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Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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Again, you base you argument on logical fallacy, hyperbole and conjecture. The argument is beyond sophomoric to, well, silly.
using big words without understanding them makes you look silly. Especially with you use the word "sophomoric" and the wrong version of "too" in the same sentence.


There is no fallacious logic,no hyperbole, and no conjecture in the text that you just quoted.

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The e-peen CS kiddy fraction want it, real man don't as they have to juggle around with stuff like this in real jobs allready.


Troll more


Mature, mostly solo player who would like them for self-improvement. I have zero clue which traits are helping my output and to what degree. Same with gear.


Meters are also useful to people confused between multiple gear/trait choices, as it helps show the effects of those choices.


You don't need a speedometer to be an excellent driver. But, most still glance at it now again to get a sense of their pace.

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You're doing it wrong in the wrong game fella. ;p


No I'm not, you can play any game as hardcore as you want.


If I went off to play my little pony magical adventures, I'd still be aiming to stomp pony-skulls.


I'd still be aiming to dominate the ponies.


It's how I play games, and it works in any game.

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Again, you base you argument on logical fallacy, hyperbole and conjecture. The argument is beyond sophomoric to, well, silly.


Where is the fallacy, hyperbole, or conjecture in that statement? It's definitely not hyperbolic. And my logic and conjecture is based on what I already see in game and on these boards. You surely don't believe that all bad behavior in MMOs is a result of addons and mods do you?


Look at it this way. Some people are always going to unfairly criticize others in MMOs. ALWAYS. You obviously spend time on the internet so you have to have seen this first hand. In the absence of data these jerks can do it at will. They can bash others for 'poor play' and those poor people have nothing to combat it with. With data in hand its very easy to say to the jerks "You are wrong. Look at the log."


P.S. It would help your cause if you were to refrain from calling people silly and sophomoric. When people resort to name calling it's usually because they don't have a better argument to fall back on.

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Right no, i'm 24, I work, I go to college, and I can still always get at least top 3 in any run I've done when dps'ing since vanilla WoW. It's called hand eye coordination, it's called research, it's called gearing correctly, it's called using the right roation, it's called having situational awareness, it's called not being bad.


Try again..


Then perhaps it is time to expand your need for "challenge" beyond games to the real world?


I mean, I've never heard a job interviewer ask to see your damage meters. ;p

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Then perhaps it is time to expand your need for "challenge" beyond games to the real world?


I mean, I've never heard a job interviewer ask to see your damage meters. ;p


Right, because he doesn't have to deal with you in his raid, making him waste time, because you're so bad, that your group hits all the enrages. My personal life has nothing to do with damage meters, you'd have to be dumb to even relate the two.

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The e-peen CS kiddy fraction want it, real man don't as they have to juggle around with stuff like this in real jobs allready.


Troll more


No, actually you'll find I'm 27, have a job and a life. You'll also notice that my posts have had these things called 'points' and haven't strayed into mass generalisation and insults.


You might want to try this if you want to sound credible.


Being good at something and not wanting to waste what time you do have on the game carrying 'real man' who can't be ****ed to learn his class =/= Epeen kiddy.


It just means I don't want to waste time carrying you because you want to use the excuse 'its just a game' and have others pick up your slack.

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Right no, i'm 24, I work, I go to college, and I can still always get at least top 3 in any run I've done when dps'ing since vanilla WoW. It's called hand eye coordination, it's called research, it's called gearing correctly, it's called using the right roation, it's called having situational awareness, it's called not being bad.


Try again..


Honestly, really honestly, noone cares if you are that good or even better. and -1 internet for feeling the need to share that kind of useless information. and +1 internet to bioware for not giving you the tools to spam how much better u are in game.

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The point is not what YOU want, but the direction of the game, which is not in line with what YOU want.
Actually... it is. Combat logs are in the works, so 3rd party parsing apps will exist.


if anything that means more dps count chat spam than you'd see if the meters themselves were in the game.

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Then perhaps it is time to expand your need for "challenge" beyond games to the real world?


I mean, I've never heard a job interviewer ask to see your damage meters. ;p


You are assuming that he doesn't do this already? Again the anti-meter crowd with the insults and digs as opposed to haing an actual point.

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No, actually you'll find I'm 27, have a job and a life. You'll also notice that my posts have had these things called 'points' and haven't strayed into mass generalisation and insults.


You might want to try this if you want to sound credible.


Being good at something and not wanting to waste what time you do have on the game carrying 'real man' who can't be ****ed to learn his class =/= Epeen kiddy.


It just means I don't want to waste time carrying you because you want to use the excuse 'its just a game' and have others pick up your slack.


Don't pug. Problem solved. Dumbing down the game so you can pug is not the answer.

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Honestly, really honestly, noone cares if you are that good or even better. and -1 internet for feeling the need to share that kind of useless information. and +1 internet to bioware for not giving you the tools to spam how much better u are in game.


Sorry I couldn't hear anything over the resonating sound of your badness.

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Good players don't need a tool to tell them how to play. Players who think they are good because addons played the game for them need them.


Good drivers don't need a speedometer to be good drivers. But that tool remains useful as a pacing device, and most drivers, need em or not, will glance at them to help determine pace.


Same way I see meters. A sometimes useful tool to glance at.

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I support a personal damage meter but I'm actively against a group type damage meter.


I want one that only I can see. I like working to my maximum efficiency. If there is a way to figure out how to squeak out an extra 100 dps then I want to know it.


Problems start to appear when everyone is privy to your personal stats though.



Slightly off topic. If gear score ever even gets mentioned in this game Ill be out of here so fast heads will spin.

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Funny that you play this card, when you're putting words in his mouth

Just used your trick

this is called mediocrity. If you enjoy striving for mediocrity, all power to you, but lots of people like to be better than mediocre.

whut? I learned to kill the encounter and while I learned it I improved. After I killed this encounter I moved to the next, learned him and improved.

But once I killed one encounter ... there was no reason to kill him faster, harder, deeper!

Nope, it cannot be quantified by a talk with your group. You can get opinion based quality feedback, but that's not the same thing.

Who need to quantify it? You need informations what happend by the people around you like "new spawn", "pat add", "mob run away from you", "mob did X action" ... and stuff like this. NOT how much DPS your ability did or how many decurses someone casted.

And other players with the same class might give you tips like: "i had most succes with this combo" or "watch out for ZYX".


This is stuff I must know ... NOT any hard numbers!

And who cares if class X does 9510 DPS while class Y can just do 9509 DPS? It has absolut NO effect except to boolster your e-peen!

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Thanks Meluna.



I'll just end my thoughts on the subject by saying that so long as combat logs, damage meters, addons and macros are optional secondary features that need to be sought out and enabled; there is no reason for anyone to argue against their existence.




You go to a chess tournament. You, personally, at mediocre. You bring along your Chessmaster XI: Grandmaster Edition. You beat up a lot of people who are otherwise better than you.


Congratulations. Your programs beat their skill. You're not any good at chess, but the Chessmaster XI:Grandmaster Edition has you peforming at level you will never reach. But then you act like you are good in the forums, in act like it in the arenas and you get the rewards you stole from others who don't cheat by hiding behind macros and aim-bots.


Here's a hint, it's called "PvP" -- Player versus Player. Not MvM -- Macro vs Macro. AvA - Aimbot vs Aimbot. Or CvC - Computer vs Computer. EvE -- Exploit vs Exploit.


If your only argument is "I want you to play the game the way I play it" then your opinion's value is diminished, and you may as well keep it to yourself.


You should take your own advice. Because what you're aruging is for your personal play-style privledge in your being able to use any cheat you want, reap the rewards and for the rest of us to shut-up.


Well, people who play your way has ruined a lot of on-line games with aimbots, macros, cheats, exploits and hacks. Like Combat Arms full of aimbots and wallhacks. Like Halo. Like Call of Duty. Like many, many others.


After all, they're just 'playing the game they want to play it..."

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The assumptive argument, "Its already here, so lets make the environment further conducive to it."


Broke all three rules in one sentence. ;p


Is it not an assumption on your part that addons are 'conducive' to a bad environment? I get it. You don't want them in game. That's fine, but don't distort others arguments that are in favor just because you don't have anything else to fall back on.

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Then perhaps it is time to expand your need for "challenge" beyond games to the real world?


I mean, I've never heard a job interviewer ask to see your damage meters. ;p


Right, because you never get those crazy job interviewers that want to know about your past performance... o.0


Maybe if you want to lollygag around in games, you should group with other people who don't care if they ever actually win the encounters.

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Then perhaps it is time to expand your need for "challenge" beyond games to the real world?


I mean, I've never heard a job interviewer ask to see your damage meters. ;p


No, but promotions are based on performance.


When I worked for Xbox phone support, my promotions were directly related to my numbers.


And, because I had access to those numbers, I was able to improve myself to the point of being promoted faster than people who'd been there for years.


If I never saw those numbers, I wouldn't know where my weak points were. I wouldn't be able to push myself for the little victories, like shaving a second off my hold times, or a second off my call times.


Because I had access to those metrics, I was able to rise to the highest position outside of management in 3 months of working there, despite sitting beside people who hadn't been promoted in 3 years.

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Good drivers don't need a speedometer to be good drivers. But that tool remains useful as a pacing device, and most drivers, need em or not, will glance at them to help determine pace.


Same way I see meters. A sometimes useful tool to glance at.


That's a horrible analogy. Most real life ones are.


Recount shows you how to play the game. It makes being optimal incredibly easy. It removes needing to learn to play on your own. Your analogy makes no sense at all.

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Well, people who play your way has ruined a lot of on-line games with aimbots, macros, cheats, exploits and hacks.


None of those are meter problems. Meters do not make choices for you. They are not automated button pushing machines.


They do nothing but give information.


What people do with that information can be positive or negative.

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no, but promotions are based on performance.


When i worked for xbox phone support, my promotions were directly related to my numbers.


And, because i had access to those numbers, i was able to improve myself to the point of being promoted faster than people who'd been there for years.


If i never saw those numbers, i wouldn't know where my weak points were. I wouldn't be able to push myself for the little victories, like shaving a second off my hold times, or a second off my call times.


Because i had access to those metrics, i was able to rise to the highest position outside of management in 3 months of working there, despite sitting beside people who hadn't been promoted in 3 years.



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