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Nerf the cheap BH Arsenal / Trooper Gunnery specs


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As per the title. We all know they need one. Heavy armor, heals, the highest consistant DPS in the game (its not even burst DPS). Wheres the weakness?


Everyone knows its cheap, its why I am now seeing 50-70% of battlegrounds full of them. All leveling up with the same cheap spec.

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And in 2 weeks, they'll be re-rolling whatever gets the most complaints on the forums again, regardless of whether or not any classes get a nerf.


Unless you're a FULLY geared level 50 going 1v1 against a FULLY geared level 50, nobody has a right to complain about something being OP. The best part is, whichever one of those 50's that loses will end up coming onto the forums and saying the other is OP, simply because they lost once or twice to that class.


It's simply amazing. I've seen so many Assassins complaining about how they can't kill freaking tanks with their openers that it actually makes me that much happier every time I slaughter one with my Vanguard. Because I know one of them will come back and complain that their paper is losing to scissors.

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getting tired of these whiny/crybaby "nerf trooper/bh" posts. The class is fine, it fills its roll nicely in the game. we cant kite, our mobile dps is crap, our cc's suck.... oooh a knockback that most ppl have some sort of immunity too, sweeeet. not to mention we have no sort of gap closer or speed boost.


you had the choice, as did i to roll a hybrid type class that can dps/heal. i dont know what you chose but it seems like you're having regrets or second thoughts... or you just suck at playing your class.

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The only problem with BH is that no one targets them.



I beg to differ lol. I am targeted just plenty on my PT @shrugs@ As to whether Mercs are OP or not I really have no comment. I HAVE noticed their numbers increasing quite a bit and often am facing several per match. Do people often flock to easily played, simple rotation extreme high dps classes? I'm not sure :p

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getting tired of these whiny/crybaby "nerf trooper/bh" posts. The class is fine, it fills its roll nicely in the game. we cant kite, our mobile dps is crap, our cc's suck.... oooh a knockback that most ppl have some sort of immunity too, sweeeet. not to mention we have no sort of gap closer or speed boost.


you had the choice, as did i to roll a hybrid type class that can dps/heal. i dont know what you chose but it seems like you're having regrets or second thoughts... or you just suck at playing your class.


I have a full set of champ gear and the tracer missile spam does about 20% damage per hit. Nothing any other class can do compares to that.


People are complaining about operatives who can take people down by 40% and then do terrible sustained DPS, while BH / Troops in this spec can just stand there and keep firing doing 20% every GCD.


Yes I can run around walls and stun / interrupt, but the cast times arent that long, and they can follow quite easy. Because it isnt a special set up, its consistant damage. And now that more than half the opposing teams are this cheap spec its just getting rediculous, you cant hide anywhere without one spamming the same cheap 3 button combo.


Well geared BHs / Troops in this cheap spec are miles ahead of anyone else in damage. Its not even comparable.


Hell, I have even rolled one to show how easy it is. I just demolish the other players. Its so hilariously imbalanced.

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Tracer Missle spam needs fixing.



Other than that I'd say powertech and vanguard need nerfs more. Those guys never go down.


I play a Vanguard myself, and trust me, we're fine where we're at.


We have 1 healing ability, if you can call it that. It regenerates 15% of our max health over 10 seconds. Easily out-dps'ed. And it's on a 2 minute cooldown. Other than that, we have 2 options to heal ourselves. Healing consumables, and med packs. Both on huge cooldowns as well.


And we have 0 burst damage. The "burstiest" we get is if we crit a High Impact Bolt, on a (I believe) 45 second cooldown and only usable on incapacitated or bleeding targets, and then crit a stock strike. Those combined would deliver roughly 4k damage (non super geared 50) in 2 global cooldowns. Awesome burst, right?


Our damage is sustainable though, which outside of our awesome survivability through damage mitigation, is the only plus side to playing one. If you can heal yourself, you're GOING to beat a Vanguard/Powertech 1v1 if given enough time.

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Tracer Missle spam needs fixing.



Other than that I'd say powertech and vanguard need nerfs more. Those guys never go down.


No it doesn't.


It stacks 5 times, it's designed to be used 5 times in a row before switching to Unload/Rail Shot.


It also builds up heat like a mofo unless you get a crit where it vents a third of the heat it uses for that particular attack. You still hit max heat pretty quickly. It's also the easiest ability to counter. You should rub your hands with glee if you see a merc spamming tracer missile.


These threads are just funny now.


Nerf Sith Inquisitor they have these crazy lightning attacks.

Nerf the Jedi Sage because it's a mirror of the Sith Inquisitor

Nerf Jedi/Sith really fast run abilities it's not fair, also nerf how they can jump to each other and jump to enemies.

Nerf Powertechs and their mirrored counterparts, their tanking is ridiculous.

Nerf Smugglers/Agents, their burst fire is incredible

Nerf Mercs/Commandos their tracer missile/grav roun is waaaay too ridiculous!!!


Nerf...wait...no classes left... hang on... how can every class be overpowered? It can't be overpowered.... because it isn't over anything.... they all have something... damn... maybe... they are all... balanced? Maybe it's like... rock paper scissors and some things just can't beat others? Damn..

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As per the title. We all know they need one. Heavy armor, heals, the highest consistant DPS in the game (its not even burst DPS). Wheres the weakness?


Everyone knows its cheap, its why I am now seeing 50-70% of battlegrounds full of them. All leveling up with the same cheap spec.


You're joking right? They have 1 kb on a 30a cd and that's it. They can't keep melee off them. Melees have a 6s (specced) cd interrupt. Tracer missile spam is hard-countered by this. They have weak heals unless heal specced, that's not enough to survive interrupt+stun+burst.

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The class has no interrupt, very limited ways to get melee off them, and a resource system that forces them to be very careful about throttling their damage... not to mention the abilities being complained about are on a cast time which means there is no excuse for not being able to interrupt them when you have such a low CD interrupt to counter them with. Every 6-12 seconds, depending on your class and how you are talented, you can interrupt and lock them out of a particular skill for 4 seconds... do the math.
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the people crying for a merc nerf are the same people that sit there attacking the target they're on while we freecast on them, these are the people that would rather get their *** whipped by a class and come to the forums to ***** about it instead of switching to the thing *********** them up. seriously if i get one melee with an interrupt on me my damage output is cut at least in half, if not more. if people utilize LOS areas, it's even worse, chasing someone around corners in warzones is 100% useless, i am better off turning around and trying to cut them off from a different way. that being said, when allowed to freecast my damage output is comparable if not better than op/scoundrel damage. if allowed to cast 3 tracer missiles and a heatseeker while consumables are up, most things will be very near death, unless defensive cds are popped, in that case, i need to manage my heat properly to be able to finish them off before i get overwhelmed.
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the people crying for a merc nerf are the same people that sit there attacking the target they're on while we freecast on them, these are the people that would rather get their *** whipped by a class and come to the forums to ***** about it instead of switching to the thing *********** them up. seriously if i get one melee with an interrupt on me my damage output is cut at least in half, if not more. if people utilize LOS areas, it's even worse, chasing someone around corners in warzones is 100% useless, i am better off turning around and trying to cut them off from a different way. that being said, when allowed to freecast my damage output is comparable if not better than op/scoundrel damage. if allowed to cast 3 tracer missiles and a heatseeker while consumables are up, most things will be very near death, unless defensive cds are popped, in that case, i need to manage my heat properly to be able to finish them off before i get overwhelmed.


good post, can apply everything about "not knowing how to play" to you and operatives as well.

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How the hell do these troopers & BH stand still long enough to make people feel they need nerfed? I'm assault speced and I feel like I have to run around so much that I hardly get to use auto fire and any cast/channel abilities.


I feel like I'm a damn sith magnet the way they all jump in at me from all directions!

Edited by Dubage
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People saying 'they are weak to melee' is just hilarious. On the BH Merc I made to show my guildies how OP it is, I can DEMOLISH any melee before they can even drop me 20%. Im wearing heavy armor and I do the top DPS in the game... they dont stand a chance.


Yes, if you get 3-4 players focus on you at once, youll probably die if you dont have heals or guard (a lot slower than if the same 4 people focused on someone else). But that means half the team is wasting time on killing 1 person.


Who needs to move when you can destroy people in 6 seconds? You can roll your face over the same 3 buttons and get 2 times more damage than anyone else.


If it wasnt so overpowered... then why are we seeing groups with over half BHs / Troops all in the same spec? Actions speak louder than words. Hell I have even jumped on the bandwagon just because its more likely to get fixed if I perpetuate the imbalance.

Edited by Daeth
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If it wasn’t so overpowered... then why are we seeing groups with over half BHs / Troops all in the same spec?


Because Arsenal is the best spec for us in pvp LOL. Killing people in three hits, lol must be targeting lvl 10's. Fighting people in comparable gear is rough to say the least. As soon as you open up, your targeted for death. Wait let me heal, oh interrupted or heal for 2k, let me cast my tracer, oh interrupted, let me run away oh we can’t do that. OP get out of here. Yes we mess people up in bad gear and lower lvls. Yes we can do some nice damage if people don't target us. SO target us!

Demolish any melee lol, get caught by an Operative, cast what you please your going to die. Sounds like your playing a mid lvl merc at best. Please post stuff that is based on higher lvl and higher geared people.

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You realize mercs can't kite for ****. All you have to do is get ontop of us and we die..


Yes lets ignore the fact you have pretty solid CC, a raw damage mitigation shield and can actually heal yourself since the spec being refered to allows for healing with a couple of instantaneous heals if hybrid specced.


Just interupt? My interuption skill has a longer cooldown than tracker missle would be forced into if interupted, not forgetting I'll not be able to stop you healing unless I have CC skills off cooldown and you are not at a full resilience bar.


The major problem is the amount of effort required to take down a mercenary/commando is much greater than the effort they require to take you down.

Edited by Zarthorn
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If it wasn’t so overpowered... then why are we seeing groups with over half BHs / Troops all in the same spec?


Because Arsenal is the best spec for us in pvp LOL. Killing people in three hits, lol must be targeting lvl 10's. Fighting people in comparable gear is rough to say the least. As soon as you open up, your targeted for death. Wait let me heal, oh interrupted or heal for 2k, let me cast my tracer, oh interrupted, let me run away oh we can’t do that. OP get out of here. Yes we mess people up in bad gear and lower lvls. Yes we can do some nice damage if people don't target us. SO target us!

Demolish any melee lol, get caught by an Operative, cast what you please your going to die. Sounds like your playing a mid lvl merc at best. Please post stuff that is based on higher lvl and higher geared people.



yo my friend once told me about this stupid thing he likes to call fake casting. i mean cmon why would you fake cast and waste somebodies interrupt and demolish him in 10 seconds of free TM? haahaahhahaah silly niqqs

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