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Space Combat in The Old Republic (continued from pre launch)


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Well i have been following this Thread for awhile and im proud to finnally step up to support it.


first off: exellent work devs and old republic team great game you did yourself proud!


now i agree with your concerens for space flight. Its to bad they chose a mini game over a fully realised flight sim thing.

I have read alot of people comparing the space ocmabt in game to Star Fox 64 and how it can be good in some cases but what im amazed i have not read as of yet (unless i missed it) was that Star Fox 64 had 3 axis flight in it as well!! you fight a boss or multiplayer and u could do 180 turns run around at will in a small enviroment.


If they dont want a flight sim like SWG why not do what starfox 64 did and have best of both worlds?


Tube shooter on Class related missions for cinimatic movie effect. and 3d mode for boss or exploration,grinding.


it just feels to me that when SWG ended they said. Why wasnt SWG not so exellent? (loved it btw) i got it!! Bad ground battles and boring missions! so lets make sure we have amazing fun cinimatic missions and ground battles. But they left out the 2 things in the old republic that made SWG great! Customization and Space flight. I know the customization will never be 25%( 25-40%) of what SWG was but i feel the old republic should have a fully featured and realised space combat.


anyway this was my first post on any mmo forum but i feel i needed to step up and support you guys in my small way.


Welcome to the longest running thread in SW:TOR's history.


The Starfox 64 comment was made, but don't think I've seen it since launch, so it was about time it put in another appearance :)

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I think the hint in the latest James Ohlen blog was kinda nice to see. Not much to go by granted and it can mean a lot of things, but with the activity on this topic before launch and to some extent after launch, I think I can afford to look positively on the future regarding 3d-flight space combat ;)


Hehe, Trenter, I didn't think I'd be saying this to any of your posts, but WOOT!!! Let's hope you are right :)

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Months is ok, years is without a doubt not ok.

They knew they were making a star wars mmo. They knew it was gonna be huge, and that a massive amount of fans were pinning their hopes and dreams on the game. The knew many swg players would sub, and they probably knew that swg would be shut down.

They should have known that people want proper space, it should not have been an afterthought. And now they're playing catch up. That is why, for me at least, this star wars mmo is the biggest gaming let down I've experienced.


My guess is that some at Bioware DID know full well. But by then it was too late to do anything about it. Hence Daniels "mini-rant" about how wonderful the "tunnel shooter" concept is (

, see 4:00 mark ), to now suddenly changing his tune to finding the concept of expanding on the concept of space activities to be the most "exciting" thing for him at the moment ( source ). Edited by Tarka
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Remember that scene in the movies when Han said; "hey Chewie, let's que up for a warzone."? Then Chewie roared, "but I'm just a lowly companion, I'll hide during warzones."

:) haha, got it, that's a nice twist on the Daniels quote about his TORfox excitement, right? :D

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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:) haha, got it, that's a nice twist on the Daniels quote about his TORfox excitement, right? :D


yeah, when I heard Daniels is "most excited" about space combat now, I couldn't hep but remember him revealing his true feelings about the subject http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/15985-pax-swtor-presentation-videos Q & A portion Part 1 at the 6:00 mark

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Completely agree with all of this... Space combat and starships are such a crucial part of the SW universe... you just have to look at the most relevant fights in the movies (Deathstar Battle, Endor Battle, Coruscant Battle) all of them took place in space!


WE've gotten a ship, with gear and everything as part of our character! now the only thing it needs is some further expansion! go for it BW.


PS: really the fact that there are less players on each planet is not THAT dramatic, just think that in SWTOR planets are like the different zones in other MMO's, and in most of them u woudnt see too many people either. (did u ever meet some1 in Swamp of sorrows?(WoW) I didnt ^^).





Look at all the space battle we have already. Countless Flashpoints on ships. You're just all bent because you can't fly the ship. Everyone wasn't flying ships in the movies either! Star Wars is not about a bunch of fighter pilots! It's about the Jedi & the Sith.

Edited by Kourage
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Look at all the space battle we have already. Countless Flashpoints on ships. You're just all bent because you can't fly the ship. Everyone wasn't flying ships in the movies either! Star Wars is not about a bunch of fighter pilots! It's about the Jedi & the Sith.


Perhaps; perhaps not.


I am loving the current version, and hope they add even more Missions like the ones we have now. That said, I am not opposed to having Free Form included to the game for those that can handle the pilot's chair. Let me keep the command I have now, and let these others gain an expanded space and air support prescence for each Fleet.

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Perhaps; perhaps not.


I am loving the current version, and hope they add even more Missions like the ones we have now. That said, I am not opposed to having Free Form included to the game for those that can handle the pilot's chair. Let me keep the command I have now, and let these others gain an expanded space and air support prescence for each Fleet.


I would enjoy & play more space combat. Improved, better space combat. I just can't stand these people telling me Star Wars is about something it isn't.

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Look at all the space battle we have already. Countless Flashpoints on ships. You're just all bent because you can't fly the ship. Everyone wasn't flying ships in the movies either! Star Wars is not about a bunch of fighter pilots! It's about the Jedi & the Sith.


I'm not sure you get what people mean when they're talking about space battles. They're not referring to people fighting each other using hand held weapons, set in a room in a ship, which is in space. They're referring to people fighting, in space, using ship weapons, while controlling a ship. Totally different things, so you can't really class "ground" combat set in a ship as a space battle.

As for your opinion on what star wars is all about, cool. That's your opinion though. What it is to other people is about space, or rebels vs empire, or the rise and fall of anakin, or the love story between padme and anakin, lots of things.

Star wars is many things to many people. I don't think anyone can deny that there were alot of key moments set in space though. Infact if you look at most of the films you see Lucas switching from ground to space alot. An example would be rotj, where we see vader/emperor vs Luke, the endor ground battle, and the endor space battle.

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Star Wars is not about a bunch of fighter pilots! It's about the Jedi & the Sith.


Could not be more wrong.


4 was decided in a space battle and only had one short lightsaber fight.

5 The battle on hoth and subsequent space battle in the asteroid field encompassed the majority of the action in the movie.

6 We finally see a fair amount of jedi stuff going on. However, the movie eventually breaks down to 3 things. A space battle to destroy the second deathstar, lukes final confrontation with vader and the emperor, and a ground war between tiny bear people and storm troopers.


Over all, space battles are about as important as jedi/sith.


If you are going to try and bring 1-3 into this then you should probably just stop. Like right now.

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Could not be more wrong.


4 was decided in a space battle and only had one short lightsaber fight.

5 The battle on hoth and subsequent space battle in the asteroid field encompassed the majority of the action in the movie.

6 We finally see a fair amount of jedi stuff going on. However, the movie eventually breaks down to 3 things. A space battle to destroy the second deathstar, lukes final confrontation with vader and the emperor, and a ground war between tiny bear people and storm troopers.


Over all, space battles are about as important as jedi/sith.


If you are going to try and bring 1-3 into this then you should probably just stop. Like right now.

Even more so then people think, it was a smuggler group that broke the blockade not the jedi.

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May I ask they pls improve the Proton torps for future play? Currently, it is like waiting until 50th, and obtaining the toy submarine you have desired in the comics all those years simply to discover it is made of cardboard, and the boxes from Christmas you already have work just fine.
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Could not be more wrong.


4 was decided in a space battle and only had one short lightsaber fight.

5 The battle on hoth and subsequent space battle in the asteroid field encompassed the majority of the action in the movie.

6 We finally see a fair amount of jedi stuff going on. However, the movie eventually breaks down to 3 things. A space battle to destroy the second deathstar, lukes final confrontation with vader and the emperor, and a ground war between tiny bear people and storm troopers.


Over all, space battles are about as important as jedi/sith.


If you are going to try and bring 1-3 into this then you should probably just stop. Like right now.


4. the space battle was a on rail shooter. Think about the trench run luke was flying down a set path and had only a few seconds to fire his missles.

5. ehhh Hoth battle wasn't exactly space combat and the chase through the asteroid field felt more like an on rails shooter. The MF didn't even fire a single shot it just dodged things.

6. You could say the bulk of the space battle was a free form space battle except of course the flight in the death star.


Of course it doesn't matter they already said they are adding something big to space combat. My money is on X-wing vs Tie Fighter style pvp battles. Basicly you queue up for them and then you get put into a space battleground and fight.


So saying they need to add better space combat is kind of silly at this point since they are wokring on it. Now if the new space combat sucks then by all means you should complain but at least wait.

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actually you are both wrong because it is really just an opinion it is something different to every one :cool:


Nope. Go ahead and time the individual space pilot scenes and compare it to the overall time of the movies. Then look at all the scenes that are just like the numerous Flashpoints which take place on ships in this game. Star Wars is not about space fighter pilots.


It's a Space Opera.

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Nope. Go ahead and time the individual space pilot scenes and compare it to the overall time of the movies. Then look at all the scenes that are just like the numerous Flashpoints which take place on ships in this game. Star Wars is not about space fighter pilots.


It's a Space Opera.


How can you have an Opera in Space.......... without Space? :confused:

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Nope. Go ahead and time the individual space pilot scenes and compare it to the overall time of the movies. Then look at all the scenes that are just like the numerous Flashpoints which take place on ships in this game. Star Wars is not about space fighter pilots.


It's a Space Opera.


that is still opinion just because there is more in the movies doesn't mean that is what its about that goes for both sides of this argument, it is really what each person wants it to be about for them self's there is no right answer .

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