, or just let us spend our points on what piece of gear we want. Nothing is worse than grinding a bunch of warzones, purchasing a bag, then finding it has 3 LOWER-END tokens and those pieces still cost a ton.


What audience is Bioware trying to alienate here? The hardcore PvP'ers or the masses? Because they're doing it to both.


I've seen Valor 19's running around in a near-full set of Champion gear. Then there are people much higher than that who have barely any gear, or a relic.


I like this game, but BW, you aren't going to get more than two months out of me if this "reward" system remains so ludicrous.

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I just watched 2 guildmates today alone get 6 pieces of champ each to my zero. We pvp'd all day, same number of bag turnins. One of them did get a double bracer, but he had 5 usable pieces, and the other 6. Me ZERO.


It is ridiculous. I am at 43 bags opened, 1 champ piece.

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21 bags opened


1 offhand token

0 everything else.


I am fine with it, i had to wait for raid gear to rng drop for me for up to 5 months so i am not gonna be emobaby hurt over 2 weeks, the problem is that pvpers have been used to welfare epics over the last years and not have to suffer through the stuff of pve'rs and raiders.


If pvers have to wait so will you, pvp considering its uber quality to the gear atm is not meant as some solo way for you to epic out in end game gear in 1-2 weeks, effort nublets, effort.


Btw raid gear here is easier to get than PvP gear, it basically works the same way but is more likely to drop. And you have what, 10 heroics you can run daily for tokens from each of e bosses? Yeah it's not going to take you 5months to gear up in raid gear in is game since you can buy close to equivalent with tokens.

Edited by Mltdwn
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The amount of people who are completely clueless, never got anywhere in "world of warcrap", never played another MMO, is staggering.


The only people who like this system are those who otherwise wouldn't have a chance at obtaining the gear because they lack dedication, skill, and are not willing to work for the stuff. They like stuff handed to them via stupid luck system.


I have seen videos upon videos of scrubs who think they are the next best PvPer in SWTOR and these people are outfitted in full Champion Gear, have Champion weapon, Valor Rank < 30, and they record themselves backpaddling, clicking, keyboard turning, button mashing, hell, I have seen one of these "pros" with same skill mapped to 4 adjacent buttons just in case he misses one or two. Are you freaking kidding me!?


I'll take WoW Rank 14 grind any day over the stupid luck system. At least that grind weeded out those who lacked necessary skill and dedication. No free l33t epic l00tz.


Over 70 bags open, still missing legs, ear, implants, gotten more dupes than I'd like to admit. Yeah, great system we have here. Let's rip on WoW and call it "world of warcrap". It is warcrap for those who never got anywhere in it, but at least I could plan my gear progression instead of grinding to get screwed over by RNG.

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The amount of people who are completely clueless, never got anywhere in "world of warcrap", never played another MMO, is staggering.


The only people who like this system are those who otherwise wouldn't have a chance at obtaining the gear because they lack dedication, skill, and are not willing to work for the stuff. They like stuff handed to them via stupid luck system.


I have seen videos upon videos of scrubs who think they are the next best PvPer in SWTOR and these people are outfitted in full Champion Gear, have Champion weapon, Valor Rank < 30, and they record themselves backpaddling, clicking, keyboard turning, button mashing, hell, I have seen one of these "pros" with same skill mapped to 4 adjacent buttons just in case he misses one or two. Are you freaking kidding me!?


I'll take WoW Rank 14 grind any day over the stupid luck system. At least that grind weeded out those who lacked necessary skill and dedication. No free l33t epic l00tz.


Over 70 bags open, still missing legs, ear, implants, gotten more dupes than I'd like to admit. Yeah, great system we have here. Let's rip on WoW and call it "world of warcrap". It is warcrap for those who never got anywhere in it, but at least I could plan my gear progression instead of grinding to get screwed over by RNG.


Bolded and underlined this. Tired of seeing people with half my valor level(currently 51, I've slowed down) with double my gear. And you know what they do in the warzones?


They talk the most **** because they think they're doing so well when it's just the gear inflating all their numbers.


Fix. This. System.

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My server is somewhat primitive, the masses are just now hitting 50. With that, I have been 50 for 3 full days, and have opened 19-20 bags (I play a lot :p). I've got about 73 cent commendations, 2 off hands, 2 relics, a chest, a belt, and a bracer. I can understand people's frustrations. I have been somewhat lucky, and yet I still get a little miffed when I only see commendations. That makes it exciting though. :)


Before I delve into this let me provide a little back story. Most of my leveling was done through warzones. I never once capped my valor rank, but was rank 47 when I hit 50. I am now rank 54. Now, I find it somewhat silly that there is no rank requirement (and only a level requirement of 50) on the centurion/champion gear bags. I think you sniveling brats should be thankful you can touch my gear without the appropriate rank. At least that way you would BE 50+ valor rank, and with 60 valor rank just around the corner you'd be far less likely to cry on the forums, as you would be netting battlemaster gear+champ commendations soon.


I've played MMO's with grinds you'd soil yourself just thinking about. .01% exp every 10-12 kills grinding in a full group (exp bonuses in full parties) on the toughest mobs while wearing gear that became useless 20 levels prior being that they STILL had yet release new armor sets months into the game. Mind you this was 10+ levels away from cap. These games (yes this applies to more than one) had ZERO PvP rewards other than a player kill counter... woohoo. Your only source of gearing for PvP was PvE. Be thankful you have the option to farm PvP for advancement at all, RNG or not.


That being said, get back to the "grind".



Zwei (Gardens of Talla PvP East Imperial) Content to be a D-bag


P.S. Don't leave the basement, it's rough out there.

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My server is somewhat primitive, the masses are just now hitting 50. With that, I have been 50 for 3 full days, and have opened 19-20 bags (I play a lot :p). I've got about 73 cent commendations, 2 off hands, 2 relics, a chest, a belt, and a bracer. I can understand people's frustrations. I have been somewhat lucky, and yet I still get a little miffed when I only see commendations. That makes it exciting though. :)


Before I delve into this let me provide a little back story. Most of my leveling was done through warzones. I never once capped my valor rank, but was rank 47 when I hit 50. I am now rank 54. Now, I find it somewhat silly that there is no rank requirement (and only a level requirement of 50) on the centurion/champion gear bags. I think you sniveling brats should be thankful you can touch my gear without the appropriate rank. At least that way you would BE 50+ valor rank, and with 60 valor rank just around the corner you'd be far less likely to cry on the forums, as you would be netting battlemaster gear+champ commendations soon.


I've played MMO's with grinds you'd soil yourself just thinking about. .01% exp every 10-12 kills grinding in a full group (exp bonuses in full parties) on the toughest mobs while wearing gear that became useless 20 levels prior being that they STILL had yet release new armor sets months into the game. Mind you this was 10+ levels away from cap. These games (yes this applies to more than one) had ZERO PvP rewards other than a player kill counter... woohoo. Your only source of gearing for PvP was PvE. Be thankful you have the option to farm PvP for advancement at all, RNG or not.


That being said, get back to the "grind".



Zwei (Gardens of Talla PvP East Imperial) Content to be a D-bag


P.S. Don't leave the basement, it's rough out there.


I don't quite understand what you're trying to say there. Are you trying to say this system is somehow good? I am sure every single one of us on the forums here can point out to an MMO of some kind that has zero PvP gear in it or any kind of PvP system. On the same note every single one of us here can also point out to other MMO where PvP gear and system was done much better.


What's your point?


BioWare had time and they had other big MMO games to look at and figure out what the pain points were for PvP players in those MMOs. They didn't. They half-assed their PvP reward system thinking people won't complain and will blindly grind the bags.


If this MMO was released in 2001 or something and other games with far superior PvP systems and gearing didn't exist, I'd say it's fair, they didn't know what they were doing. But, having to compete with quite a number of MMOs out there that do handle the PvP in a better way is just a sign of laziness, half-assed thinking, and it's an insult to me at least as a player that they would think I would be happy, entertained, amused, and enjoy their RNG crap-bag system as part of my endgame.


You got lucky. For your PvP effort you not only gained Valor, but you also gained levels. There are those of us though who did not level through Warzones but rushed to 50 so we can then start our PvP endgame. An endgame that consists of grinding for a chance to roll a dice.


Don't mean to sound harsh, but anyone who got lucky on the bags and didn't spend 2+ weeks grinding the crap out of Warzones only to get countless dupes while the next guy who just hit 50 is strolling around in full set, is going to feel blessed by this system and will defend it to bitter end.


Reward should be effort based, not whether or not horoscope or fortune teller told you that today is a good day and you will be rewarded.

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They do indeed need to remove the luck factor with this, I've had average success and close to hitting V60 now, I do have quite a few Centurion pieces though which does something to pad out the crappy luck with bags. A friend I play with is currently V63 and has mostly Centurion gear, barely had any Champ armour tokens for him in bags.


This next to people who at < V30 and seem to have obtained the full set...


RNG has never been fun with stuff like this, and it's not about wanting to get the best loot for no work (over V60!), it's about adding some stability to the system to the people who are playing PvP all the time don't have to worry about lucking out with a bag.

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If an mmo was created where everything was handed to you then your mother kissed you on the cheek and tuckedy ou in a night then that would be on horrible mmo.

The randomness is nice, it keeps the incentive to keep pvping and doing dailies until all the pieces are aquired. And as stated at 60 valor it gets alot better.

Plus you get centurion commendations so you can buy any pieces you dont have.

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They do indeed need to remove the luck factor with this, I've had average success and close to hitting V60 now, I do have quite a few Centurion pieces though which does something to pad out the crappy luck with bags. A friend I play with is currently V63 and has mostly Centurion gear, barely had any Champ armour tokens for him in bags.


This next to people who at < V30 and seem to have obtained the full set...


RNG has never been fun with stuff like this, and it's not about wanting to get the best loot for no work (over V60!), it's about adding some stability to the system to the people who are playing PvP all the time don't have to worry about lucking out with a bag.


Check the patch notes mkay?

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I really hope bioware keeps the system the same.

it'll be great for getting new 50's geared fast compared to the pvp gearing of other games.


As for you unlucky folks, you'llbe geared up in no time anyways, god forbid it takes a few weeks. "BUT SOME UNSKILLED SCRUB IS MORE GEARED THEN ME" who gives a ****, its rng -.-

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I don't quite understand what you're trying to say there. Are you trying to say this system is somehow good? I am sure every single one of us on the forums here can point out to an MMO of some kind that has zero PvP gear in it or any kind of PvP system. On the same note every single one of us here can also point out to other MMO where PvP gear and system was done much better.


I am saying this system is viable. I wasn't pointing out the lack of PvP gear in other MMO's so much as the overall grind factor. Its 3 weeks after launch and you're all ready nearing 60 valor ranking with an incoming patch that will eliminate the battlemaster RNG. Another thread begging for everything to be served up on a silver platter. Other games did it better because everything was fair, it wasn't based on RNG. EVERYTHING stems from RNG buddy. Its not FAIR that crits are on an RNG system, that guy has a lower crit chance than I do but he gets ALL the crits. Boo. Hoo. This leads to said person contributing more to his ops group and possibly tilting the scales in their favor. Oh no, its the chaos theory of MMO's... Anyhow...


BioWare had time and they had other big MMO games to look at and figure out what the pain points were for PvP players in those MMOs. They didn't. They half-assed their PvP reward system thinking people won't complain and will blindly grind the bags.


If this MMO was released in 2001 or something and other games with far superior PvP systems and gearing didn't exist, I'd say it's fair, they didn't know what they were doing. But, having to compete with quite a number of MMOs out there that do handle the PvP in a better way is just a sign of laziness, half-assed thinking, and it's an insult to me at least as a player that they would think I would be happy, entertained, amused, and enjoy their RNG crap-bag system as part of my endgame.


Yeah, bout that. Some of us prefer a break in the monotony that has become MMO gaming with the WoW clone wave. I'd likely unsub for a move in that direction than due to never obtaining another piece of champ equipment.


You got lucky. For your PvP effort you not only gained Valor, but you also gained levels. There are those of us though who did not level through Warzones but rushed to 50 so we can then start our PvP endgame. An endgame that consists of grinding for a chance to roll a dice.


Don't mean to sound harsh, but anyone who got lucky on the bags and didn't spend 2+ weeks grinding the crap out of Warzones only to get countless dupes while the next guy who just hit 50 is strolling around in full set, is going to feel blessed by this system and will defend it to bitter end.


Reward should be effort based, not whether or not horoscope or fortune teller told you that today is a good day and you will be rewarded.


I got lucky? I took notice of the fact that your valor rank cap rises with your current level, and made the overly safe assumption that it would merit reward (it didn't, yall got to 50 faster and got access to the same "dice rolls"). Yeah, I'm closer to 60 valor than other 50's, in fact mine is the second highest on the server at this time. However, there are other 50's who hit around the same time I did or afterward who have more champ gear than myself. Not quite as frustrating as being passed up after a 2 week grind, but its there.


Blessed, right, I do feel blessed with a brighter outlook I suppose. As I mentioned, I have 6 slots of champ gear, 2 of which are relics (no stats for a slight rating boost). I knew what was waiting for me with the champ bags, and was/am fully prepared to get my dupes and fill in the blanks with centurion gear. I'll be holding on to my cent coms till I have enough to cover all non-champ slots as to not waste any.


I enjoy opening the bags, its exciting even if it is disappointing more often than not. As I recall, the thread starter (main QQ) I don't recall the name at this point, had nearly as much if not as much champ gear as I do (with loads of duplicates). Why does this "grind" seem like child's play to me yet is so unbearable to him? Answer; spoiled. My ending statement; This system is effort based, just too much effort for you.

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The system isnt broken atm its great.


You slowly get your gear and got a lucky chance to get it quicker. It would suck if you could manage to be geared in just one week. Need to have some sort of endgame goal eh?


Personally, in the first 9 bags i got, i had Zero items. 6 Days later i now have about 460 expertise and am only missing offhand and boots, got the rest...


Also if you would be valor 60 you could just buy the champion items you want.

Edited by Freewareplayer
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50+ bags, so far.


Chest, Legs, Helm, Belt, Feet, Implant, Implant, Ear, Offhand.


Also, a duplicate Leg.


I'm wearing Centurion bracers, and will eventually get the Cent gloves. My current lightsaber is better than the Centurion lightsaber, so I wont be bothering to buy it. My relics are both LIGHTYEARS superior to even the Battlemaster relics, so obviously I wont be bothering with those, either.


I feel bad for everyone having terrible luck with bags. The Centurion gear is horrible and is often out-paced by random AH gear, with sole exception to the expertise it gives.


Remember though, it could be worse. The vanilla-WoW PvP gear required rank 7-10 at minimum to even get the ****** blue gear, and with the way their system worked, it could take upwards of two months to get rank 10. Rank 14 after that was usually another three months itself. This system has every possibility of giving you everything in one set of weeklies and the dailies. It's definitely not ideal, because of the way that RNG can really get into your head, but there's an ebb and flow with RNG that should hopefully balance it out eventually.


Keep your chin up, you'll get there.

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so whats the problem?


take a look at a none pvp view...flashpoints loot is random you can run it 10+ times and not see the piece you want....



it's random so you have to WORK for it....

Are you *********** kidding me?


How is mindlessly grinding the same thing over and over to prolong your subscription an acceptable part of ANY gaming experience?


Keep advocating capitalist **** fanboy

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