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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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7/10 as MMO. Bugs. No sandbox. Un-finished endgame. Uncomfortable to play due to outdated "features" (like disability to summon mount in combat) and unfinished design implementations (like missing mercenary commendations turn PvP set acquisition into frustrating grind).


10/10 as (single player linear) RPG

Edited by Pashgan
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6/10. Star Wars yes, good enough to succeed KotOR? never in 3,000 years. unfortunately, Bioware's wish to create a Story driven MMO has Mind-f'd me in to grinding through the levels and rage clicking 2[spacebar]2[spacebar]2 the story, only to realise there is no endgame or individualism/customisation to keep me invested in that character... the questing story is so repetitive and boring that I cant bring myself to roll another toon. So my guy will stand on Republic fleet until they create some MMO elements for me to do :) I'm only still here (and will remain) because I'm a Star Wars Junkie.
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As a SW / KOTOR game... 9/10 . Excellent, really good immersion.


As an MMO... 5/10. It just isnt' there. all these years in developement and it doesn't really look like they ever played or took noticed of what works in other MMOs.

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