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Bioware, Thanks for putting 50's in my Warzone


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Biowares response would likely point out that you're all given similar HP due to match bolster - and that their advantage is having a few more skills to use, where-as yours is getting XP from the kills you're helping to get.


My response would be to quit whining - I've seen lowbie players do excellent things compared to higher levelled players in PVP.

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The excellent idea was finding a way around long queues for low level brackets in the alternative system. So I am not forced to pve when I want tk level through pvp..


And its a pretty cool feeling killing 50s when I'm below level 20.

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Thank you Bioware for putting 50's against lvl 13s in my warzone. That was an excellent idea. +1


Other way around...


Why is this noob level 13 in my pvp warzone? Thanks for not leveling up jerk, you cost us the game...


Same point, just a different point of view...

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Biowares response would likely point out that you're all given similar HP due to match bolster - and that their advantage is having a few more skills to use, where-as yours is getting XP from the kills you're helping to get.


My response would be to quit whining - I've seen lowbie players do excellent things compared to higher levelled players in PVP.


Are you for real? Any 50 that loses against ANY class 1 vs 1 below 50 should quit pvp. Did you ever see they bolster expertise or talentpoints? Gear? If it hadnt been for your other posts i would have called you a troll.

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Other way around...


Why is this noob level 13 in my pvp warzone? Thanks for not leveling up jerk, you cost us the game...


Same point, just a different point of view...




I grow tired of seeing levels lower than 14 or 15, whenever you get sprint I forget, that gimp the entire group.

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Thank you Bioware for putting 50's WITH CHAMPION/BM GEAR against lvl 13s in my warzone. That was an excellent idea. +1



Fixed that for you, it's not the fresh 50's that are a problem, actually lower levels have a very good chance against them and due to the bolster tend to rip off a bit more damage. It's geared 50s which is why the 50 bracket is coming, so all the level 10's can stop crying to get ops/scoundrels nerfed because they can't deal with the gear/biochem buffs that makes the damage extra op.

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Yeah it's absolutely mind boggling how inept the developers were when they came up with the this trainwreck they call PVP.


Only a fool thinks a weak *** bolstering system, is going to do a thing when you have half the abilities and enemy resistance is a foregone conclusion. They made this game a WoW rip off gear grind, and it's amazing that they didn't rip off the bracket system.


There is a reason professional sports are divided into leagues. This system is like sending little league players up against major league players, and not a single person at Bioware figured out how stupid that is.


The 50 bracket is a nice start, but really any level is just as bad when your ten levels under it.


Yes I can get a match quicker, but I'd rather wait for a game I can hope to win.


Coupled with the insane lag, and the follow the leader flavor of the month classes, Bioware has created the most joyless PVP experience I've ever seen.

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Are you for real? Any 50 that loses against ANY class 1 vs 1 below 50 should quit pvp. Did you ever see they bolster expertise or talentpoints? Gear? If it hadnt been for your other posts i would have called you a troll.


It's not just about what skills they have on their quick bars and what helmet they have on.


I'd rather have a level 15 player who knows how to pass the ball in Hutball at the right time, or helps defend objectives properly, than a level 50 who wades in without a clue or hogs objectives without actually contributing.

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My cheap commando level 11 trooper just topped damage against a bunch of 50s and was destroying the 50 sorcerors solo. But your QQ has been answered, they are introducing a seperate tier for 50s.


They werent using expertise gear then thats for sure.

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Biowares response would likely point out that you're all given similar HP due to match bolster - and that their advantage is having a few more skills to use, where-as yours is getting XP from the kills you're helping to get.


My response would be to quit whining - I've seen lowbie players do excellent things compared to higher levelled players in PVP.


Ignorance is bliss. Most 50s have a lot of expertise and most of them also have 4-5k more HPs than you.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Yeah it's absolutely mind boggling how inept the developers were when they came up with the this trainwreck they call PVP.


Only a fool thinks a weak *** bolstering system, is going to do a thing when you have half the abilities and enemy resistance is a foregone conclusion. They made this game a WoW rip off gear grind, and it's amazing that they didn't rip off the bracket system.


There is a reason professional sports are divided into leagues. This system is like sending little league players up against major league players, and not a single person at Bioware figured out how stupid that is.


The 50 bracket is a nice start, but really any level is just as bad when your ten levels under it.


Yes I can get a match quicker, but I'd rather wait for a game I can hope to win.


Coupled with the insane lag, and the follow the leader flavor of the month classes, Bioware has created the most joyless PVP experience I've ever seen.


Hey bud why don't we just go every single level is its own bracket. What would you whine about next? Classes probably. So maybe we could get every class and every level there own bracket?


How about a wetnurse to suck your thumb for you while we're at it..

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Ignorance is bliss. Most 50s have a lot of expertise and most of them also have 4-5k more HPs than you.


I don't see how what you said is very different to what I said if I'm quite honest. Most of the level 50's advantage comes from the kit, but kit doesn't make you a good player.

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My cheap commando level 11 trooper just topped damage against a bunch of 50s and was destroying the 50 sorcerors solo. But your QQ has been answered, they are introducing a seperate tier for 50s.


My lvl 2 smuggler just destroyed three lvl 60s.

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My cheap commando level 11 trooper just topped damage against a bunch of 50s and was destroying the 50 sorcerors solo. But your QQ has been answered, they are introducing a seperate tier for 50s.


The people you were fighting were completely incompetent


Assuming you're even telling the truth (which you aren't)

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Depending on class you can do ok around lvl 15-16 ... but in order to have a fair fight the avg levels of both parties have to be matched. The biggest problem is for example when they got avg lvl 40 and your group is at 25 avg or lower.


Anyway the lvl 50 bracket is coming, just have to be a bit patient.

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Biowares response would likely point out that you're all given similar HP due to match bolster - and that their advantage is having a few more skills to use, where-as yours is getting XP from the kills you're helping to get..


A "few" more skills, heh, that's a good one. Aside from the few more skills is the PvP gear with expertise.

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Yeah it's absolutely mind boggling how inept the developers were when they came up with the this trainwreck they call PVP.


Only a fool thinks a weak *** bolstering system, is going to do a thing when you have half the abilities and enemy resistance is a foregone conclusion. They made this game a WoW rip off gear grind, and it's amazing that they didn't rip off the bracket system.


There is a reason professional sports are divided into leagues. This system is like sending little league players up against major league players, and not a single person at Bioware figured out how stupid that is.


The 50 bracket is a nice start, but really any level is just as bad when your ten levels under it.


Yes I can get a match quicker, but I'd rather wait for a game I can hope to win.


Coupled with the insane lag, and the follow the leader flavor of the month classes, Bioware has created the most joyless PVP experience I've ever seen.


If its so horrible go play a different game. crying on the forums just makes you look like a whiney little girl.

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Other way around...


Why is this noob level 13 in my pvp warzone? Thanks for not leveling up jerk, you cost us the game...


Same point, just a different point of view...


Let me get this straight, and level 10 can't go in a Warzone because you don't want them too?


Here is a better one,


I don't want low levels to have fun playing the game they payed for, my sub is more important than theirs.


I got another one,


I care so much about PvP, I will troll anyone that isn't a level 50 with champ gear.


Oh I am geting good,


Everyone is a noob, and I am the Golden Child..


Yep sounds like things you would say.



Edited by Caeliux
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Biowares response would likely point out that you're all given similar HP due to match bolster - and that their advantage is having a few more skills to use, where-as yours is getting XP from the kills you're helping to get.


10k hit points against 15k+ hit points and damage... you can easily get hit for 2-3K a pop from 50s while dealing 500ish damage back.


Scaling formula is broken. You have ZERO chance to take on 50 unless you are also 50.

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Actually - if you're good -and- the level 50's aren't all geared out with expertise, the level difference/difference in number of abilities isn't at all that big a deal. I've been just as effective on a team at level 15 as I was at level 30, 40, and so on. Bolster works remarkably well.


Take this with a grain of salt and realize that you can't really hear my tone. Also realize that I am speaking on this matter with the best of intentions and mean no disrespect to anyone. With that said, I'm also going to say this very frankly:


If you're being beaten /that/ badly by a 50 that does NOT have their expertise gear, they're just better at PvP than you are. In fact (and I AM assuming a bit here), the way that the OP brought this subject up, the OP feels as if the situation is hopeless. If you feel this way during these matches, I'm sorry to say that you just aren't very good or you don't quite know what you're doing.


There's no shame in it. Keep a cool head and ask people in your PVP community how you can improve your game. I hope this helps!

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