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Not only did you argue that there would be no such build, but when you had to eat crow on that one, you insisted it would never be anywhere near the Sentinel for output. And when you ate crow on that certainty of yours, you swore you would not even play the game.


Nice try but no. See, I know what I said, you may try to convince people otherwise but it won't work.


At the time I said it there there was no such build.

At the time I said it there was no intention of there being such a build.


So no. I'm perfectly correct.


You should finally eat some crow and say:


"Yes Walsh, you were right."


Because I was.



I'm also not going to point out to you where your comment of two leaps is incorrect since someone did it already for me.


I have one leap. That is it. On a 15 second cool down. That is pretty much the extent of my mobility unless you want to count a 15% speed increase that stacks with no other boosts.


Also note:

You try to say that such testing as I did is irrelevant. You aren't even logically considering your words on that argument.


See... If I test all on the same target a series of rotations then whichever one does higher damage is the one that does higher damage. It doesn't matter about any of the things you listed off because you want a Combat Log and are trying to make it seem like one is needed.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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I have one leap. That is it. On a 15 second cool down. That is pretty much the extent of my mobility unless you want to count a 15% speed increase that stacks with no other boosts.




Regardless of spec you have the following mobility advantages-


Force Leap. gap closer+root


50% move speed from transendance, and a special to instantly fill centering to use it on command. On a side note, this buffs the entire groups speed too.


speed burst from force camo, which while only a few seconds is long enough to close range on a target


leg strike giving the target a 50% speed penalty, with a duration longer than its cooldown for permenant reapplication


an area root via Awe, which while broken upon damage, gives you 6 seconds to wait on a cooldown, or lets you apply a snare to keep range.


Then, based on your spec you get even more-



15% base speed increase


imobilizing crippling throw


imobilizing master strike


force camo now functions as a snare/root breaker





30% snare to cauturize, with 2 specials able to reset its cooldown


increase the speed from transendance to 80%, as well as the best centering generation makeng it useable very often


no minimum range on leap with reduced cooldown for a point blank root and knockback response every 9 seconds





Zealous Leap, a new non-root leap


40% move speed after every zealous leap, which is used often due to being a key part of its combo chain. Ensures the ability to pursue after the leap (or the ability to apply a leg strike)


60% snare that ticks to 10% snare via Force Exhaustion


reduced focus cost on all movment reducers



So, to say theres no movment advantages is overlooking/ignoring a lot of abilites to either improve your movment or hinder a targets movment. (which i consider a movment advantage)

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Regardless of spec you have the following mobility advantages-


Force Leap. gap closer+root


50% move speed from transendance, and a special to instantly fill centering to use it on command. On a side note, this buffs the entire groups speed too.


Yes, there is an ability to fill centering. However the cooldown isn't instant. It is a nice ability but the times when you can actually use it hardly qualify as a gap closer. It would be like if Consular's Force Speed was on a 1 minute + cool down.


speed burst from force camo, which while only a few seconds is long enough to close range on a target


Yes and no.


It is for less than 5 seconds and the speed boost from it is... How shall I say... Twitchy. I won't say it isn't a great skill, but the greatness of it has nothing to do with that speed boost.


leg strike giving the target a 50% speed penalty, with a duration longer than its cooldown for permenant reapplication


Sort of.


The fact that other classes have a knock back and snare, as well as other snares, makes "permanent application" problematic. It is nice, but there are so many things which can mess it up. Not to mention other speed boosts (see Inquisitor) can actually overpower it.


an area root via Awe, which while broken upon damage, gives you 6 seconds to wait on a cooldown, or lets you apply a snare to keep range.


Area mez actually, not a root. It also seems to instantly give anyone hit by it full Resolve.


Then, based on your spec you get even more-



15% base speed increase


Which costs 3 spec points and doesn't stack with sprint or any other boost and is the slowest speed increase in the game.


imobilizing crippling throw


Which costs 2 spec points and taking it means you are in the high end of the Combat Tree.


imobilizing master strike


Which can be stopped by:


A) Any interrupt.

B) Any mez

C) Any knock back

D) Any stun


All of which can be done even by the person we are using Master Strike on. If anyone gets hit by a full Master Strike they should feel ashamed.


Also this costs 2 spec points.


force camo now functions as a snare/root breaker


Which costs 2 spec points.




30% snare to cauturize, with 2 specials able to reset its cooldown


Costs 2 spec points.


increase the speed from transendance to 80%, as well as the best centering generation makeng it useable very often


See the issues with Transcendence as noted above.


no minimum range on leap with reduced cooldown for a point blank root and knockback response every 9 seconds


That one is quite nice.


Too bad Combat is supposed to be the mobility tree.





Zealous Leap, a new non-root leap


40% move speed after every zealous leap, which is used often due to being a key part of its combo chain. Ensures the ability to pursue after the leap (or the ability to apply a leg strike)


60% snare that ticks to 10% snare via Force Exhaustion


reduced focus cost on all movment reducers



So, to say theres no movment advantages is overlooking/ignoring a lot of abilites to either improve your movment or hinder a targets movment. (which i consider a movment advantage)


Oh there are movement advantages. They just aren't as good as those possessed by other classes.


For example:

Sorcerer gets an instant AoE knockback that when specced gives a 100% snare (not root) to the target.


Sorcerers also get a Force Speed that is on a 30 second cool down and is 150% added to run speed. This can overpower our snare and they can make distance with it. Not only that but this is an on-demand power instead of requiring 30 stacks of Centering.


I'd take Force Speed over Transcendence any day of the week and three times on Sunday.

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play swtor as a sentinel


aqquire keybind & multitasking masters degree.


playing sentinel is like driving a car. its well complicated at first and you have to do all these crazy things at once. but after a while it becomes automatic. playing shouldnt be this complex but im pretty sure all decent sents who have made it to level cap know the score.


whenever i see a level 40+ sentinel, i show respect and give them a /nod.


"I know man, I know."

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Yes, there is an ability to fill centering. However the cooldown isn't instant. It is a nice ability but the times when you can actually use it hardly qualify as a gap closer. It would be like if Consular's Force Speed was on a 1 minute + cool down.




Yes and no.


It is for less than 5 seconds and the speed boost from it is... How shall I say... Twitchy. I won't say it isn't a great skill, but the greatness of it has nothing to do with that speed boost.




Sort of.


The fact that other classes have a knock back and snare, as well as other snares, makes "permanent application" problematic. It is nice, but there are so many things which can mess it up. Not to mention other speed boosts (see Inquisitor) can actually overpower it.




Area mez actually, not a root. It also seems to instantly give anyone hit by it full Resolve.




Which costs 3 spec points and doesn't stack with sprint or any other boost and is the slowest speed increase in the game.




Which costs 2 spec points and taking it means you are in the high end of the Combat Tree.




Which can be stopped by:


A) Any interrupt.

B) Any mez

C) Any knock back

D) Any stun


All of which can be done even by the person we are using Master Strike on. If anyone gets hit by a full Master Strike they should feel ashamed.


Also this costs 2 spec points.




Which costs 2 spec points.




Costs 2 spec points.




See the issues with Transcendence as noted above.




That one is quite nice.


Too bad Combat is supposed to be the mobility tree.





Oh there are movement advantages. They just aren't as good as those possessed by other classes.


For example:

Sorcerer gets an instant AoE knockback that when specced gives a 100% snare (not root) to the target.


Sorcerers also get a Force Speed that is on a 30 second cool down and is 150% added to run speed. This can overpower our snare and they can make distance with it. Not only that but this is an on-demand power instead of requiring 30 stacks of Centering.


I'd take Force Speed over Transcendence any day of the week and three times on Sunday.


Oh my God!


You have to spend points in your trees to improve your abilities? This is obviously a despicable plot on the part of the developers to make sentinels worse... Unless, of course, other classes have these, "points" and need to spend them to improve their abilities as well.


I'm not saying sentinels are perfectly balanced, but arguing that your needing to spend points in a thoughtful way to maximize your playstyle is somehow a flaw seems pretty silly.

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My Shadow is spec'd more for tanking and less for dps. He'd still live where my Sentinel would die regardless of how my Sentinel is spec'd.


Perhaps it's just playstyle and what we as gamers are better at than others. This above quote is very true for me as well. I took my sentinel to 25 and was getting frustrated. I switched to a shadow, and haven't looked back; 32 now and no difficulties at all. I can solo heroics that my sentinel could not.

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I cringe everytime I get a new abilitty now. Where the hell am I supposed to put this stuff? How the hell am I supposed to even remotely hotkey it? I bought a goofy *** razer naga mouse, and I still can't hotkey everything! It's completely absurd.


And most of the time(as others have pointed out), they're all in various states of cooldown. I feel like I'm playing my healer who does nothing but stare at the party window playing whack-a-mole. It was satisfying until Alderaan, but now I have too many abilities, they're always on cooldown and I need to invigorate after every single fight(But then I guess on a PVP server that might be good practice).


PS. This is in addition to the fact that I'm getting uglier and uglier. Not only am I struggling to feel like a Jedi, but I know in a few levels I won't look like a Jedi.


Same here. Getting a new skill sould be fun and interesting. right now I just think "oh no, not another skill i don't know how to keybind".

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Oh my God!


You have to spend points in your trees to improve your abilities? This is obviously a despicable plot on the part of the developers to make sentinels worse... Unless, of course, other classes have these, "points" and need to spend them to improve their abilities as well.


I'm not saying sentinels are perfectly balanced, but arguing that your needing to spend points in a thoughtful way to maximize your playstyle is somehow a flaw seems pretty silly.


Other classes don't need to spend as many points in similar abilities is the point. 3 points for a 15% non-stacking run speed buff that is more or less nullified by any snare sucks.


That is the point.


Other classes get a lot of their better skills for half the cost or get them for free.

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Maybe this is BW's way of bending to an earlier sentiment regarding SWG and how special it was to be a Jedi prior to the NGE.


Lol maybe they are doing this as a way of making their Jedi special, so that only a few people play it.


That would be the poorest judgement I have ever seen displayed by any designer.

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My Shadow is spec'd more for tanking and less for dps. He'd still live where my Sentinel would die regardless of how my Sentinel is spec'd.


I'm on Darth Bandon server. :D


A kinetic shadow has more survivability, yes, but that's comparing a tank to a dps, which is....silly to say the least. A balance or infiltration shadow, which is a better comparison, doesn't have near the defensive cooldowns or self healing of a sentinel. A sentinel will outlast both in pve and pvp.


Perhaps it's just playstyle and what we as gamers are better at than others. This above quote is very true for me as well. I took my sentinel to 25 and was getting frustrated. I switched to a shadow, and haven't looked back; 32 now and no difficulties at all. I can solo heroics that my sentinel could not.


I find the exact opposite, again, if we're comparing dps classes and not a tank to a dps. My watchman sentinel can easily solo gold mobs that my balance shadow couldn't, and my balance shadow had a healing companion ten levels before the sentinel.

Edited by Vember
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A kinetic shadow has more survivability, yes, but that's comparing a tank to a dps, which is....silly to say the least. A balance or infiltration shadow, which is a better comparison, doesn't have near the defensive cooldowns or self healing of a sentinel. A sentinel will outlast both in pve and pvp.



You are making a spec comparison here and not a class comparison. Only one spec of Sentinel can "self heal" and that is the Watchman. The Combat Sentinel has no self heal outside of medpacks.

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You are making a spec comparison here and not a class comparison. Only one spec of Sentinel can "self heal" and that is the Watchman. The Combat Sentinel has no self heal outside of medpacks.


Well i should clarify, I'm comparing Balance to Watchman as those are the two specs I play. Both of these can self heal by the same mechanic, only Sentinel has the ability to maintain somewhat limited control over that healing. On the other hand, kinetic is not a dps spec and shouldnt' be compared to sentinels of any build. Infiltration is a pure dps build with no survivability at all.

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I've played other classes. This class is as hard a MMO class as I've ever played. I've been playing MMO's since AO.


In Pvp we are unable to kill.


Our class down tuning is beyond reasonable.


This is the WORST class I've ever played in an MMO.


Luckily, I enjoy the challenge in PVE but in PVP it's not a challenge

it's an impossibility wrapped in a disaster.


Btw if you want a skill check on me. Im reliably killing Sith War Sorcerors "29 elites" on Alderan at level 28. However I need stims, medpacks and ALL MY COOLDOWNS, and god forbid I get an add. I watch other classes take these out at my level without a scratch to hp and these guys are in freaking drop greens not disasterously expensive sinthweaving purples and blues.


We need our damage increased by 2 to 3 times. We need a reliable low cooldown CC break. We need our skills to have their cool downs halved and then we need half the skills. Redundant skills on long cool downs is totally obnoxious. Are you kidding we have to time 10 or more cooldowns in our head, watch for enemy casting bars, and keep up with ranged attackers running all over the place while being endlessly CC'd in Pvp... It can be done.. but not at any kind of competitive level with 1 button killers... *cough gravshot!!!!!




At level 28 I am broke, bearly able to complete my quests, if I use medpacks and stims. Furthermore Im in all self created blues and purples which means I have no money for a freaking MOUNT.




I need a break... back to my trooper...

Edited by VoidJustice
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You are making a spec comparison here and not a class comparison. Only one spec of Sentinel can "self heal" and that is the Watchman. The Combat Sentinel has no self heal outside of medpacks.


As they said before release - each spec is essentially a different class. Comparing overall Sentinel to overall Shadow is silly. Compare specs that fill a given role and you have sensible grounds to argue.

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Nice try but no. See, I know what I said, you may try to convince people otherwise but it won't work.


Sure thing, Professor.


At the time I said it there there was no such build.


At the time you said that the Focus tree was going to be a buffing/DPS hybrid build and a single lightsaber spec for the Jedi Knight class.


You said that if the single saber DPS guardian could match the Sentinel, you would not play the game.


You said a lot of things, Walsh.

"Yes Walsh, you were right."


Because I was.


Not so much.


I have one leap. That is it. On a 15 second cool down. That is pretty much the extent of my mobility unless you want to count a 15% speed increase that stacks with no other boosts.


You can spec in a way that increases your mobility significantly. It's an aspect of the class. You can't simply discount it because you have to spend talent points to do it.


Also note:

You try to say that such testing as I did is irrelevant. You aren't even logically considering your words on that argument.


You can't accurately test, Walsh. You can come in and make wild claims about attacks, but that doesn't include a good target or any consistent means of comparison. You aren't testing at all, because you don't have access to a combat log, and thus everything you say is suspect. You can't find a consistent opponent, you can't find a consistent amount of damage resistance - you *can't do anything remotely valid* until you have a combat log.


All you can do is prattle on about your anecdotes, which no one can contest because there's no tool by which to do so. So you can *claim* that all of this is true, and you can *claim* you've tested it, but no one can examine your data.


Because you have no data.


See... If I test all on the same target a series of rotations then whichever one does higher damage is the one that does higher damage.


To *that* target. Elemental resistance? Higher dodge on one type of character than another? You can't actually establish a baseline, Walsh. What gear do they have in comparison to your gear?


It doesn't matter about any of the things you listed off because you want a Combat Log and are trying to make it seem like one is needed.


This is complete nonsense, and a misleading ad hominem to boot. You can't discount my point by attributing a motivation to my argument. I don't have that motivation, mind you. I might want a combat log, but that's not why I'm arguing here. I'm arguing here because you have made several serious logical errors and have presented a whine thread to the devs without any corroborating data.

Edited by Montegue
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I honestly think BioW made JK harder so people actually played the other classes and we didn't only see JK's running around.


I do know I enjoy playing my JK at lvl 25 so far, however, when I watch my wife playing her consular steamroll through materials solo that I can't, I can say that we are a harder class to play - especially without a lengthy form of CC.


I think if this game is going to cater to the elite players then nothing will change, however, if it's going to be a popular mass based, then something will - most likely a scaling of our power or a new ability to cc. Right now JK is sorta like EVE in complexity and EVE has a small sub base. WoW is easy and has a large sub base. It's like main stream television verse alternative television. There is a reason why main stream tv has a vocabulary level of grade seven...


I think once the free period this month is over and subs either drop or increase as people level we will see the real response from the devs - money does talk you know. Until then I think they are mainly busy stamping out bugs, which is a good thing too.


Edit - from the dev forums, an answer!


Here are some of the things we're planning to roll out in the short term specifically regarding Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights :


Mobility/Anti Kiting (PvP) – We agree with the sentiment voiced by the community that some Guardians and Juggernauts have to work harder than other classes to stay within effective combat range, putting them at a disadvantage. We intend to address this in an upcoming patch where, as a first step, Force Push will clear the cooldown of Force Leap, granting for more reliable in combat pursuit capabilities to the Advanced Class. Further changes will be made if necessary.


DPS spec survivability (PvP and PvE) – The DPS specs on Guardian and Juggernaut are performing to our expectations when it comes to the ability to create damage, especially of the burst variety. However their survivability is lagging behind our expectations, especially in the later game, and we are going to start addressing that particular issue in an upcoming patch.

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Well i should clarify, I'm comparing Balance to Watchman as those are the two specs I play. Both of these can self heal by the same mechanic, only Sentinel has the ability to maintain somewhat limited control over that healing. On the other hand, kinetic is not a dps spec and shouldnt' be compared to sentinels of any build. Infiltration is a pure dps build with no survivability at all.


I understand what you mean. Apples and oranges. Tanks and DPS.


Here's what I mean:

Shadow can be pure dps, tanky, or a mix. Shadows can have a viable off-tank build with significant dps.

Sentinel can be dps, dps, or dps. Sentinels are supposed to be off-tanky, but they're glass cannons once their one good defensive skill is used, and can't be anything else.


The only thing I have against my Shadow is that his DPS tends to peter out near the deaths of Strong-tier mobs and moreso against Elite-tier mobs.


My Sentinel on the other hand can kill a Champion-tier mob one day, and die endlessly to the same elite the next day. Personally, I think Sentinels need two things, which I've listed in one or two previous posts above: a second, short-cooldown focus builder and a simple self-heal instead of the twenty-key underwhelming self-heal we've currently got. That skill is eleven points deep under ONE tree (to get the heal [7pts] and increase the chance it'll go off [3 to Juyo Mastery and 1 to Overload Saber] to the point of almost usefulness), which guarantees that you can't hit your capstone skill in another tree.


My Sentinel doesn't have the survivability he needs no matter what I do with him. My Shadow can be tweeked and tucked to give me enough dps AND enough survivability.

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Here's what I mean:

Shadow can be pure dps, tanky, or a mix. Shadows can have a viable off-tank build with significant dps.

Sentinel can be dps, dps, or dps. Sentinels are supposed to be off-tanky, but they're glass cannons once their one good defensive skill is used, and can't be anything else.



I see what you're saying, but again i disagree. Unless you're full kinetic spec, a sentinel can and will survive longer than you against any given elite. A balance specced shadow popping combat stance still can't match the raw surviveability of a watchman specced sentinel, from my playing experience. A lot of it has to do with zen management, and Rebuke. These are amazing tools that a shadow just doesn't have at their disposal, unless they spec high up into the kinetic tree for kinetic ward and the talent that causes tk throw to heal them for 3% per tic (forget the names off the top of my head).


I suppose you could hybrid a kinetic/balance build, but that's dangerously close to just gimping yourself to a life of mediocre damage and halfway decent survivability.



My Sentinel on the other hand can kill a Champion-tier mob one day, and die endlessly to the same elite the next day. Personally, I think Sentinels need two things, which I've listed in one or two previous posts above: a second, short-cooldown focus builder and a simple self-heal instead of the twenty-key underwhelming self-heal we've currently got. That skill is eleven points deep under ONE tree (to get the heal [7pts] and increase the chance it'll go off [3 to Juyo Mastery and 1 to Overload Saber] to the point of almost usefulness), which guarantees that you can't hit your capstone skill in another tree.


My Sentinel doesn't have the survivability he needs no matter what I do with him. My Shadow can be tweeked and tucked to give me enough dps AND enough survivability.


Well, I don't have that problem...I seem to do very well myself, although i wouldn't turn my nose up at a self heal. However, the problem lies in the fact that many people are able to excel with this class...if it gets buffed any, its going to be on the fast track to the nerf station once the uproar hits the forums.

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I see what you're saying, but again i disagree. Unless you're full kinetic spec, a sentinel can and will survive longer than you against any given elite. A balance specced shadow popping combat stance still can't match the raw surviveability of a watchman specced sentinel, from my playing experience. A lot of it has to do with zen management, and Rebuke. These are amazing tools that a shadow just doesn't have at their disposal, unless they spec high up into the kinetic tree for kinetic ward and the talent that causes tk throw to heal them for 3% per tic (forget the names off the top of my head).


I suppose you could hybrid a kinetic/balance build, but that's dangerously close to just gimping yourself to a life of mediocre damage and halfway decent survivability.


Well, we do defnitely disagree here. Shadows have plenty of tools to help them survive, I'd say far more than Sentinels. They have more CC and they can drop out of combat and into stealth any time they want. This is very useful when you're low on health agains a group of mobs. You can kill as many as you can, stealth out, heal up in five seconds, re-stealth, re-enter combat and kill whomever they couldn't the first go around. Sentinels do have some nice tools; I just think they have fewer and less useful tools.


Well, I don't have that problem...I seem to do very well myself, although i wouldn't turn my nose up at a self heal. However, the problem lies in the fact that many people are able to excel with this class...if it gets buffed any, its going to be on the fast track to the nerf station once the uproar hits the forumsU.


Again, we really disagree. Most of the Sentinel postingings that I've read in this thread who aren't repeat posters are saying that it's too hard, that they're giving up on the class, and/or that they have problems with this class and no others. No doubt some peole can and will do ok with Sentinels as-is, but it seems to me that the majority of people who've tried the class believe that it is wanting.

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I tanked the crystal droid boss in Red Reaper from like 50% on when our MT died and I wasn't overleveled. Cooldowns + heals from dots = good enough survivability. Of course that boss doesn't really hit that hard as long as you're executing the mechanics properly, but our defensive cooldowns are very powerful.
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I honestly think BioW made JK harder so people actually played the other classes and we didn't only see JK's running around.


I do know I enjoy playing my JK at lvl 25 so far, however, when I watch my wife playing her consular steamroll through materials solo that I can't, I can say that we are a harder class to play - especially without a lengthy form of CC.


I think if this game is going to cater to the elite players then nothing will change, however, if it's going to be a popular mass based, then something will - most likely a scaling of our power or a new ability to cc. Right now JK is sorta like EVE in complexity and EVE has a small sub base. WoW is easy and has a large sub base. It's like main stream television verse alternative television. There is a reason why main stream tv has a vocabulary level of grade seven...


I think once the free period this month is over and subs either drop or increase as people level we will see the real response from the devs - money does talk you know. Until then I think they are mainly busy stamping out bugs, which is a good thing too.


Edit - from the dev forums, an answer!


Here are some of the things we're planning to roll out in the short term specifically regarding Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights :


Mobility/Anti Kiting (PvP) – We agree with the sentiment voiced by the community that some Guardians and Juggernauts have to work harder than other classes to stay within effective combat range, putting them at a disadvantage. We intend to address this in an upcoming patch where, as a first step, Force Push will clear the cooldown of Force Leap, granting for more reliable in combat pursuit capabilities to the Advanced Class. Further changes will be made if necessary.


DPS spec survivability (PvP and PvE) – The DPS specs on Guardian and Juggernaut are performing to our expectations when it comes to the ability to create damage, especially of the burst variety. However their survivability is lagging behind our expectations, especially in the later game, and we are going to start addressing that particular issue in an upcoming patch.


Too bad this only addresses Guardians and Warriors. Instead they once more shove Sentinel and Marauder to the side.

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So I'm a level 45 Sentinel right now and my experience has been mixed. I decided very early on to play a Sentinel, as dual wielding and lightsaber prowess seemed very appealing. And I have enjoyed playing the class. But I have been extremely frustrated at certain points


Part of it has been an L2P issue as this is my first mmo. But it has been a very difficult learning experience. In the early levels I died like crazy. The boss fight against Valis was incredibly hard for me until I finally learned the value of interrupts. It was a good lesson, but a hard one to learn after not really using them until that point. But whatever, I learned from the experience. The main point that confuses me is the varying difficulty I've been facing.


Once I got Doc, things improved, but I still face weird situations. Like how I still fear mobs. I feel confident in fighting bosses, but it's getting to the bosses that is the hard part. On a couple occasions, I've died several times fighting all the lackeys leading up to a boss fight, then kill the boss on the first try and end that fight with full health. I suppose that is just the way I am playing, but it is so much work sometimes to complete the quests. Boss fights kind of lose their sense of threat and awe when they are the easy part.


I won't talk too much about specific character things like lack of utility and having a whole lot of abilities to use very often. People have that covered quite well. And I haven't even tried committing myself to PvP yet. I just love playing this class and going through the story, which has been superb so far. But the crazy learning curve and imo inconsistent difficulty level associated with the class has been frustrating and detracts from the enjoyment of the game. Certainly not enough to make me stop playing the character, but enough that I needed a break from it, even so close to achieving lvl 50.


Sorry for the rant, but I hope this adds a little perspective to how serious we all feel about the situation and how it affects the experience.

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