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Why even play a tank?


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What's the benefit in playing a tank? A dps has it 100x less stressful. Hell, a dps could just mash their auto attack through an entire operation and no one would care due to lack of damage meter.


Tanks have it 100x more stressful between timing defensive cooldowns, managing aggro on target, and peeling aggro off some noob dpsers that decide to not attack tank's target.

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What's the benefit in playing a tank? A dps has it 100x less stressful. Hell, a dps could just mash their auto attack through an entire operation and no one would care due to lack of damage meter.


Tanks have it 100x more stressful between timing defensive cooldowns, managing aggro on target, and peeling aggro off some noob dpsers that decide to not attack tank's target.


Playing a tank is only stressful when everyone else is bad at their job.

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What's the benefit in playing a tank? A dps has it 100x less stressful. Hell, a dps could just mash their auto attack through an entire operation and no one would care due to lack of damage meter.


Tanks have it 100x more stressful between timing defensive cooldowns, managing aggro on target, and peeling aggro off some noob dpsers that decide to not attack tank's target.


And healers have to deal with noob tanks that don't roll cooldowns, can't generate aggro to save their lives, and only know one speed which is "go".


You roll a tank because you want to play a tank, sounds like you want to be a DPS player.

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And healers have to deal with noob tanks that don't roll cooldowns, can't generate aggro to save their lives, and only know one speed which is "go".


You roll a tank because you want to play a tank, sounds like you want to be a DPS player.


There is no rational behind playing a tank. You get no reward for playing a significantly harder role.

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Being a tank is more stressful and demanding than being a DPS, but it can also be more rewarding. The weight that the role carries is exactly why there's a tank shortage in every MMO (works for healers, too). It's a role you have to acquire a taste for. If it's something you don't like, then don't do it.


Me, I love tanking. It's rewarding in and of itself. You take hits that would turn a DPSer into paste.

Edited by princey
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The skill and attention demanded for tanking has always been one of the things that drew me to them. DPS was always boring for me. This time around I am doing heals and it is every bit as stressful as tanking, if not moreso. Guess what? I am loving it too. If you dont like being the front man, play a dps class. Its your $15.
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There is no rational behind playing a tank. You get no reward for playing a significantly harder role.


If you are not challenged by the difficulty, and looking for some "magic reward", well in loot council guilds tanks are often top priority for gearing, but other than that you play to enjoy the damn game. Since when does having fun not equate to peoples gameplay and they need some I'm special button to put on their chest?


If it is fun for you to tank, you tank. If it is fun for you to heal, you heal. If it is fun for you to DPS, you DPS. If you can't have fun because of stress, well you need to go play something relaxing since you're just not cut out for enjoying MMORPGs beyond maybe the leveling experience. I don't know what else to say.

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What's the benefit in playing a tank? A dps has it 100x less stressful. Hell, a dps could just mash their auto attack through an entire operation and no one would care due to lack of damage meter.


Tanks have it 100x more stressful between timing defensive cooldowns, managing aggro on target, and peeling aggro off some noob dpsers that decide to not attack tank's target.


Everyone is looking at your butt when you're the tank. :D

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Im a tank S/W Jugg.. i feel the same way but....... i have specked into tphe things on the immortal tree that also improve dps for things like smash ..back hand.. retaliation and force scream.. I take groups and state that i would rather DPS ( i have a nice high crit and force power set of gear) as well as high stam shield defense gear. I always offer to Main tank or Off tank if its needed. Or if out tank is under performing or not mitigating damage well ill ask him to dps on bosses so i can tank..


This game does a great job at not completly forcing you to lame duck your dps to ba completant tank.


In life as in games i feel that responsibility to protect those close to me.. so in game i naturally want to protect my group.. Even when i am dps for a group i watch the squishies and pull mobs off them and keep an eye on tank.. if he's going down i quickly swap stances pop a shield or 2 put a guardian shield on the healer until the Main Tank is regrouped and healed and then drop my threat for him to carry on.


In my opinion this game has made the tank spot as litlle suck as possible.

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I love tanks. Since i started playing DDO my favorite role in any mmo is tank. DPS is just boring. DPS does one thing and one thing alone. Damage. The tank(s) do multiple things. They allow DPSers, healers and CCers to do their job, they survive, they help others survive, and they can still do decent DPS, if not min-maxed super mega dumb***** DPS. tanks are fun, but not for everyone.
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just to post some benefits to tanking:

1) easier to find groups/ability to pick your own group

2) priority in loot drops(applicable in guild runs)

3) get to feel like god in that you are very difficult to take down

4) the skill required to play a tank often lets you play other roles/classes well( not always the case)

5) you get to feel important

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Because tanking is FUN, that's why. If you don't find it fun, don't bother speccing to tank. I can appreciate why someone would want to take it easy and just DPS. There is nothing wrong with that at all. I just happen to find tanking to be fun. Healing too.
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There is no rational behind playing a tank. You get no reward for playing a significantly harder role.


I have tried playing all of the roles and in my opinion tanking is the most fun...that is reason enough! Oh and not having to wait 2 hours for groups is nice too...


Are you trolling or being serious? Hard to tell

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