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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can you address our concerns?


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Well, I'm quitting SWTOR until Sentine/the game itself get fixed.

Just played a huttball game, I died 6 times.

4 times to knockback/perma CC in fire.

2 times to straight up perma CC by 2 operatives. 16 seconds of inability to do anything WHILE being attacked.


There's so many bugs with the class that I've had enough.


Good luck to everyone who wishes to stick it out.

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Threat Generation wasn't mentioned for Guardian/Tanks.


It really should be. it is extremely difficult to keep any kind of threat on a target. Our one single AOE has a 4 meter range and does very little for threat. It makes grouping a nightmare and having to micromage every single MOB is overwhelming at times.


The "Hit Me Hit Me" Button lasts for 12 seconds, that is pathetic when you have fights that can last 4-5 minutes on simple heroics.

Edited by CriticalMasses
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This class requires you to use every single skill. I look at my two bottom hotbars and I struggle to find a single skill that I can remove.


I'm using 3 (left sidebar) and every last ability hotkeyed. I use them all in different circumstances.


I have a keybinding method which works really well for me and I type 90 WPM. While I CAN play the Sentinel Concerto successfully, I wouldn't oppose a way to clean up my UI a lot.

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well i just rolled a Sentinel and is only level 24 but it kicks arse compaired to my Shadow Consular who had alot of difficulty around this level and most of the way, is now level 50 Kinetic from 40 as couldnt even break Voss and now Iium just kicks my arse (full Correla gear orange, with theran and Nadia) and judging by this class of Sentinel i dont and wont seem to have any probs as it mashes strongs and elites with ease.


but i spose i will find out as i get higher levels if i run into probs, but a few had trouble with the Rescue Kira quest, was well easy that was. only thing i hate (atm) is the story, the Consulars was much better and more exciting.


But to be Honest i think every class of spec needs to be re-worked as most just are not working how they are meant or suposed to be.

Edited by Morvoldo
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Combat tree needs to be buffed. Watchman is a great tree, but I wouldn't mind tweaking it a bit so it wasn't as difficult to play.


See, I am combat-specced, and I really like it but agree it is weaker than it should be in the big picture. It is fun, but it gets tedious at times. It just doesn't have the burst ability it boasts sufficient to overcome the squishiness. I think it was intended as a PvP-oriented spec, but I find it works better in PvE on the whole in my lvl 30 observation.

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Dont get me wrong i love my class, i love the complexity and the challenge of playing it. But at times it really frustrates the hell out of me. Im currently specced 3/35/3 almost full battlemaster geared and although i noticed a significant increase in my damage output. I still find myself be rather too squishy!!


im not asking to be able to take the sort of damage heavy armour classes do, but when you simply get stunned and 2/3 sith scorcerers channel force lightning while you have rebuke and saber ward up and your still dead by the end of it. I think something needs to be addressed!!!

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2 times to straight up perma CC by 2 operatives. 16 seconds of inability to do anything WHILE being attacked.

Sorry but what you just said is impossible, and it's detrimental to your arguments to lie to say game is broken. I fully agree that things are definitely not working as intended, but let me point out how your statement is utterly wrong. Operatives have Debilitate (a 4s stun), our Jarring Strike off Hidden Strike (if talented, 3s knockdown), Sleep Dart (8s incapacitate), and Flash Bang (8s incapacitate).


If we use our Jarring Strike, the resolve bar is filled, so that would have been 3s of inactivity, or none of you used your CC break. If you were Sleep Darted, you would have also had a full resolve bar, and if you were attacked, you would have been broken free. If Debilitate is used, your resolve bar hits roughly 3 bars, 1 away from full, and the next CC used on you would grant a full resolve bar. Flash Bang again breaks on damage, so you won't be under attack while CCed from it. None of these situations coincide with your '16 seconds of inability to do anything WHILE being attacked' because frankly, it's impossible for an operative to do that.


And to those that are going to cry and say I obviously play an operative, that's why I'm defending it, I suggest you go look at some of the other outrageous crits that other classes can attain, I'll give you an example that should hit home for this thread as a starter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfWx_mcAQBY . Operatives fill their niche well, get in and get out fast. We have almost no sustained damage, and rely completely on our opening burst to kill a target. We also have very little survivability outside of our evasion or vanish, and while they're down, we have almost no chance of surviving if we're focused.


Spreading lies about classes isn't going to get anything solved, and is more than likely going to make the game even more out of balance than it is now, remember that before you post something next time.

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Sorry but what you just said is impossible, and it's detrimental to your arguments to lie to say game is broken. I fully agree that things are definitely not working as intended, but let me point out how your statement is utterly wrong. Operatives have Debilitate (a 4s stun), our Jarring Strike off Hidden Strike (if talented, 3s knockdown), Sleep Dart (8s incapacitate), and Flash Bang (8s incapacitate).


If we use our Jarring Strike, the resolve bar is filled, so that would have been 3s of inactivity, or none of you used your CC break. If you were Sleep Darted, you would have also had a full resolve bar, and if you were attacked, you would have been broken free. If Debilitate is used, your resolve bar hits roughly 3 bars, 1 away from full, and the next CC used on you would grant a full resolve bar. Flash Bang again breaks on damage, so you won't be under attack while CCed from it. None of these situations coincide with your '16 seconds of inability to do anything WHILE being attacked' because frankly, it's impossible for an operative to do that.


And to those that are going to cry and say I obviously play an operative, that's why I'm defending it, I suggest you go look at some of the other outrageous crits that other classes can attain, I'll give you an example that should hit home for this thread as a starter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfWx_mcAQBY . Operatives fill their niche well, get in and get out fast. We have almost no sustained damage, and rely completely on our opening burst to kill a target. We also have very little survivability outside of our evasion or vanish, and while they're down, we have almost no chance of surviving if we're focused.


Spreading lies about classes isn't going to get anything solved, and is more than likely going to make the game even more out of balance than it is now, remember that before you post something next time.


I certainly can appreciate the fact that you need to dump your kit to win a fight. If you're incapable of surviving when focused then you do what you have to, however consider for a moment that you are simply enforcing his statement by saying as much. You have the tools to stretch your capabilities to the limits and kill another player. Lots of Sentinels or DPS Guardians don't have the ability to pick how the fight starts unless they catch someone napping, and even then there are classes with far more power. The fact we don't have a stun except for Awe (that breaks on damage) sort of keeps us from being able to go max uptime on an opening attack.


This is prevalent in PvE and PvP and is emphasized a lot in these forums and in the game. I don't want tons of cloned abilities to make up for things, however when I play a DPS character I would like to play one that is capable of doing more damage single target than a guildie healer can do to a group (per enemy). These are the things that cause such large amounts of disquiet among our community and why there is such an issue at the moment. Sentinels need love too (flat damage increases to all skills would do), but Guardians need to not get out DPSed by their companions in lesser gear.


So I'm sorry to disagree with the "they're fine" statement Bioware has put forth, but when you begin to see that Troopers FAR out damage you with half the melee range risk? It's time to demand a change to how things work, if for only the sake of things being fair.

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To MimicUnleashed, I'm not disagreeing that people need to start demanding BioWare steps up their game and fixes all the things that are horrendously broken, but the constant bickering about 'I'm level 20, I joined a warzone and died to an operative in 3 hits that was buff stacking, nerf class plz' is getting a bit overused. People are just dumping horrible lies to overemphasize 'how fast they died' when that accomplishes less than taking the time to actually point out what happened and maybe come up with a reasonable fix, as some people have suggested, like nerfing our opening burst and raising our sustained. But to say 'I died in 16 seconds of perma cc and couldn't do anything *** halp bioware plz' is asking for a response like mine.
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I am Level 23 and cannot get the hang of Interruptions, from what I've read this won't ut me in good stead for later battles, and even though I don't understand all the tech-speak about how we have lower this and lower that etc, I still think that we (as Sentinels) are EXTREMELY underpowered and could use more Force Powers, how on EARTH are you supposed to beat Valis if you can't get timing right for Force Leap/Stasis/Kick? IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just making my point.
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I may be in the minority. But I think the class is ok where it's at. But it's only ok.


There is a lot to monitor, there is a lot to do but that's what makes the class fun for me. It's not just 12341234123422134.


I think one thing that would go a long way towards making the class better would be to shorten the CD on our interrupt. Make it a 6s CD. Yeah, that'll make us a pain in the @ss for casters in PvP but it gives us a bit of extra utility and would be crazy helpful for some of our class quests.


Put an "Advance" tag on the character selection screen and I call it good. If you actually read you're tool tips and your talents you can do some crazy things.


Edit: Oh, and fix the mitigation/shielding/avoidance issues cause that hurts us hard in PvP AND PvE.

Edited by MagikxMan
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I've been Level 50 Guardian for 2 weeks now and I have only minor grievances and balance issues with my Tank.


Georg has responded in these forums before, he has talked about the metrics they have on class performance and that they are ALWAYS looking at every class and making adjustments, he has said balance is a never ending process which is never done.


He has also posted that they simply cannot respond to every thread, but that doesn't mean that they aren't getting read and notes taken and investigation started.


There is without a doubt areas that need to be looked at, threat generation, dps output, and survivability are under review. But overall the Jedi works well in my opinion. Sure we might be the bottom of the curve right now, but there always has to be a bottom and a top. There is nothing with the class right now that prevents me from getting done the things I want to do.


We have Jedi that have already completed every Hard Mode Operation boss as Tanks and DPS.


As far as PvP, well to me if you are playing PvP in an MMORpg you are in the wrong place. It is an absolute impossibility to balance classes for PvE End Game content and PvP at the same time. There is not a single MMO in history that has done it. If you want balance go play a game that was designed solely for balanced PvP.

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Don't listen to the OP, I would hate for BW to ruin the class by making it a 1-button class. Dunno about Guardians but Watchman Sentinel is pretty much OP even with the ability stuttering currently going on. Imagine the DPS when BW sort it out. Edited by darthtoph
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why do vanguards get a a pull but the classes who really need one don't...


Supposedly it's cause we have force leap, I'm actually not exactly sure myself.


I posted a brainstorm thread of my improvement idea, which is now on page 4 because everyone seems to be concerned about how robes makes one's butt look big...




I would like some people to actually comment on the idea, but rather than simply yelling about how the class is broken, how about we talk about potential solutions.

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