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The upcoming patch looks like it will deliver


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If you spent $4k on a computer than you wasted a lot of money or bought several processors for whatever reason. Maybe you bought 64gb of ram? I don't know what would have cost you so damn much. Oh right, you bought it at Staples right?


I built a system then decided to sell the bits and built the absolute latest for under 2500 all together.


I don't drop below 60, and I force AA and the like.


Like someone already said. You're doing it wrong.


Except, you know, for those that dont have any issues like me and my wife but hey, who can argue with 'common knowledge' right?


Just wanted to added to this; the "common knowledge" is complaining on the forums. I've played with a lot of people, not one has performance issues. Bugs? Yes. Performance issues? No.



Also - the AA they are adding is most likely FXAA. Which is garbage and blurry as all hell - this is always the case in games that list their AA setting as "Low, Medium, High" So don't get excited. Think the game is already washed out? This will make it much much worse. But hey it's hardly effects performance - so once again catering to those running shoe boxes.

Edited by Smokey_the_Bear
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If you spent $4k on a computer than you wasted a lot of money or bought several processors for whatever reason. Maybe you bought 64gb of ram? I don't know what would have cost you so damn much. Oh right, you bought it at Staples right?


I built a system then decided to sell the bits and built the absolute latest for under 2500 all together.


I don't drop below 60, and I force AA and the like.


Like someone already said. You're doing it wrong.


Pretty much this. Building a rig takes patience and little time. If you have a bit of either of these and you don't buy your own parts, you are throwing money down the drain. If you can't do it, ask a buddy who can. 4k good lord...

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If a minor bug takes three seconds to fix and won't destablize the game, they'll fix it.


Saying " great they fix vehicle emotes but no FpS bug?! QQ raaage" implies that both took the same amount of resources and time to identify, isolate, fix, and test.


Considering not everyone is having the FPS bug, it's probably a lot more difficult to identify and fix.

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Also - the AA they are adding is most likely FXAA. Which is garbage and blurry as all hell - this is always the case in games that list their AA setting as "Low, Medium, High" So don't get excited. Think the game is already washed out? This will make it much much worse. But hey it's hardly effects performance - so once again catering to those running shoe boxes.


I doubt it. They're probably just going to make the ini setting work for ATI cards, and add the option for 2x, 4x, and 8x to the preference>graphics menu.


Besides, you can force whatever AA method you prefer at the driver level. Right now I'm using edge detect.


And FXAA isn't so bad when compared to multisampling.

Edited by Daemonjax
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I'm not... Who the heck thought SI in any advance class really needed a buff? And where the hell is the trooper Full auto fix? It sucks when you use the ability and it uses up the GCD but nothing happens. In fact trooper one of the most broken classes in the game.... Was not even touched. Way too much favoritism is being showed to force users.


In fact the only non force users that got any sort of fix in this up coming patch is Imperials. So one could even say they are being factionist already.


Force users have a problem with using abilities and having them either delay or not finish, causing nothing to happen. Stop crying about the class you play. I don't agree with the SI buff, but the problem you're speaking of is something that has a similar problem among all classes.

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Just wanted to added to this; the "common knowledge" is complaining on the forums. I've played with a lot of people, not one has performance issues. Bugs? Yes. Performance issues? No.


You may be confusing bugs with performance. They may or may not be referring to "how the game runs" but "how the game literally plays". By this I mean, things like ability delay, which really is a common problem. It FEELS like lag, but it isn't. That sort of thing isn't a bug, but a performance issue. You activate an ability only for it to stop part way and do nothing. That thing that you might've seen by now but just shrug off. Until you're pressing the ability 4 or 5 times and then it finally activates on the 6th.


Everything else like FPS worth of performance issues is something else, but I just wanted to point out that some people may not be understanding what may be being spoken of as an example. Unless Bioware shows up and claims it's a bug; then it's one hell of a bug Bioware. One of the things that really does make or break enjoying the combat in this game...

Edited by Smurfsauce
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Force users have a problem with using abilities and having them either delay or not finish, causing nothing to happen. Stop crying about the class you play. I don't agree with the SI buff, but the problem you're speaking of is something that has a similar problem among all classes.


Delays are beyond the point. It was a simple example. This patch was about Force Users, and Imperials. If you disagree point out one non force using republic class that got any attention in the upcoming patch. Also I've played those classes and they're entire rotation and half their skill tree does not depend on those abilities unlike trooper. If this issue is going to continue to go unfixed they need to remove the ability and change the trooper talent tree to make something else take full-auto's place in rotation.



For every time full-auto on the trooper doesn't work (Which happens often because you should be using it every time the cooldown is up) you lose 1.5 seconds to a GCD which can drop your overall dps rather harshly not to mention in a pvp scenario.... 1.5 Seconds is all some classes need for a quick heal. But lets look what happens over time! Lets say in this particuler match against a healer your Full-auto misfired 3 times. Thats 4.5 seconds gone. That is a long time in a pvp match specially when full-auto also causes your abilities to proc in some specs. To compare this to the other classes animation issues is laughable. Becuase other classes are not as dependant on their skills that misfire.

Edited by Xukuth
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I doubt it. They're probably just going to make the ini setting work for ATI cards, and add the option for 2x, 4x, and 8x to the preference>graphics menu.


Besides, you can force whatever AA method you prefer at the driver level. Right now I'm using edge detect.


And FXAA isn't so bad when compared to multisampling.


No, this is the way it already is on the test server. Low, medium and High. Actually I don't even know about medium, but now for textures there is low and high. So I'm not guessing, this is a fact.


I'm forcing AA too, but my point is their priorities, and how the exciting AA isn't as exciting as people think.


Also you need to use Google. Multisampling provides a far superior IQ than FXAA with a bigger performance hit. FXAA does a lesser job (may seem better on wires/stairs), but blurs the image to do so while maybe taking 3 fps from you.


Please do not argue until you have looked it up first.


You may be confusing bugs with performance. They may or may not be referring to "how the game runs" but "how the game literally plays". By this I mean, things like ability delay, which really is a common problem. It FEELS like lag, but it isn't. That sort of thing isn't a bug, but a performance issue. You activate an ability only for it to stop part way and do nothing. That thing that you might've seen by now but just shrug off. Until you're pressing the ability 4 or 5 times and then it finally activates on the 6th.


Everything else like FPS worth of performance issues is something else, but I just wanted to point out that some people may not be understanding what may be being spoken of as an example. Unless Bioware shows up and claims it's a bug; then it's one hell of a bug Bioware. One of the things that really does make or break enjoying the combat in this game...


I'm sorry, but I do believe the ability delay bug... is a bug. How is that a performance issue? My game is running absolutely fine, I feel no lag whatsoever, the button simply doesn't register at times, and is not due to performance drops. FPS "lag" and lag, are two different things - neither of which I am suffering from. The problem lies within the engine not our hardware. It is a bug and a matter of poor coding.


I'm not really sure what you are saying. I think you may be the one who is confused about bugs and performance? :confused:


Didn't they acknowledge this a while back? Why do other things work in an instant if the ability delay is due to lag?


When I say I know people who suffer from bugs I am not speaking about any select bug (in fact I was thinking about not being able to enter EV if ANYTHING) and they are in fact bugs.


By the way, BW just posted a thread about Ability Delay yesterday.

Edited by Smokey_the_Bear
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chose to buff SI instead of warriors , WHY ?.


I fail to see how warriors need a buff. I have a 50 Sith Jugg and she tanks just fine. I have no problems managing my agro and keeping mobs together. I like that playing a jug makes me think and utilize all of my abilities to keep my threat.

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I'm not really sure what you are saying. I think you may be the one who is confused about bugs and performance? :confused:


Didn't they acknowledge this a while back? Why do other things work in an instant if the ability delay is due to lag?


When I say I know people who suffer from bugs I am not speaking about any select bug (in fact I was thinking about not being able to enter EV if ANYTHING) and they are in fact bugs.


Did they? I heard it was a performance issue of the engine they use for this game. You can call it a bug, but it's still a problem for how the game itself performs and honestly it should've been their top priority as I said. Nothing is worse than a game that doesn't play very smooth.

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Did they? I heard it was a performance issue of the engine they use for this game. You can call it a bug, but it's still a problem for how the game itself performs and honestly it should've been their top priority as I said. Nothing is worse than a game that doesn't play very smooth.


You are assuming that it is not a priority. It may not be something that is so easily fixed.

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Did they? I heard it was a performance issue of the engine they use for this game. You can call it a bug, but it's still a problem for how the game itself performs and honestly it should've been their top priority as I said. Nothing is worse than a game that doesn't play very smooth.


A performance issue with a game engine is classified as a bug, and is separate from the FPS performance issues I am discussing, and does not effect such in anyway.


It actually doesn't effect the performance of the entire game, just your character and combat - in fact a very specific facet of such - however, I do agree entirely thta it needs to be fixed immediately, but that pointless to say as I said though they did mention it, and after checking BW actually made a thread about Ability Delay yesterday.


You are assuming that it is not a priority. It may not be something that is so easily fixed.


This is exactly what BW said yesterday.


They also mentioned the issue as being difficult to address, like the fps issues which again are separate.

Edited by Smokey_the_Bear
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well u wizards how do u explain that lower specced riggs play the game better than more powerfull machines? This game is not optimized very good, its funny to play in all areas with 60+ fps and to fall to 25 fps in Warzones.. thats not our end , thats BW end.
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well u wizards how do u explain that lower specced riggs play the game better than more powerfull machines? This game is not optimized very good, its funny to play in all areas with 60+ fps and to fall to 25 fps in Warzones.. thats not our end , thats BW end.


It may have to do with certain video cards and drivers. Also, it's totally not surprising that framerates would drop when there are more toons on the screen.

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