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What planet(s) do you want to be added with expansions?


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Zorbulax Prime


Poto Tafalus



Any planet not yet in the EU. I want my Star Wars to be about exploring something new and amazing, to at least have the illusion that I'm having some sort of unique adventure, not following in the footsteps of some character that doesn't do things my way, anyway.

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I have to say Manaan too!


Anyone know about Dagobah? I don't even think it's inhabited by sentient beings, as before stated though, haven't really read up on it. But i would like Dagobah to be one of the exp planets actually.


Also Ruusan would be nice, they could do something awesome with the force nexus there, a long as hell quest chain that would grant jedi characters a new skill or something.


And ofc Ryloth, probobly my number one here guys, half the planet is perma night with glowing flora!

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The desert like planet where anakin skywalker was a jedi and the whole republic, fighting against sith, in the first movie idk what episode it was.




There is Mandalorian/Sith/Republic activity going on in Genosis in EU around the same time as the game setting...


Also, this would make a great gladiator style battleground in a future expansion pack...



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Agree with Naboo, Dantooine, Kashyyk and add Ziost (original sith capital)


Wookipedia says Naboo was colonized only about 400 years before SWTOR so it would be interesting to see what it's like at this time.


EDIT: Yavin 4! this was one of the coolest planets in SWG.

Edited by panacebo
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Agree with Naboo, Dantooine, Kashyyk and add Ziost (original sith capital)


Wookipedia says Naboo was colonized only about 400 years before SWTOR so it would be interesting to see what it's like at this time.


Feral Gungans running rampant across the planet.


On topic I'd like to see Yavin and Mon Cal (fish versus squid proxy war for the republic and empire).

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This would be interesting to see, since during the timeframe of SWTOR Naboo was still mostly populated by Gungans and the humans were outnumbered, without having a big capital city. It definitely wouldn't look like in the movies at least.


I want Dantooine too btw.

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Endor-because I really, really want to slaughter Ewoks by the freighterload.

Naboo-because I really, really want to slaughter Gungans by the boatload.

Malastar-because once in a while, I kinda, sorta want to kill Gran & Dugs until the feeling goes away.

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I'm starting to get interested in SW lore. I'm big SF fan, especially so-called "space operas". What usually interest me most is the planets, the systems, the species (politics, intrigue between them) etc. Sense of wonder.


What planet or planets do you want to be added in further expansions? And why?

I know there was big topic about this before forum was deleted before launch.


PS. Playing Consular and loving it :) Apologies for my bad english.


Dagobah. Much underrated planet, and the origins why it is taunted by the darkside can be explored.

Yavin 4, otherwise. has been in many games, comics etc. I think it should be there, because it had such a big role in the Sith war, which kicked off the events that lead to KOTOR and then TOR.

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Earth, Mars and Mercury


They'd have to be prepared to travel to a galaxy far far away. And even then, 3k years ago, they wouldn't find much.


Manaan would be nice. As would Naboo, if only to see the political structure of the time period.


Mandalore, personally, would be pretty awsome, being a Bounty Hunter and all :p

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Manaan is the major colto source of all the planets. Most of the world is undersea so it can be really neat to dive to the depths of the world.


Dantooine is the home of a very large ?abandoned? Jedi Academy. Dark rituals could have corrupted the world and made it a breeding ground for Sith.


Kasshyk is the wookie home world nuff said.


I want a Tauntaun

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I didn't play KoTOR, or Galaxies, so i Don't know what planets were featured in those, but these are some of the worlds I would like to see:


Kashyyk: So much opportunity, I want to see the mile high trees, with the several layers of darkness below the canopy (similar to the description of the world outside of ep III)


Dac: or Mon Calamar, or whatever it's being called these days. It would be neat to see the Mon Calamari side with the republic, and Quarren with the empire. Also, we need a water world.


Mustafar: or Eol Sha or any volcanic world.


Umbara: After seeing the recent Clone Wars arc, I must say this would be one of the coollest and most unique worlds out there.


Bothuwai: We need Bothans.


Dathomir: This is one of the most important planets in the EU. While Yoda won't crash a jedi ship there for another 3000 years, the clone wars have also established that there is true dathomiri race which has decended from humans and zabraks. It would be interesting to see the ancient ancestors of these discovering the planet and coming up with their own unique views of the force.




Planets I do not want to see:


Any more Icy or snowy planets (although I would have really liked Arkania, especially given it's role in the old sith empire.


Naboo: please, please don't add this. I don't even have any aversion to the Gungans, but there's already too many movie worlds (and yes, i understand that two of my requests are from the movies).


Geonosis: for the same reasons.


Dantooine. It's far too remote to make an effective demonstration

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I didn't play KoTOR, or Galaxies, so i Don't know what planets were featured in those, but these are some of the worlds I would like to see:


Kashyyk: So much opportunity, I want to see the mile high trees, with the several layers of darkness below the canopy (similar to the description of the world outside of ep III)

No real problem with this one - other than In KoToR you were limited to the tree branches, aside the small area of the Shadowlands. where would you suggest we go?


Dac: or Mon Calamar, or whatever it's being called these days. It would be neat to see the Mon Calamari side with the republic, and Quarren with the empire. Also, we need a water world. As far as I know Mon Cal is completely underwater, which would introduce a new type of zone, I don't think it would work in the Sw:ToR enviroment


Mustafar: or Eol Sha or any volcanic world. Maybe, I can't forsee too much of a problem with this one


Umbara: After seeing the recent Clone Wars arc, I must say this would be one of the coollest and most unique worlds out there. The problem here, is how is this world 3,000 years from when it is portrayed? All we see is a seceding world fighting to be free. Maybe we don't know enough about this world.


Bothuwai: We need Bothans. Many Bothans died to bring us... well, It could be an interesting world to add.


Dathomir: This is one of the most important planets in the EU. While Yoda won't crash a jedi ship there for another 3000 years, the clone wars have also established that there is true dathomiri race which has decended from humans and zabraks. It would be interesting to see the ancient ancestors of these discovering the planet and coming up with their own unique views of the force. In my opinion Dathomir only works if it's kept in the secret holdings of the force, the Clone Wars tried to disrupt that, and for me it ruined it, so this for me is a no.




Planets I do not want to see:


Any more Icy or snowy planets (although I would have really liked Arkania, especially given it's role in the old sith empire. How many Ice planets could they implement before people got very bored?


Naboo: please, please don't add this. I don't even have any aversion to the Gungans, but there's already too many movie worlds (and yes, i understand that two of my requests are from the movies). Naboo is a very different planet in this timeline, to me it would be interesting to see what the political structuring would be like, would be an interesting avenue to explore


Geonosis: for the same reasons. Not much is known about this world in this time, other than I think Mandalore is based there, which to me adds to the above, a "known" world in unknown structuring"


Dantooine. It's far too remote to make an effective demonstration. s far as Dantooine is concerned I believe like Taris it was bombarded by Malak's fleet, because the Jedi enclave was there. Maybe addable, not sure.


Answer's in Bold

Edited by Ruliya
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I was thinking and except planets which I mentioned before



I would like to have one big quest which will be on some huge +old +lost +"abandoned" space station or ship (you will not use speeders to travel between locations, but elevators or trains like in Dead space game).


I dont mean this will be like flashpoint (Foundy) but normal quest location (planet like). You know, you come there everybody thinks that station was lost for long time and crew is dead, and you have to for example search for some old cool technology, and you will find out that you are not alone there (please no zombies :D)... and it will be little bit scary but at the end you will get that technology or also discover story about some famous person. I understand this is not really like the rest of the SW but still I would really love this :)

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