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The Leveling Grind Is Dead! All Hail SWTOR!!!


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Thank Gawd! Someone has finally designed an MMO with Gamers in mind. With the Voice Acted missions -- yes, even the side quest are voice acted, the grinding for levels is officially dead!


Thank you SWTOR for killing this beast by making leveling fun, engaging, and very immersive. I actually look forward to leveling. Its no longer just a race to the highest level to begin the "real" game. In SWTOR the "real" game starts at level 1 with your very first mission and your very first dialogue decision!



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How is the grind dead? they have just hidden it with a voice acted story, you still need to kill x number of y, or travel to one person to speak to them then travel back to another to speak to them, or hack 3 terminals guarded by mobs at each point which is then a bonus mission of killing x number of that mob.

Grind is still there just harder to see

Edited by Hightideuk
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Thank Gawd! Someone has finally designed an MMO with Gamers in mind. With the Voice Acted missions -- yes, even the side quest are voice acted, the grinding for levels is officially dead!


Thank you SWTOR for killing this beast by making leveling fun, engaging, and very immersive. I actually look forward to leveling. Its no longer just a race to the highest level to begin the "real" game. In SWTOR the "real" game starts at level 1 with your very first mission and your very first dialogue decision!




The grind is still there, just the people who cant read not need to read the quests any more.


Voice over does not remove the grind, you still have to go kill x rats, y snakes, and z bears, they are just named rakghoul, rakghoul, and rakgoul now

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I assume by grind you mean boring repeatitive quests.


The boredom doing the quests in other MMO's was because I could see no reason for doing anything than kill X rats.. Biowares vioce over have allowed me to perceive these quests in a much richer more entertaining way.


It's like eating flavourless food and then adding salt and pepper makes the same food much more enjoyable. Vioce over gives the flavour I and many others needed so that the quests are no longer boring.

Edited by corbanite
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I don't think it's a grind for this reason, in most MMOs, leveling is the point, you watch you exp bar the entire time, you go to places that make your exp bar move the fastest. In SWTOR, the point is the game itself, I don't even think there is anything to do at 50. Not that I'm 50 yet, but it doesn't sound like it. I hardly look at my exp bar at all in this game. I don't care how fast/slow I'm gaining levels. I'm having fun watching my character's story develop. I no longer play til I get the next level, I play until I finish this part of the storyline. And this is the first MMO I've ever seen make that shift, it feels more like a single person RPG with a chat box.
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How is the grind dead? they have just hidden it with a voice acted story, you still need to kill x number of y, or travel to one person to speak to them then travel back to another to speak to them, or hack 3 terminals guarded by mobs at each point which is then a bonus mission of killing x number of that mob.

Grind is still there just harder to see


Wow u just answered your own question without even realizing it. Every video game is a gosh dang grind and a time sink. That's the point of them. But the better the game hides it the more fun and escape from daily life the player can derive from the game. At this point in time for MMO's star wars has done it. For once I don't feel like I'm grinding. I feel like I'm helping people out or making a difference. It is such a breath of fresh air.

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I don't think it's a grind for this reason, in most MMOs, leveling is the point, you watch you exp bar the entire time, you go to places that make your exp bar move the fastest. In SWTOR, the point is the game itself, I don't even think there is anything to do at 50. Not that I'm 50 yet, but it doesn't sound like it. I hardly look at my exp bar at all in this game. I don't care how fast/slow I'm gaining levels. I'm having fun watching my character's story develop. I no longer play til I get the next level, I play until I finish this part of the storyline. And this is the first MMO I've ever seen make that shift, it feels more like a single person RPG with a chat box.



Voice acting on kill/gather/click X amount of anything does not give it a point, or make the quest giver look any less inept.


Class stories are the ONLY worthwhile quests in the game, outside of the first 2 planets, and those are very few in comparison.

Edited by Hambunctious
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Wow u just answered your own question without even realizing it. Every video game is a gosh dang grind and a time sink. That's the point of them. But the better the game hides it the more fun and escape from daily life the player can derive from the game. At this point in time for MMO's star wars has done it. For once I don't feel like I'm grinding. I feel like I'm helping people out or making a difference. It is such a breath of fresh air.


Please explain how killing 15 Flesh Raiders, then 45 Flesh Raiders, as part of a "Bonus Quest" that is not mentioned by a voice acted quest giver and automatically granted upon killing one of them, is "Not a grind".

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Thank Gawd! Someone has finally designed an MMO with Gamers in mind. With the Voice Acted missions -- yes, even the side quest are voice acted, the grinding for levels is officially dead!


Thank you SWTOR for killing this beast by making leveling fun, engaging, and very immersive. I actually look forward to leveling. Its no longer just a race to the highest level to begin the "real" game. In SWTOR the "real" game starts at level 1 with your very first mission and your very first dialogue decision!





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Please explain how killing 15 Flesh Raiders, then 45 Flesh Raiders, as part of a "Bonus Quest" that is not mentioned by a voice acted quest giver and automatically granted upon killing one of them, is "Not a grind".


its bonus either do it or don't. If you feel like its a grind then don't so you can avoid the grind.


Seems pretty simple if you don't wanna break immersion.

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5/5 Flesh Raiders killed.






BONUS QUEST! 0/45 Flesh Raiders killed


Welcome to your grind-free experience.


Yeah, they're bonus for a reason, as in you don't have to do them.

Edited by Moitteva
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