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10/10 for brand - starwars rocks


8/10 for animations - lightsabers and sounds are cool


9/10 for quest voice overs - it must have taken them ages to do all that and it is better than reading walls of quest texts (I wish you could click on your quest and replay the quest giver's conversations)


7/10 for graphics - I'd give Far Cry, Crysis, Just Cause 2, Skyrim a 10/10


6/10 for game client - cannot run as user on Windows 7, takes way too long to load (compared to WOW), anti-aliasing does not work, cannot run two copies


5/10 for UI - it is usable, just. It is missing addon support, customisation, raid frames


5/10 for combat engine - delays and latency


2/10 for combat innovation - abilities and talents are a direct copy of WOW - nothing new here, no dual specs


4/10 for AH - I'd give WOW's AH 6/10 - I'd give Auctionator 9/10


2/10 for NPCs and backdrops - way too many NPCs are just props and too many scenes are static


2/10 for environment - planets are chopped up badly, you cannot explore, worse than single player game, hangar runs in single player mode and tedious, phasing and instancing, way too many loading screens


2/10 for space ship - it is just a time sink - I'd prefer a shuttle between planets with less hangar runs and loading screens


5/10 for lack of alternative zones to quest in


2/10 for crafting/gathering - simplistic like WOW whatever items you create, their stats do not vary and do not depend on your skill


2/10 for group / raid support


No comments on PVP


No comments on endgame dungeons/raids


No comments on endgame content

Edited by a_Stalker
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7/10 for brand

6/10 for animations

7/10 for quest voice overs

3/10 for graphics

3/10 for game client

3/ 10 for UI

2/10 for combat engine

2/10 for combat innovation

3/10 for AH

2/10 for NPCs and backdrops

3/10 for environment

2/10 for space ship

0/10 for alternative zones to quest in

4/10 for crafting/gathering

3/10 for PvP (no MMO will ever get PvP right, I'd give WoW's PvP 5/10)

3/10 for endgame PvE (bugs galore)


using the same format, to keep it fair.

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7/10 for brand

9/10 for animations

9/10 for quest voice overs

7/10 for graphics

6/10 for game client

5/ 10 for UI

6/10 for combat engine

4/10 for combat innovation

4/10 for AH

8/10 for NPCs and backdrops

8/10 for environment

5/10 for space ship

n/a/10 for alternative zones to quest in

7/10 for crafting/gathering

n/a/10 for PvP (not tried yet, will try soon though)

n/a/10 for endgame PvE (highest toon level 31)


Average 6.5/10, but this is skewed by the idiosyncratic collection of categories. To my mind, the game is overall more like 7.5 or 8 out of 10, as I'm really enjoying it. It could be a 9/10 if they iron out the various problems and bugs and keep improving the game.

Edited by gurugeorge
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9/10 for brand

8/10 for animations

10/10 for quest voice overs

8/10 for graphics

8/10 for game client

4/ 10 for UI

7/10 for combat engine

7/10 for combat innovation

5/10 for AH

7/10 for NPCs and backdrops

7/10 for environment

2/10 for space ship

5/10 (Coming from Rift it is about the same but sotry makes it more bearable..LOTRO was better for this still) for alternative zones to quest in

5/10 for crafting/gathering

(Have not done enought PVP yet)/10 for PvP

(I dont know yet)/10 for endgame PvE

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9/10 for brand

7/10 for animations

8/10 for quest voice overs

5/10 for graphics

4/10 for game client

3/10 for UI

4/10 for combat engine

2/10 for combat innovation

2/10 for AH

2/10 for NPCs and backdrops

4/10 for environment

4/10 for space ship

0/10 for lack of alternative zones to quest in

2/10 for crafting/gathering

2/10 for group / raid support


Average 4/10

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8/10 for brand.

7/10 for animation

8/10 quest and voice acting

5/10 for graphics.

3/10 for character creation and modification.

5/10 for game client

2/10 for UI

5/10 for combat engine

3/10 for combat innovation

1/10 for AH

5/10 for NPC's and backdrops

5/10 for companion.

6/10 for environment

3/10 for space ship

4/10 for alternative zones to quest

4/10 for crafting/gathering

4/10 for group/raid support

4/10 for PvP.

No comment on end game raiding/dungeon

No comment on end game content

Edited by Mamono
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PvE: 8/10

PvP: 2/10

Crafting: 5/10

AH: 2/10


Good to excellent PvE and immersion, clunky pvp, average ok crafting, retarded AH.


Will it lead to a long end-game (understand: a game people will play for years):

in its current state, a big NO.

Needs improvements, and fast.

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7/10 for brand -

7/10 for animation

7/10 quest and voice acting

5/10 for graphics.

3/10 for character creation and modification.

5/10 for game client

2/10 for UI

5/10 for combat engine

3/10 for combat innovation

1/10 for AH

5/10 for NPC's and backdrops

5/10 for companion.

6/10 for environment

3/10 for space ship

4/10 for alternative zones to quest

4/10 for crafting/gathering

4/10 for group/raid support

4/10 for PvP.

No comment on end game raiding/dungeon

No comment on end game content

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Oh the fanboi got angry becaues everyone did not give the game a 10/10 on all accounts.


Instead of trolling, try post a propper post with your rating so we normal people can see how fanboys rate the different parts of the game.


What's the point? If you post a rating here you will either get a bunch of fanbois saying the rating is wrong and all the reasons why, or a bunch of moaners saying the rating is wrong and all the reasons why.


These threads are pretty useless.

Edited by Mandrax
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I think this is a fantastic thread because a game is more than just one or two things, it's the combined total of all the activities and other elements there are in the game, and shows that while one thing is emphasised by people who love the game, there are other parts they don't like.
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10/10 for brand - (honestly if you dont put 10/10 here, then go find a new game to play)


8/10 for animation (they look good and work the way they should IMO)


9/10 quest and voice acting (I enjoy the quest lines and the voice acting. even after 10x)


7/10 for graphics. ( I would like to see a truly hi-res texture system implemented)


2/10 for character creation and modification. (most lacking aspect of the game. I hated wow because everyone had the same body type/style ect ect)


6/10 for game client (do not see anything great or bad about it)


5/10 for UI (i could care less about being able to re size change the UI ect ect. but I am all for any thing that will make the game better)


6/10 for combat engine (its not bad nor is it bad)


5/10 for combat innovation (I do not require innovation, but nor would i reject it)


0/10 for AH (What the hell is this acronym)


9/10 for NPC's and backdrops (NPC look good with movements and the background is well designed)


8/10 for companion. ( I love the companion system and how we can interact with them)


8/10 for environment ( the environment looks great, kind of blocked off at times but if I wanted a fully open world, i would go play SWGEMU.)


5/10 for space ship (The ship looks good, but I would like to decor it myself)


4/10 for alternative zones to quest (in an attempt to limit lag and wait, these zones kill the MMO feel)


7/10 for crafting/gathering (This is in no way close to SWG crafting system, but it is still good)


4/10 for group/raid support (I do not like the small group feel of only being allowed to have 4 group members)


7/10 for PvP. (face it, I came from SWG where all we had for the longest time was to stand around Restuss and wait for red dots, so these are great IMO. If you desire more, go play MW3 or BF3 online)

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I'm only lvl 19, so not that far in. But when I played Essells for the first time I was simply blown away. Now that I've played a lot more heroics and realized that they all aren't as good, I'm bummed. But seriously, it's a really good game.


Nothing will ever top the feeling of WoW's world to me, but that doesn't mean that I don't have a place for other games. I wonder if more people will find EVE once they tire of SWTOR? Or might EVE lose people that just want some space fun without all the fuss?


This coming from a more core gamer - cod/halo type.

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TL/DR? Overall game experience = 6-6.5/10


Where I agree with comment/score I've just left it.


-/10 for brand - Irrelevant, if swtor gets 10/10, so does rift for being Rift branded....


6/10 for animations - ****ed up timings wreking play


5/10 for quest voice overs - Repetative, and dont disguise kill X quests. Bonus quests put the lie to 100% quest voice acting claim...


7/10 for graphics - I'd give Far Cry, Crysis, Just Cause 2, Skyrim a 10/10


4/10 for game client - No AA, no use of latest direct X features.


4/10 for UI - it is usable, just., but cant even be scaled.


5/10 for combat engine - delays just ruin it.


6/10 for combat innovation - not too bad, cover system is good for instance, but a bit itterative not really innovative.


1/10 for AH - Unsable in current form


5/10 for NPCs and backdrops - way too many NPCs are just props and too many scenes are static - I'd agree with assessment, score it higher though.


4/10 for environment - planets are chopped up badly, you cannot explore, worse than single player game, hangar runs in single player mode and tedious, phasing and instancing, way too many loading screens


7/10 for space ship - Its quite good really, wouuld be nice if you could choose other ships or customise it, space combat is an insteresting minigame


5/10 for lack of alternative zones to quest in


2/10 for crafting/gathering - Craftign is screwed, there is the slicing issue where BW dont appear to have a clue what they want this skill to do, and the fact that only Biochem is a working skill.


2/10 for group / raid support - There is support? LFG fails, no cross server chat, no auto group, there is still kill stealing in this game FFS. let players play together not resent each other....


PVP - 6/10- HUTTBALL...brilliant map. Mirror classes not being anywhere close to equal is fail. 1-50 bracket is fail. Premades vs pugs is fail, pvp stats are fail. Its got potential, and can be fun, but its making all the mistakes from other games all over again.


No comments on endgame dungeons/raids


No comments on endgame content - other than once you hit endgame, all that work on storey and Voice acting becomes irrelevant, and yet you spend most of your time at endgame in an MMO, so I have worries over longevity

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Simply too many extremely basic features missing, I won't list them you know exactly what i'm talking about.


Optimization is poor.


Way way way too much instancing used.


The "ability delay" is so apparent on my Guardian.


Underwhelming endgame.

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10/10 for brand - It's Star Wars!


8/10 for animations - Pretty good IMO


8/10 for quest voice overs - Very good stuff, lots of them too (though sometimes we get repeat stuff)


5/10 for graphics - If they worked properly (what with the textures, antialiasing and optimization problems) they'd score a 7,5 out of 10.


no comment for game client


6/10 for UI - no problems so far, but it could be much better.


7/10 for combat engine - fun combat but with some faults, hopefully will be smoothed out


4/10 for combat innovation - Didn't expect anything more, but I like the cover system and lack of auto attacks (not really innovations, but it sets it slightly apart from WoW)


5/10 for AH - functional, but needs improvements


6/10 for NPCs and backdrops - I like the NPCs and backdrops, but they feel sort of static... They could use some livening up once the bigger issues are fixed.


6,5/10 for environment - Environments look great and are a step up from other Bioware games, but still feel a bit too linear for my tastes - at least so far.


7/10 for space ship - I'm really fond of the space ships and the space combat is surprisingly fun (didn't expect a fan of Privateer and Freelancer like myself would enjoy it), and I hope bioware expands on the hotspots, adding free flight to some, as well as group and PvP hotspots.


7/10 for crafting/gathering - I find it quite entertaining, and love the way you have to manage your crew for top efficiency. Dunno how good it is for end-game and all that stuff, but it's far superior to the **** that was Wow crafting (one of the things I hated in that otherwise enjoyable game)


no comments on group / raid support


No comments on PVP


No comments on endgame dungeons/raids


No comments on endgame content


As an objective score, I'd give the game a 7 out of 10 due to it's flaws - but subjectively, I'm really enjoying it so it gets a 9 out of 10, simply because it's FUN for me! :D

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Pie 0/10 - I have found no pie vendors in game.

Cake N/A - Cake is a lie

Bacon 0/10 - No trace of pork products


Overall 0/10


I will have to wait till the release of the next AAA mmo to fulfill my dream of crafting a bacon pie.



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