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Keep sucking with marauder? Lets call it nerfed


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I've seen tons of posts like this pertaining to the marauder. All of them complaining about the class being too squishy, having too many actions to put into the key slots, blah blah blah. If your one of those players, its not the class, its the player. The marauder is a swiss army knife on legs. What it lacks in defence it makes up for in attack and variations in attack. The key in making it work is knowing how to handle it, who to target, and what attacks suit your fancy. Sure its a glass cannon, but thats what makes it exciting, I got bored playing a vengeance spec juggernaut, I was able to get through a mob, but sometimes I would either fall asleep or suddenly acquire the attention span of a goldfish


But I'll quit ranting now, Im tired and Its too much effort to reread what I just typed up (please forgive any spelling or grammar errors) :p Lets hear some other opinions on the marauder

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meh, the class needs some love. We have the tools, just open up our abilities to be used on players and stronger mobs.


the class is fine, what it need is for bad players to stop sucking at it and blaming the class for their failure.

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meh, the class needs some love. We have the tools, just open up our abilities to be used on players and stronger mobs.


This...I'll have to totally change my hot keys around from pve to pvp. I love savage kick and pommel-awesome damage and a staple of my combo's, but in pvp I can't use either. Grrr.

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Class is fine, specs need more work.


Agreed, mostly. We just need at least one form of REAL CC. Though, there are some minor issues that need to be fixed with some of the skills like how Savage Kick and Pommel Strike don't work in PvP.


The other problems are just server side, mainly the fail lag delay in PvP. Other than that, I'm happy with my Marauder.

Edited by BarcodeX
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our 2 set for pvp is... i don't have a word to describe how bad it is.


our 4 set for pvp isn't worth of 4 set and it really should be our 2 and we should get a new 4 set.


/signed and /signed - there are no words for how bad the set bonuses are, aswell as the whole look of the armor is AWFULL. Definately needing some work on this ;)

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Im just one of many marauders that wont continue the game as one, there is one major problem with marauders atm, and that all the key abilities that are broken and don't work at all. Bioware ignore the bugs, even thou they are gamebreaking for the class. No matter playstyle or compensation you throw in it will not fix the broken abilities the class have, and the list is long.


Secondly in pve marauder is fun, but mainly cause you dont really depend on the broken skills, pvp in TOR is about stunning and healing. A healing class out-dps us by far, they have more escape abilities more stuns and more slows.


for a hit and run class we pretty much stand still in combat rooted stunned slowed, all our channeled abilites break on damage and interupt us if we take damage. ravage is useless all people have to do is move away 4 meter or more and you stand there rooted slowed hitting air.


I love the marauder, but bioware are ignoring the class, if you play- anything but a healing class in star wars the old republic, your stupid, they dominate the world, with heals with stuns and with dps.



Marauder is not a glass canon, its just glass shooting blanks.

Edited by Wubanos
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I absolutely LOVE my marauder, but I do wish they would lower the cooldowns on some stuff and/or consolidate some of the abilities. I'm all for utility, but all but a handful of abilities are on such long cooldowns or have such a limited use that one could argue they are just taking up space. ~30 abilities to manage is getting a bit on the silly side IMO.
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Im just one of many marauders that wont continue the game as one, there is one major problem with marauders atm, and that all the key abilities that are broken and don't work at all. Bioware ignore the bugs, even thou they are gamebreaking for the class. No matter playstyle or compensation you throw in it will not fix the broken abilities the class have, and the list is long.


Secondly in pve marauder is fun, but mainly cause you dont really depend on the broken skills, pvp in TOR is about stunning and healing. A healing class out-dps us by far, they have more escape abilities more stuns and more slows.


for a hit and run class we pretty much stand still in combat rooted stunned slowed, all our channeled abilites break on damage and interupt us if we take damage. ravage is useless all people have to do is move away 4 meter or more and you stand there rooted slowed hitting air.


I love the marauder, but bioware are ignoring the class, if you play- anything but a healing class in star wars the old republic, your stupid, they dominate the world, with heals with stuns and with dps.



Marauder is not a glass canon, its just glass shooting blanks.



a healing class has 0 chance in a 1on1 vs a marauder, even in a 1on2 you can massacre them...


1 rupt on charge + gab closer ( can be specced to lose its minimum range aswell as to lower the cooldown)

1 extra rupt

1 force choke

1 saber throw ( 20% heal reduction + if specced 3 seconds immobilized)

1 perma single target snare

(ravage can immobilize too if specced)


etc etc


therre is no way !!! a healer can outheal you ...


rage 3 shots a healer

carnage immobilzes like a ***** + destroying berserker insane mode

annihilation ticks even when you get pushed back or stunned, taking down a healer bubble in 2 seconds ...

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a healing class has 0 chance in a 1on1 vs a marauder, even in a 1on2 you can massacre them...


1 rupt on charge + gab closer ( can be specced to lose its minimum range aswell as to lower the cooldown)

1 extra rupt

1 force choke

1 saber throw ( 20% heal reduction + if specced 3 seconds immobilized)

1 perma single target snare

(ravage can immobilize too if specced)


etc etc


therre is no way !!! a healer can outheal you ...


rage 3 shots a healer

carnage immobilzes like a ***** + destroying berserker insane mode

annihilation ticks even when you get pushed back or stunned, taking down a healer bubble in 2 seconds ...


Something tells me, you haven't played against a lot of geared 50 healers.

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Something tells me, you haven't played against a lot of geared 50 healers.


Wouldn't have guessed.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. We need something. To be honest I'd be happy with a bit more damage, however more survivability or more control would be awesome.


One of the main problems is that our interrupt only prevents that ability from being used, so they can go on to cast different heals. It either needs to silence them or prevent the same "school" of ability to be used, in this case it would probably fall to heal or damage ability.


Just doing something as simple as that would easily balance out the knock backs, slows, stuns, and CCs healers have when compared to us.

Edited by Kibaken
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The biggest problem with marauders, isnt that we are bad or gimped etc. Its just that there is nothing we do better then ranged dps.


So we give up the advantage of range for nothing.


This, We have no Niche. Its not that our class sucks it just has nothing that seperates us. Look at the difference between powertech and merc.


The more I play my marauder the more I think that this class shouldnt exist. Even with pve - Theres no loot for us.. Only 2 things I got were tokens, probably intended for Juggernauts. A juggernaut can do pretty much the same damage, Off hand sabers dont add enough to warrant it, Same stats as a off hand.


Fury Is nothing, 15% damage buff, Well in a group if you took a Juggernaut they can reduce armor by 20% for the duration of a fight which probably equates to more damage over the duration. Miost fights dont last 5 minutes. Predation is pretty much just for the tank, it has an animation delay so if you try use it for that "hey move" theres a chance the delay will result in it being wasted. Quite Frankly Berserk is not enough.


Like I said, I enjoy the class but every day I feel like I got fooled into rolling this class and I'm just hogging a spot preventing others from getting gear or invited. I just feel like something needs to be added to sorta say "hey this is why you chose marauder" and loot added so we can actually get something(I havent seen any marauder loot since Boarding party - And I soloed that at 45 for looks because I hadnt been able to find a group since cadimieu(i did get a mount from EV - but thats for anybody), because the medium cunning gears auto looted to our lone agent his companions are more geared then me.

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I don't know why you enjoy the class. Frankly I hate feeling terrible because I made the wrong decision at the character creation screen.


If someone had told me "this class is damage focused but doesn't do as much damage as other classes that also have healer options, by the way you have no cc or mobility" I could have rolled something with a pew pew laser rifle and had fun instead of playing as a cripple.

Edited by TurtlesAWD
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I've seen tons of posts like this pertaining to the marauder. All of them complaining about the class being too squishy, having too many actions to put into the key slots, blah blah blah. If your one of those players, its not the class, its the player. The marauder is a swiss army knife on legs. What it lacks in defence it makes up for in attack and variations in attack. The key in making it work is knowing how to handle it, who to target, and what attacks suit your fancy. Sure its a glass cannon, but thats what makes it exciting, I got bored playing a vengeance spec juggernaut, I was able to get through a mob, but sometimes I would either fall asleep or suddenly acquire the attention span of a goldfish


But I'll quit ranting now, Im tired and Its too much effort to reread what I just typed up (please forgive any spelling or grammar errors) :p Lets hear some other opinions on the marauder


Swiss army knife? you are trying to indicate we are versatile.. even if we were balanced like you seem to thing, saying we are versatile would still be very much incorrect.


No, Marauder does not make up for what he lacks in defence on attacks, It would how ever be great if they did.


I know EXACTLY how to play my marauder, how ever, unlike other classes it is more difficult and even a skilled player can only push the class so far.


So you played a Vengeance juggernaut, how the hell does that make you capable of judging the marauder balance? don't be silly.

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