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This game is in some serious trouble


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I am sure everyone is sick of these threads popping up, but I couldn't help it. This game is in some serious trouble. It is the first month of the release and I don't remember any MMO in the last 10 years being as one sided and filled with problems.


I know bunch of people will jump and scream that it's a brand new game, needs time to mature, needs time to grow, but frankly those apologetic excuses don't apply here. BioWare had years and tens if not hundreds of other MMO games to use as role model, improve on shortcomings of others, but they botched it big time.


First is the whole "endgame" concept which I don't think exists at this point. The whole endgame revolves around farming warzones or being farmed in them, for Republic players.


Classes are completely imbalanced, some classes suck while others are gankers wet dream.


PvP Gearing is ridiculous.


Balance of the factions is insane. Many republic players are considering not even bothering with warzones anymore because it takes 6+ hours to completely daily warzone quest for 3 wins. If the intent of Empire players is to alienate the opposing faction so much so they stop queuing, care for what you wish. You may end up playing Huttball with yourselves as an endgame for good.


I mean seriously, does anyone else feel that this game is totally one sided?

Edited by sparkvolt
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Clicked submit by mistake, just wanted to get a feel if other people feel that the game is in trouble. I can't see what it will be like 3 months from now. I see maybe 2 months tops of this non-stop warzone crap and then people will move on.
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I would be willing to trade my empire player for a republic player if BW did it but i don't wanna reroll and refarm everything. But i felt like you did but i'm willing to wait it out and at least see what they do about PvP as a whole and some of the changes look promising but they need to some how stop the point traders on PvP servers. Edited by CobraKOF
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Didn't play FF, but have played plenty of others and for some reason there was always something to look forward to next.


With this one, even though I took time to get to 50, now it's just same old boring drill, less than a month out. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if the game wasn't plagued with issues.


I mean I am not crying I still play it, just wanted to see if others have similar thoughts. All the loading screens everywhere you go, completely imbalanced factions, lack of any realistic goal in the game other than to get more bags.

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Sup man ( op) you mad cause you couldn't play due to server being down? Need dipee change? You could be the main event at a water slide with all that qq rainforest talk... all jokes aside tho, seriously move aside I'm walking hear
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I have noticed that the two servers that I play on have less players during peak East Coast times. While I don't think the game is in trouble, I do think they lost a few more subs than they thought they would after launch. We'll see how it all shakes out. I'm not going anywhere (yet).
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My server used to be an almost perfect 50-50 and it stayed that way for a good while (about full since before the 20th). It's now as bad as other servers with a population of about 2:1, and 3:1 or worse on a bad day. I wager many reps trying Emp chars simply moved over.


There has to be a reason, or many reasons perhaps, for that to happen and I hope someone gives it a good, long thought. This kind of faction imbalances pretty much kill the fun in pvp servers.


Attention, I am NOT talking about forcing a faction to players, ABSOLUTELY NOT. It's all about enticement and the impression when you play your character, evidently if republic is doing so bad there has to be a reason, perhaps something that needs to be addressed?

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I give it a year tops.


This game will be just like rift, gets hype, then falls like the rest.



I mean pvp imbalance and horrible design aside, the game isn't that fun pve wise. No matter what you choose in chat, the results are basically the same minus a couple more "kill all the people" situations.


Endgame content is nonexistant and the gear is made random drop seemingly to just prolong people grinding for that last piece, which in all honesty is a horrible design for pvp gear and pve alike.



And the animations still glich. Like holy bajeezus, been awhile since i've had an mmo consistently glich my main dps animations.

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I am sure everyone is sick of these threads popping up, but I couldn't help it. This game is in some serious trouble. It is the first month of the release and I don't remember any MMO in the last 10 years being as one sided and filled with problems.

Have you played WAR ? Have you played AoC ? I don't think you know what kind of troubles new MMOs can be in.

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Have you played WAR ? Have you played AoC ? I don't think you know what kind of troubles new MMOs can be in.


As a matter of fact I did, both of them, and that is why I feel a bit troubled with the direction of this game. It is more polished I'll give it that and it's better in certain aspects, perhaps many aspects than those 2 games, but it is also worse in some aspects.

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I give it a year tops.


This game will be just like rift, gets hype, then falls like the rest.



I mean pvp imbalance and horrible design aside, the game isn't that fun pve wise. No matter what you choose in chat, the results are basically the same minus a couple more "kill all the people" situations.


Endgame content is nonexistant and the gear is made random drop seemingly to just prolong people grinding for that last piece, which in all honesty is a horrible design for pvp gear and pve alike.



And the animations still glich. Like holy bajeezus, been awhile since i've had an mmo consistently glich my main dps animations.


There is plenty of endgame content. The pvp isn't horribly designed at all, in fact the core combat is the best I've seen in an mmo. They just need to smooth out the rough spots and add more features.

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As a matter of fact I did, both of them, and that is why I feel a bit troubled with the direction of this game. It is more polished I'll give it that and it's better in certain aspects, perhaps many aspects than those 2 games, but it is also worse in some aspects.


So better in many aspects worse in some and it's the worst MMO you played in last 10 years ... that sounds a bit overdramatic.

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There is plenty of endgame content. The pvp isn't horribly designed at all, in fact the core combat is the best I've seen in an mmo. They just need to smooth out the rough spots and add more features.


Pretty much this ... the PvP is not polished. But out of WoW, Rift, AoC and WAR it has the best core mechanics imho.

Edited by Repefe
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Have you played WAR ? Have you played AoC ? I don't think you know what kind of troubles new MMOs can be in.


I must be easy to please because I liked both those games and was willing to stick around. Then no one else was and there was no point to play in a ghost town. I think people are impatient these days I played EQ for years and never had a max level character and was quite happy.

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Your issue is not a game wide problem, it is a server problem. Republic owns PvP on my server. So maybe you can explore why you want to argue that the game itself is broken just because you aren't enjoying your experience in pvp on your server.
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There is plenty of endgame content. The pvp isn't horribly designed at all, in fact the core combat is the best I've seen in an mmo. They just need to smooth out the rough spots and add more features.


It's a good concept yes, but poorly executed.


One of the biggest pet peeves I have with the current system is the lack of joint in the character bone structure at torso. It makes circle strafing somewhat ... weird. In models where this joint exists in the character bone structure, it allows one to always be facing an opponent while moving around them in circular motion. In this game, you can't strafe, you turn, all the time, every time. Doing Q and E if you didn't bind those to skills or A and D is exact same thing. Holding right mouse while doing those makes no difference at all. You always run sideways with your entire character. The only joint that exists in the bone structure is at neck which allows your character to look at what's selected.


This creates a ton of problems for classes relying on proper positioning. It's not impossible to attain optimal position for attack, but you have to use inefficient way to do so, thus wasting valuable time.


I can't tell you how many times I've reverted to my muscle memory of circle strafing only to be puzzled why my skill didn't go off. I have to constantly remind myself that this engine has a stick for a character that can't turn at torso to face opponent while running sideways.


I don't know about the best, some things just seem half-assed to me.

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Your issue is not a game wide problem, it is a server problem. Republic owns PvP on my server. So maybe you can explore why you want to argue that the game itself is broken just because you aren't enjoying your experience in pvp on your server.


What server is this?

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