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Space Combat in The Old Republic (continued from pre launch)


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After analysing the game and its shortfalls as I see them right now, I have began to put the lack of sophistication in "space" activities (i.e. space travel, exploration and combat) into the more general category of "lack of depth" in regards to the game as a whole.


To me, SWTOR is doesn't just have a lack of depth in any one specific area. There is a general lack of depth to the ENTIRE game. And that depth is keeping a stranglehold on allowing players to partake in "non-linear" gameplay activities such as exploration, multiplayer interaction and the continuation progression of characters beyond the 1 - 49 class story.


And the way how I see it, throwing another flashpoint, operation and warzone into the game won't actually solve that problem. All that does it try to "tide people over" for a week or two. It's like perpetually filling up your cars radiator, knowing there's a leak that you refuse to fix.


Like I've said all along, and this also applies to what people have said about a lack of response in this thread, MMO players don't just leave an MMO because of one specific element in that game. They will leave because of a collection of issues which they have with it.


And the way how I see it, that collection could well turn out to be a general lack of enrichment/sophistication in this MMO. In a variety of areas. "Space" being one of them.


We've seen Bioware claim that they want to put the "RPG" back into MMORPG.

Now it's time for them to more "MMO" back into their product too.

Edited by Tarka
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Just found this snippet on Darth Hater:




Daniel Erickson is now Lead Game Designer and during the interview space combat and ship customisation was touched on:


In six months I expect you to be playing new missions, and things that are actually going to give people who feel like they’ve mastered the game a real challenge. Further out, we want to do new things with space. That includes ship customization and whole new ways to play the space game.


It seems Daniel then began to get a little flippant about the potential use of the ships, but he did have THIS to say about Guild Ships:


.....Somebody’s got to give Damion his guild capital ship or there’s going to be a war.



So...there you have it.......we're not going to see much in the way of development for space combat and ship customisation within 6 months.


To me, it's not surprising, what they talked about at the Summit gave me the feeling like they want to focus on the legacy system + the obligatory addition of a flashpoint, warzone and operation.

Edited by Tarka
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Just found this snippet on Darth Hater:




Daniel Erickson is now Lead Game Designer and during the interview space combat and ship customisation was touched on:




It seems Daniel then began to get a little flippant about the potential use of the ships, but he did have THIS to say about Guild Ships:





So...there you have it.......we're not going to see much in the way of development for space combat and ship customisation within 6 months.


To me, it's not surprising, what they talked about at the Summit gave me the feeling like they want to focus on the legacy system + the obligatory addition of a flashpoint, warzone and operation.


Good find, so in six months players that are still around will get more of the same old tunnel shooters. Wonder which one they'll rehash by giving the enemies tougher shields this time.

Edited by shepardcomander
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Just found this snippet on Darth Hater:




Daniel Erickson is now Lead Game Designer and during the interview space combat and ship customisation was touched on:




It seems Daniel then began to get a little flippant about the potential use of the ships, but he did have THIS to say about Guild Ships:





So...there you have it.......we're not going to see much in the way of development for space combat and ship customisation within 6 months.


To me, it's not surprising, what they talked about at the Summit gave me the feeling like they want to focus on the legacy system + the obligatory addition of a flashpoint, warzone and operation.


Railed space was truly disappointing, but it goes deeper than that. It reflects a lack of understanding about the whole of the IP. About what parts add up to make it magical. Compounding this problem is Bioware's confusion about what they are making. A game, not a movie. Gameplay and the IP weren't the only things sacrificed on the alter of story, but they were the greatest losses.


DE's promotion suggests I won't be coming back period, let alone in a few months. I've always felt he was a problem dev and now it sounds like he'll have even more influence. Half a year to see some more trash on rails? Really? I'd rather go play the WoW clone portion of the game...except I can't, they left some key mmo features out and botched the rest. Between this and DA2 and day one DLC for ME 3....


Well played Bioware, well played.

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Funny how SWG JTL pre nge was superior in every way to this rail shooting garbage we have now. Why bioware didn't learn from history is beyond me and them saying they want to milk people for 6 more months before attempting anything is the final nail in the coffin for me. I don't know about other people but i'd rather have that insane amount of money spent on content rather than voice overs that I skip over anyways, skimming through text is worth the price of depth. Good riddence. Edited by Coldsmoke-SS
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Funny how SWG JTL pre nge was superior in every way to this rail shooting garbage we have now. Why bioware didn't learn from history is beyond me and them saying they want to milk people for 6 more months before attempting anything is the final nail in the coffin for me. I don't know about other people but i'd rather have that insane amount of money spent on content rather than voice overs that I skip over anyways, skimming through text is worth the price of depth. Good riddence.


Agree with the sentiment but offer 1 slight correction. It's not 6 more months till they try something new, it's 6 more months until "new" rail shooter missions.

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Bioware doesn't seem to get that this is something people really care about.


I feel that they are just dragging their feet about space in general.


"don't worry. We'll get to that. We've got some interns working on it"


Really love the game... Really pissed that space is being left to rot.

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ive done maybee two space missions my whole 3 alt to 50 career so far. just not worth it to sit there and wish it was more.


I've almost got the imperial pilot set on my main. I stopped though... tired of scripted rail fights. cant even push myself to grind out the rest of the set.

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One comparison which others have likely thought of/mentioned: Star Wars Galaxies.


SWG released an expansion called Jump to Lightspeed. If you owned the expansion, you were enabled a full 3D space adventure where you could fly around in space in multiple types of ships, go on missions where you controlled your ship in all directions (not just the 2D tube style of SWTOR. What made it really interesting was that other ships could be in space at the same time, so you could get two crews of people in two different ships where everyone was controlling guns/etc. I for one would like to see an expansion like this for SWTOR, but keep the tube style mini-game for people who choose not to buy the expansion. Make the expansion exclusive content all involving space, and allow the players to choose their personal adventure. If you raise the level cap in this suggested expansion, let people who do not buy it go up in levels as well, but not access space etc...

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I wish it was at least multiplayer. This is still supposed to be an MMO, right?


Indeed. Which makes it rather ironic that all the pilot gear you can buy with commendations from SOLO space missions requires Social levels. Doh. This lack of foresight and coherence permeates the whole game, sadly.

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Indeed. Which makes it rather ironic that all the pilot gear you can buy with commendations from SOLO space missions requires Social levels. Doh. This lack of foresight and coherence permeates the whole game, sadly.




It does sound like with might see multi-player on-the-rail space combat eventually.


Although really that's not what most are hoping for.

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It does sound like with might see multi-player on-the-rail space combat eventually.


Although really that's not what most are hoping for.


My question is... How is bioware not getting the message?


There's a lot of support for off the rails / pvp stuff.


But bioware seems to dodge all direct questions about that.

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My question is... How is bioware not getting the message?


There's a lot of support for off the rails / pvp stuff.


But bioware seems to dodge all direct questions about that.


The simple answer is that they do not listen, or care what players want. They seem to be arrogant, and will bring out things that we are supposed to like, and if we don't then it's tough.

I've found them to be very arrogant in most things, and the impression I get is that they think they're the best thing to happen to mmos ever. They need to stop thinking like this IMO.

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So, now Mr. 'You didn't see Han and Chewie dicking about in space' is in charge now. Wonderful...


Well, there goes pretty much all hope of ever having a decent space combat system in TOR.


Eh? Who's in charge of what?

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Have really enjoyed what I have played thus far (ie; five missions, plus repeats of all). It took some Ship Upgrades to compensate for my lack of skill at such things to succeed at them, but consider this a worthy investment.


Of the five, I believe my fave SI mission (don't know if these differ per class or not) is the Cartel Listening Outpost; a mix of fighters, large ships, and a vast platform as the priority target. Great looks; terrific battle sequence, IMO.


The one shown in the pre-launch events with the asteroids was the most difficult for me, as I want to bob, when weaving would have been a better call; only one with a fatal crash involved.


And thanks to a loading screen note, I discovered that shields do not regen while firing, so I have to ease off the trigger a bit more, or hope that armor continues to show up in store inventories.


While I still hope that Free Form ship combat gets added in an expansion, I am content with having more of this for my play.

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DE - Daniel Eriksson. i think that was the name mentioned earlier, although I will admit, I'm only half reading this since I'm at wok, so I could have read it wrong.


Hmm I'll have to have a read and see for myself. I do hope we get a good space game, might actually resub if we do.

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