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The Jaxo Decision- Possible Repercussions [Major Late-Game Spoilers]


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So my Trooper has usually followed the mission assignment to the letter, but his heart got to him this time, and he chose Jaxo over the prisoners (so unfair to have her begging on the line like that). Afterwards, in order to keep up appearances to Command, he lied to Garza and said that Jaxo and the fish man were all who could be saved. What I'm wondering is, who thinks that this incident could cause a huge controversy and hearings later on when Bioware expands the storyline? Do you think that this particular choice and coverup will be chosen by such a small portion of the Trooper playerbase that BW would see follow-up as a waste of resources? I mean, there are so many witnesses to the choice I made (that fish is a particularly ghastly loose end to keep in mind) that it would seem crazy that a single lie could remove any amount of responsibility. This is all obviously speculation, but I'm interested in knowing what you guys think.

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I did the decision to save Jaxo, but didn't lie and didn't do any flirt with her in the dialogues.


Does someone know if that will affect negativelly my relation with Elara? I am topped in affection with her and we had the "kids talking" a while ago, but after my mission on a-77 I didn't got any more talkings from her; I am not done with chapter 3 though.


Any enlightment on the issue would be appreciated


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I did the decision to save Jaxo, but didn't lie and didn't do any flirt with her in the dialogues.


Does someone know if that will affect negativelly my relation with Elara? I am topped in affection with her and we had the "kids talking" a while ago, but after my mission on a-77 I didn't got any more talkings from her; I am not done with chapter 3 though.


Any enlightment on the issue would be appreciated



The "kids talk" is the last one at the moment. Your choice shouldn't affect any dialog until the game is expanded


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This is one of these things that really shows how good the story actually is. I love the Trooper story as a whole, but this moment... brilliantly written. What a decision, one that kept me thinking about it for quite some time afterwards.


But.. on to the spoiler:



My trooper also follows the rules on 90% of the choices, exception being: Traitors, defectors and Imps.. But I'm really the model 'good guy/girl'.


Then this mission comes along, not much to it at first.. save Jaxo and some 300 other prisoners, no problem.. But then the choice; you can't save all, it's either Jaxo or the 300 prisoners, what to do? If Jaxo had said something like:"leave me, save the others.." the decision would've been easier and I might have sacrificed her. But no.. Jaxo says something along the lines of:"please don't leave me here to die.." after that, I just couldn't leave her there. At that point friendship became more important than the lives of 300 randoms. Elara wasn't happy to say the least...


So, from that decision on to the next. Tell Garza what happened or not? I chose to lie, never lied about a mission before but this time I did, told her; Jaxo, fishboy and me were the only ones to get out of the trap alive. (makes you think about if Mon Cals always fall into traps btw).


So I made much of the same decisions as the OP; the thing with Elara is easily solved, the kids conversation is the last of her story I think, so no worries there. Lost affection is easily compensated with some gifts. So Elara is not the problem.


Could and should this decision have an impact later in the game (expansion)? Would be brilliant if it did! (And Jaxo should be a companion for those that saved her!! ;) )

Edited by JeRune
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This is one of these things that really shows how good the story actually is. I love the Trooper story as a whole, but this moment... brilliantly written. What a decision, one that kept me thinking about it for quite some time afterwards.


But.. on to the spoiler:



My trooper also follows the rules on 90% of the choices, exception being: Traitors, defectors and Imps.. But I'm really the model 'good guy/girl'.


Then this mission comes along, not much to it at first.. save Jaxo and some 300 other prisoners, no problem.. But then the choice; you can't save all, it's either Jaxo or the 300 prisoners, what to do? If Jaxo had said something like:"leave me, save the others.." the decision would've been easier and I might have sacrificed her. But no.. Jaxo says something along the lines of:"please don't leave me here to die.." after that, I just couldn't leave her there. At that point friendship became more important than the lives of 300 randoms. Elara wasn't happy to say the least...


So, from that decision on to the next. Tell Garza what happened or not? I chose to lie, never lied about a mission before but this time I did, told her; Jaxo, fishboy and me were the only ones to get out of the trap alive. (makes you think about if Mon Cals always fall into traps btw).


So I made much of the same decisions as the OP; the thing with Elara is easily solved, the kids conversation is the last of her story I think, so no worries there. Lost affection is easily compensated with some gifts. So Elara is not the problem.


Could and should this decision have an impact later in the game (expansion)? Would be brilliant if it did! (And Jaxo should be a companion for those that saved her!! ;) )


Can you imagine the god awful amounts of QQ if only ppl who saved Jaxo got her? BW would cater to the whiners and say something like "In a lore perspective Jaxo survives so everyone can have her!" =P

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Can you imagine the god awful amounts of QQ if only ppl who saved Jaxo got her? BW would cater to the whiners and say something like "In a lore perspective Jaxo survives so everyone can have her!" =P



Those ppl, who didn't save her will get General Garza as companion instead. I think that this option will suit everyone :D


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The way I see it, there could easily be a companion for each choice. For instance, BW could later bring along a prisoner/child of a prisoner that you saved through making the Light Side choice, and through your influence you inspired them to join the Republic military. He/she could have the exact same stats as Jaxo as a companion, so really the dialog and possible companion quests are all that would be different. The question is, do those differences alone make the idea too expensive?

Edited by Amote
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The way I see it, there could easily be a companion for each choice. For instance, BW could later bring along a prisoner/child of a prisoner that you saved through making the Light Side choice, and through your influence you inspired them to join the Republic military. He/she could have the exact same stats as Jaxo as a companion, so really the dialog and possible companion quests are all that would be different. The question is, do those differences alone make the idea too expensive?


The next hardest thing to that though is that if you had elara as a romance and already proposed marriage.


How do you dump her *** and go after jaxo as a romance. Kind of an akward situation lol :p

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Can you imagine the god awful amounts of QQ if only ppl who saved Jaxo got her? BW would cater to the whiners and say something like "In a lore perspective Jaxo survives so everyone can have her!" =P


Haha consequences of your actions... :p If you didn't save her.. too bad. :p


No you're right, would probably bring a lot of whining, but still; would be awesome!

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I have M1-4X as my primary companion and I use his character as a role model for my trooper- if 4X approves, we do it for the glory of the Republic. All of the choices 4X approves of are dark side choices nearly every time. This is something like what 4X said when Jaxo was pleading for her life.


4X:"If I may say so sir, the cost and time to train a special forces operator far outweighs the lives of 300 soldiers" (something like that)

Jaxo: "Uh... yes.. I'm more valuable!"


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I choose to save Jaxo and tell Gaza the truth about my actions. I sat there for almost a minute and thought about it before choosing. The pleading got me too. However I figured since I made the decision I had best own up to it. Garza was pissed and I lost more affection from Elara. I also decided to flirt with Jaxo, screw Elara for questioning me and putting my on the spot.... so I lost another 300 affection with her. Guess I'll be looking for some companion gifts.

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Ive yet to get to this quest but honestly...



I kinda recall in Dawn of War Retribution, the Imperial Guard General Castor just escaped a planet getting exterminatus'd and the sgtmaj. was pissed and confronted him. Castor then told Merrick a Guardsman's life is to die and I send them to where their death is most useful. So i'll be saving Jaxo, SIS agent kinda outweights a plain old soldier, not like we cant get more of em!


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I have M1-4X as my primary companion and I use his character as a role model for my trooper- if 4X approves, we do it for the glory of the Republic. All of the choices 4X approves of are dark side choices nearly every time. This is something like what 4X said when Jaxo was pleading for her life.


4X:"If I may say so sir, the cost and time to train a special forces operator far outweighs the lives of 300 soldiers" (something like that)

Jaxo: "Uh... yes.. I'm more valuable!"


Interesting! I love 4X as a character - like the GOOD HK-47...but foolishly I had Elara along at the time. Now I regret that.

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Yeah that choice to Let Jaxxo was a tough one. Like that guy said earlier, if she had said save the prisoners it would have been easier, but Jaxxo saying dont let me die was just heartbreaking. Can someone explain to me exacly what happens to her IF you save her?


As for Elara, Im happy to say she now my wife, kinda annoying sometimes LOL and had she kept that blonde look, i would have stayed away from her. luckily that vendor on balmorra gave her a nice brown hair freckled look, far more appealing now :p


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For those of you wondering what happens to her if you save her you will get two mails from her. The first is her thanking you and saying she's taking time off to think about what happened. Next you get a mail saying she's under psychiatric evaluation. Basically you drover her nuts.

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Jorgan said it. 300 to 1 isn't even a contest..





I begged her forgiveness before giving the command that would kill her. It was gut-wrenching but I made sure that Rakton paid for it later. Would have been nice if there were a "this one's for Jaxo" comment when I shot him.


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Jorgan said it. 300 to 1 isn't even a contest.



Sacrifice is the life we lead, soldiers. If you aren't prepared to make it, I'm not sure why you chose this career path. Comms might be better suited.


This. I felt bad, but I couldn't in good conscience sacrifice 300 soldiers to save one person.

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