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Ughh, I proved that the "up to 5" = "true" cannot be a lie if "up to 3 (or any value from set B) = true", which contradicts the assertion I was countering, as I clearly noted in the PROOF(caps for emphasis).


Unless you'd like to correct my proof?


And I still like to hear why my "theories" are made up. Perhaps you're not familiar with transitive relations?


You are still missing the point of this topic. You are REALLY unobservant for someone as intelligent as you. You try to fix these... Totally (as of now) unrelated issues which is NOT what we are talking about here, or at least not anymore.

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I call troll.


This person is clearly not trying to understand what this thread is about.


I understand the thread. I preordered and registered my code extremely late. I'm under no delusions that I will get my EGA in whatever BW deems to be the last set of invites. I clicked the button to buy knowing that full well, and I'm ok with that. Other people are making decisions based on their assumptions that are wrong, and they know their assumptions are wrong, but they are hoping that if they voice them loud enough and often enough, they will somehow get daddy BW to give them their happy meal for lunch instead of having to wait to get home and let mommy cook something.

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Ughh, I proved that the "up to 5" = "true" cannot be a lie if "up to 3 (or any value from set B) = true", which contradicts the assertion I was countering, as I clearly noted in the PROOF(caps for emphasis).


Unless you'd like to correct my proof?


And I still like to hear why my "theories" are made up. Perhaps you're not familiar with transitive relations?


Sorry man, but you're COMPLETELY avoiding the topic.


Not proving anything.

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See i am in 2 frames of mind, i dont mind letting people in bit by bit, i rather have a more stable lag free experince , than a rush of tons of players. But my problem with the launch is that it is possible ((not comfirmed)) that it will take up too the last day of EGA to get everyone in!!!!

I would at least expect to have everyone that has pre-ordered before december 13th to be in by the 15th so we all get at LEAST 5 days EGA, that more than fair to everyone.

Like myself, i could not afford to pre-order the game when it was annouced, and i sure so many other people could not either. I have other responsibilities to deal with.

My mate was in the same situation, and it looks like he wont get in by the way it is going is around 18-19th . Which as he paid the same ammount as me, is a bit wrong tbh.

I pretty sure its very much possible to get everyone in by the 15th. I looked at the EU servers now, and like all apart from 3 of them are light load!!!!!!

So much room to be used and so many servers.

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I understand the thread. I preordered and registered my code extremely late. I'm under no delusions that I will get my EGA in whatever BW deems to be the last set of invites. I clicked the button to buy knowing that full well, and I'm ok with that. Other people are making decisions based on their assumptions that are wrong, and they know their assumptions are wrong, but they are hoping that if they voice them loud enough and often enough, they will somehow get daddy BW to give them their happy meal for lunch instead of having to wait to get home and let mommy cook something.


So, it's wrong for me to voice my opinion about something I put my finances in? Solid reasoning bro. Also, I don't live at home.

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You're right man now watch the ADULTS eat you. God save you my friend.


Fixed it for you.


Nah, most of us are just accustomed to dealing with life's little disappointments. My pre-order didn't get in until 8-20. That's nobodies fault but my own so I'm comfortable watching others get in first.



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BioWare's plan is a "smooth launch"


If BioWare invited everyone tomorrow it'd not be part of that plan.


Our point stands.


All I'm saying is that we don't know the full extent of the plan. They could very easily decide to have enough waves to get everyone in between today and tomorrow. Do I think it will happen? No, I agree that people who order today will be lucky to get 2-3 days. Thing is, this thread is pointless until the 5 day mark is crossed, just like all the amazon pre order threads were pointless until they actually dont have the box on the 20th.? Can you at least see that there is no point to complain about the future?

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And I don't know why it's so hard for you to grasp that it isn't false advertising. This marketing strategy has been around forever. It's nothing new. Just like clicking buttons to activate abilities in MMOs is nothing new.


Why are youguys not grasping the obvious? If you can't figure out this type of marketing now, I hope one day you do so that you can teach your children how to spot it and make their own educated decision about whether or not to buy the product.


Is your money worth a potential window of opportunity of X days? No guarantee of any specific days, just a potential opportunity. Is that potential opportunity window something that you find value in? If you don't, then wait for the 20th, because that is the only guaranteed day to start playing this game.



Actually it is false advertising IF they know you will not get UPTO 5 days. at some point prior to the end of preorder there has to be a cut off point or a change of description to refelct the actual status, none of which has happened.

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For all we know, BioWare is planning a "smooth launch"


This means no "massive waves of invites" as those we saw in the beta.


This is a fact.


and they've taken in alot the first day, thats a fact to.. theres still no valid point to that it cant be done by tomorrow, so as long as there aint any hardcore evedince that you cannot get in tomorrow if you order today thats no point in saying that its false ad.... come back tomorrow or the day after if the same ad is there then we can talk about false ad... get your positive hats out ppl :D

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I understand the thread. I preordered and registered my code extremely late. I'm under no delusions that I will get my EGA in whatever BW deems to be the last set of invites. I clicked the button to buy knowing that full well, and I'm ok with that. Other people are making decisions based on their assumptions that are wrong, and they know their assumptions are wrong, but they are hoping that if they voice them loud enough and often enough, they will somehow get daddy BW to give them their happy meal for lunch instead of having to wait to get home and let mommy cook something.




None of us could care less if we got 1 day of Early Access or 7 days.


Our point is that it is wrong of BioWare to advertise 5 days of Early Access when there is no way that if one purchases the game TODAY will get 5 days of Early Access, or 4 days of Early Access. If one is lucky enough to get 3 days of Early Access then that would be a miracle. That is, unless BioWare scrap the "smooth launch" plans and invites every pre-order.

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All I'm saying is that we don't know the full extent of the plan. They could very easily decide to have enough waves to get everyone in between today and tomorrow. Do I think it will happen? No, I agree that people who order today will be lucky to get 2-3 days. Thing is, this thread is pointless until the 5 day mark is crossed, just like all the amazon pre order threads were pointless until they actually dont have the box on the 20th.? Can you at least see that there is no point to complain about the future?


There is a point to complain about the future, for without complaining there wouldn't be any pre-emptive solutions/fixes around. In my opinion, if we complain and they still decide to be silent about it, instead of adress it and at least tell us were getting looked after (since, after all, I'm still a PAYING CUSTOMER), I can go on complaining all I like.

My money, my rules, my opinion. Just deal with it.

Edited by Ergonaut
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So, it's wrong for me to voice my opinion about something I put my finances in? Solid reasoning bro. Also, I don't live at home.


You missed the analogy, I don't care where you live. You can voice your opinion, but just a heads up, anyone using the "up to..." marketing campaign, everyone needs to make an educated decision and decide if the potential gain, no guaranteed gain, just the potential for a gain, possibly very large, or possibly very small, is worth your time, attention, and money.


It's like playing the stock market. There are no sure things. There is no "put your money here and see a guaranteed profit of X dollars" option. BW has only guaranteed that everyone will have equal access to the game on the 20th. Everything before that, it's up to their "charity soup kitchen line" model of entry. Only problem is they have a long line, and only so many people serving up soup.

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You missed the analogy, I don't care where you live. You can voice your opinion, but just a heads up, anyone using the "up to..." marketing campaign, everyone needs to make an educated decision and decide if the potential gain, no guaranteed gain, just the potential for a gain, possibly very large, or possibly very small, is worth your time, attention, and money.


It's like playing the stock market. There are no sure things. There is no "put your money here and see a guaranteed profit of X dollars" option. BW has only guaranteed that everyone will have equal access to the game on the 20th. Everything before that, it's up to their "charity soup kitchen line" model of entry. Only problem is they have a long line, and only so many people serving up soup.


Problem. I'm not complaining about the up to five days part, you should read the topic, there are some solid points here, man. The problem actually is (with alot of people) that BioWare isn't as clear on subjects as they should've been.

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and they've taken in alot the first day, thats a fact to.. theres still no valid point to that it cant be done by tomorrow, so as long as there aint any hardcore evedince that you cannot get in tomorrow if you order today thats no point in saying that its false ad.... come back tomorrow or the day after if the same ad is there then we can talk about false ad... get your positive hats out ppl :D


A lot? There's NO WAY that if they invite the same amount of players they did yesterday, each day from now on and until the 19th, everyone who pre-ordered the game will get 1 day of Early Access --


UNLESS BioWare says "screw this smooth launch ****, let's invite everyone else and have them fight each other to death in the start-areas"



Edited by Sarah_Kerrigan
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Actually it is false advertising IF they know you will not get UPTO 5 days. at some point prior to the end of preorder there has to be a cut off point or a change of description to refelct the actual status, none of which has happened.




None of us could care less if we got 1 day of Early Access or 7 days.


Our point is that it is wrong of BioWare to advertise 5 days of Early Access when there is no way that if one purchases the game TODAY will get 5 days of Early Access, or 4 days of Early Access. If one is lucky enough to get 3 days of Early Access then that would be a miracle. That is, unless BioWare scrap the "smooth launch" plans and invites every pre-order.


There is a point to complain about the future, for without complaining there wouldn't be any pre-emptive solutions/fixes around. In my opinion, if we complain and they still decide to be silent about it, instead of adress it and at least tell us were getting looked after (since, after all, I'm still a PAYING CUSTOMER), I can go on complaining all I like.

My money, my rules, my opinion. Just deal with it.


So youguys are all bent out of shape for stuff that may or may not happen tomorrow? I'm fairly sure today is day 2 of the extra 2 days of EGA that BW added in that nobody knew about. So we're not even at day 1 of the original "up to 5 days" yet? Do we possibly want to hold these threads until after the end of invites on tomorrow and see if they change their advertisement to "up to 4 days..."?

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There is a point to complain about the future, for without complaining there wouldn't be any pre-emptive solutions/fixes around. In my opinion, if we complain and they still decide to be silent about it, instead of adress it and at least tell us were getting looked after (since, after all, I'm still a PAYING CUSTOMER), I can go on complaining all I like.

My money, my rules, my opinion. Just deal with it.


Fine you can have your opinion, no one is stating you can't. I'm jsut saying its pointless to complain about something that hasn't happened yet and still may not happen. Maybe you disagree, but I don't see any pre-emptive solutions as you say that can be applied to this situation. What are they going to do, pull all their adds a day before they become obsolete jsut because people that already have ordered the game think they should? really?


Ok I really have to go eat, keep it goin I will be back in half hour

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It's not a lie until Friday, because you still technically can get in 5 days early.


Why is it that it's usually Nov/Dec 11s that are the loudest rage whiners about this? It's been known preorder access was based on when you registered your code since day one of preorders in July. Maybe you should have preordered earlier.

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I still think it makes since that Bioware will be rolling out 90% of the pre-orders before the 16th. SO 13-15th. With the addition of 2 extra days for them to roll out players allows them comfort of 3 actual days to roll everyone out comfortable for them and to appease their customer base.


Yesterday was the smallest batch and normally so. They use the first group as a "focus group" more or less just to make sure there system of rolling out invites, customer service, Origin stability, etc... is working with few hitches.


The next wave (today) will be a lot larger group I would expect up to or around 40% of the total pre-orders left. This is group is the "stress" group will have the same focused issues just as the first but on a more realistic scale, with the amount of players joining. I say "stress" not on the game side but again more on the customer service side. Giving them a more realistic sample of what kind of issues are going to arise with invites, emailing, logging server, customer support, etc...


Finally leaving tomorrow the 15th for the rest of the pre-orders. This will be the big day for them. 50+% going out.


Rolling invites out isn't to stress test servers or to have the first few players "beta" test. That has been done for months beta testers have been working hard. Yeah some testing still is going to go one but that is not what there main focus is now. They are looking to make sure there Office, Support and other non in game related things go smoothly, and can handle the weight. People tend to forget that most of these things cannot be tested easily before launch so a rolling invite system with early access gives them a chance to flesh this side of the release out.


Will it go down this way... I don't know but just a thought to mole around.

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Everyone send me $10 between the dates dec 2011 and feb 2012 you could get back UPTO $500 depending when you sent me money






I give back $2 for people early and $1 late, for everyone trying defend BW obviously this is a fair system as I said UPTO and so you shouldn't have a problem sending money.



oh look a flaw in your own logic

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Everyone send me $10 between the dates dec 2011 and feb 2012 you could get back UPTO $500 depending when you sent me money






I give back $2 for people early and $1 late, for everyone trying defend BW obviously this is a fair system as I said UPTO and so you shouldn't have a problem sending money.



oh look a flaw in your own logic


Hmmm, only problem, your an obvious troll, and you aren't actually selling a product. Anyone dumb enough to send you money deserves to get nothing back from you. However, I do trust the BW brand name more than enough to go ahead and give them $5 of the $60 just a bit early, for even just one hour of play time before the 20th. Because I will value parting with my $5 just a bit sooner even for just the briefest amount of time getting to click buttons on my SWTOR toons.


Anyone expecting more than that is either incredibly optimistic to a fault, or delusional.

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Hmmm, only problem, your an obvious troll, and you aren't actually selling a product. Anyone dumb enough to send you money deserves to get nothing back from you. However, I do trust the BW brand name more than enough to go ahead and give them $5 of the $60 just a bit early, for even just one hour of play time before the 20th. Because I will value parting with my $5 just a bit sooner even for just the briefest amount of time getting to click buttons on my SWTOR toons.


Anyone expecting more than that is either incredibly optimistic to a fault, or delusional.


You kinda miss the whole point, which is sad, especially as you try to justify a company that is purely there to make money.

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