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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I feel cheated.


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Blah blah blah, it's to much like WoW, blah blah blah, I didn't to the research before buying...


Star Wars is WoW with Lightsabers, except not as polished.


People say that the game is less than a month old, we have to give it time, etc. Why? Why should I pay $15 a month waiting on them to polish a game that is inferior to what I was playing before? At least when WoW came out, it beat the pants off of EQ in every category. SW is just WoW with a slightly better story. Everything else is either the same or worse.



Go back to WoW? When Mists goes beta, sure. I'll probably play Skyrim till then.


Howabout we go back and ask all those people who paid for WoW for several months after launch and asked how they felt about the lack of polish



"Game sucks because it's too much like WoW. Game sucks because it doesn't have all the features WoW has."


Good quote there

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w00t!!! only 2 more weeks and all the QQ leaves the forums!!!


Funny the fanbots said much the same about WAR, AOC and a host of other AAA's that now languish low on the MMO charts. Do you really care so little about your precious game? Would it not be much better for all concerned if BW addressed the many (quite legitimate) issues and won the QQers over? The naivety is strong with this one.

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The problem I have is this: I really enjoy the game. Gimme any fallback label you will, be it fanboy or whatever, I really don't care. I truly enjoy playing this game, and I am sick of all these people trying to turn it into something else. Stop messing with the game I enjoy! Go play something else! Seriously, there are some bugs to be fixed and a few features to be added, but all in all, it is a GOOD game. Please leave if you don't like it, let me enjoy what we have.
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Funny the fanbots said much the same about WAR, AOC and a host of other AAA's that now languish low on the MMO charts. Do you really care so little about your precious game? Would it not be much better for all concerned if BW addressed the many (quite legitimate) issues and won the QQers over? The naivety is strong with this one.


But... TOR still has over 1 mil subs.... these forum naysayers are trying to change what over 1 mil people are paying for, when we just want them to leave and let us keep our game.

Edited by Tygranir
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For once, I'm not going to bother reading that much of a post. Instead, I will simply comment upon where I stopped....the first sentence.


What promises were made that haven't been fulfilled? As near as I can tell, this game is exactly as advertised...only better than I had expected.

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I've read it all and I agree with pretty much everything (maybe except the art rant...). Simply beacause it's true and telling your self it's not is called denial.


Except, he's written nonsense like the usual 300 million rumor, and his first paragraph pretty much invalidates any points he made later on. If he wanted to post a constructive review instead of a rant, he would not have written crap like "I didn't expect another default MMO" since the game was never advertised as something different (with the exception of the presentation) and misinformed things.

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Except, he's written nonsense like the usual 300 million rumor, and his first paragraph pretty much invalidates any points he made later on. If he wanted to post a constructive review instead of a rant, he would not have written crap like "I didn't expect another default MMO" since the game was never advertised as something different (with the exception of the presentation) and misinformed things.


He could have saved the attitude, but I don't feel like it invalidates the points he made.


About the amount of money the game costed...is there any official statement? Since EA is a publicly-traded company, there should. But one thing is for sure and that is that this game costed a ****load on money to make. A significant part of that is due to the voice-over.

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He could have saved the attitude, but I don't feel like it invalidates the points he made.


About the amount of money the game costed...is there any official statement? Since EA is a publicly-traded company, there should. But one thing is for sure and that is that this game costed a ****load on money to make. A significant part of that is due to the voice-over.


"Invalidates" was indeed a strong word... But it did make me take him less seriously I'm afraid.


I believe the official word was 80 million or something. Which is still a lot, but less than the 300 million rumor. And even if EA downplayed the budget, it's still a VERY long leap from 80 to 300 million! :p

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Its a genre, not much they can do different to make a good mmo.


thats wrong, im afraid blizzard will again take the lead again when titan comes out (anyways they still got it lol), if they say is a "second generation mmo" it means that will be very different than wow, something new fresh and original, and then we will see a serie of other mmos being titan-clone trying to get money in the mmorpg market too in the following years

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tl;dr: Angry nerd who thinks other people will care about his opinion. GO back to WoW, that's fine. They'll need another resto shaman since the best rsham in the game, aka myself, is currently playing ToR. I've raided every tier when it was at it's peak since vanilla. From Rag to original KT, all the way to HM LK even to HM Rag (pre nerf, ******), the content and mechanics keep being rehashed anyway. That's the way all MMOs are. Although I will say when I quit shortly after my HM Rag kill I admittedly thought it was one of the hardest encounters I had ever participated in.
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aint they all nowadays.... and will be.

I cannot see how they can be different, SWG Pre-CU had something a little different ,but if you looked at it deeply enough itwas still kill 20 of this 30 of that . I am afraid the recipe is not ever gonna change ...just the presentation thats all.

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I disagree with a lot of the things said in the OP. For time purposes I will only focus on the BH complaints.


1. You claim the story is too shallow, bland, Mary Sue becuase you play a character who is motivated by an act that affects him and so the character does something about it. Your character, starting out he just wants to enter the hunt and make a ton of credits, but his chances are ruined when

Tarro Blood has your entire team (including what seems to be your only chance to even enter the Great Hunt) killed specifically so that you can't compete against him.

. Uh....ever hear about a plot? Ya know, antagonist, protagonist, supporting characters, cause and effect, stuff like that? Try writing a stories without these things. Go on, I'll wait.


2. Healing is too similar to Resto shaman. I raided as a Rshaman for years, and I am currently playing a Merc (switching between bodyguard and arsenal depending on what I wanna do at the time). Yes, there are a lot of similar spells. Kolto Shell is Earth Shield more or less. Yes, there is a tidal waves mechanic. No, to the extent of my knowledge, there is not a Riptide. Healing Scan is not, by itself, a Riptide. Only when talented does it gain a hot effect, and that is nowhere near as powerful as Riptide's. Riptide is a bleh direct and awesome hot. Healing Scan is a medium direct and a measely hot. Yes, it still has a hot. Whoopdy freakin doo. How many healing spells can you come up with that dont include "heal for x-y" or "heal for x-y over z seconds". Go on, I'll wait.


3. Heat system. "If you spam your fast and expensive heal" stop right there. Our "fast heal" which is Healing Scan (the one with the talented hot) is not spammable (9 second cd talented) and it is not expensive in the least. As a matter of fact, this is the very ability that produces the Tidal Waves mechanic which reduces the heat cost of our most expensive and largest direct heal (rapid scan). Ideally, to anyone with a brain cell, you would alternate HS, RS, Free Ability (e.g. = rapid shots), Free Ability, rinse and repeat for single target or slow healing periods. It's stupid easy and in no way eats up your heat. If you are eating up heat, I suggest you stop spamming our (only non-free) spammable heal Rapid Scan.


Back to work, have fun killing elves with an orc.

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First off, i've never played WOW, and i never really plan too. But i must admit, there are a lot of people talking about how the powers, classes and even animations are the exact same.



As for a personal note though i agree with a lot of what you said in terms of this game feels like a copy of an older game. Playing this for the first time felt like the first time on LOTRO. There is really no Innovation here. As a matter of fact it seems like LESS innovation then other new MMOs are going with. It's like they took the great story from a KOTOR game, and replaced all the mechanics and controls with that of an older MMO like LOTRO or as most people say WOW. The VO isn't all that great as most of it is reused, and other games like DCUO has tons of voice to it as well.


My biggest irk is that they took away pretty much all player choice, and the few choices you have you feel obligated to make a certain way, either for light/dark side points or for a companion. There isn't any real customization either as i've only had 4 different styles of armor as a sith Warrior and they all look like malgus.


The game DOES feel like it was pretty rushed. there are a lot of issues i'm having in the game that weren't happening in beta. A lot of what they Devs said seem to be just pitiful excusses to cover up bad planning, There is too mu recycling of dialog, map layouts, plot points. For a game this long in the making with a budget of +$125 million, i really expected more from TOR. Not just an old single player game feel with old MMO controls. At what point should they just hand you a character for their less than epic story since there is such terrible customization?



With that wall of text said, there IS a lot of potential, and there IS a lot of stuff that i do like, but frankly this game fails to live up to the wait, the hype, the claim of how "EPIC" everything is, the budget they put into it, and most importanly the star wars IP.

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OP has some valid points but I disagree with a lot of the others.


I mean he complains about dialogue choices. Really? I thought it was clear to everyone that we wont going to be getting Mass Effect or Dragon Age Origins choices that had a major impact on the story. I mean it's an mmo. Did you honestly expect it to be like that?


The stories are fine. I'm thoroughly enjoying the Sith Warrior story. Not everyone's going to enjoy every story of course. There's probably some class stories out there I wont like. The thing is though you have a choice. There's eight stories out there. If you don't like the one you're on try another.


The side quests are fine. Story wise they're more interesting then other mmos. WoW: go collect ten bear pelts because I'm cold vs TOR: go kill 20 Republic Troopers before they set off a bomb that destroys our medical centre and which could lose us the war. Mechanics wise they do feature a lot of kill x collect y quests, as well as a lot of activate z quests, but mmos have to include them if they ever want to release why they can still be relative. Yeah they could make every quests feature these really complex mechanics like a single player game but in order to have enough content to fill the game they'd have to spend 10+ years working on the game. Having said that the game could use a couple of those interesting mechanics quests like you get in a single player game. I'm sure if enough people want quests like that BioWare will start to add some.


SW:TOR is the best mmo when it comes to story because the story is actually good and it's actually presented in a good way. Do you really want to go back to WoW where the story is to help green jesus use a kame hame ha blast to destroy the big bad and get married and you have to read horribly written books to get a bulk of the story?


The art style is fine. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad. It doesn't even mean you don't have to enjoy the game. I thought Borderlands had a horrible art style and I really hated it but I was still able to enjoy the game. I think Skyward Sword looks terrible but many others love it and think it's a great game.

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Saying that SW:TOR sucks because it is like WOW is like saying Battle Field 3 sucks because it is like Modern Warfare 3. In both BF3 and MW3 you shoot guns so obviously BF3 is just a copy of MW3. In SW:TOR you play an avatar of your choosing, and you use ability's on an action bar just like you do in WOW, so obviously its a copy of WOW, right? Wrong.


SW:TOR is similar to WOW not because it's copying it, but because both games are MMOs, just like both BF3 and MW3 are similar because both are FPS. Its their genre that makes them alike, and not because the developers are trying to copy one another. If you examine WOW and SW:TOR in this regard I think you'll find that there are major differences between the two. Namely the extensive and in-depth story line of TOR that you are exposed to every time you interact with an NPC, VS in WOW where the story line, although interesting and vast, is a minor part of the game that most people are never truly aware of. This is where SW:TOR really shines and stands out from other MMOs such as WOW. I think if you focus on the god things in SW:TOR, the things that make it different and interesting, you'll have a much more enjoyable experience.

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You forgot one thing mate.

Yes, wow does alot of things better GAMEPLAY wise ( ui, mods, macroes etc etc ) but its CONTENT as of the last 2 expansions is highly watered down crap.


Trust me, i played wow for 5 years , pretty hardcore. Maybe i got burnt out with the game, who knows, i know one thing though, ill never go back to it to go play FISHERPRICELFR = MY FIRST MMO. Nor will all the others that leave of the same mindset.


Tor isnt perfect, but it will be ,and we will be here to see it happen.


But, by all means, go ahead, go back to overnerfed beloved wow and run your 10 toons through lfr every week and grind dailies till your eyes bleed. Because , you do know, wow only has 1 raid atm,DS and 2 faceroll dungeons made for kids, all the rest is " outdated ".


Apart from that, what else is there to do in that game?

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So i did exactly as the OP resub on another game(and cancelling swtor), mainly because i dont wanna pay a monthly fee for a game in BETA-stage.

And i have to agree on many points made by OP.


oh well atleast i can cuddle with my Malgus statue .. lol

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So many promises yet this is just another reskinned default MMO. To be honest, this game made me resubscribe World of Warcraft. If I'm going to pay for a copy I might as well just play the original.


Anyway, here's my rant.



Stopped reading there as I saw the completly USELESS WALL OF TEXT



Bye bye! You won't be missed, have fun with the pandas.

Oh and can i haz your stuff?

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So what was this long thread about?

Too lazy to read rants.




I ony read about 2 paragraphs, but he thinks BW stole money from him because he imagined the perfect ground breaking Star Wars MMO in his own mind, and then got pwned by reality.




He must have totally disregarded all of Biowares other games as well, since SWTOR has all the hallmarks of a game by them, and so its current form shouldnt be a surprise to anyone.



It really reminds me of KOTOR/Mass Effect.



( and a liberal helping of WoW in the mix....... I wont deny that at all, but I loved WoW as well, I dont think its offensive to compare SWTOR with one of the best games ever, just writing long diatribes on why this game sucks and WoW rules is getting stale and old and gay. Im hoping they will all bugger off come subscription day. Its starting to grind my gears)

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