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Can you address our concerns?


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Also, the amount of people on here "demanding" a offical response is to large for them to answer. Just because theres no reply in your thread doesnt mean they havent read it.


Apart from that, class balance changes are made in big patches (1.1, 1.2 etc etc). Ill guarantee you that they are looking at class balance issues and how to correct them, but you wont see any of that before a major content patch hits or they are done fixing the major bugs that effects everyone.

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Also, the amount of people on here "demanding" a offical response is to large for them to answer. Just because theres no reply in your thread doesnt mean they havent read it.


Apart from that, class balance changes are made in big patches (1.1, 1.2 etc etc). Ill guarantee you that they are looking at class balance issues and how to correct them, but you wont see any of that before a major content patch hits or they are done fixing the major bugs that effects everyone.


No offense being meant here but...


We are Jedi Knights asking for an official response. Not to sound elitist but this is Star Wars. The Jedi Knight is the flagship class of this game and it is also the flagship of the intellectual property known as Star Wars.


In the development cycle we were left out in the cold so many times... Now we aren't going to take it.


We do need an official response and since I have personally seen other class threads where devs have responded I'm under the opinion that someone, on Monday, should be in this thread and making a detailed response as to why the Jedi Knight (and Sith Warrior by extension) has so many issues and has taken such a beating.

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We're NOT underpowered, but we ARE ridiculously hard to use. Every silver mob or above requires the use of at least 11 buttons to actually fight as a JK/SW. I have a number of big hits each of which is on a 15 second or higher c/d. And the c/d reductions see to be picked at random without any thought as to how they fit into a sane rotation or priority system - I'm tracking a 4.5 second c/d, a 6 second c/d, two 12 second c/ds, two 15 second c/ds, a few 45 seconds c/ds, a couple of 1 minute c/ds, and two 3 minute c/ds.


I feel like I'm playing an accountant.


the amount of things on cd all the time is just mind boggeling. I find myself staring at my bars more just to make sure everything is staying up or being used when fighting harder mobs.


I also wish kick didn't require focus... yes it's 1 and shouldn't be that hard to have 1 focus but ya, it can suck sometimes.

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When you get a new ability it should be exciting. In this game it's just just throw it over with the rest of them and lets see if it's good.


I cringe everytime I get a new abilitty now. Where the hell am I supposed to put this stuff? How the hell am I supposed to even remotely hotkey it? I bought a goofy *** razer naga mouse, and I still can't hotkey everything! It's completely absurd.


And most of the time(as others have pointed out), they're all in various states of cooldown. I feel like I'm playing my healer who does nothing but stare at the party window playing whack-a-mole. It was satisfying until Alderaan, but now I have too many abilities, they're always on cooldown and I need to invigorate after every single fight(But then I guess on a PVP server that might be good practice).


PS. This is in addition to the fact that I'm getting uglier and uglier. Not only am I struggling to feel like a Jedi, but I know in a few levels I won't look like a Jedi.

Edited by Alterin
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While I am thoroughly enjoying my vigilance guardian's playstyle and like having a plethora of spells to choose from in my rotation; compared to other classes we are significantly underpowered.


Our AOE is weak, we have virtually no single target CC aside from Stasis which is a channel, and in PVP there is no real need for ranged to even try and run from us as they deal as much dmg (if not more) than we do when we are right in their face.


I can deal with the low aoe and having to heal between every fight when questing. BUT GIVE US A STUN. Even if it just changing force stasis to a 30sec cd and making it last the 4seconds without a channel. We have awe which is a laughable pvp CC for its duration.


Or if you felt like making us somewhat OP against healers, you could give us a spell with something along the lines of a 1min cd, lasts 15sec and all ur melee abilities used will stun the enemy for 1sec, with the stunned enemy being immune to your stun for 4sec. (Something similar to one of Udyr's effects in League of Legends).......just a suggestion

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When you get a new ability it should be exciting. In this game it's just just throw it over with the rest of them and lets see if it's good.


Thats where your wrong. Starting out as defense at lvl 20 you got so few tools, that you cant do your job smoothly and have to work extremely hard.


I'm at lvl 40 now and feel like I got most of the tools I need to tank efficiently, sure there may be many buttons, but they all serve their purpose in your rotation and all have a use in specific situations. Its much like the warrior class in wow, you had a **** load of things to press and use aswell there, but if you did it and you did it well, you were one hell of a tank.


Edit: Now I cant comment on the pvp aspect, cause frankly I dont give a **** about pvp, but I think alot of people have gotten use to how simple wow had become, you needed to press at most 3-5 buttons and that was it. I dont think it hurts the class to have a somewhat complex playing style, I kinda welcome it.

Edited by Liania
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I've been using my a razer naga (currently Epic) for the past 2-3 years. using shift as a modifier for being able to effectively hit 1-9 with ease gives me 19 functions with 2 fingers (Right thumb and Left pinky). Binding mouse wheel up and using shift modifiers with that plus unbinding my strafe and reply Q, E, R gives me a great load of assets plus I have the anansi keyboard which I haven't gotten around to using effectively after having it over a year (in most mmo's though I use roughly 26-30 keybinds at will in muscle memory.


I can boast accolades achieved in other games but why? I say all this because I know How to play video games... and I feel i'm quite good at the ones I do play, I've even gotten paid to do it.


What I hate on these boards are for every 10 people that say something is off with the class you get the 1-2 maybe three saying all is fine and dandy when there are huge issues. I have both a 30 JK and a BH. VASTLY different play-through in terms of what I felt like when i played each class. I take on a strong and and 2-3 weaks and im walking out of that fight with sub 30% on my JK. on my BH I can put pet away, /dance, and walk about with less than 5% missing without healing myself, I can go as far as to say without being touched.


My companions take less damage than I do, with far less armor, Kira can hold threat off me pretty well if not specced watchmen.


Fact, at level 20 on my BH with using tracer missile I was able to consistently get 2.5k trophy in WZ's, at level 30 on my Sent, it's happened once. Tracer missile alone trumps everything in the Sent arsenal by a long shot maybe except for the final saber throw ability and it's gotten at level 20. DFA crushes Aoe and the spray aoe with knockback is spammable. as BH I have 1min CC off heals, and if specced to heal I'll bet I can out dps, out cc, all while keeping the party alive as a bounty hunter.


I rerolled for the sake of being someone who wanted to do something on there own about the current state of sith vs rep representation on servers, it is horribly overwhelming.


That being said, go to the PvP boards and you will see that we aren't as staples of the star wars IP even a factor, darth vader and luke would be laughed off tatooine by some random blaster pistol touting smuggle with a kick to the sack and a quick shot between the eyes.


Joking aside the class may be fine, but there are tooooooo many bugs that effect its gameplay.

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Lots of skills on cooldown, true. Lucky me I played a Gladiator AND a Templar in Aion to end-game. Since we had auto-attacks, EVERY SKILL was on cooldown and I had to watch for it.


It`s not that bad, by me, I can get by and I can quickslot everything using a normal mouse. Did so in Beta, plan to do so again when I return from travelling.

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I bind everything around the WASD using shift and ctrl combination and rebinding X,C,E,Q,etc... as i used to do for PVP in Wow but a beginner would explode.


It is not at all a newbie class.



I wish i can do some castsequence macro or something like taunt+set defenisve stance or setting different interrupt on one button.

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I want to add in that I do not feel like a Jedi at all, aside from using 2 lightsabers. Where are my force abilties? Even in some of my quest cutscenes, I force push people away/down, yet I can't do that while playing, ever.


Just take away the lightsabers, give me two vibro swords, and call the class something else. Nothing Jedi about it.

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I want to add in that I do not feel like a Jedi at all, aside from using 2 lightsabers. Where are my force abilties? Even in some of my quest cutscenes, I force push people away/down, yet I can't do that while playing, ever.


Just take away the lightsabers, give me two vibro swords, and call the class something else. Nothing Jedi about it.


Well as a guardian I don't have this issue. I get force push, I get force leap and force sweep, blade storm is a ranged slash of force from my sabre. Heck I even get force choke! But they call it force stasis, but it even keeps the noise.


What else did you expect to get?

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Well as a guardian I don't have this issue. I get force push, I get force leap and force sweep, blade storm is a ranged slash of force from my sabre. Heck I even get force choke! But they call it force stasis, but it even keeps the noise.


What else did you expect to get?


Force Valor (We don't get this. We get Force Might... I guess.)

Force Speed (We get the slowest speed buff in the game in Defensive Forms)

Force Pull/Push (Don't exist on the Sentinel)

Force Heal

Sense (Stealth detection)

Force Resist (Resist Stuns and CC)

Surrender to the Force (The ultimate power in Star Wars lore and canon.)

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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Whoever green lighted the copy/paste of wow's warrior into this game made a serious error. Warriors are the least fun to play of all the tanks in wow because the rage mechanic is TERRIBLE and their positioning is NONEXISTANT.


It is so bad that blizzard has gone so far to make the rage mechanic completely irrelevant for warrior tanks. Bioware is adopting many problems that even blizzard, with $150m/month in revenue and a gigantic, talented dev team couldn't solve.


Do the right thing, guys... innovate and improve upon what your competitors have. This class is quite frankly the worst thing I have seen since Shadow Warriors during the first couple of months of Warhammer Online. It's really atrocious that you would allow this utter crap to make it into a production game.

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^ This. ^


It really does seem like the Bioware devs have neglected to consider the unique challenges of melee dps compared to ranged dps. Some of these challenges include, but are not limited to:

1. Useless downtime while getting to a target, or moving from one target to another.

2. Vulnerability to crowd control. Ranged characters can still do something while snared or rooted. Melee can not.

3. Vulnerability to character-based AoE. Any opponent (pve or pvp) that does damage in an aura around itself hits melee. Players have to either move or eat the damage. A further issue occurs when the boss uses targeted aoe on a melee tank. Melee dps in this case have to contend with the same choice of taking damage or running--while ranged dps don't generally set up in melee and won't typically be standing next to a ranged tank.


These are my three issues. They are strictly from the standpoint of a gamer that has played a few MMO's in his day. There are multiple ways to fix these issues as well, but I find the lack of any developer response to these issues disheartening, especially in light of the fact that jedi classes are a fixture peculiar to Star Wars, and you can't play a genuine Jedi Knight anywhere else in an MMO.



Absolutely agreed. Jedi Knights should not be penalized simply for holding a lightsaber.

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In a nutshell, our biggest problem is that our cooldowns are too long. It's as simple as that. We can't use our tools as effectively as range dps can, because the cooldowns on our abilities won't allow for it. I'm a warrior, so I'll use warrior jargon, pardon me.


Backhand: 4 second stun, high threat. That's nice! 1 min cooldown. Good god.


smash: Area of effect attack. Scales well with levels. Nice. 15 second cooldown. Good god. Wait, you can talent to reduce it! 12 second cooldown. Good god.


Force grip/stasis. 1 minute cooldown. C'mooooon.


They are hurting us by going for a uniformity in cooldowns that does not lead to balance. Those lengthy cooldowns are well and good for ranged dps because they have the advantage of, well, range. They're at a distance. Bully for them. Melee on the other hand is on the frontline getting knocked around.


The solution to these problems is simple. Shorten the cooldowns on all melee abilities, but Reduce our base damage to bring it in line with ranged dps. That way we can play our characters without that horrible feeling you get when you've pressed all your keys, and are at the mercy of a timer. Make being a knight/warrior fun, without feeling like you have to be perfect in order to succeed.

Edited by sanctified
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Ok, so I'm a lvl 26 Jedi Sentinel and this is what I've noticed for Sentinel AC (mind you I didn't have any problems leveling or killing golds so far, but I do every sidequest and am overleveled a bit). Also note that I'm not saying we're a bad class, just weak in comparison to others:


- Essentially, we are a squishy single target dps class in a world of ranged mob packs of 3+. This means we have to put much effort into switching between targets all the time, putting dots on one, then switching to another. Yes we have an aoe skill, but it has a 12 sec cooldown and is rather useless beyond initial use. A lot of time mobs in a pack stand so far from eachother it's pointless to AoE. So a lot of target switching and and running around.


- Second, we are squishy as ****. Call L2P on me, but there's no denying that after we've used up our Saber Ward (+50% melee defense) and Rebuke (-20% damage taken) we go down EXTREMELY fast. And since Saber Ward and Rebuke are on a rather long cooldowns...


- Third, we have to manage a ton of cooldowns. Now I don't seem to have a problem with this, but it damn well shouldn't require you to be an octopus to play this class (Conqueror from AoC anyone?). There's a million cooldowns I have to keep watch of and another million of skills to use. I spend most of my time looking at quickslot bars rather than my char cutting thru packs of mobs. This is even harder in PvP. Problem here is, even with all the extra work we have to do compared to other classes we still have pretty much the same dps as everyone else (while others have it a lot easier). Don't get me wrong, I simply enjoy playing Sentinel, I love that it's complicated (infact I switched from Bounty Hunter to Sentinel because I found BH gameplay to be boring and I wanted a challenge) but we should also be properly rewarded for it.


- Fourth, PvP. We have a gap closer, "CC" on a long cooldown and a slow. A few sec immobilize if specced combat. But that's pretty much it. Any decent Sorcerer will kite us without a problem. CC, stun, knockback, force speed away. Wat. It is US who should have a force speed skill to catch ranged players. Mind you I'm still pulling 200k+ damage (all single target, no pocket healer) on a lvl 26 Sentinel in almost every WZ. Yes, we have great damage once we stack up all the dots on a target in melee range. Beyond that, we get killed pretty easily.

Master Strike in PvP. While it might be useful in PvE, it's pretty much useless in PvP. Does fairly good damage, but locks you in place for several seconds. A simple fix to this would be shortening the animation time and increasing the cooldown. Would make it much more useful in PvP.


- Lastly, the most important. A pletora of bugs (not all exclusive to Sentinel). From Master Strike not firing off, to Blade Storm getting stuck, to Riposte not triggering. Probably a few others I haven't even noticed yet. All this coupled with a strange delay and bad target switching. Connect this with a class that must have a perfect rotation to be decent and it can become gamebreaking.

Edited by Vibeth
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Level 38 Sentinel. All my gear I can find is of the Orange class where you can upgrade 3 slots every 2 levels at least< all mods are Blue to purple and kept as current as I can. I have an artificer, a synth weaver and a cyber tech to constantly keep ramping up.

I tank like a 12 year old wearing a dress , holding a cardboard sword, unless I run preferably 2 levels above the listed Planet level suggested minimum. I have a rotation one I painstakingly figured out for solo, but OMG is it complicated as we have so many skills half of which my Level 25 Sage can out do. I found little to no value in half of the abilities from skill tree, as a matter of fact I am probably going to break down and go Watchman like all the other vanilla JK's as I cant see the class viable without trying to get all of the miniscule heal dots I can possibly manage to stack on. I just got Doc for a companion, but I find such a massive drop in dps from Kira s a companion, not sure if the heals are worth it, as it take to long to kill anything.

Frankly Sentinels need some love, my Shadow who wears Light armor but gets a 150 % armor self buff has almost double the Armor rating that my Medium wearing Sentinel does. THAT IS JUST WRONG. We have no redeeming factor to balance out the lack of wearing Heavy armor like Guards do to my present levels. We have ZERO Oh Crap skills where as my shadow has several including best of all instant Stealth non decectable drop from combat. And frankly our DPS is button mashing, Carpal tunnel Syndrome waiting to happen, and really not that much DPS either. I mean we look cool , 2 shiny sabres and all whirling around, but are we really doing anything ?

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I'm new to the whole MMO gaming systems and--to be honest--I bought the game because BioWare makes awesome stories and great games and I love Star Wars--specifically Jedi's. So I got the game to play as a Jedi. I'm not the biggest gamer ever, but I also have a smuggler as well and between the two the Smuggler is a breeze. I think I've gotten as far as I have as a JK by pure force of will. I'm stuck on a boss fight I'm one level higher than currently and get pummeled into the ground everytime and have yet to even come close to winning. Now I understand that some players are freaking awesome at this game and kudos to them because hey you're good and you deserve it. But I'd like a little easier boss fight because personally I'm playing this for the story. The Jedi Knight Sentinel role was the first one I ever chose and it's been a doozy of a fight at times, but the whole overly difficult boss fights are getting a little frustrating. I keep getting pushed back and then lightninged as I charge and then slammed to the ground before I get off three hits. So my complaint--and I promise not to try to sound whiney--is that I'd really just like to continue the story without having to die a dozen times while being a level or two ahead. Like I said I'm new and not the greatest but it's kinda frustrating to want to play out the story of the Jedi Knight and keep getting stuck on the seemingly incredibly difficult boss fights.
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The survivability of Jedi Sentinels is ground in an active mitigation of incoming damage, through the usage of a diverse portfolio of interrupts and powerful activated defensive abilities with medium-long cooldowns. This was certainly an interesting design choice, given the popular perception of the role of interrupting as shaped by That Other MMO Which Shall Not Be Named. (That it is something rarely done, usually in dungeons and raids, and only on gimmick encounters where it is mandated by the encounter's design.) In order for such a model of survivability to work, two things are absolutely required: 1) Sentinels must have the tools to maximally mitigate damage in every possible PvE scenario; and 2) When an ability is activated, it must go off smoothly and without incident.


The problem, of course, is that neither of those two vital precursors to the viability of the Sentinel survivability model currently exist.


1) Sentinels don't have the tools to mitigate the damage they routinely have incoming. This is a rather fancy way of echoing the upthread sentiment that Sentinels are single-target DPSers in a world filled with multi-mob pulls. We have three mainstay interrupts: Force Kick, Force Statis, and Awe. Force Leap occupies an odd niche, as it is an interrupt, but generally speaking not an on-demand one. (Though it is for Watchmen.) Of them, the only one that's multi-target is Awe, and it's on onerous one-minute cooldown. That we are heavily reliant upon interrupting key mechanics -- such as the multiple channeled PBAoEs of the Sith Shadow Assassins in the final story dungeon -- but can only reliably do so on single targets, makes things exceptionally brutal, given the clunky of nature of target-switching in the game currently.


While my complaint is aimed more at the problems with interrupting, I'd like to bring up Rebuke. Simply put, the internal cooldown on its damage-dealing is a problem. With the current survivability paradigm, we need every last iota of outgoing damage: Especially when it is procced by uninterruptable attacks of the sort that comprise a large chunk of incoming damage. We get maximum utility of Rebuke when facing a single target that is bound by the same GCD we are: The problem is when we have to face multiple foes in which damage comes in but no passive damage goes out due to the internal cooldown. Or, to put it another way, during 90% of the PvE experience.


2) Key activated defensive abilities don't go off when they should. The dreaded ability delay bug. Our abilities which are off of the GCD have a tendency to "snag" when they are activated: They'll flash on the quickbar as if they have, but will not actually activate until you've cycled through another GCD and tried activating the ability again. This is devastating for Sentinels, because it will mean missed deployments of Rebuke, Saber Ward, and Force Kick and more avoidable damage taken. Something has to give: Either this problem needs to be fixed soon or Sentinels need to be moved to a more passive survivability model. Something has to give: You cannot predicate a class's survival upon interrupting and cooldown management and then have doubt as to whether those interrupts and cooldowns will go off when needed. (A third option would be to loosen the encounter tuning in the story questing so that it is not absolutely essential that Sentinels interrupt and/or dampen every iota of incoming damage.)


I ultimately think that moving towards a more passive survivability model would do the class worlds of good: It is currently a chore to play a Sentinel, due in no small part to having to constantly cycle defensive cooldowns and interrupts.

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Alot of the big problems with the JK/SW class are reiterated very very well here.


Alot of people are saying they are not getting issues. Fair enough. Have you guys played any other class?


Because believe me when I say to get the JK/SW "feeling" like the other classes power wise, and ease of use / play wise, we need to be minimum 3 levels above the content.


That to me reeks of a class that either needs it's base damage upped across the board, or its survivability upped. Perhaps even both.


I shouldn't have to be 4 levels above the current content to feel as powerful as a smuggler or an Imperial Agent does when they are on level.


I enjoy the space battles and I have fun with PvP but I don't think I should have to do this stuff to maintain the level disparity with content just so I can have "fun" playing what is the IP's iconic class.

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I'll say I had a slightly different experience.


I'll admit readily I don't seem to have the same PVE issues that others do. Yes, the quest right before Darth Angral was extremely difficult for me, though I am told the fact that gold elite Sith Assassins spawning at every single pull was actually a bug and had to do with bringing friends along.


Taking out Kira's brother (his name escapes me) was also very difficult. Though I did manage to do it... Twice... (My quest bugged and I had to fight him twice) Without dying once.


The Sith Harrowers were indeed a pain and I did die a few times. I also managed to die from the Sith War Apprentices (only the Sorcerer ones though... The ones with the damage aura) on Alderaan a couple times.


I have not run into the brick wall that others seemed to have had.


That being said, I've also seen friends playing other classes (see: Trooper) who would literally laugh at what I found difficult and kill them from range using far fewer skills or having to be spot on with zero margin for error.


I'm also a Synthweaver who never lets my gear drop below blues for me or my companion and usually, even while leveling, had 1-3 purple items on at all times. I also had a buddy who is a BioChem who was passing me really good Medpacks that could heal me and my companion.


Those helped a lot by the way.


I, on top of that, played this class in the beta and thus had done all of this before so I had an advantage there as well.


I use my interrupts whenever I can. I use Force Kick, Force Stasis, Awe, and anything else that I have that will interrupt that particular target. I use Force Camo to dump aggro, back off from the fight, let my companion take a pounding and pop a med pack before rejoining the fray.


(Note: that last strategy works great with Doc, who will sometimes take the beating while healing you, which can often give you the edge you need. Also Doc will heal you if you use Awe and wait out the duration. Also Doc will heal you when you grab an enemy with Force Stasis... I love Doc.)


Because I have had little problems aside from those mentioned in PVE and because I can manage to come out pretty high in Warzones (when I am fortunate enough to have a healer keeping me up and a tank guarding me) I consider myself "ahead of the pack" as it were.


Though, when you see the amount of work I have had to do, Synthweaving my own blues and purps, using BioChem medpacks, making sure I grouped very specifically for PVP, I shouldn't even be having hard PVE fights. I should be tearing through everything in my way with little issue. Yet even now I end most major fights on the verge of death.


That... Should... Not... Be... Happening...


Dunno what to say, maybe it's the spec or something? I'm a guardian and against elite of same lvl i finish the fight with half the HP with mostly blue items and occasional greens ( i'm using Kira and she has mostly greens with 1 or 2 blues).

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I agree with most of what has been said here regarding sentinels and marauders. While I've yet to find any impossible encounter myself, I find it kinda strange that I can faceroll through some missions with my smuggler, when I had a challenge with my sentinel (my main) in that same mission.


In my own opinion, another way to make the class a bit more on par with the others, and more rewarding, would be to increment the off-hand damage multiplier. Currently it's set to 30% of weapon's damage with no bonus from Bonus Damage stat, if I'm not mistaken (I can't check it right now, but anyways, it's the same for all dual wielding classes). I think that it should be, at least, 75% of weapon's damage for the sentinel or just apply properly the Bonus Damage on the off-hand, in order to make up for the class' nature.



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I cringe everytime I get a new abilitty now.


Likewise. 7 years into MMOs, having played 6 classes in WoW high end raiding (I mean really high end, like world 30something rank:)) I gotta say I've never been in a boss fight that required me to use the 16-19 abilities I need to use in solo playing my sentinel in order to make it work somehow properly. On top of that...






I could probably write an elaborate post about

*how watching 7/8/9 cooldowns kills the fun,

*how being unable to KEEP PLAYING and instead having to keep resting kills the fun,

*how seeing other classes walk through the game kills the fun,

*how using twice the reasonable (ok, for me, for the newcomers to MMO it's probably at least thrice the reasonable) amout of abilities kills the fun


... but that would be just venting out. This is what you (us) all do here. There is no communication between the devs and us because they are busy writing press releases about how many people purchsed the game. On top of that nobody's gonna plow through all these posts saying basically the same thing (which is: a) the dmg output is too low, b) the amount of abilities required to use has been overshot by miles), partly because they are interspersed by trolls saying everything is fine partly because, c'mon, you paid already and will keep on paying.

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On a sad note.


We have received no response.


Of course Smugglers got a response about their concerns over the weekend over here and the issue with players having difficulty getting a specific color crystal were addressed multiple times here.


Yeah... I'm a little disappointed that the only "fix" we have received was that they fixed a bug on the Jedi Guardian that let people more or less jump like Jedi are supposed to be able to in order to make reaching holocrons easier.

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