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Are high res out of the game because of the PC heat issues?


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Try to play at max settings, turn off Vsync, and start a quest conversation. Let the conversation last for 5-10 mins.


See the heat I'm talking about now? :)



***, man... you're playing on a laptop... they have **** for cooling. Turn vsync on and force triple buffering to lower your temps and keep your framerates as high as before.


There's NO DOWNSIDE to vsync with triple buffering.

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I'm afraid they are not.


Problem is that you are playing on a laptop that has throttling, which constantly watches both the cpu/gpu heat and downscales to cool it down when it gets too hot.


If you go to notebookreview.com, you will see that A LOT of people have laptop heat problems and throttling problems with 1 game. Guess which one?


I have been frequenting notebookreview for a while and there is no thread for my laptop complaining of SWTOR heat issues (Alienware M17x R3). It uses both AMD and Nvidia mobile GPU's, most commonly the 580M and 6990M. It has very effective cooling and heat dissipation, plus I have repasted and repadded my CPU and GPU, which lowered temps another 10C or so from stock.


If you run furmark and prime95 to stress the gpu/cpu, do you run into thremal issues there as well?

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***, man... you're playing on a laptop... they have **** for cooling. Turn vsync on and force triple buffering to lower your temps and keep your framerates as high as before.


There's NO DOWNSIDE to vsync with triple buffering.


Pretty much this.


Laptops and "cooling" don't go hand in hand.

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I'm having similar issues on my comp. i7 1gig vid card 8 gig ram 3.2 ghz quad core top end cooling fan and I can't stay logged in for over 20-30 minutes before I have to logout so my PC cools down.


I love this game but this is my biggest issue by far.

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Sure they do, if you get the right laptop and take the time to keep it cleaned out and use good thermal compounds and pads. Mine runs cooler than many air-cooled desktops.


Except very few people do this.


They play with the computer on their lap, or bed, or pillow, and have no idea why their computer is hot.


They use them on dusty job sites, and have no idea why the computer is hot.


They play with their pet crawling all over them, not taking into consideration what Fluffy's hair is doing to the machine.

Edited by Skoobie
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I have been frequenting notebookreview for a while and there is no thread for my laptop complaining of SWTOR heat issues (Alienware M17x R3). It uses both AMD and Nvidia mobile GPU's, most commonly the 580M and 6990M. It has very effective cooling and heat dissipation, plus I have repasted and repadded my CPU and GPU, which lowered temps another 10C or so from stock.


If you run furmark and prime95 to stress the gpu/cpu, do you run into thremal issues there as well?


Lol thats not even a laptop, thats a modded 17" alienware....


No i dont get issues running those programs, SWtor is the only program/game that really makes my pc hit up my fans during quest convos with vsync off. All my other games run at 50-high 50 celcius tops.


and you say you have modded an alienware 17 inch gaming laptop that already has great cooling compared to 99% of other laptops. And that by modding you lost 10 celcius from stock. That puts your laptop running SWtor at 82+ celcius on a stock Alienware 17" gaming pc with tons of cooling. That is a lot for an alienware.


Now imagine how hot SWtor runs on a nonmodded NORMAL dell/hp/acer/asus laptop?


Again, play SWtor maxed with Vsync off, and leave the comp for 10 mins during a quest conversation, and look at the temps.

Edited by fendergibson
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Running with vsync on essentially throttles your GPU. Running with it off means they're running as hard as they can at all times, so that's why things get a bit hotter. Better case cooling will help, as has been said.


As far as high res textures go, they are in the game. For some reason they're just not working. For proof, go to your ship and click on your holo-terminal. For a split second your character will have high-res textures and it's a pretty noticeable change.

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***, man... you're playing on a laptop... they have **** for cooling. Turn vsync on and force triple buffering to lower your temps and keep your framerates as high as before.


There's NO DOWNSIDE to vsync with triple buffering.


I'm NOT playing on a laptop :)

Check the main post.


Its a PC rig with 2600 I7 intel, 560ti, 8gig ram. It has good airflow, 5 fans, and runs maxed skyrim, crysis, BF 3 etc with temps only at 50 to high 50 celcius, which is very good. But SWtor makes the fans kick in a lot more then other games, and during quest convos with vsync turned off the temp rises A LOT.


Tons of other people have the EXACT same issue, with different setups. Take a look around the web, the issue is written everywhere.


The game needs an FPS cap option, and needs to be optimized better.

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Before you post something "i got no issue bro". Try the game at maxed settings, turn vsync off and start a quest conversation. the comp will heat up A LOT. It is a problem that many on reddit, mmo-champion etc has posted as well.


I play like this with no heat issues, and the only people who I've seen report them here have been seeing temperatures in a range that's very normal with a game running. I haven't read everythinng in this thread yet, but I'm not convinced that these "heat issues" are anything but rumor and misinformation.

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there you go your playing on an alienware machine you are aware that they install some of the lowest grade components in those machines and sell them at over the odds ?


You may say that skyrim and crysis runs maxxed and are fine but they are single player game sMMOS have to process information coming from the server as well as everything else. they are normally more cpu intensive than single player games.

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I play like this with no heat issues, and the only people who I've seen report them here have been seeing temperatures in a range that's very normal with a game running. I haven't read everythinng in this thread yet, but I'm not convinced that these "heat issues" are anything but rumor and misinformation.


It is very strange how SWtor heats up much more then skyrim, BF3, crysis and the like.

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there you go your playing on an alienware machine you are aware that they install some of the lowest grade components in those machines and sell them at over the odds ?


You may say that skyrim and crysis runs maxxed and are fine but they are single player game sMMOS have to process information coming from the server as well as everything else. they are normally more cpu intensive than single player games.


First off, i dont play on an alienware, some other guy did with heat reducing mods etc in it.


But why does SWtor heat up much much more then Rift with maxed settings then? :)

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It is very strange how SWtor heats up much more then skyrim, BF3, crysis and the like.


Not really. As long as things stay in normal temperature ranges, there's nothing "strange" about it, especially considering that people tend to play MMOs for extented lengths of tme with very few periods of downtime where here's little going on graphically. In any case, "SW:TOR heats up more than game X, but not to the point of exceeding normal ranges" isn't really a problem with worrying about.


Even after reading through this thread this sounds to me like people panicking over a non-issue.

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Like I've said several times now, run a stress test with Prime95 (CPU) and Furmark (GPU) at the same time and let it go for 10 minutes or so. Tell us what your temps are in that. It will put 100% load on your GPU and its memory and put 100% load on all your CPU cores. That should help indicate if this is an issue with your machine and/or drivers, or if it is something else.
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Lol thats not even a laptop, thats a modded 17" alienware....


It's not modded and it is a laptop. I simply replaced Dell's thermal compound and pads with higher quality compound and pads. A large percentage of people who buy these laptops do this, because they buy them specifically for gaming. It is not unusual and it doesn't void the warranty or anything. It is not a mod.

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Like I've said several times now, run a stress test with Prime95 (CPU) and Furmark (GPU) at the same time and let it go for 10 minutes or so. Tell us what your temps are in that. It will put 100% load on your GPU and its memory and put 100% load on all your CPU cores. That should help indicate if this is an issue with your machine and/or drivers, or if it is something else.


My temps maxes out at 64-66 celcius during those tests, i have already tested it before. (i tried it 4 weeks ago when i played swtor beta and noticed the heat issue with the game)


Again, i have good cooling, but SWtor is the only game that makes my fans kick in much more, and its annoying when much better optimized games like Rift, Skyrim, BF 3, Crysis, Witcher 2 etc runs without no issues AT ALL. And those have much better graphics as well.


I think adding an option to cap FPS at 60 without vsync would help the problem some, buying them time to program their game properly after.

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The game is poorly optimized, and leaks.

This is a fact.


My rig isnt the best, i3-2100, gtx550ti 1gb, 4gb ram @ 1888...

but if i can run stuff like battlefield 3, and other games like skyrim, crysis, @ 1920x1200 just fine, and i lag during parts of star wars (the republic fleet) and on top of that have the game tax my gpu a lot then something is wrong.


i hope bioware recognizes that their game is poorly optimized sooner or later.


Just exactly how would you expect you're going to get lag in games like Crysis and Skyrim in the first place?


MMOs are much different games than single player ones (which is the examples you just used)


MMOs have to track many more variable and objects than a single player title will ever have to, even when you're playing Battlefield 3 in multiplayer.


Hence lag, hence bigger graphics demand in some cases.

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I think adding an option to cap FPS at 60 without vsync would help the problem some, buying them time to program their game properly after.


I have heard that this feature may be coming to graphics drivers/control panels soon. I also think you can currently do this with the aid of some third-party apps, but am not positive.


In any case, if I were you I'd choose a slight amount of input lag over your computer melting for the time being. :)


I'd also run prime95/furmark again, just to be sure. Driver updates and many other things can sometimes have huge effects on heat levels. It'd be good to have a current baseline. Also be sure that the settings in those benches match what you are using in SWTOR (may need to override from your nvidia control panel for certain things).

Edited by TostitoBandito
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My temps maxes out at 64-66 celcius during those tests, i have already tested it before. (i tried it 4 weeks ago when i played swtor beta and noticed the heat issue with the game)


Again, i have good cooling, but SWtor is the only game that makes my fans kick in much more, and its annoying when much better optimized games like Rift, Skyrim, BF 3, Crysis, Witcher 2 etc runs without no issues AT ALL. And those have much better graphics as well.


I think adding an option to cap FPS at 60 without vsync would help the problem some, buying them time to program their game properly after.


Did you really just call Rift better optimized? Sorry that game runs like crap compared to this one.


And I'm still not buying that Crysis and BF 3 run cooler than this game. Either you misread the temps for those games or you aren't playing at max settings in those games.

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