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Nar Shaddaa is Appaling


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I would rate Nar Shaddaa as one of the best areas in the game. Dark claustrophobic tunnels, place of uncontrolled crime and mayhem, criminals in every corner looking for prey.


Exactly as I would have imagined the place from all the description that were in the previously released books from SW universe.


And "unavoidable trash", that depends on what class you are playing...

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Nar Shaddaa, home of the mid-air collision.



I loved that planet ESPECIALLY the bonus series area. That place was huge. It comes down to a matter of opinion. I actually find myself liking it much more than Alderaan. Aldderaan? Alderraan? Well you know what I mean.

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As much as I am enjoying this game, Nar Shaddaa nearly broke my spirit, it has probably the worst level design in any MMO I have played.


The quests are in all four corners of the main map, and when you travel to each corner, the mission objectives are invariably at the end of the section with long, winding claustrophobic corridors in between, and mostly unavoidable trash.

To make it worse, you usually visit the zone before getting your Speeder, so must travel around on foot, and there is usually nothing to do on the way to your objective except kill random mobs.

It's a bit tragic, because the planet itself is quite beautifully rendered, if a little bit too dark.


Fortunately, with the right balance of Space battles, PvP and Heroics in previous zones, you can skip a lot of Nar Shadaa and move on to somewhere more interesting.


I'm hoping at the very least, Bioware puts more minor missions in each section so you have more to do than run and gun from one end of the corridor to the other.


Nar Shaada is awesome.

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I really like Nar. It was very refreshing after being on Taris. I am currently on Hoth, and it is large, white, and boring as all hell. Very disappointed with Hoth. :(


Balmorra probably gets my "most irritating" vote, with its annoying lifts everywhere.

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Nar Shaddaa is great; everything is in tightly designed maps with pleasing visuals, and its a radical change of environment/setting, depending on your class.


Wait until you hit Alderaan, where you will be traveling (by speeder) for LITERALLY twenty minutes (no exaggeration!) with nothing but a few gathering nodes and the occasional untargetable Nerf between areas. Couple that with the awful framerate drops I personally suffer on the planet (no doubt others do as well) and you'll be praying for another Nar Shaddaa or even Taris. Seriously, Alderaan is the most poorly designed area I've ever seen in an MMO, period. There is no reason for there to be an expansive lot of nothing (and such poor performance) for miles and miles, other than to blatantly pad gameplay time, which is terrible.

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I do not believe anyone really likes Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa. With similar reasoning I do not believe anyone would prefer to run everywhere instead of using a vehicle. I do not believe anyone would prefer one single race with one single quest line instead of plenty to choose from.


Even though unrelated, all those are examples of what I would find impossible to believe. So what gives? How can Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa be enjoyable?

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That's fine, I don't particularly care about your opinion either tbh.


My original post was aimed squarely at the developers because I have legitimate concerns about the design philosophy of Nar Shaddaa and the game in general, and giving feedback is one of the most important function of forums.


I think if Bioware don't focus a little more on creating a compelling persistent world, rather than a linear story arc, the game won't have legs because there is very little in the way of exploration and discovery.

That saddens me, because there is a LOT I love about this game and I want to enjoy it for a number of years, not just the duration of the main story arcs.


The challenge is that it seems Bioware have completely neglected the concept of "huge open world" in favor of a series of very small worlds, tied together with loading screens. I felt like I was playing DA2 again, just going room to room to room.

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Nar Shaddaa is great; everything is in tightly designed maps with pleasing visuals, and its a radical change of environment/setting, depending on your class.


Wait until you hit Alderaan, where you will be traveling (by speeder) for LITERALLY twenty minutes (no exaggeration!) with nothing but a few gathering nodes and the occasional untargetable Nerf between areas. Couple that with the awful framerate drops I personally suffer on the planet (no doubt others do as well) and you'll be praying for another Nar Shaddaa or even Taris. Seriously, Alderaan is the most poorly designed area I've ever seen in an MMO, period. There is no reason for there to be an expansive lot of nothing (and such poor performance) for miles and miles, other than to blatantly pad gameplay time, which is terrible.


Two wrongs , or in this case plenty, do not make a right.

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The challenge is that it seems Bioware have completely neglected the concept of "huge open world" in favor of a series of very small worlds, tied together with loading screens. I felt like I was playing DA2 again, just going room to room to room.


Plus, to make matters worse, the very small worlds are not open and explorable either, they are really 2D.


I am really puzzled to understand who in Bioware took the executive decision to create such worlds, "worlds " used loosely here, and how there was noone around to get him to his senses.


After that bloke from Bioware clearly stated "you must look at WOW", and they clearly did by lifting loads from it, why did they fail so much on world design?


And LFG, UI, game client, graphics, combat system, AH....

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Can't speak for Coruscant, as I have never been there. But I can say that Nar Shadaa seems to be really polarizing... Either you really love it or you really hate it.


I had to go back there for the beginning of Chapter 2 of my IA storyline. I made a crack about hating the planet in General and hating having to come back. That started a *very* animated discussion amongst people all saying they either loved or hated the planet.


(Plus, when I went back, I found the Bonus Series I missed somehow, so I did that until I was about to gouge my eyes out and quit and just went to Taris...)


I hate Nar Shadaa.

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I liked Nar Shadaa myself. I did the complete planet for the third time now in about an hour, was very fast and easy.


The quest objectives are on the opposite ends of the little "zones" than the quest hub, yeah, but the route between hub and objective are filled with bonus quests.


Maybe i'm just biased because i've done it multiple times and know how to do the planet properly, but I actually love Nar Shadaa's design.


I also love how "big" and citylike they made the planet. Despite the small playable areas, they cast the illusion of a giant, thriving cityplanet very well.

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i just dont see why they didnt make it a city... instead of a levelling area. in a city ... you would have many things to do... play games... dualing area.. auction house.. there is absoloubtly nothing to do in nar shadaa except walk down the path they have provided.


when i saw screen from this city months ago... i did not expect it to be an area where you can only do nothing but questing. i dont understand why they made it like this.


Bringing up WoW on these forums im gonna get killed... but at the moment... SW:Tor does not have a stormwind / iron forge.... i never get bored of entering stormwind and listening to the great music and the great atmosphere...


i hate the circular design of the fleet...with the lack of music there to and the depressing feel of it.......there is a lack of a city to hang around in this game.... i thought Nar Shadaa and courecant were goin to be this... but its just a levelling area unfortunatly

Edited by dalehitchy
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Nar Shaddaa is, by far, the worst world design I've ever seen an MMORPG. I've seen single player adventure games with more freedom.


Going forward, I really hope Bioware rethinks their approach to world design and makes more 'open spaces' worlds. Even the outdoor zones in SWtOR tend to be too linar and confining (Taris for example), but the places that are supposed to be somewhat confining are about an inch away from being rail shooters.


Tatooine was fantastic. I didn't want to leave. Hoth was fun. Didn't want to leave.


Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant both had me pulling my hair out and taking a pass on the bonus missions just because I couldn't wait to get out of the corridor maze nightmare.

Edited by PibbyPib
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