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Light Side Bounty Hunters


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As far as I can tell, it doesn't really make that much difference; any gear that drops or can be bartered for (PvP, Columni, etc) doesn't appear to have any restrictions on LS/DS. The only gear I've seen have a restriction is the color crystals, and the gear from the LS or DS vendors on the fleet.


I too am going LS on my BH, and haven't had any issues at all so far.


Hope that helps!

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Lightside makes a whole lot more sense for bounty hunters. The lightside/darkside choices tend to break down more into reasonable/insane than good/evil. It makes sense for a sith to go all psychopath on everyone, but my BH picks about 90% LS choices and is still a greedy bastard.
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I've found it hard to rationalize picking light or dark over one another enough to even get to level one of either alignment. As a hired professional, I believe in delivering the highest degree of customer service possible, meaning, my mark is always* serviced to the letter. Outside of that, I'm a pretty nice guy to anyone who hasn't made too much trouble for me. It doesn't make much sense to me to play a bounty hunter as a sadistic bully or a hippie, he's a business man after all.


* The whole Tyresius thing really pissed me off. I wish they would have given you the choice to kill him. I'd take a random droid that just beeped and booped over someone I was hired to kill.

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I've found it hard to rationalize picking light or dark over one another enough to even get to level one of either alignment. As a hired professional, I believe in delivering the highest degree of customer service possible, meaning, my mark is always* serviced to the letter. Outside of that, I'm a pretty nice guy to anyone who hasn't made too much trouble for me. It doesn't make much sense to me to play a bounty hunter as a sadistic bully or a hippie, he's a business man after all.


* The whole Tyresius thing really pissed me off. I wish they would have given you the choice to kill him. I'd take a random droid that just beeped and booped over someone I was hired to kill.


i figured my BH is operating a legal business going after criminals to return them to wherever they escaped from. She is NOT an assassin, thats for other people to do.


Extracting vengeance, getting in the middle of other peoples emotional issues and being played between both sides of the force isnt what shes interested in. Clients will try to rope you in to doing other, non-bounty related tasks which are ok...but needless cruelty along the way only creates more enemies and thus makes enjoying the rewards of business less fun.

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I usually always play "evil" side characters, but it doesn't generally make me an evil person persay. My level 32 BH is currently Light 2 and only about 300 short of Light 3. We all know from KOTOR that the game is always biased towards Lightside. Because ultimately they want you to be the "hero"


If you look at a lot of the Dark choices, they are over the top insane. I pick Dark when the situation actually suits it, not because I should be Darkside, and so far those instances have been a lot fewer than Lightside.


Darkside answers seem to be less in choice as well as making the storylines less as well.

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one of the things you Light Side bounty hunters need to realize, is that your principles are entirely yours. Nobody is backing you up on this, nobody in the galaxy.


A bounty hunter in the star wars universe is pretty much a killer for hire. whether you're principled about it or just a sociopath looking for an excuse, there isn't any foundation there for you to build your actions on, its all you.


In Earth Galaxy, Bounty Hunters are legally empowered individuals who chase skips- bailed defendants who defrauded their bail bondsman by failing to keep their court dates. The bounty money comes from the system.


There is no such litigation in the Star Wars galaxy. Nobody can tell you who is or isn't a bounty head, there's only a price tag. The Mandalorian Enclave throws up a great deal of tradition and ritual over it, but ultimately none of that adds any level of bureaucracy or standards of professionalism to the system. It doesn't help naturally that most of your clients over the course of your bounty hunting career are either going to be Hutt crimelords, who have no morals, and the Empire, which is willing to just ignore morals for results.


This is just a friendly reminder to those of you who are still under the personal interpretation that your bounty hunter can be a right and moral person. For those of you who believe this, and are still on The Great Hunt and believe the idea that there are rules and codes for how bounty hunting is done, without spoilers, I offer you this advice-


There's Jedi bounty heads. And when you take those bounties, Jedi will come looking for you. They're going to be very interested in your explanation as to why you are a good person because you stuck to your principles... They'll want you to tell them all about them in a republic court of law.




Just remember that when you go out hunting. Remember that when you bed down in your cabin on your Mantis at night, and half the galaxy is looking for you.



Because there's only one person in the galaxy that keeps you safe, and it isn't the light side bounty hunter with his rules and principles. Its me, in the mirror, with the red eyes and the Dark Side V.


So say good night...


say good night to the bad guy.

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If you look at a lot of the Dark choices, they are over the top insane.


Star Wars likes its binaries. Jedi are the next coming of Christ, and Sith are the guys who used to make fun of Hitler for going easy on people. There was a couple times I felt legitimately guilty in real life.


The one advantage to light side is that the gear on the auction is cheaper for light, because it seems very few Imperials go light.

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We all know from KOTOR that the game is always biased towards Lightside. Because ultimately they want you to be the "hero"


Guess you never played KOTOR 2 where going dark would expand the game with ALOT more content and quests.

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I have been doing light side BH also. I intended to be neutral but it just worked out that way. I have a level 31 with LS 3 and another neat thing to do is run through Black Talon if you want companion affection with Mako. I can make over 600 affection in one run with the right selections with Mako. Its well worth wasting some time to get that much at no monetary expense.
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A bounty hunter in the star wars universe is pretty much a killer for hire. whether you're principled about it or just a sociopath looking for an excuse, there isn't any foundation there for you to build your actions on, its all you.



I'll have to disagree with that. While some of our jobs may require the elimination of a target, we're not assassins. I think overall the swtor universe tries to establish that not all bounty hunters are cheap thugs for hire, but rather hunters that excel at what they do and several have their own code of honer. I've received plenty of job that simply ask me to bring back a target alive. Now if you simply ignore that and murder everyone that says hi then that's your prerogative.


That said, I'm aware that I may have half the galaxy looking for me, but that's their choice. When I have missions that require me to track down my target, I don't bother with others unless I have to, and even then I give them the option of backing away because I'm not their for them. Overall I think that a LSBH just adds more depth/complexity to the story and character than just being a mindless killbot.:)

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I'll say this about BH in Star Wars. They hunt Wanted Dead or Alive. Greedo hunted Han and y'know what his principles got him? Shot first in a Cantina.


The first Fet was a Principled warrior and y'know what it got him? A son playing with his head in his helmet.


Boba listened to Darth Vader when he said "No disintegration." Y'know what it got him? An embarrassing knock down by a blind Mark, the very same Mark that should have been disintegrated, and dropped into the stomach of a Sarlaak.


You are not Jedi, they don't care about you. You are not Republic, they too don't care about you. You can be an insane monster or a principled monster, but you are still a Monster all the same.


In the end, its about the credits, not the tally of who got saved and who got killed. Yours is not to reason why, yours is to get paid, or die. The Jedi left Twi'leks to the Flesh Raiders and would not help. Their people were dragged away and eaten, and they didn't help until Padawans started getting chomped like an intergalactic Walking Dead episode. They even stand against Love.


You call that Justice or Light Side?


Me? I'm gonna get my bounty, with the steel in my hand and the woman in my arms, and if I gotta be a Darksider to do it, then that's the life of a Bounty Hunter, isn't it? If you don't thirst for credits, it aint the life for you.


Stay Thirsty my friends. )

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Boba Fett was more or less a Neutral BH, himself. He didn't kill everyone he came across, yet he was the best in the galaxy.


My BH's story is more of a hardened, disgraced, exiled Republic soldier who turned to Bounty Hunting to make money as well as to capture criminals by his own Code of Justice. He swears no allegiance, especially not to the Empire, and he makes sure they know it. This leaves him free to make his own decisions about how to deal with his targets, and he will let the innocents go -- if they can match his employer's offer.


Doesn't seem too farfetched of a reason to be a "good" Bounty Hunter.

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For me, going Light Side was really the only option. I made a Bounty Hunter and got him up to level 30 in beta and I always noticed that picking the Light Side option made me out to be the amazingly proficient mercenary that I wanted him to be without coming off psychotic. I wanted the character to portray me as being the best bounty hunter out there, someone that always thinks of the job as opposed to just someone that likes to kill and get paid on the side. I think of all the old spaghetti westerns where they employ someone at the saloon to bring in a bounty and he rides back into town with the criminal tied up and walking behind the horse.


Plus, I got sick of all the emo Sith Dark Side responses in all the Flashpoint options popping up....every...single...time

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People keep acting like "Lightside" means "good" when in reality it means "not insane". I'm not going around saving orphans, it just makes so little sense to pick the darkside options for anyone whos not an insane psychopath.
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Having played a BH and a couple of alts through some of the side stories that everyone can do I have found that with some of them no matter what choice you make LS or DS sometimes the end result is the same you end up killing the person. I tried to stay neutral at first but found that to take away from gaining affection with Mako alot, now I just do what I am comfortable with atm.


On tarris I tried real hard to get along with Thana but in the end I couldn't take her garbage any longer, so I had to off her, yes she annoyed me that much!

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