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For those who LIKE the game. Whats your first character?


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I am enjoying the game. Yes its got its issues but it has the making of something great.


The first guy i made (empire and yes i know a lot of people did) is a sith assasin. I just hit 10 to pick the assassin subclass. I find the storyline pretty awesome. Run into a few people now and then and quest and then do my own thing. I cant wait to get into pvp here in a bit. What did everyone else end up picking for their first character?

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Does beta count?


In the beta I started with a Smuggler. Was hugely disappointed with Act 1 so come release (Or early access I should say) I started a Trooper (Commando) which I much preferred in story. Then halfway through I started missing the melee, rogue like gameplay (Plus healing, I love healing but they both have that) so rerolled Operative and Scoundrel more or less simultaneously. Had major issues getting Scoundrel through Act 1 (Simply because I think it's the worst thing BioWare has written - talk about dragging on pointless moments.. geez) but Act 2 luckily was looking better. Operative I still much prefer theme/story wise but I can only stand playing Empire for so long. :p

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first char i rolled was inquisitor sorcerer, got that to 26 then rolled bounty hunter mercenary got that to 25 then rolled imperial agent operative got that to 20


then made the merc my main, sorc 2nd


i like all their storylines, but i prefer the merc for both pve and pvp healing so im sticking with that for now, will defo lvl cap the sorc tho to

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Made a juggernaut first. Got it to 44 so far. Don't see the issue with tanking and holding aggro with that one.


Made a powertech next, only to 17 so far with that one. Easy mode tanking.


Made a tank assassin after that, up to 16. If there's any tank that's underpowered (at least at lower levels) it's the assassin. Far too squishy to take a beating from multiple elites. Damage reduction on that character is at least 15% less than my juggernaut at the same level, and avoidance is around the same.


I like tanking. :)

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I like the "For those who LIKE the game" caveat but I'll bet some haters post anyway.


I chose Bounty Hunter mostly because they can be more or less non-affiliated and I enjoyed playing one in SWG 'til the nerfs hit. The SWTOR BH storyline is rather intriguing and I find my character flitting back and forth between light and dark depending on the situation.

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Sith Inquisitor Assassin, currently at level 29. And I do love it. Played an Imperial Agent Sniper in beta and fully intend to roll one again, want to finish the class story.


Will also be rolling some Republic character at some point too.

Edited by HELhikari
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Started with Sith Juggernaut which was fun but the mechanics seemed a bit too arms warriorish and rage generation still seems like such a lame mechanic for a class to have.


Went to Republic Trooper which is still quite fun. Out of curiousity I tried Bounty Hunter as well, which seems to be a better fixed, animated, responsive, less beta version of Trooper.


Still haven't tried a caster yet, or a healer for that matter. I like being a tank.

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lvl 50 sith jugg.


have a lvl 10 IA


i love the jugg for both pvp and pve. have yet to see the agro issue with them. i belive its more l2p (hate to say it) then anything cause its not spame one aoe it takes effort like tanking in other games use to.


plus i find him extremly useful in pvp which i love that aspect that i can be a tank and be useful finaly not some liablity were im better off respecing dps otherwise im wasting time. i comend biowere there for sure

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So many imperials :(


My first char is a Jedi shadow. I started leveling my rogue in WoW right before I unsubbed for swtor and enjoyed the playstyle. After I get her to 50 I'll level my sage because I prefer healing long term. The knight seems fun as well but I might level him empire side that way I can enjoy both sides.

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Rolled a Jedi Consular initally, and got him to 11, then wanted to see the Empire side and rolled a Sith Juggernaut who's now 18 and played dark, followed by a Sith Inquisitor who's 10 and played light. There are a couple of other lowbies who haven't really been developed. Still haven't got a preference so far as a main is concerned.
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Good to hear many people rolling sith inquisitor. I heard that those classes were pretty under powered. I made it for the sake of not trying to be like everyone else. And i mean the assassin part. I did hear Sorc is pretty hardcore. I am enjoying it and will probably roll a BH powertech later on.


And yea im sure a few haters will post in this thread. Im prepared

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So many imperials :(


My first char is a Jedi shadow. I started leveling my rogue in WoW right before I unsubbed for swtor and enjoyed the playstyle. After I get her to 50 I'll level my sage because I prefer healing long term. The knight seems fun as well but I might level him empire side that way I can enjoy both sides.


yea thought when i started it would be more evenly seprated with people wanting to be luke and such but i guess not., and my RL friends are imps so im kind of invested in being imp but that may change i just wish the servers would naturaly balane out slighly.

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Jedi Consular/Shadow.


Have to say the story, while engaging, is a bit ..... meh so far. But there have been some excellent moments that more than make up for what is a bit of a weak central quest.



an older Bastilla Shan

turn up in holocron form was worth the entry fee alone!


Planning to roll a consular/sage soon, so pretty happy all the same.

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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Well in early access I started with a sith marauder got him to 29 then had cc account issues got it worked out and decided to make a merc is level 16 both have been sitting in cantina past wk as i am currently dog sitting for my brother while he is enjoying tropical climate.
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I enjoy this game very much so far. I really think its great.

Haven't been on this forum for a while, because of all those stupid QQ threads. So its nice to finally see something positive.


Im lvling a Shadow atm. They are very fun to play in both pve and pvp. Sometimes i offtank in instances with my balance spec =)

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