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Graphics test. SWTOR, RIFT and WoW


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Here are three games I've found videos for with the graphics turned up to the highest possible settings. Remember to watch it in the highest possible settings on your video stream.


Here is a 20 min video of the starter smuggler area. Full textures, graphics and a very high resolution:




Another SWTOR one of a Jedi Knight:




Next up we have RIFT in patch 1.6. Just a small video of a person soloing mobs:




Last up we have WoW. Complete with DirectX 11 and everything on ultra.





Not only are we looking at graphical presentation but animation quality as well. But I'd like everyone to take an unbiased look at all three, note when the games were released (Meaning how long it's been out and what year it's been released) and comment on which they feel is the best (obviously state your opinion) graphically looking and which runs the smoothest.

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There is a difference between graphics and aesthetics. Sure Rift may have the most detailed graphics, but from 1-50, I did not feel immersed in my character.


I believe a good balance between graphics and aesthetics is needed in any game.


Wows graphics are outdated, but they more than make up for it with their aesthetics. That video shows how expansive Gilnaes is, it showed how gloomy the situation is, with the music matching, yet its using 2004 graphics.


Swtor graphics are similar. Slightly better than wows graphics, but their aesthetics are great. A simple first trip to Corusant is one of their best examples, with the endless buildings off in the distance, the artstyle, etc, made the entire area feel bigger than it actually was.

Edited by Amandeep
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The SWTOR video takes forever to load but it shows the potential of what this game can achieve. WoW is by no means ugly WHATSOEVER and actually looks really good. RIFT obviously looks detailed and colorful. SWTOR has tons of detail in far off distances though, also with ships flying across the sky really adds to the effect. Edited by DigitalDreamz
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Rift is a very good game. Too bad people discarded it so quickly.


RIFT is a great game I agree. I remember talking on a twitch chat and mentioned that RIFT is really cool. All I got was WoWtards going 'lol how many subscribers?!?!" 'Game's dead blah blah blah"


By there Logic Since Justin Beiber sold a lot of records, he's more talented than 99% of musicians.


It was rather annoying.

Edited by DigitalDreamz
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It was cause they offered innovation. People do not like change, yet they do not want to admit it

Innovation? The one thing that Rift really "innovated" was the ability for players to create entirely different specs using the soul system. All that did was to make the game boring faster, since it meant that players could explore all the different roles of the trinity on fewer characters. Big deal.

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Should throw in hi-def LOTRO just for fun. Characters look dated and pretty bad but the scenery can be really, really breathtaking.



They're all good in their own ways, but Rift and WoW actually perform well while looking good. Though I'm not a Rift fan I appreciate their effort.

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Innovation? The one thing that Rift really "innovated" was the ability for players to create entirely different specs using the soul system. All that did was to make the game boring faster, since it meant that players could explore all the different roles of the trinity on fewer characters. Big deal.


Besides the different take on dungeons, outdoor events, rifts. Also that is a pretty cool feature.


Anyway this isn't about what RIFT did or didn't do. It's about the graphical capabilities for those who say SWTOR looks old and outdated.

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Innovation? The one thing that Rift really "innovated" was the ability for players to create entirely different specs using the soul system. All that did was to make the game boring faster, since it meant that players could explore all the different roles of the trinity on fewer characters. Big deal.


it is a big deal. Mixing and matching so many classes together is something that no other game tried. People got annoyed at the very thing that made the game popular in the first place, which were rifts. People left because towns were being overrun by dynamic events, they could not afk in a spot for long or a rift would pop up over them etc.


MMO gamers just prefer the static world and playstyle of wow with a carrot on a stick mentality with gear grinds.


It is also one of the reasons why I am skeptical of GW2, innovation is very risky indeed

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As stated early and what TB said:


There's Graphics and there's Aesthetics.


You can have the best graphics ever but the aesthetics are boring, dull, and doesn't match the overall theme. (EX: Few F2P Games out there. Decent graphics...but every zone looks the same. Same color pallet.)


For example: Terraria. The "Graphics" are down right awful compared to BF3. But the aesthetics of the game is wonderful. It's pleasing, the colors match, it's vibrant, and overall great.


WoW's graphics are outdated. But, the aesthetics are outstanding. The shadows draw you in, the lush environment. It's colorful, yet it can be deep and dark at the same time. Also, it's very fluid and graceful.


Same goes with SWTOR. The graphics aren't that great compared to BF3 (again, but making a point) or say Rift or TERA. That doesn't matter though, because the aesthetics are pleasing. Colors in the game are rich, fluid, and lush. One planet can be bright, colorful, vibrant where as another can be extremely gloomy, dark, and dangerous. Amazing color pallet per zone.


Just a very brief and not detailed post. I'm sure I can go on and on.


You don't need the best graphics for a pleasing to look at game.

Edited by Teldara
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Then you have the graphics of Aion blowing them all away.




Game play sucks though... Unless of course you love to gamble, then you will love the game.


zooming out on an entire city makes the game look amazing no matter what







Edited by Amandeep
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Well another thing that video shows, is how clunky, laggy and unresponsive combat in SWTOR is compared to RIFT.


RIFT the hotbars were in sync with the attacks and it looked very smooth. Too bad the same can't be said for SWTOR.

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I still have an active RIFT sub and am going back to it once I get to level 50 here, and then I'll keep this sub and let it settle and come back here when I get bored at RIFT again etc.


As for the graphics, you did not really show a fair representation of RIFT :)


Other than that, good job, all 3 games are beautiful in their own ways.

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I still have an active RIFT sub and am going back to it once I get to level 50 here, and then I'll keep this sub and let it settle and come back here when I get bored at RIFT again etc.


As for the graphics, you did not really show a fair representation of RIFT :)


Other than that, good job, all 3 games are beautiful in their own ways.


Best I could find for RIFT in my search.

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