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  1. It's a FFA pvp area, republic or empire can attack each other, there use to be chests around with merc commendations in them that would be what you were fighting over, but I recall them being removed.
  2. Make true roaming open world pvp. If you look at warhammer, they have a good idea, the problem was it was poorly executed. You shouldn't promote zerg play, you should promote organized group play. If you add objectives and bases that can be captured which take control of zones to give bonuses or access to specific content you need to make the zerg spread out. If you have 2 bases in a area, and 5 smaller objectives in the zone as well. In order to capture the base you should have to own 3 of the 5 objectives. You must maintain control of these 3 objectives at all times to make the base remain vulnerable. This would cause operation groups to have to spread out and break down there group in order to hold separate objectives while raiding the base. In cases of population imbalances on servers. You can add a AI assist mechcanism where the Empire or Republic drops off vehicles to the side with the lower population after an alloted time has past. The pop imbalance fix has to be looked at closely and should only take affect in a 1.7+ : 1 ratio, too small and one side gets too beefy, too large and you still can't overcome the odds.
  3. Anyone have a link to stat breakdown for juggs? I'm looking for how much power = 1 dmg, compared to str per dmg point and whatnot.
  4. The artifice lightsabers take 3 BOP alloys from HM Flashpoints and Norm Ops, they are a huge upgrade from what I currently have, but are they actually worth it? I honestly think they should be reduced to 1 alloy each to make them a little easier to make.
  5. gamestop took my money already but hasn't shipped.
  6. ty now I know and knowing is half the battle.
  7. Can we get a forum search function? It is hard to locate whether or not a issues has been answered if you can't even search your problem before posting.
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