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Powertech bad in warzones


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Heavy armour apparently counts for nothing. I tried AP... that sucked. I tried Pyro... so far very underwhelmed. Rank 37, and my Jedi Guardian is much, much better at 27... something's not right.


Sure, I do lots of damage but 18 sec dots don't do much versus burst...


Is shield spec any better? I mean, can they do any real damage at all?

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1. Get to 50.

2. Get your champion gear.

3. Go to any node and guard a healer.

4. Enjoy immortality.


There's a trooper on my server with 19k health, and i've seen her laugh off focus-fire from 5+ burst classes.


But does she actually kill anyone?

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But does she actually kill anyone?


reroll merc. missile spam away. your AC is more defensive with sustained damage.


if you want kills friend a healer, live forever and you'll be high on kill board.



really though PTs are awesome.

Edited by Zidaen
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Maybe it gets worse as you get closer to fifty without having expertise, I don't know; but on my level 15 Pyro Powertech, I'm usually in the top five of my team.

Single one out, try to stay behind him/her, and use columns and crates to block the field of view of potential ranged attackers.

And never wander off on your own, being near your allies is a must for any class.

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Never had an issue with PvP and I'm a shield tech PT. I usually sit at roughly 7-9 medals when we play Voidstar and Alderran. Huttball is a ton of fun pulling peeps into fire and acid not to mention strolling across the goal line with the ball while the entire other team attempts to kill you. Main issue is that you are 27. If you;renot upwards of 35 then ur gonna get pawned.


While the game raises ur dmg and health to 50 lvls when ur under the cap, it still cant help with the gear stats or ability pts. So far I have yet to see any real class have an advantage in PvP if we're all at lvl 50. They each have strengths and weaknesses.

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Maybe you're just bad at playing the class?


I'm always hitting 6-7 Medals in each warzone i do, and i'm only level 31, this is also as a shield tech.


I was waiting for this.


I've topped dps charts for my team regularly and I get at least that amount of medals usually... but I don't care about either of those.


I want to be tougher to take down than most people and be able to kill people.


Basically, a dps tank... that's the style I prefer. I don't want to spam one button like Mercs. I like the BH storyline and companions... I think a lot of the problem is to do with the frankly terrible, unbalanced warzones at the moment (whoever thought of putting 50s in with <50s should be fired).


Does pyrotech get much better once you get thermal detonators? Is shieldtech's damage much worse than the other two specs?

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Never had an issue with PvP and I'm a shield tech PT. I usually sit at roughly 7-9 medals when we play Voidstar and Alderran. Huttball is a ton of fun pulling peeps into fire and acid not to mention strolling across the goal line with the ball while the entire other team attempts to kill you. Main issue is that you are 27. If you;renot upwards of 35 then ur gonna get pawned.


While the game raises ur dmg and health to 50 lvls when ur under the cap, it still cant help with the gear stats or ability pts. So far I have yet to see any real class have an advantage in PvP if we're all at lvl 50. They each have strengths and weaknesses.


I'm 37, and I still get destroyed by some 50s. Like... melted down in 3 shots.

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Maybe you're just bad at playing the class?


I'm always hitting 6-7 Medals in each warzone i do, and i'm only level 31, this is also as a shield tech.


Not saying i agree or disagree with the OP but thats just a silly thing to say. Within the first minute of a match i usually have 4-5 medals when i play as tank spec on my characters from guarding whoever gets the ball first or being focused first. 6 or 7 medals is nothing to a tank.

Edited by Kabaal
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Ive been 3 shotted a couple of times and its always lvl 50 snipers who have had time to set up. Those guys can hit like trucks and because of their retarded little walls we cant jump or pull em at us. I electro dart em to get em up and then u can pull or jump smash their faces in.


Shield spec doesnt lose alot of dmg, but its not gonna melt anyone super fast either. Its a survivor spec. You have to lose something to gain something. Although if u move a couple of pts around and drop the 31 pt heat blast (which kinds sucks in pvp anyway) you can get enough to get Retracable Blade, which seriously puts the hurt on people when combined with ur IGC and flamethrower. Thermal detenator and pyro rains havoc down on tight groups of people (aka huttball). Its pretty brutal but you do lose a little tankiness for the trade in dps.


Just the nature of the game.

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Level 50 Shieldtech here. I've got around 20.5k health right now, mostly PvE gear. I average around 200k+ damage, 50k Protection, 30k Healing (thanks medpacs lol), and 9 medals each WF I run. With my guildmate, an Operative healer (level 37), I've successfully tanked an entire team of 8 people for almost 2 minutes. (this was on Civil War holding a point) Huttball has become a joke if I get the ball as I can currently tank their entire team to the endzone unless they are well-geared and coordinated.


Powertechs bad in PvP? Far from it. :)


PS: Just got my new Champion Supercommando Pistol today so that should add onto those numbers a little as well. :)

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I was on Hoth last night questing with another bounty hunter, and some 50 Jedi bully (the kind with the double saber that throws rocks) decided to come mess with us.


At first, he pretty much got jumped on because a sith warrior showed up and we had a little curb party with him as the guest of honor. 3 on 1? ok, kind of expect him to lose that exchange. He came back for more after he saw that the sith warrior was gone.


And it was bad for him. Really bad for him. But he had spunk, he kept trying.


Over the course of a half hour, we beat him into the ground like a railroad spike 3 or 4 times. It took us a while to kill him naturally, and sometimes he would kill the other BH, but generally it went about the same way every time. He'd go around trying to kill our companions, I'd let him murder mine then when he switched targets I'd hit my biochem twofer medpack and my dude would get back up and start shooting him again. Then I'd run into him and start snaring and circle strafing, and he'd just get worn down.


Eventually he gave up. We finished the quest. I think I died once, the other BH got hit a few times, but pretty nearly every altercation with that 50 ended with at least me moonwalking on his crotch.


I was a level 39 shieldtech. The other BH was a 41 healer merc. He had a Torian out, I had Gault out, the Jedi had her melee dps companion.



Don't ever worry about killing anyone as a shieldtech. It's not your problem. You don't need to be able to deal damage when you are the unassailable cliff that the ocean is battering the tide against. Everyone gets to low health eventually, and at that point a stiff breeze can kill them. That's what Railshot is for.

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PT pyrotechs are one of the highest DPS classes in the game. I've seen them break 500k dmg on several occasions. They'll rip through anything (especially since most of their skills reduce or avoid armor entirely).


Shieldtechs, properly equipped can do relatively high dmg (I usually break the 300k mark myself) have 2 gap closers, and are essentially unkillable when teamed with a healer. Not to mention they have the easiest grind to valor 60 since you can get a potential 15 medals where most other classes are capped at 10 to 12.


Now advanced prototype, they flat out suck. Don't even bother.

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Maybe you're just bad at playing the class?


I'm always hitting 6-7 Medals in each warzone i do, and i'm only level 31, this is also as a shield tech.


Dunno what the OP is complaining about, but I EASILY get anywhere from 8-12 medals a game @ lvl 40 (been doing that since ~ lvl 20).


Try playing your role more: guard healers, flag carriers, etc. You will RACK up medals, subsequently dmg (due to fighting off the horde of enemies trying to kill your healer/ball carrier), and you will get free heals (usually if your team is good)

Edited by LeSamourai
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Dunno what the OP is complaining about, but I EASILY get anywhere from 8-12 medals a game @ lvl 40 (been doing that since ~ lvl 20).


Try playing your role more: guard healers, flag carriers, etc. You will RACK up medals, subsequently dmg (due to fighting off the horde of enemies trying to kill your healer/ball carrier), and you will get free heals (usually if your team is good)


I'm not playing as a tank though, there's 2 dps specs, I tried one... it was awful, now I'm trying the other and I'm underwhelmed.

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Once I hit 40 and slipped into new pvp gear, Im finding myself nearly hard to take down in 1 on 1 encounters. Even managed a few two on 1 encounters against two lvl 50 jedi.


Im a shield spec, and pretty much have gotten use to blowing my tanking buffs early and often. Also picked up two relics today to boost defense and shield chance.


In the Alderaan warzone I was able to hold off four enemies until help arrived to help guard our turret. I died in the end due to four people spamming every nuke they had at me but my job was to hold them off till the calvary came. So job done.


In Huttball, I've been good at using my grapple and electro dart combo to leave people in acid and fire quite nicely. The big advantage to PTs is that most of their attacks ignore armor to begin with. While alot of other class's have to chew through it.


Finally started to enjoy Voidstar too due to being able to single handedly guard a door.


In world pvp I have yet to be beaten. Mostly due to the fact that I havent ran across anyone greatly higher than me. But anyone near my lvl is as good as dead.

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I'm not playing as a tank though, there's 2 dps specs, I tried one... it was awful, now I'm trying the other and I'm underwhelmed.


Specced correctly with semi-decent gear, you should be pulling 300k damage in a WZ pretty easily if your a PT DPS. We can easily give Mercs and Snipers a run for their money.

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i have done 600k dmg in WZ as pyrotech...


I lvled as AP i loved it but when you get full geared at 50 you will do insane damage as pyrotech.


Never tried shield tech and it seems i will never do :p



BTW any class can do insane damage, just stack your relics, adrenaline, overcharge consumable and expertise WZ buff and enjoy your 15 sec of godlike.


You can fight easily scoundrels but i think that jedi sentinels are a nightmare because you cant burst them fast

Edited by Kroktar
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I came here looking for info on BH, because I want to roll an alt. Really lol, what servers do you uber guys play on? I would love to see you accomplish these claims. I play an Operative on The Ebon Hawk and I have never ever ever ever ever seen anything close to what your saying.


If its true, awesome. Better get to work on my level 16 PT. Im Valor 40 with 10% expertise and BH , while tricky are nowhere near these claims. I would love to roll an alt on your server and observe 600k damage or a BH with 8 enemies on him for 2 minutes and doesnt die lmao.


Please post names and servers so I can witness this greatness.

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I came here looking for info on BH, because I want to roll an alt. Really lol, what servers do you uber guys play on? I would love to see you accomplish these claims. I play an Operative on The Ebon Hawk and I have never ever ever ever ever seen anything close to what your saying.


If its true, awesome. Better get to work on my level 16 PT. Im Valor 40 with 10% expertise and BH , while tricky are nowhere near these claims. I would love to roll an alt on your server and observe 600k damage or a BH with 8 enemies on him for 2 minutes and doesnt die lmao.


Please post names and servers so I can witness this greatness.


Though, the only class I've seen break 600k was a DOT spec sniper, I can't say I'd be surprised seeing a pyro do it under ideal circumstances (an enemy team that's all under level 20 essentially).


As far as tanking 6 to 8 people for a couple of minutes, completely possible (it helps if most of them are lower levels, or if they're healers/tanks not all dps). With rakata bio items, stun grenades, your aoe stun, shield CD, and just good gear you can last a long, long time.


Edit: Oh, and my char's name is Kait on Space Slug if you want to see some tanking.

Edited by Rooopet
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I came here looking for info on BH, because I want to roll an alt. Really lol, what servers do you uber guys play on? I would love to see you accomplish these claims. I play an Operative on The Ebon Hawk and I have never ever ever ever ever seen anything close to what your saying.


If its true, awesome. Better get to work on my level 16 PT. Im Valor 40 with 10% expertise and BH , while tricky are nowhere near these claims. I would love to roll an alt on your server and observe 600k damage or a BH with 8 enemies on him for 2 minutes and doesnt die lmao.


Please post names and servers so I can witness this greatness.


I just did it again





Far fight...i know i had a lot of kills...but we couldnt get over the 2nd door... and we didnt let them take the first.


We had lows they had lows...still a lot of 50.


My gear is a few centurion mostly champion with also a few battlemaster.

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