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High rez graphics or not?


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Some of you nerds need to;

1. Download AoC for free.

2. Set graphics to full on everything

3. Create a character

4. Log in and just pan the camera around

4. Spend the next 20 mins jaw agape in regards to how stunningly beautiful the world is, just in the tutorial area! It on;y gets far better every zone after that.


This is a game from 2008. An MMO with barnone, thee best graphics to date. An MMO with graphics that are rarely scene even today in single player games.


I love SWTOR and the gfx style chosen, but come on, you people clearly have no idea what else is out there in comparison graphics wise.

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Only a handful of games have "impressed" me in the graphics apartment. Just look at some of the more recent games, not that impressive considering how they could have been. Even games like skyrim would have been insanely good looking if it wasn't a poor console port. Yeah, you heard it, CONSOLE port. That is the future of PC gaming. The games are MADE for the console then ported to the PC. So think twice before you go on about graphics being everything, you've clearly seen nothing.


Actually, very few games are 'console ports' in comparison to PC games that aren't, but okay.


I'm also not sure what that has to do with graphic quality, or with SWToR.


Hi-res textures are definitely still missing. When you switch between "Medium" and "High" in the settings, there is absolutely ZERO difference. Both settings are using the same textures. Really hope this gets updated quickly.


If you were actually as observant as you claimed, you'd notice that there's a bug with Medium preset, and that Medium preset is the same as High preset. Try swapping between High and Medium, and tell me if anything changes. You need to manually set things to medium, if you want medium settings.

Edited by Serephi
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Hi-res textures are definitely still missing. When you switch between "Medium" and "High" in the settings, there is absolutely ZERO difference. Both settings are using the same textures. Really hope this gets updated quickly.


The hi-res textures disappeared right before the weekend beta people got invited.

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Quite a few games with EA on the cover have had some strange process of releasing with subpar textures then getting better ones added in a patch months later. MY THEORY is that the higher ups at EA say "who cares what the game looks like just put it out already so we can make money" leaving the devs with the task of making the textures and releasing them "eventually"
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I can confirm for a fact that my client is fully updated and there is no difference between medium settings and high.


I'm hoping they'll update this soon enough. Textures on my character are really disturbing while zoomed in enough to not see your feet.

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well, I set everything on high, ect ect, went into my card controls set up 8x AA and maxed out everything thinking my fps were going to take a serious dip. When I alt-tab back to the game, the graphics took an instant step up yet the fps did not dip at all. stayed around 75-92 fps on koriban. This is why they staggered launch. This is why they setup the early release and that is so I would not get smacked with lag issues while in small confined areas. Good Job BW.



Now with saying that, I would like to see a Ultra settings put into the game. While I think my rig is nice, I feel having everything maxed out should cause me to dip atleast around 40-50 fps. Not complaining, but I just refuse to believe that I built a computer that works this flawlessly!!



either way, I am happy with the game and quality of the environment. I would like to see some imporved textures for the armor and clothing, something a little more polished and flashy!


sorry for any spelling errors! dont feel like worrying with propper spelling today!

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If you were actually as observant as you claimed, you'd notice that there's a bug with Medium preset, and that Medium preset is the same as High preset. Try swapping between High and Medium, and tell me if anything changes. You need to manually set things to medium, if you want medium settings.


When I manually switch my Texture option from Medium to High and click "Apply" or vice versa, nothing changes. The textures for Medium and High look exactly the same to me. If there's a difference, it must be incredibly subtle. I'm not talking about the Medium and High presets, I'm talking specifically about the Texture drop-down.

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When I manually switch my Texture option from Medium to High and click "Apply" or vice versa, nothing changes. The textures for Medium and High look exactly the same to me. If there's a difference, it must be incredibly subtle. I'm not talking about the Medium and High presets, I'm talking specifically about the Texture drop-down.


maybe placeholder, maybe day 1 patch with high res textures maybe being overly optimistic

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Sorry you feel that way but I love the graphics. It has been said before and it will be said gain. "Realistic" graphics by today's standard will look older and outdated VERY soon compared with the art style implemented in the game.


Do NOT mistake the choice in art style for poor graphics.

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Sorry you feel that way but I love the graphics. It has been said before and it will be said gain. "Realistic" graphics by today's standard will look older and outdated VERY soon compared with the art style implemented in the game.


Do NOT mistake the choice in art style for poor graphics.


I don't hate the graphics. I just think it's frustrating that my only texture options are "Low" and "Medium". I get that MMO's need to have lesser graphics overall to cater to the lowest-common-denominator. That doesn't bother me. But why have an option in the settings for "High" textures and then not have it actually do anything?

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Sorry you feel that way but I love the graphics. It has been said before and it will be said gain. "Realistic" graphics by today's standard will look older and outdated VERY soon compared with the art style implemented in the game.


Do NOT mistake the choice in art style for poor graphics.


they are not talking about that they are talking about the game settings medium and high are carbon copy and do not change!

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Exactly the same as the beta, whic was crap then and is crap now.


lol, totally agreed. ppl still reject to see that graphics are way out-dated for an 2011 mmo. but yeah, they like it and they get it. in the end, they are the majority, and that is what they deserve.

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