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So will the marauder get fixed?


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I've decided that I want to make a marauder but after reading all the rage about how underpowered and how broken the marauder is I dont know if i want to make one. So my question is... Does anyone know if in future updates they will make the marauder better or be able to hold its own and be balanced?
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Maras are fine, if not OP 40+. They're not faceroll easy, so people automatically assume they're broken and garbage, among other things.


If a Marauder uses their tools properly, they rock face. If they don't they tend to suck and complain.

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Oh okay, so you think they're going to leave the marauder alone?


Don't worry about the class balance. Play what class you think has a fun mechanic and a fun look.


Look at every MMORPG ever and look at the history of how classes have changed. Every class constantly gets tweaked and changed and balanced and tweaked and balanced. That's how MMORPGs are. Devs are constantly trying to figure out the class balance. The game is new and there hasn't even been one balancing patch yet.


Marauders have problems, this is known. But they aren't severely broken and are very much a good class if you know what you're doing.


I would say Marauders are likely to get buffed in some way before they get nerfed.

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Don't worry about the class balance. Play what class you think has a fun mechanic and a fun look.




I agree and thats why i wanted to roll a melee dps. But I have no experience with bioware so I wanted to see if anyone had any idea where there head was at.

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I agree and thats why i wanted to roll a melee dps. But I have no experience with bioware so I wanted to see if anyone had any idea where there head was at.


This is their first MMORPG. And it's only been out for a month. If they want this MMO to be successful they'll keep up with balance patches. But no one can really answer that.

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Maras are perfectly fine. the only ones who think so are the noobs who dont know how to play. I would hate a buff, because it would only get us nerf immediately thereafter.


Well, After a quick browse through the forums you quickly realize that 90% of the people playing one are these so called "noobs".

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Don't worry about the class balance. Play what class you think has a fun mechanic and a fun look.


Look at every MMORPG ever and look at the history of how classes have changed. Every class constantly gets tweaked and changed and balanced and tweaked and balanced. That's how MMORPGs are. Devs are constantly trying to figure out the class balance. The game is new and there hasn't even been one balancing patch yet.


Marauders have problems, this is known. But they aren't severely broken and are very much a good class if you know what you're doing.


I would say Marauders are likely to get buffed in some way before they get nerfed.


Quoted for emphasis. I'm far from the best Marauder out there, so I get rocked every now and again. However, you'd better pray to all that is holy that if you meet me 1 on 1 that you've got twice the HP I do or you're in for some surprise buttsecks.

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If you actually want to look like a sith, dont play Marauder, all the armor looks like a 5 year old designed it.


That'll get fixed eventually. Even the silent majority on the servers consider that an issue. Or at least they do on Vornskr, I can't really speak for other servers.

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The people claiming marauders are fantastic probably overlevelled for all the content. Doing it at the appropriate level range I use all of my abilities correctly and still struggle a lot with boss fights or bad encounters because rage mechanics plus the damage the abilities hit for just don't stack up to other classes.


Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's good. You can have your companion solo everything while you dance in the corner but that doesn't make the marauder a good class. Honestly I played like that for a while because it's easier to aggro mobs with companions and just run past them than it is to actually fight them.

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The people claiming marauders are fantastic probably overlevelled for all the content. Doing it at the appropriate level range I use all of my abilities correctly and still struggle a lot with boss fights or bad encounters because rage mechanics plus the damage the abilities hit for just don't stack up to other classes.


Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's good. You can have your companion solo everything while you dance in the corner but that doesn't make the marauder a good class. Honestly I played like that for a while because it's easier to aggro mobs with companions and just run past them than it is to actually fight them.



I have no issues with Marauders in PvE... Especially leveling. The people claiming Marauders are bad are talking about in PvP where range classes (and operatives) tend to dominate a bit more.


But in PvE, no there is no issue. If you're having an issue in PvE then you're doing something wrong.

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I agree and thats why i wanted to roll a melee dps. But I have no experience with bioware so I wanted to see if anyone had any idea where there head was at.


Chillwave, There will definitely be changes made to every class in the game. That's how an MMO works, one day operatives will be OP, next day they might get nerfed and possibly even be bad for awhile, and classes will be buffed as well and be OP for a time, MMO's are constantly changing but you can be sure that Bioware wont leave their game unbalanced, they'll constantly be trying to balance everything out and along with that will come changes so, yes.

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I feel that if enough valid arguments are made for what Marauders need BioWare will eventually address them. The problem is they're so quiet about their ideas for future updates/changes that it's really hard to see where they're going to go from here. The same can be said about changes to the mod system and possible perks for crew skills other than Biochem. Edited by Kibaken
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I don't get where this "They are broken" comes from....


I play PvP with my Maurauder, I get the most kills + most damage output (Against level 50's)


I survive with the 3 major clickies I have and walk out unscratched in most fights and even take on 2 people while laughing.


I can intterupt lock casters, not let them get a cast off and close the gap with them so they can't run and hide from me.


I do PvE content (Currently Hard EV) and have to have gaurd on me 24/7 plus using threat dumps to not take aggro (We have an awesome tank btw so not an issue with him)


I can not see where all this comes from and I know the ins and outs of my class like it was a vital organ to me... I can only sum it down to the spec you're using OR its just not your cup of tea. If its the spec case try Annihilation. It has some of the most craziest burst going, you can charge more and use it to stop casters from casting plus you have some passive self healing and some crazy bleeds.


The only thing that needs a fix is when Ravage decides it wants to make me dance but not actually use the skill~ Thats the only annoying thing i've got with the class.

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The Marauder class is totally fine when used in PVE has more then enough DPS to be useful to any group and to solo.


In PVP however, it is totally different. Going just on base spec here Marauders have 1 stun but its channeling based which means if you get stunned or knocked down or back it is broken and your force choke is on its 1 minute cd. Also you get no benifit of doing extra damage to your target becauce once you hit another attack the stun is broken.


We have one ranged attack being our charge, 10m is NOT ranged its extended melee range. Our charge is on a 15 second CD and has a minimum range of 10m so not useable in melee range, which is interesting being a melee based class.


We have 1 snare attack slows targets by 50% with a fairly low cd. We also have 1 melee ranged mezz effect ability. It totally stops the enemies around you but if they take any damage it is broken.


We only have 1 way to break any kind of CC done to us which is on a 2 minute timer.


What this class needs to be on par with other classes cc's and ways to break cc's is a full fledged stun that we can actually feed off of. At least 1 more 30m ranged attack with a fairly low cd. More ways to break snares and root effects, a seperate ability not the same one that we use to break stuns with. Also a knockdown or knockback would be nice, i believe marauders/sentinals are the only classes without this ablity.

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The people claiming marauders are fantastic probably overlevelled for all the content. Doing it at the appropriate level range I use all of my abilities correctly and still struggle a lot with boss fights or bad encounters because rage mechanics plus the damage the abilities hit for just don't stack up to other classes.


Nope. I was overlevelled for my mid-30s class quests, but I skipped some side quests and such, and I've been underlevelled since belsavis, using Jaesa, no issues.

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When will we get fixed (Pommel Strike and Savage Kick are the only things I care about)?


When they fix all the other bugs first. IMO fixing all the bugs there currently are in HM FP and everywhere in the game is what I'd prefer more than fixing these two things for PvP. The lag-delay in pvp is also another thing to be fixed. To me, it seems they're fixing the "general" problems first, rather than specific problems (which I don't think will be fixed until a few months from now).

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