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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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Yes, I think I would. There were times in the story that were truly epic feeling. It simply is not my idea of an MMO. Only time will tell if it is other people's idea of an MMO.


I think they will have extraordinary box sales based on the single player elements of the game, I'm just not very convinced they got the MMO part right. I love Bioware stories.


I couldn't say one way or the other how much I like the MMO aspect at the moment. However, I've certainly got my money's worth thus far.

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When I opened it 10/10

When I started the game 8/10

When I hit 25 6/10

When I hit 33 3/10

When I unsubbed, well yeah.


The story and vocals were great, they just were meant for another genre sadly.

Or half genre if you will (mmo)(rpg).


Even the chick I took to dinner tonight agree'd it is awesome, as a single player, and should have just been kotor 3 on the console.

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When I opened it 10/10

When I started the game 8/10

When I hit 25 6/10

When I hit 33 3/10

When I unsubbed, well yeah.


The story and vocals were great, they just were meant for another genre sadly.

Or half genre if you will (mmo)(rpg).


Even the chick I took to dinner tonight agree'd it is awesome, as a single player, and should have just been kotor 3 on the console.


I think you'll see a port pretty soon. I think they have actually planned for it and made the UI the way it is to make the job easier. Everything in this game feels console.

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This seems to be the case for most people.


Amazing at release / leveling. Terrible at 50.


It got gradually worse. Everything up until Nar Shadaa was pretty great but then came Taris and Alderaan...


Now I'm 50, doing some backlog quests (because I can't delete them :rolleyes: ) and never find groups to do endgame with.

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I think you'll see a port pretty soon. I think they have actually planned for it and made the UI the way it is to make the job easier. Everything in this game feels console.


They should have done that, then just released new content like they are for this at 10 dollars a patch or something.

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8/10 while leveling and immersed in your story.


4/10 Once you have had the time to get through it once.

You get to look at the world and what it offers.

Little to poor atmospheres, poor mini-games or side-things to do except the pvp or pve treadmill.

Space side missions have no randomness, I have found myself on numerous times thinking "and now there will be one coming from here".

Datacrons / codex hunting, which is un-fun in the sterile world, and buggy as well, the amount of codex entries per planet do not match what is available.

Alts being the re playable option, but no legacy system rewards, and strict questing progression makes it repetitive.

Horrible GTN interface.


Of course, all the other lag / fps/ responsiveness / green wall issues.


I'm torn between finding something else to fill my spare time until March and 1.2, dumping it completely, or going all angry on a pvp server and griefing, i mean ummm, world pvping as much as i can to get my kicks.

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This seems to be the case for most people.


Amazing at release / leveling. Terrible at 50.


The sad part is that it really just seems like oversight: they weren't prepared for people getting to level 50 so fast.


Which seems hilarious considering all the data they had from beta, as well as all the warnings they were given on the forums before and throughout the alpha and beta phases.




What I don't think they expected was for people to contrast the story-element experiences of leveling against what was available at level 50. You have a pretty high-quality leveling experience with regard to content and story. At 50, story necessarily had to be replaced with gameplay, and the gameplay was not in place.

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This seems to be the case for most people.

Amazing at release / leveling. Terrible at 50.


A developer just posted elsewhere, "the vast majority of our players" are in the level 20s. That said, as an early-20s on both Taris and Balmorra, I'm starting to notice unfinished content, and reproducible gameplay-affecting bugs that they must have known about but didn't have time to fix. I can imagine it will only get worse at higher levels.

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The sad part is that it really just seems like oversight: they weren't prepared for people getting to level 50 so fast.


Which seems hilarious considering all the data they had from beta, as well as all the warnings they were given on the forums before and throughout the alpha and beta phases.




What I don't think they expected was for people to contrast the story-element experiences of leveling against what was available at level 50. You have a pretty high-quality leveling experience with regard to content and story. At 50, story necessarily had to be replaced with gameplay, and the gameplay was not in place.


I hate this game but I'm going to defend the developers slightly here.


The biggest problem with a project like an mmo that people don't realise is that by pre realise beta it's too late in the product life cycle to change a lot of the design decisions that have been made. Some of these decisions will have been made 4 or more years ago, they cant just 180 on them at a whim.


And that is why I think this game has A LOOOOONG way to go before they can begin to fix it.

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I hate this game but I'm going to defend the developers slightly here.


The biggest problem with a project like an mmo that people don't realise is that by pre realise beta it's too late in the product life cycle to change a lot of the design decisions that have been made. Some of these decisions will have been made 4 or more years ago, they cant just 180 on them at a whim.


And that is why I think this game has A LOOOOONG way to go before they can begin to fix it.


I get what you're saying, however... balancing and debugging the current endgame content should've been a beta-stage process, not a post-release process. And when it was determined it would be a post-release process, it should've been prioritized higher than nerfing Slicing and BioChem. That wouldn't have required a significant change to the game's core design.

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6.5 for me... Its not a terrible game its just a meh game for the most part.. It feels like a singleplayer game trying to be an mmo.. the storyline part of them game is cool but thats it for the most part.. the rest is just meh and it feels like I've been there done that before but only better in other MMORPGs...


With so many bugs and bad UI and crap combat delay and animation issues it just makes pvp feel like crap.. Not only that but with lvl 10 to 50s playing together it makes it even worse. I know they are giving 50s their own bracket but thats not good enough..


Then with the sharding it makes the game feel small.. Alot of times I never run into a nother player the whole time I am questing on a planet and trying to get people to do heroics is almost impossible, to the point where i dont even bother trying anymore. same with flashpoints..


Then you have the space combat, sorry but that is a complete joke.. I am so disappointed how BW handled space and combat in space and how we get out ships with no choice at all.. I just dont like it at all..




So the game doesnt really feel like a MMO and the bugs and issues and the way the handled pvp sucks and space is laughable... It makes for a decent SP game though...

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Ill throw mine in:


Leveling: 8/10 - the leveling is actually fairly good but it gets really repetitive 40+ and the bugs become much more evident..


End-Game: 3/10 - This game has one of if not the worst End-Game I have seen in an MMO ...maybe ever...I have never unsubbed an MMO during my free month and have ALWAYS given the devs at LEAST 1 more month past my free month...I unsubbed SWTOR a week after hitting 50...its that bad....

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