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Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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Again with the insults. If you have nothing constructive to post just stop. The "I have a life" argument is the most common retort of the person with no argument left.



That was a reply to an insult. Once again, you are confusing things, attempting to mold reality to your opinion rather then the opposite.

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I'm ambivalent towards a SWTOR Recount. On the one hand, a tool is simply a tool, and I have no qualms about making it available to players. Some people will ignore it, some people will use it; why deny it to everyone, just because I dislike some of its uses?


What I don't support is the mentality which insists to define how I build, gear and play my characters. Put more clearly:


If my choice is to be castigated or to be castigated, I'll find another - more enjoyable - hobby somewhere else, thanks. :)

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LOL I get it. :)


It's the anti crowd I wonder about.


A lot of us didn't like how addons trivialized WoW. We don't want that nonsense here.


We think games are more fun when you beat them on your own.


Ummm NO... HE DOESN'T. That's the whole point.


There's no combat log. Haven't you been paying attention..?


There is floating text....have YOU been paying attention?

Edited by Gohlar
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A lot of us didn't like how addons trivialized WoW. We don't want that nonsense here.


We think games are more fun when you beat them on your own.


Right that arguement works for Boss mods and ****, not recount, stop overreacting to stupid ****.

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A lot of us didn't like how addons trivialized WoW. We don't want that nonsense here.


We think games are more fun when you beat them on your own.


Then don't use them.


Edit: Like previous poster said, we aren't talking about mods like DBM. Leave those out of the equation. Just because you have some addons or meters doesn't mean you have to allow them all. Heck even Blizz banned Recursive.

Edited by PjPablo
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Obviously any question that can't be answered immediately requires an addon to come and do the work for you. :rolleyes:


You can glance at an addon, or treat a game like a job and hire a math professor to work through the deviations.


Me? I like to glance up now and again, and say hey! that alacrity seems to be helping! Let's look for some more gear with that!


But yeah, wanting data is always bad and anyone asking for it must be e-peen focused...sigh

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Then don't use them.


It's very short sighted to suggest it won't effect other players.


When you are allowed to gain advantages by downloading addons, it's a problem. WoW proved this.


Right that arguement works for Boss mods and ****, not recount, stop overreacting to stupid ****.


Sorry but spoon feeding someone an optimal rotation is a big difference. It makes the game a lot easier. That's why you want it.

Edited by Gohlar
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You know how hard all of your abilities hit don't you?


If you think interpreting recount is something to be proud of. Well, what can I say you have low standards.


I'm starting to think WoW tricked a lot of people into thinking they are good with recount and dbm etc. Without the hand holding everyone is lost lol.


I know how hard my abilities hit.


But I need to correlate this with my crit percentage, my accuracy, my surge rating, my alacrity rating.


I want to know how much DPS I'm doing down to two decimal places.


That is impossible without recount.


Without recount, I can play as well as you can.


I'm not content with playing as well as you do, I require better.

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That's what I don't understand.


Everything is a challenge, from a game to a life or death situation.


I put as much into a game as I would put into running for my life.


Then you don't know much from live and will burn out very fast.

Your brain and body isn't made to run at 120% all the time. It's the nature which will stop you sooner then later.


At some points in your life you MUST say: up to here is enough, no step further or it ends in a desaster.


But maybe you might learn it the hard way when you get older ;).

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I know how hard my abilities hit.


But I need to correlate this with my crit percentage, my accuracy, my surge rating, my alacrity rating.


I want to know how much DPS I'm doing down to two decimal places.


That is impossible without recount.


Without recount, I can play as well as you can.


I'm not content with playing as well as you do, I require better.


You aren't playing at all. You are following instructions. You want to remove the part where you learn to play.


You're a wuss really. You fear losing so much that you're willing to deny yourself the experience of learning. You want to skip to the end. Hopefully they will not allow this.

Edited by Gohlar
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It's very short sighted to suggest it won't effect other players.


When you are allowed to gain advantages by downloading addons, it's a problem. WoW proved this.




Sorry but spoon feeding someone an optimal rotation is a big difference. It makes the game a lot easier. That's why you want it.


Right no, Recount is not what you say. Because you dont want people to see what dps you do, doesn't mean it shouldn't be added, in fact i'm 100% sure it will be added, and soon. Raiders will not be ok with no damage meters.

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Don't worry, I'll walk you through it, First you look at the dps, then you're like, hey I wonder what abilities did the most! So you click on your name and look at the chart that shows what ability did what percent, then you think hm, how much did I miss/crit you clikc on said ability, and it says hey guy, you hit or miss this much and crit this %. This of course helps you decide rotation and the like.


Then you think Hey, what if I move these talent points around. You then do the same fight, well gee golly, I did more(or less) dps, this must be for the better!


It doesn't stop there though, then you think, well what about secondary stats! which of these stats is gonna say hey buddy, I'm gonna up your dps if you stack me! So you try a different set each week multiple fights, you compare results, then well hey, Accuracy and power was alot better than crit and surge, this is a fun and useful tool.

so... where were those instructions? Because it looks like you're talking a bout doing data analysis of multiple data sets over time looking for trends based on variable changes.... Edited by ferroz
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Addons like recount and gearscore (especially f*ing gearscore) did create an elitist crowd. It became hard to even pug it or get accepted into a guild and allowed to raid if you weren't the top of the top which made it harder to get better gear in raids which made it harder to be accepted into a raiding guild or even pug..... see the endless cycle here. this is what made WoW suck in the end and why so many people are leaving.


So if you like the elitist, immature crowd that will surely eventuate then just go back to WoW and stop trying to make SW:TOR the new WoW and let it be something better and different. There's a reason many of us left WoW for this game.


And this is coming from someone that easily topped dps constantly. I just know how up themselves fellow high and mighty players got, and i always felt like one of the few that would actually give people a chance that didn't always rock it at the top.


Every reply I've seen on here that supports such addons seems to come from some power gamer that would rather just play with numbers than enjoy the game for what it is... A GAME!


Recount was made for WoW... go back there...

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It's very short sighted to suggest it won't effect other players.


When you are allowed to gain advantages by downloading addons, it's a problem. WoW proved this.




Sorry but spoon feeding someone an optimal rotation is a big difference. It makes the game a lot easier. That's why you want it.




Still waiting on you to tell me how it spoon feeds you anything.




Didn't think so.


You just don't want it because other people will be able to see how awful you're playing and won't want to get stuck carrying you.

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so... where were those instructions that you were talking about?


because it looks like you're talking a bout doing data analysis of multiple data sets over time looking for trends....


If you dont understand those instructions, perhaps mmo's aren't for you. May i suggest tetris?

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Right that arguement works for Boss mods and ****, not recount, stop overreacting to stupid ****.


Again, the mentality that accompanies the argument. I'd rather not see it.


Do these people know that once recount and boss mods were placed in wow, the developers had to begin designing content around those, to where you had to have them? The mods determined the direction of the content, and the spiral began.


SW without mods, geared to be played without mods will work just fine. Those arguing against are asking for mods to be placed in this game based on their assumptions about another game.



They are not needed in this game, beyond our little friend's need to be able to yell, "You suck", or "you are a stupid arse", as we see him doing here.


No thanks.

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Right no, Recount is not what you say. Because you dont want people to see what dps you do, doesn't mean it shouldn't be added, in fact i'm 100% sure it will be added, and soon. Raiders will not be ok with no damage meters.


Great example of the WoW generation.


"Raiders will not be ok" This is exactly what I'm talking about. So sad.

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Then you don't know much from live and will burn out very fast.

Your brain and body isn't made to run at 120% all the time. It's the nature which will stop you sooner then later.


At some points in your life you MUST say: up to here is enough, no step further or it ends in a desaster.


But maybe you might learn it the hard way when you get older ;).


My brain can never run at 120%, that's impossible.


It can run at 100%, whether I'm gaming or doing more important things.


And no, I never have to say "up to here is enough".


I'm 28, and I've only gotten superior as I age.


I will never have "enough", even up to the day I die, because there's always more.

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I want to know how much DPS I'm doing down to two decimal places.


Yes, you want to know. But you don't need to know. It's simply not necessary.


It's not required to play the game effectively, it's simply for bragging rights.


I wonder how many people who want recount support threat being invisible.

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Summary of this thread:


Pro-recount people argue coherently and sensically about why they want recount, why it's not inherently the devil incarnate and how ultimately, it'll make their player-segment enjoy the game more.


Anti-recount people spew out a slew of vitriolic babble based on subjective conjecture without a single valid argument other than "lol elitism fu I hate u, u ruined WoW and DON'T TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD DO", completely ignoring the premise of the OP or contributing in any meaningful or constructive way as to how both player segments can be catered to.


One party, the pro-recount, resembles a level of maturity, coherence and, this is the shocker, tolerance, that is way, way, way beyond the other.

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Still waiting on you to tell me how it spoon feeds you anything.




Didn't think so.


You just don't want it because other people will be able to see how awful you're playing and won't want to get stuck carrying you.


You serious? Have you ever learned to play a game that didn't break everything down for you?




Why do you want it so bad? Also, people carrying me? I play with friends. Maybe that's why we don't need recount!


but yes, let's make the whole game so easy a pug can do it. It worked so well for WoW...

Edited by Gohlar
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A lot of us didn't like how addons trivialized WoW. We don't want that nonsense here.


We think games are more fun when you beat them on your own.



Raiding with meters = Taking a multiple choice exam.


You studied, you learned, you take the exam, you pass and so do your 15 friends, or one of them fails and you get told which one. You help him study for the re-sit, take the test again and you all pass, there is a sense of acievement, you move on to something else.


Raiding without meters = Taking a multiple choice exam where the questions are hidden.


Doesn't matter if you studied or learned, you have as much chance of passing as the next guy. You have 70 tries and eventually pass. Now add to this example that you can't progress untill all 15 of your friends also pass this exam all on the same attempt. But you also don't get told who failed. does this make you smarter than the guy who passed first time when he could see the questions? No, you managed it through trial and error to claim otherwise is foolish.


Its time for the anit-meter crew to come up with solid reason as opposed to 'I dont want to put effort in, its only a game' and 'massive generalisation coupled with insults'.

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