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[Guide] Juggernaut Guide to PVP, PVE, Leveling - Updated for 1.2


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subbed, great stuff.


Thanks Ghostin! I'm working on some updates right now to the thread, more end game mechanics\stat weight etc.


My PVP video is being uploaded as we speak. So in 8 or so hours I'll have something nice to share that you all hopefully enjoy.

Edited by Morsexy
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I am also really starting to doubt the usefulness of accuracy as well.


With the current state of defense within pvp in general, it seems like accuracy is a stat which is intended to counter a useless stat (defense).


The problem with PvP is the itemization. The mod/enh variation on Champions Jug DPS gear is either Acc/Pow or Crit/Surge. I have yet to see Artifact 56 quality enh/mods from any other source either and it seems like these two individual choices do not offer any sort of usefulness to any one spec for Jugs.


If you are going deep Rage, I would assume that you would want to try to stack power and surge, seeing as you are going to have a 100% crit rate on your smashes, you would want to completely stack power and surge.


On the other hand, if you were to go into a Vengeance spec it seems like you would want to have a mix of power and surge but with more emphasis on crit for your Impales.

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Haha, I always use force push-force leap in my chain, that'll be perfect. I heard about the upcoming changes on ventrilo last night.


Force Leap has such a short CD that this change doesn't really help much. With Force Push at best on a 45 sec CD, I can't remember a time that I've wanted to Push then Leap and not had Leap already up.


The only reason I see for this is to cluster mobs on a spread-out pull. In that case, however, one single-target push isn't really enough to cluster an entire pull. Whatever, though, I'll take a buff.

Edited by dougan
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Grab hutt ball, run around acid to middle platform, force charge up to herp-derp enemy who ran up his center ramp and stands at top, force push the herp-derp enemy back down to the goal, charge again. Trollface.jpg


This will be fun to do :)

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IM lvl 41 and i went rage spec.Im using Jaessa as my companion but my only problem is with elites i have trouble fighting them i usally win but with less than 1k hp and less hp and sometimes i do still die. When i speced rage it seems like i was having trouble with elites more than usual it seems like im doing something wrong. is it my companion?. I have lvl 40pvp gear. its geared for dps so thats not a problem.


strongs and normals are no problem for me. Should i switch to pierce for a tank pet? or quinn for healing? i could use your guys imput on this please.




Thanks for reading

Edited by Hugacarlos
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IM lvl 41 and i went rage spec.Im using Jaessa as my companion but my only problem is with elites i have trouble fighting them i usally win but with less than 1k hp and less hp and sometimes i do still die. When i speced rage it seems like i was having trouble with elites more than usual it seems like im doing something wrong. is it my companion?. I have lvl 40pvp gear. its geared for dps so thats not a problem.


strongs and normals are no problem for me. Should i switch to pierce for a tank pet? or quinn for healing? i could use your guys imput on this please.




Thanks for reading


yeah , for lvling , i found quinn better than jaessa , idk about the others , but i think quinn is the best because you will save time and won't need to channel hatred as u would if u had a companion tank or dps.

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what do you think about putting 3 points into immortal spec for battle cry? i seem to be rage starved after 2 rotations and the rage free force scream pretty much prevents me from starving and allowing me to save my enrage for more dire moments.



Oh and great guide inside and out. helped out a lot during pvp.

Edited by savagenight
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I would say that you pretty much have to go Immortal if you are main tanking in PvE Heroics. Rage is probably fine for DPS or soloing with a healer companion but if you try to tank rage or vengeance spec in at-level heroics you're gonna get squashed (or give the group healer a headache).


IM lvl 41 and i went rage spec.Im using Jaessa as my companion but my only problem is with elites i have trouble fighting them i usally win but with less than 1k hp and less hp and sometimes i do still die. When i speced rage it seems like i was having trouble with elites more than usual it seems like im doing something wrong. is it my companion?. I have lvl 40pvp gear. its geared for dps so thats not a problem.


strongs and normals are no problem for me. Should i switch to pierce for a tank pet? or quinn for healing? i could use your guys imput on this please.




Thanks for reading



Jaesa is a good damage companion for tank spec. I think if you use her with damage spec your going to have problems with survivability vs elites and so forth. For damage spec use a tank or healer companion. IMHO. Quinn is a healing beast if you gear him up and have good affection rating.

Balance is the key, especially for soloing. You don't want to have a damage main with a damage companion or a tank main with a tank companion. I think it's better to use a companion that boosts or compliments your main role's weaknesses. If you're spec'd for damage then defense/healing is your weakness. If you're spec'd for tanking then damage/healing is your weakness.


I go by this strategy and I've never had any problems with solo content up to lvl 45 so far. I've got 2/3 of the trinity built into my main and companion. Immortal spec with a damage or healer companion and Elites are little more than easy credits. I can solo some Heroic 2s and Champion difficulty NPCs.

Edited by MorgonKara
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In my experience, invincible doesn't really work in pvp.


- This. From a pvp standpoint, Immortal spec might as well not exist. It just does too little damage and almost none of the defensive stats work in pvp.

- You might as well just stack up on all of the damage increasing gear you can because focusing on defense focused gear for pvp is like having no gear at all except you actually wasted time acquiring it.

- If you wanna do well in pvp I suggest going Vengeance or Rage. Rage is more effective but I hate the spec and rotation. If the game decides to lag and you could be on top of someone and you smash; you will miss and you will pissed and screwed.

- I would love vengeance if the dots scaled with your gear, which they don't. However, at least vengeance is a fun rotation for me.

Edited by Darth_Hatine
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I got a newb question; I'm guessing you use the dmg version of the PvP set? and a focus instead of a shield? Also.. would rage work better with shien form?


It would be a fine stance, except you get nearly all the benefit (9% dmg vs 12% increased damage) staying in shii-cho, with the benefit of 3% reduction in damage and the other benefits granted from the Rage tree.


So what is your level 40 vengeance spec? u posted what u start off with @ 31, but dont tell what it looks like @ 40... before u change to rage that is


This would be my level 40 spec, and i'll update the thread thanks for pointing that out.



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Awesome guide. Having played 4 tanks in WoW I do understand the basics of tanking, but I've having seen much written about stat weights aside from accuracy not being very good for tanking.

So if someone could post a stat priority, I'd really appreciate it. On my juggy right now I have high absorb and high armor rating. My defense is kind of low atm.

I'm only level 30 but I am planning on raiding end game when I hit max level, so I want to figure out stat priority now.

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A quick questionas I have just recently moved from Vengeance to rage. In your vid how do you get so many hits over 5k? I have almost full champion just need weapons, wrists and 1 ear thing and 1 implant but in order to break 5k i have to stack my crafted relic and one of the pvp buff terminal things and even then its not a sure bet.
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