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PVP is Ridiculous


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All night long I get matched against the same unbeatable premade. I don't even want to play anymore because these premades are so unbalanced. This really needs some attention BW.


If they are a premade just leave warzone and requeue,

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+1. I vote pre-made puts you in a pre-made queue and queuing solo puts you in the solo queue.


I dont know why some lame clanners think beating down noobs makes them a good player. if you want to team up you do so against another team lamer :rolleyes:

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+1. I vote pre-made puts you in a pre-made queue and queuing solo puts you in the solo queue.


I dont know why some lame clanners think beating down noobs makes them a good player. if you want to team up you do so against another team lamer :rolleyes:


So people who show better co-ordination, organisations and strategies are to be considered lame? Personally, I enjoy the challenge of re-oganising a team of PUGs to beat a coordinated team. Sorry, but if you don't like your opponents, you leave and queue again.

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Gotta agree that it sucks to play against premades. Unless we kick their asses anyway I just leave the warzone because it is simply not worth it. Beta PvP was fun because everyone played casually or was to some degree a n00b, which ment that it could be challenging but not overwhelming which was fun. But thats how it always is sadly in MMO's. Hardcore no lifers play without sleeping and exploitng to get the highest lvl gear then group up into premades to kick unorganized players asses who just want to have fun.
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All night long I get matched against the same unbeatable premade. I don't even want to play anymore because these premades are so unbalanced. This really needs some attention BW.


Protip: Leave Warzone and requeue. I don't think they're going to be in two warzones at the same time.


No medals to low medals = time to bail.

Edited by Knifewrench
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Not all premades are completely full premades. I was in one where 3/4 of the team was premade. Even so we ended up winning but not by a whole lot where the other team was just random. Get your own premade going if you have such an issue with it. Plus PVP isn't the only thing this game has to offer. Still very early on in this games life but the PVP available and its mechanics are far better than alot of other games I've seen recently and in the past.
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You could try and get some friends, use voice communication and superior tactics to achieve your goals instead.


That is the answer to alot of these "I am madbro" threads ^^


Guess what though?


No one will listen, and say the game is fail, and that Bioware did this to them, and that PvP is broken, and that Pre-mades aka friends or guilds should not be able to team up and go in a PvP match and have fun.


Nope them facts get ignored and people will continue to gripe and gripe and gripe gripe and...





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That is the answer to alot of these "I am madbro" threads ^^


Guess what though?


No one will listen, and say the game is fail, and that Bioware did this to them, and that PvP is broken, and that Pre-mades aka friends or guilds should not be able to team up and go in a PvP match and have fun.


Nope them facts get ignored and people will continue to gripe and gripe and gripe gripe and...






Well, at the end of the day, I'm enjoying the game and they aren't, so I suppose I win ;)

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I have to agree with the op, had numerous times today going against a lvl 50 premade and had no 50s on our team. Kudos to the better team, problem is no strats work at all when u are that outgunned, im sure the fun factor wasnt there for the other team either. I have no problem owning defeat, I just think the system is flawed, I dont think bw intended for premade 50s to roflstomp a bunch of 20s and 30s,.i could be wrong.
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So make your own premade. You don't even need friends, when I start my pvping day I solo queue the first 3 times, after that some of us band together in a group to stack the odds to have a decent roll spread (healer, tank, dps). We don't use voice but after a few matches you can anticipate each other and cover each others weaknesses without text or voice communication.


It may not be as good a cooperation as when you play with people day in day out using voice to warn, but we manage to give those groups a good run for their money. And who knows you might actually decide to make it more permanent.

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It's not a premade team that makes PvP broken and frustrating. It's the expertise stat. Get rid of it and watch all the issues dissolve. (Other than those who enjoyed lowbie bashing crying and whining that they don't have their precious no-skill-required stat anymore.)
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They did this in Rift. Queues for premades became so long that everyone gave up and queued solo and tried to get in the same warfront anyway. Basically it didn't work. The only way premade v premade realistically gets off the ground is with a ranking system since then you are fighting teams with some kind of purpose.


The only way to sensibly counter this as a player is to get better and address your shortcomings. If everyone on this forum whining about this and that to do with better players instead spent their time on websites such as taugrim's learning how to play better then they would find their enjoyment of the game would go up immeasurably.


Certainly more than spending time in another PUG complaining about the idiots around them never realising that everyone else is complaining about them.

Edited by Naduri
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If premades always played against premades, it would take literally hours to queue on some servers. My server has ONE Empire premade, so it would take my guild basically until primetime to actually get a match.


It should prefer to match premades against other premades, but it shouldn't wait more than 10 minutes. This is how it curently matches players by level. It tries to match you by level, but if it can't then it just matches whoever.

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Just wanted to congratulate the OP.


In a world where 99% of internet users spell ridiculous with an "e" you sir spelled it properly.


I don't know where that trend came from but I am so glad someone is reversing the tide.

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Age of Conan removed the premade option after premades killed off PvP.

World of Warcraft made premades queue vs. premades back in BC after premades were killing off PvP.

Rift made premades only queue vs. premades as well.


SWTOR will be forced to do the same before long.

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Just wanted to congratulate the OP.


In a world where 99% of internet users spell ridiculous with an "e" you sir spelled it properly.


I don't know where that trend came from but I am so glad someone is reversing the tide.


Lol, I thought that to.

Edited by Naduri
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Find a PvP guild and stop whining... and what premades? We cannot even join in a full premade, and that's a joke they need to fix very soon. At least soon enough to prevent the whole PvP community from leaving the game.


Fix PvP or end up like Rift.

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