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Wipe all servers, launch on dec 15h as planned open to ALL players


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your acting like they are not going to have to deal with the 1.75million people already, and they said they will open new servers as needed, why not just open all said servers and merge when needed like everyother MMO did?


yes they can deal with 1.75 million people, but not at all once.

they have NEVER tested it with 1.75 million people, and nobody knows what could happen, it could crash, and damage the server and postpone the launch.


having that many people log in over a short period of time, or even 1 million.

would cause insane lag.


this game has spent 3 years in development and a budget of 130 million dollars..


did you get that? 130 million dollars, not 130 dollars.


their not gonna have a 130 million dollar project get blown out the window because they ****ed up the launch, being idiots by letting everybody in at the same time.


thats the purpose of stress tests during beta and its been confirmed, that during those times, servers DID crash and damages to the system did occur at times.

Edited by XolituDe
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I still don't get it why people throw a tantrum like that. It's a game and you will be able to play it sooner or later. And yes, I would say it even if I'd have had to stay out


On the pro side:

The launch was (at least for me) one of the smoothest I'd ever witnessed, no bugs nothing.


Lol on the pro side go back to playing the game and let people complain they have a right to i aint mad i aint playing now would be nice to have a date tho not just check you're email everyday lol and hope u get early access and what u think starter zones are gonna be like on the 20th not everyone pre order's games

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yeah to launch ith 1 to 2 million player on 15 december would be a bad idea. i think teh early access thing is great. it works fine, i play an a US server and i am free from lagg. people should stop complaining and just try to just wait until they can join....okey I WAS IN THE FIRST WAVE :D anyway the game is a masterpiece and the best MMO i have ever played after WoW. so please for our wonderfull community stop complaing and enjoy a good game for once.
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Please stop saying you had a smooth launch because so easy to have one when you put the queue outside of the game...


and btw regarding the different launching event happening in major cities, they claim on ads people will be able to play when they go home with their copy bought at the event.

So special code for them ? or everyone should have access tomorrow ? Or advertising lies ?

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And then alienate every player who got in before the 15th? Pass.


Well there's only a fraction of the large amount of people playing. we'll say 1/5th to 1/10th of the community is online. So its alienate a small group who will continue to play anyway, or alienate the entire community, minus the elitist who think we don't have the right to complain, so around 6/10th or 3/5th are currently getting alienated by bioware anyway.


Let me guess, we deserve to be alienated, they don't because they're playing already?

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Its actually an advantage starting later : let all the plebs make mistakes with their characters/abilities and do all the menial/tedious rushing about trying to find quests,contacts etc.By the time later arrivals log in all this info has been posted on the forums.


Example :

I'm at Major Zarkos, trooper advanced trainer in Corusant and when i click on him all i get is gibberish. I'm level 10 and would like to start my advanced class but I dont know why I cant get it started. Some advice please?
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To be fair to everyone, wipe the servers clean, fresh start for all, and begin on the 15th as originally planned.


Dec 15th servers open as planned, except all preorders are given access. This is the best way to solve this trainwreck of an early access.


This is the ONLY chance Bioware has to redeem itself, else go down in gaming history among the epic fails, and this one is true darwin launch. In order to prevent a situation where a lot of players are unable to play due being in server queues, they created a system that left the vast majority of players STUCK IN QUEUES with unknown wait times, waiting for their game access to be turned on. They've chosen by far the greater of two evils.


And when dec 20th comes around, with the current system they're probably going to end up with queues and server crashing anyway. How dumb.




Docudrama on First World Problems.

Edited by McVade
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To be fair to everyone, wipe the servers clean, fresh start for all, and begin on the 15th as originally planned.


Dec 15th servers open as planned, except all preorders are given access. This is the best way to solve this trainwreck of an early access.


This is the ONLY chance Bioware has to redeem itself, else go down in gaming history among the epic fails, and this one is true darwin launch. In order to prevent a situation where a lot of players are unable to play due being in server queues, they created a system that left the vast majority of players STUCK IN QUEUES with unknown wait times, waiting for their game access to be turned on. They've chosen by far the greater of two evils.


And when dec 20th comes around, with the current system they're probably going to end up with queues and server crashing anyway. How dumb.


I'm not sure that wiping out everyone's progress after 2 days is going to be a legitimate move. Honestly, man.


"Hey guys, I know we've been angering everyone in the forums so we want to share some of that rage with you, the players. And without further ado, say goodbye to those countless hours you spent the last couple of days... suckers."

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So caring about your dedicated customers is bad ?, pre order earlier next time


This. Clearly the people who are the most dedicated about this game pre-ordered first and we were rewarded for that. Stop the QQ, you're flooding the forums in tears.

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To be fair to everyone, wipe the servers clean, fresh start for all, and begin on the 15th as originally planned.


Dec 15th servers open as planned, except all preorders are given access. This is the best way to solve this trainwreck of an early access.


This is the ONLY chance Bioware has to redeem itself, else go down in gaming history among the epic fails, and this one is true darwin launch. In order to prevent a situation where a lot of players are unable to play due being in server queues, they created a system that left the vast majority of players STUCK IN QUEUES with unknown wait times, waiting for their game access to be turned on. They've chosen by far the greater of two evils.


And when dec 20th comes around, with the current system they're probably going to end up with queues and server crashing anyway. How dumb.



lack of planning on your part does not consist of failure on anyone else.


Bought the game the first day.

Registered the game on the first day.

Got into the game on the first day.

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The real point is that it was well and clearly stated the moment that pre-orders began, was that early access would be staggered based on the sooner you redeemed your code. BW is moving quickly with getting waves in, and I highly doubt anyone that pre-ordered has to wait til the 20th. It's a brand new MMO... there's no unfair advantage. You won't log in on the 3rd day of early access and find half the guild's out there face-rolling the hardest difficulties of raids. Almost everybody will still be in the lvl 1 - 15 range. I understand the frustration, but relax... it's going to be fine and a lot smoother than if over a million people rush the server in the same moment.
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To be fair to everyone, wipe the servers clean, fresh start for all, and begin on the 15th as originally planned.


Some of us are happy with the way things are going.


Servers are up, and all stable.


Plus, there will be level 50s to kick new pvps in the ****s on every server by the time you get in.


What's not to like?

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To be fair to everyone, wipe the servers clean, fresh start for all, and begin on the 15th as originally planned.


Dec 15th servers open as planned, except all preorders are given access. This is the best way to solve this trainwreck of an early access.


This is the ONLY chance Bioware has to redeem itself, else go down in gaming history among the epic fails, and this one is true darwin launch. In order to prevent a situation where a lot of players are unable to play due being in server queues, they created a system that left the vast majority of players STUCK IN QUEUES with unknown wait times, waiting for their game access to be turned on. They've chosen by far the greater of two evils.


And when dec 20th comes around, with the current system they're probably going to end up with queues and server crashing anyway. How dumb.


How is this "fair" to everyone else who took the initiative to preorder early? Oh wait, its not.

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To be fair to everyone, wipe the servers clean, fresh start for all, and begin on the 15th as originally planned.


BioWare, forgive me for the following:


That's totally stupid. How would that be fair to those that have already played? It's not fair. It's a pathetic excuse from a selfish person who is bitter. :mad: Seriously people, I really hope that out of the internets you are better persons.

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Reality check #8.


Words like 'epic fail' and 'trainwreck' are oft used these days and so have become part of forum diction to describe minor (if any) flaws in certain aspects of an individuals perception of a company or persons actions online.


Epic fail is not a companys decision to stagger a launch, already stated to be 15th (tomorrow) , and drip feed people onto a server.


Epic fail is most countries banking systems collapsing around their ears because noone bothered to check up on what they were doing.


Epic fail is most countries inability to manage their own debt and therefore force unemployment onto huge %'s of the population.


Epic fail is you sitting at a keyboard ranting about something inconsequential to little effect other than to create even more pages on the same topic.


Circular arguments are awesome.

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All this complaining is really getting old. Why? Because it doesn't matter. Those of you crying because you're missing 1-5 days of game-time aren't thinking about the big picture. In a few weeks, months, years NOTHING from launch is going to matter. Not to the Developers and definitely not to the players.


If you wanted to be the first to level 50, in a week it won't matter because you'll be level 50. No one cares who was there "first".


Someone else picked your name? If someone else got to it first then it wasn't very original in the first place and not worth crying over.


Again - it doesn't matter. Waiting another one to 6 days won't kill you since the game doesn't technically launch until the 20th anyway. If it does kill you then that'll be one less person to complain about launch/pre-launch. It'll probably be better to get in later anyway that way there will be more people to group with. Those that did get in aren't satisfied with the number of people that are on. Someone is always going to be unhappy - you should be grateful to get in the game at all.

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